16 research outputs found

    Augmented mixed finite element method for the Oseen problem: A priori and a posteriori error analyses

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    We propose a new augmented dual-mixed method for the Oseen problem based on the pseudostress–velocity formulation. The stabilized formulation is obtained by adding to the dual-mixed approach suitable least squares terms that arise from the constitutive and equilibrium equations. We prove that for appropriate values of the stabilization parameters, the new variational formulation and the corresponding Galerkin scheme are well-posed, and a Céa estimate holds for any finite element subspaces. We also provide the rate of convergence when each row of the pseudostress is approximated by Raviart–Thomas or Brezzi–Douglas–Marini elements and the velocity is approximated by continuous piecewise polynomials. Moreover, we derive a simple a posteriori error estimator of residual type that consists of two residual terms and prove that it is reliable and locally efficient. Finally, we include several numerical experiments that support the theoretical results.Dirección de Investigación of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile) y CONICYT-Chile FONDECYT; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España

    Stabilized mixed approximation of axisymmetric Brinkman flows

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    This paper is devoted to the numerical analysis of an augmented finite element approximation of the axisymmetric Brinkman equations. Stabilization of the variational formulation is achieved by adding suitable Galerkin least-squares terms, allowing us to transform the original problem into a formulation better suited for performing its stability analysis. The sought quantities (here velocity, vorticity, and pressure) are approximated by Raviart−Thomas elements of arbitrary order k ≥ 0, piecewise continuous polynomials of degree k + 1, and piecewise polynomials of degree k, respectively. The well-posedness of the resulting continuous and discrete variational problems is rigorously derived by virtue of the classical Babuška–Brezzi theory. We further establish a priori error estimates in the natural norms, and we provide a few numerical tests illustrating the behavior of the proposed augmented scheme and confirming our theoretical findings regarding optimal convergence of the approximate solutions

    Analysis and approximation of a vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation for the Oseen equations

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    We introduce a family of mixed methods and discontinuous Galerkin discretisations designed to numerically solve the Oseen equations written in terms of velocity, vorticity, and Bernoulli pressure. The unique solvability of the continuous problem is addressed by invoking a global inf-sup property in an adequate abstract setting for non-symmetric systems. The proposed finite element schemes, which produce exactly divergence-free discrete velocities, are shown to be well-defined and optimal convergence rates are derived in suitable norms. In addition, we establish optimal rates of convergence for a class of discontinuous Galerkin schemes, which employ stabilisation. A set of numerical examples serves to illustrate salient features of these methods

    A posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed method for the Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear viscosity

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    In this work we develop the a posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed finite element method for the 2D and 3D versions of the Navier-Stokes equations when the viscosity depends nonlinearly on the module of the velocity gradient. Two different reliable and efficient residual-based a posteriori error estimators for this problem on arbitrary (convex or non-convex) polygonal and polyhedral regions are derived. Our analysis of reliability of the proposed estimators draws mainly upon the global inf-sup condition satisfied by a suitable linearization of the continuous formulation, an application of Helmholtz decomposition, and the local approximation properties of the Raviart-Thomas and Clément interpolation operators. In addition, differently from previous approaches for augmented mixed formulations, the boundedness of the Clément operator plays now an interesting role in the reliability estimate. On the other hand, inverse and discrete inequalities, and the localization technique based on triangle-bubble and edge-bubble functions are utilized to show their efficiency. Finally, several numerical results are provided to illustrate the good performance of the augmented mixed method, to confirm the aforementioned properties of the a posteriori error estimators, and to show the behaviour of the associated adaptive algorithm.Centre for Mathematical Modeling (Universidad de Chile)Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Matemática (Universidad de Concepción)Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Chile)Swiss National Science FoundationElsevier Mathematical Sciences Sponsorship FundMinistry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republi