8,653 research outputs found

    Improving the Performance of Thinning Algorithms with Directed Rooted Acyclic Graphs

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    In this paper we propose a strategy to optimize the performance of thinning algorithms. This solution is obtained by combining three proven strategies for binary images neighborhood exploration, namely modeling the problem with an optimal decision tree, reusing pixels from the previous step of the algorithm, and reducing the code footprint by means of Directed Rooted Acyclic Graphs. A complete and open-source benchmarking suite is also provided. Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithms clearly outperform classical implementations

    A Relaxation Scheme for Mesh Locality in Computer Vision.

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    Parallel processing has been considered as the key to build computer systems of the future and has become a mainstream subject in Computer Science. Computer Vision applications are computationally intensive that require parallel approaches to exploit the intrinsic parallelism. This research addresses this problem for low-level and intermediate-level vision problems. The contributions of this dissertation are a unified scheme based on probabilistic relaxation labeling that captures localities of image data and the ability of using this scheme to develop efficient parallel algorithms for Computer Vision problems. We begin with investigating the problem of skeletonization. The technique of pattern match that exhausts all the possible interaction patterns between a pixel and its neighboring pixels captures the locality of this problem, and leads to an efficient One-pass Parallel Asymmetric Thinning Algorithm (OPATA\sb8). The use of 8-distance in this algorithm, or chessboard distance, not only improves the quality of the resulting skeletons, but also improves the efficiency of the computation. This new algorithm plays an important role in a hierarchical route planning system to extract high level typological information of cross-country mobility maps which greatly speeds up the route searching over large areas. We generalize the neighborhood interaction description method to include more complicated applications such as edge detection and image restoration. The proposed probabilistic relaxation labeling scheme exploit parallelism by discovering local interactions in neighboring areas and by describing them effectively. The proposed scheme consists of a transformation function and a dictionary construction method. The non-linear transformation function is derived from Markov Random Field theory. It efficiently combines evidences from neighborhood interactions. The dictionary construction method provides an efficient way to encode these localities. A case study applies the scheme to the problem of edge detection. The relaxation step of this edge-detection algorithm greatly reduces noise effects, gets better edge localization such as line ends and corners, and plays a crucial rule in refining edge outputs. The experiments on both synthetic and natural images show that our algorithm converges quickly, and is robust in noisy environment

    Gap Filling of 3-D Microvascular Networks by Tensor Voting

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    We present a new algorithm which merges discontinuities in 3-D images of tubular structures presenting undesirable gaps. The application of the proposed method is mainly associated to large 3-D images of microvascular networks. In order to recover the real network topology, we need to fill the gaps between the closest discontinuous vessels. The algorithm presented in this paper aims at achieving this goal. This algorithm is based on the skeletonization of the segmented network followed by a tensor voting method. It permits to merge the most common kinds of discontinuities found in microvascular networks. It is robust, easy to use, and relatively fast. The microvascular network images were obtained using synchrotron tomography imaging at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. These images exhibit samples of intracortical networks. Representative results are illustrated