8 research outputs found

    Mapeamento bibliométrico e de clusters da pesquisa científica sobre gestão do conhecimento e mídias sociais

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    As organizações, por meio da gestão do conhecimento, buscam obter vantagem competitiva a partir do seu conhecimento gerado e adquirido. O uso das mídiais sociais tornou-se tão frequente por parte das pessoas que acabou se tornando um recurso organizacional. Um dos principais motivos para o uso das mídias sociais nas organizações é a gestão do conhecimento. Durante quase duas décadas diversas pesquisas sobre o uso de mídias sociais para a gestão do conhecimento foram realizadas. Desse modo, o objetivo desse estudo é mapear o perfil da pesquisa científica sobre as Mídias Sociais e a Gestão do Conhecimento. Foi conduzido um estudo bibliométrico para examinar as pesquisas científicas relacionadas ao tema e elaborado o mapeamento temático. Com base no mapeamento temático que contemplou 379 publicações, foi possível identificar a existência de vertentes de estudo em ascensão relacionadas ao tema. Com isso, pretende-se contribuir para a literatura, ao tornar evidente os principais autores, trabalhos, periódicos e eventos, e tópicos de pesquisa relacionados ao tema.Organizations, through knowledge management, seek to obtain competitive advantage from acquiring and generating knowledge. The use of social media has become so frequent that it has turned into an organizational resource. One of the main reasons for the use of social media in organizations is knowledge management. Over the last two decades, several works analysed the use of social media to knowledge management. However, it was not identified research that analyzed these two concepts and shows these findings. Thus, the objective of this study is to map the scientific research on Social Media and Knowledge Management. This paper conducted a bibliometric study with 379 publications to examine scientific research related to the topic and to elaborate a thematic mapping. The mains authors, terms, sources, and research stream (clusters) was analyzed. Based on the thematic mapping it was possible to identify the existence of rising paths related to the theme. This paper intends to contribute to the literature by pointing main authors, works, journals, events, and research topics related to knowledge management and social media

    Mapeamento bibliométrico e de clusters da pesquisa científica sobre gestão do conhecimento e mídias sociais

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    As organizações, por meio da gestão do conhecimento, buscam obter vantagem competitiva a partir do seu conhecimento gerado e adquirido. O uso das mídiais sociais tornou-se tão frequente por parte das pessoas que acabou se tornando um recurso organizacional. Um dos principais motivos para o uso das mídias sociais nas organizações é a gestão do conhecimento. Durante quase duas décadas diversas pesquisas sobre o uso de mídias sociais para a gestão do conhecimento foram realizadas. Desse modo, o objetivo desse estudo é mapear o perfil da pesquisa científica sobre as Mídias Sociais e a Gestão do Conhecimento. Foi conduzido um estudo bibliométrico para examinar as pesquisas científicas relacionadas ao tema e elaborado o mapeamento temático. Com base no mapeamento temático que contemplou 379 publicações, foi possível identificar a existência de vertentes de estudo em ascensão relacionadas ao tema. Com isso, pretende-se contribuir para a literatura, ao tornar evidente os principais autores, trabalhos, periódicos e eventos, e tópicos de pesquisa relacionados ao tema.Organizations, through knowledge management, seek to obtain competitive advantage from acquiring and generating knowledge. The use of social media has become so frequent that it has turned into an organizational resource. One of the main reasons for the use of social media in organizations is knowledge management. Over the last two decades, several works analysed the use of social media to knowledge management. However, it was not identified research that analyzed these two concepts and shows these findings. Thus, the objective of this study is to map the scientific research on Social Media and Knowledge Management. This paper conducted a bibliometric study with 379 publications to examine scientific research related to the topic and to elaborate a thematic mapping. The mains authors, terms, sources, and research stream (clusters) was analyzed. Based on the thematic mapping it was possible to identify the existence of rising paths related to the theme. This paper intends to contribute to the literature by pointing main authors, works, journals, events, and research topics related to knowledge management and social media

    The MinK Framework: An Integrated Framework to Assess Individual Knowledge in Organisational Context.

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    Knowledge is the currency of the global economy, the foundation of wealth creation, and the sole antecedent of sustainable competitive advantage in today’s markets. In the current business environment, success of organisations is dependent upon their ability to develop and implement resilient Knowledge Management (KM) strategies to leverage and exploit their knowledge assets. Yet, knowledge is intrinsically linked to individuals and their exclusive abilities to create, share and apply knowledge thereby creating value for their organisations. Knowledge holders are without doubt the valuable assets which lead the increasing velocity of organisational transformation in order to cope with market pressures and confront uncertainty. Effectual KM thus implicates knowledge assessment capability that enables the identification of knowledge holders within the firm and accordingly optimises the allocation of knowledge assets. Identifying and retaining knowledge holders requires a systematic KM initiative to help managers assess the individual knowledge of their employees and hence formulate and evaluate knowledge management and retention strategies. This research therefore attempts to focus on knowledge assessment practice and explores the underlying constructs of individual knowledge in the organisational context. In light of the knowledge-based view of the firm[1][2][3], a comprehensive theoretical model highlights the crucial role of individuals in organisational knowledge dynamics based on seminal KM theories of Stocks and Flows of Knowledge[4], Intellectual Capital[5] [6] [7], and the SECI Model of Knowledge Creation[8]. Evolving from this conceptual foundation, the MinK framework is proposed as an innovative framework that endows organisations in delineating knowledge stocks and visualising knowledge flows by providing an integrated assessment platform for decision makers. The presented framework ensures that individual knowledge is accurately assessed from a number of perspectives using a well-defined set of theoretically grounded and industry validated indicators stemming from a multi-dimensional scorecard. Flexibility is embedded in the MinK framework, allowing managers to customise the key measures according to the firm’s specific context. Adopting the 360-degree approach, the assessment process uses self evaluations and multi-source knowledge appraisals to provide rich and insightful results. An Individual Knowledge Index (IK-Index) that denotes the overall knowledge rating of each employee is another research outcome spanning out of a unique formula that combines a number of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques to consolidate assessment results into a single reflective numeral. The incorporation of technology enables the complete automation of the assessment process and helps to address parametric multiplicity and arithmetic complexity. Armed with advances in Information Technology, the MinK Web System offers a user-friendly interface supported by a sophisticated computational module and a smart deep learning algorithm to ensure the efficiency, security, and accuracy of the assessment process. Companies that used MinK in the pilot study have described the framework as an accurate assessment solution which can enable managers to make informed decisions, particularly in human capital planning. Such an approach balances the art and science of KM while taking into account the culture and dynamics of the organisation. Ultimately, this research advocates a people-centric KM approach that places the individual knowledge holder at the core of KM activity, and suggests that effective KM is essentially effective management of knowledge workers

    Fluxo de conhecimento em sistemas setoriais de inovação: uma análise da bovinocultura de corte.

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    Considerando que o processo de inovação é complexo e dispendioso para as organizações, no entanto na abordagem dos sistemas de inovação (SI), esse processo ocorre de forma exógena, minimizando o custo e a complexidade pela interação entre os atores do sistema. As abordagens dos sistemas de inovação levam em consideração os contextos nacionais, regionais, setoriais e tecnológicos, neles as interações entre os atores criam uma dinâmica do conhecimento fluindo entre os atores que o compõe. A bovinocultura de corte brasileira é um setor de grande relevância para a economia do país, e desenvolveu-se por intermédio dos investimentos em ciência e tecnologia realizados pelo governo no século XX, de forma que o rebanho bovino brasileiro cresceu substancialmente, sendo atualmente um dos maiores do mundo. Nesse contexto, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o fluxo de conhecimento no sistema setorial de inovação na bovinocultura de corte, caracterizando os atores que interagem por conhecimento nesse sistema, identificando os canais de transferência do conhecimento utilizado por eles para suas interações e classificando o conteúdo do fluxo entre conhecimento básico, estratégico, aplicado e tecnologia corrente. Assim, a pesquisa foi conduzida pelo método de estudo de caso, na bovinocultura de corte brasileira, em que foram entrevistados especialistas do setor e, posteriormente, informantes-chave de organizações, cuja participação no fluxo do conhecimento no setor foram apontadas pelos especialistas entrevistados. Essas entrevistas foram analisadas por intermédio do método de análise de conteúdo, para isso, utilizou-se o software MAXQDA 12. Assim, os atores desse sistema setorial de inovação foram organizados em cinco categorias de atores: Atores da Demanda de Mercado, Atores de Infraestrutura e Suporte, Atores Geradores do Conhecimento, Atores Intermediários do Conhecimento e Atores Usuários do Conhecimento. Os resultados revelam que existem duas categorias de atores que não participam do fluxo de conhecimento, mas atuam como forças dinamizadoras e direcionadoras do fluxo. As outras três categorias participam do fluxo de conhecimento, como geradores, intermediários e usuários do conhecimento. Logo, verificou-se que existe fluxo de conhecimento tanto entre as essas três categorias de atores quanto internamente a cada uma delas. Esse fluxo ocorre por intermédio de canais de transferência do conhecimento que foram categorizados em: canais de transferência do conhecimento codificado, canais de transferência do conhecimento personalizado e canais mistos de transferência do conhecimento. Os resultados revelaram também, que o conteúdo do fluxo de conhecimento é principalmente tecnologia corrente. Também foi verificado que o setor utiliza conhecimentos gerados em outros setores e até mesmo, em outros países. Esses resultados contribuem para a literatura com um novo modelo analítico e com novas subcategorias de atores intermediários. Oportunizam ainda, direcionamentos nas estratégias de transferência e de acesso ao conhecimento por parte dos atores do setor, assim como, indicam necessidades de políticas públicas incentivadoras do fluxo de conhecimento estratégico e aplicado entre atores geradores de conhecimento e atores intermediários, possibilitam ainda, que sejam direcionados esforços de transferência de conhecimento aos usuários por meio dos canais mistos de conhecimento.Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração e Negócios) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre. Orientadora: Mirian Oliveira, PUC-RS; Co-orientador: Gustavo Dalmarco, PUC-RS

    Success Strategies of Latin American Immigrant Small Business Entrepreneurs

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    Small business restaurants represent a significant segment of the U.S. economy; however, many small business restaurants fail before 5 years of operation. The purpose of this exploratory multiple case study was to explore the strategies entrepreneurs used to sustain operations beyond 5 years. The population for this study was 3 Latin American immigrant small business restaurant owners in the central part of the U.S. state of Georgia, who had sustained operations for more than 5 years. The conceptual framework consisted of entrepreneurship and knowledge management theories. The data derived from semistructured interviews and organizational documents presented by the participants. Data analysis involved using a modified van Kaam method and qualitative analysis software to identify and analyze emergent themes. The 3 themes were cultivation of ego-networks, human capital development, and engaged entrepreneurial activities. The findings from this study suggest that small business owners enhance their external social network, advance the human capital of employees and the entrepreneur, and apply entrepreneurial orientation practices. Using study findings, small business restaurant owners may be better able to have sustainable businesses and, thus, contribute to their local communities\u27 economic and social well-being. Implications for positive social change include the potential to prevent the economic and socially damaging effects of business failures and unemployment as well as the potential to cultivate a skilled U.S. Latin American workforce, through the advancement of human capital

    Motivating the Solicited and Unsolicited Sharing of Tacit Knowledge Through the Process of Externalization

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    While several U. S. firms have invested in Knowledge Management (KM) tools and software, it has become apparent that investments must be made in additional facets of KM, such as knowledge sharing (KS), thought by many researchers to be the most important component of KM. Of the two types of KS, explicit and tacit, the sharing of tacit knowledge has been shown to contribute the most to an organization’s performance. However, since tacit knowledge is difficult to both convey and acquire, this unshared tacit knowledge may ultimately harm an organization when, without the appropriate knowledge, individuals cannot effectively perform their professional responsibility. Although research has been conducted on the motivators that contribute to the sharing of tacit knowledge, the research has been conflicting. These inconsistencies could conceivably stem from measuring KS as a single factor rather than as separate components. The purpose of this study was two-fold, first to discover what motivators contributed to the sharing of tacit knowledge and second, to discover whether the sharing of knowledge when solicited differed from the sharing of knowledge when not solicited. Utilizing the Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-determination Theory as well as measuring the transfer of knowledge through externalization, as expressed by the SECI model, three research questions and 14 different hypotheses contributed to a survey instrument resulting in 370 usable survey responses. Employing confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, analysis of the data confirmed that a significant difference existed between the solicited and unsolicited sharing of tacit knowledge. This study found that measures for external, integrated, and intrinsic motivation differed among the two situational constructs of knowledge sharing. In addition, the study confirmed that a difference occurred between motivators and the two types of sharing when the sharing was mediated by a favorable attitude toward sharing

    Intangible outcomes of talent management practices in selected South African higher education institutions.

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    Doctoral Degrees. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.In today’s competitive environment, talent management has been considered an important strategy that influences talent attraction, development, and retention required to create value for the organisation. Although talent management has received scholarly interest from both organisational researchers and human resources management practitioners, there is still a paucity of research on the intangible outcomes of talent management. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the intangible outcomes of talent management practices in some South African universities. The study adopted descriptive and exploratory research to describe and provide in-depth knowledge about the subject matter. The mixed-methods was employed to collect and analyse the quantitative and qualitative data. Stratified and purposive sampling techniques were used to select 347 respondents and participants from three South African universities: University of Cape Town, University of KwaZulu-Natal, and University of Pretoria. A structured questionnaire and semi-structured interview grid were used to collect the data. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (version 27.0) and Analysis of Moment Structures (version 27.0) were used to analyse the quantitative data, while the qualitative data was analysed using NVivo (version 12.0). The quantitative results revealed a significant relationship between talent management practices and intangible outcomes such as employee humility, teaching and learning, and university-industry collaboration. On the other hand, the qualitative findings affirmed that talent management practices positively impacted organisational trust, employee engagement, employee humility, teaching and learning, and university-industry collaboration. Additionally, the quantitative and qualitative findings revealed a positive relationship between talent management practices and a sustainable competitive advantage. Moreover, the quantitative and qualitative results showed a significant relationship between intangible outcomes and competitive advantage. The scope of the study was limited to the intangible outcomes of talent management in South African universities. This study is unique because it creates a sustainable competitive advantage for South African Higher Education Institutions through talent attraction, development, and retention. The study recommends that universities continue to integrate talent management practices into their strategic plans