585 research outputs found

    Adapt-to-learn policy transfer in reinforcement learning and deep model reference adaptive control

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    Adaptation and Learning from exploration have been a key in biological learning; Humans and animals do not learn every task in isolation; rather are able to quickly adapt the learned behaviors between similar tasks and learn new skills when presented with new situations. Inspired by this, adaptation has been an important direction of research in control as Adaptive Controllers. However, the Adaptive Controllers like Model Reference Adaptive Controller are mainly model-based controllers and do not rely on exploration instead make informed decisions exploiting the model's structure. Therefore such controllers are characterized by high sample efficiency and stability conditions and, therefore, suitable for safety-critical systems. On the other hand, we have Learning-based optimal control algorithms like Reinforcement Learning. Reinforcement learning is a trial and error method, where an agent explores the environment by taking random action and maximizing the likelihood of those particular actions that result in a higher return. However, these exploration techniques are expected to fail many times before exploring optimal policy. Therefore, they are highly sample-expensive and lack stability guarantees and hence not suitable for safety-critical systems. This thesis presents control algorithms for robotics where the best of both worlds that is ``Adaptation'' and ``Learning from exploration'' are brought together to propose new algorithms that can perform better than their conventional counterparts. In this effort, we first present an Adapt to learn policy transfer Algorithm, where we use control theoretical ideas of adaptation to transfer policy between two related but different tasks using the policy gradient method of reinforcement learning. Efficient and robust policy transfer remains a key challenge in reinforcement learning. Policy transfer through warm initialization, imitation, or interacting over a large set of agents with randomized instances, have been commonly applied to solve a variety of Reinforcement Learning (RL) tasks. However, this is far from how behavior transfer happens in the biological world: Here, we seek to answer the question: Will learning to combine adaptation reward with environmental reward lead to a more efficient transfer of policies between domains? We introduce a principled mechanism that can ``Adapt-to-Learn", which is adapt the source policy to learn to solve a target task with significant transition differences and uncertainties. Through theory and experiments, we show that our method leads to a significantly reduced sample complexity of transferring the policies between the tasks. In the second part of this thesis, information-enabled learning-based adaptive controllers like ``Gaussian Process adaptive controller using Model Reference Generative Network'' (GP-MRGeN), ``Deep Model Reference Adaptive Controller'' (DMRAC) are presented. Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) is a widely studied adaptive control methodology that aims to ensure that a nonlinear plant with significant model uncertainty behaves like a chosen reference model. MRAC methods try to adapt the system to changes by representing the system uncertainties as weighted combinations of known nonlinear functions and using weight update law that ensures that network weights are moved in the direction of minimizing the instantaneous tracking error. However, most MRAC adaptive controllers use a shallow network and only the instantaneous data for adaptation, restricting their representation capability and limiting their performance under fast-changing uncertainties and faults in the system. In this thesis, we propose a Gaussian process based adaptive controller called GP-MRGeN. We present a new approach to the online supervised training of GP models using a new architecture termed as Model Reference Generative Network (MRGeN). Our architecture is very loosely inspired by the recent success of generative neural network models. Nevertheless, our contributions ensure that the inclusion of such a model in closed-loop control does not affect the stability properties. The GP-MRGeN controller, through using a generative network, is capable of achieving higher adaptation rates without losing robustness properties of the controller, hence suitable for mitigating faults in fast-evolving systems. Further, in this thesis, we present a new neuroadaptive architecture: Deep Neural Network-based Model Reference Adaptive Control. This architecture utilizes deep neural network representations for modeling significant nonlinearities while marrying it with the boundedness guarantees that characterize MRAC based controllers. We demonstrate through simulations and analysis that DMRAC can subsume previously studied learning-based MRAC methods, such as concurrent learning and GP-MRAC. This makes DMRAC a highly powerful architecture for high-performance control of nonlinear systems with long-term learning properties. Theoretical proofs of the controller generalizing capability over unseen data points and boundedness properties of the tracking error are also presented. Experiments with the quadrotor vehicle demonstrate the controller performance in achieving reference model tracking in the presence of significant matched uncertainties. A software+communication architecture is designed to ensure online real-time inference of the deep network on a high-bandwidth computation-limited platform to achieve these results. These results demonstrate the efficacy of deep networks for high bandwidth closed-loop attitude control of unstable and nonlinear robots operating in adverse situations. We expect that this work will benefit other closed-loop deep-learning control architectures for robotics

    Gaussian processes for modeling of facial expressions

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    Automated analysis of facial expressions has been gaining significant attention over the past years. This stems from the fact that it constitutes the primal step toward developing some of the next-generation computer technologies that can make an impact in many domains, ranging from medical imaging and health assessment to marketing and education. No matter the target application, the need to deploy systems under demanding, real-world conditions that can generalize well across the population is urgent. Hence, careful consideration of numerous factors has to be taken prior to designing such a system. The work presented in this thesis focuses on tackling two important problems in automated analysis of facial expressions: (i) view-invariant facial expression analysis; (ii) modeling of the structural patterns in the face, in terms of well coordinated facial muscle movements. Driven by the necessity for efficient and accurate inference mechanisms we explore machine learning techniques based on the probabilistic framework of Gaussian processes (GPs). Our ultimate goal is to design powerful models that can efficiently handle imagery with spontaneously displayed facial expressions, and explain in detail the complex configurations behind the human face in real-world situations. To effectively decouple the head pose and expression in the presence of large out-of-plane head rotations we introduce a manifold learning approach based on multi-view learning strategies. Contrary to the majority of existing methods that typically treat the numerous poses as individual problems, in this model we first learn a discriminative manifold shared by multiple views of a facial expression. Subsequently, we perform facial expression classification in the expression manifold. Hence, the pose normalization problem is solved by aligning the facial expressions from different poses in a common latent space. We demonstrate that the recovered manifold can efficiently generalize to various poses and expressions even from a small amount of training data, while also being largely robust to corrupted image features due to illumination variations. State-of-the-art performance is achieved in the task of facial expression classification of basic emotions. The methods that we propose for learning the structure in the configuration of the muscle movements represent some of the first attempts in the field of analysis and intensity estimation of facial expressions. In these models, we extend our multi-view approach to exploit relationships not only in the input features but also in the multi-output labels. The structure of the outputs is imposed into the recovered manifold either from heuristically defined hard constraints, or in an auto-encoded manner, where the structure is learned automatically from the input data. The resulting models are proven to be robust to data with imbalanced expression categories, due to our proposed Bayesian learning of the target manifold. We also propose a novel regression approach based on product of GP experts where we take into account people's individual expressiveness in order to adapt the learned models on each subject. We demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed models on the task of facial expression recognition and intensity estimation.Open Acces

    The Abstract Language: Symbolic Cogniton And Its Relationship To Embodiment

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    Embodied theories presume that concepts are modality specific while symbolic theories suggest that all modalities for a given concept are integrated. Symbolic and embodied theories do fairly well with explaining and describing concrete concepts. Specifically, embodied theories seem well suited to describing the actual content of a concept while symbolic theories provide insight into how concepts operate. Conversely, neither symbolic nor embodied theories have been fully sufficient when attempting to describe and explain abstract concepts. Several pluralistic accounts have been put forth to describe how the semantic/lexical system interacts with the conceptual system. In this respect, they attempt to “embody” abstract concepts to the same extent as concrete concepts. Nevertheless, a concise and comprehensive theory for explaining how we learn/understand abstract concepts to the extent that we learn/understand concrete concepts remains elusive. One goal of the present review paper is to consider if abstract concepts can be defined by a unified theory or if subsets of abstract concepts will be defined by separate theories. Of particular focus will be Symbolic Interdependency Theory (SIT). It will be argued that SIT is suitable for grounding abstract concepts, as this theory infers that symbols bootstrap meaning from other symbols, highlighting the importance of abstract-to-abstract mapping in the same way that concrete-to-abstract mappings are created. Research will be considered to help outline a cohesive strategy for describing and understanding abstract concepts. Finally, as research has demonstrated efficiencies with concrete concept processing, analogous efficiencies will be explored for developing an understanding of abstract concepts. Such efforts could have both theoretical and practical implications for bolstering our knowledge of concept learning

    Recent Progress in Image Deblurring

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    This paper comprehensively reviews the recent development of image deblurring, including non-blind/blind, spatially invariant/variant deblurring techniques. Indeed, these techniques share the same objective of inferring a latent sharp image from one or several corresponding blurry images, while the blind deblurring techniques are also required to derive an accurate blur kernel. Considering the critical role of image restoration in modern imaging systems to provide high-quality images under complex environments such as motion, undesirable lighting conditions, and imperfect system components, image deblurring has attracted growing attention in recent years. From the viewpoint of how to handle the ill-posedness which is a crucial issue in deblurring tasks, existing methods can be grouped into five categories: Bayesian inference framework, variational methods, sparse representation-based methods, homography-based modeling, and region-based methods. In spite of achieving a certain level of development, image deblurring, especially the blind case, is limited in its success by complex application conditions which make the blur kernel hard to obtain and be spatially variant. We provide a holistic understanding and deep insight into image deblurring in this review. An analysis of the empirical evidence for representative methods, practical issues, as well as a discussion of promising future directions are also presented.Comment: 53 pages, 17 figure

    Abstract neural representations of language during sentence comprehension: Evidence from MEG and Behaviour

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    An Introduction to Lifelong Supervised Learning

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    This primer is an attempt to provide a detailed summary of the different facets of lifelong learning. We start with Chapter 2 which provides a high-level overview of lifelong learning systems. In this chapter, we discuss prominent scenarios in lifelong learning (Section 2.4), provide 8 Introduction a high-level organization of different lifelong learning approaches (Section 2.5), enumerate the desiderata for an ideal lifelong learning system (Section 2.6), discuss how lifelong learning is related to other learning paradigms (Section 2.7), describe common metrics used to evaluate lifelong learning systems (Section 2.8). This chapter is more useful for readers who are new to lifelong learning and want to get introduced to the field without focusing on specific approaches or benchmarks. The remaining chapters focus on specific aspects (either learning algorithms or benchmarks) and are more useful for readers who are looking for specific approaches or benchmarks. Chapter 3 focuses on regularization-based approaches that do not assume access to any data from previous tasks. Chapter 4 discusses memory-based approaches that typically use a replay buffer or an episodic memory to save subset of data across different tasks. Chapter 5 focuses on different architecture families (and their instantiations) that have been proposed for training lifelong learning systems. Following these different classes of learning algorithms, we discuss the commonly used evaluation benchmarks and metrics for lifelong learning (Chapter 6) and wrap up with a discussion of future challenges and important research directions in Chapter 7.Comment: Lifelong Learning Prime

    Queering Abstract Concepts. A Grounded Perspective on Gender

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    Concepts are the building blocks of our cognitive system. Theories of conceptual knowledge have attempted to explain how we acquire master concepts by relying on different assumptions. Among several proposals, theories of Embodied and Grounded Cognition (EGC) submit to the idea that our conceptual system is couched in our bodily states and is influenced by the environment surrounding us (Barsalou, 2008). Chapter 1 reviews and critically discusses the debate on conceptual format as developed in cognitive science. Abstract concepts (ACs) like ethic constitute a major challenge for theories of conceptual knowledge, and for EGC theories. Recently, some EG proposals addressed this criticism, arguing that the category of ACs is multifaced and heterogenous, encompassing exemplars that differ among them with respect of their grounding sources (Borghi et al., 2018). According to the WAT theory (Borghi & Binkofski, 2014), for instance, both abstract and concrete concepts are grounded in our bodily states and linguistic system, to different extents. Specifically, ACs are more influenced by social, cultural and linguistic aspects than concrete concepts, hence activating the mouth effector. In addition, ACs would be more influenced by cultural and linguistic variability. Chapter 2 tackles the issue of ACs from an EG perspective. In an EG approach, gender can be considered as a special kind of AC. In fact, its grounding sources enclose biological and perceptual aspects–related to one’s own sexual embodiment–and social and cultural factors. Whereas previous accounts on gender have stressed one specific aspect over the other (Eagly & Wood, 2013), nowadays the dichotomy opposing sex to gender seems less tenable (Butler, 1990; Hyde et al., 2019). Drawing on the description of ACs offered in Chapter 2, in Chapter 3 I defend a queer perspective on ACs and gender, that escapes traditional dichotomies such as abstract/concrete and sex/gender

    Recent Advances of Local Mechanisms in Computer Vision: A Survey and Outlook of Recent Work

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    Inspired by the fact that human brains can emphasize discriminative parts of the input and suppress irrelevant ones, substantial local mechanisms have been designed to boost the development of computer vision. They can not only focus on target parts to learn discriminative local representations, but also process information selectively to improve the efficiency. In terms of application scenarios and paradigms, local mechanisms have different characteristics. In this survey, we provide a systematic review of local mechanisms for various computer vision tasks and approaches, including fine-grained visual recognition, person re-identification, few-/zero-shot learning, multi-modal learning, self-supervised learning, Vision Transformers, and so on. Categorization of local mechanisms in each field is summarized. Then, advantages and disadvantages for every category are analyzed deeply, leaving room for exploration. Finally, future research directions about local mechanisms have also been discussed that may benefit future works. To the best our knowledge, this is the first survey about local mechanisms on computer vision. We hope that this survey can shed light on future research in the computer vision field
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