907 research outputs found

    Data Stream Mining: A Review on Windowing Approach

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    In the data stream model the data arrive at high speed so that the algorithms used for mining the data streams must process them in very strict constraints of space and time. This raises new issues that need to be considered when developing association rule mining algorithms for data streams. So it is important to study the existing stream mining algorithms to open up the challenges and the research scope for the new researchers. In this paper we are discussing different type windowing techniques and the important algorithms available in this mining process

    Graph-based Modelling of Concurrent Sequential Patterns

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    Structural relation patterns have been introduced recently to extend the search for complex patterns often hidden behind large sequences of data. This has motivated a novel approach to sequential patterns post-processing and a corresponding data mining method was proposed for Concurrent Sequential Patterns (ConSP). This article refines the approach in the context of ConSP modelling, where a companion graph-based model is devised as an extension of previous work. Two new modelling methods are presented here together with a construction algorithm, to complete the transformation of concurrent sequential patterns to a ConSP-Graph representation. Customer orders data is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of ConSP mining while synthetic sample data highlights the strength of the modelling technique, illuminating the theories developed

    Mining High Utility Patterns Over Data Streams

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    Mining useful patterns from sequential data is a challenging topic in data mining. An important task for mining sequential data is sequential pattern mining, which discovers sequences of itemsets that frequently appear in a sequence database. In sequential pattern mining, the selection of sequences is generally based on the frequency/support framework. However, most of the patterns returned by sequential pattern mining may not be informative enough to business people and are not particularly related to a business objective. In view of this, high utility sequential pattern (HUSP) mining has emerged as a novel research topic in data mining recently. The main objective of HUSP mining is to extract valuable and useful sequential patterns from data by considering the utility of a pattern that captures a business objective (e.g., profit, users interest). In HUSP mining, the goal is to find sequences whose utility in the database is no less than a user-specified minimum utility threshold. Nowadays, many applications generate a huge volume of data in the form of data streams. A number of studies have been conducted on mining HUSPs, but they are mainly intended for non-streaming data and thus do not take data stream characteristics into consideration. Mining HUSP from such data poses many challenges. First, it is infeasible to keep all streaming data in the memory due to the high volume of data accumulated over time. Second, mining algorithms need to process the arriving data in real time with one scan of data. Third, depending on the minimum utility threshold value, the number of patterns returned by a HUSP mining algorithm can be large and overwhelms the user. In general, it is hard for the user to determine the value for the threshold. Thus, algorithms that can find the most valuable patterns (i.e., top-k high utility patterns) are more desirable. Mining the most valuable patterns is interesting in both static data and data streams. To address these research limitations and challenges, this dissertation proposes techniques and algorithms for mining high utility sequential patterns over data streams. We work on mining HUSPs over both a long portion of a data stream and a short period of time. We also work on how to efficiently identify the most significant high utility patterns (namely, the top-k high utility patterns) over data streams. In the first part, we explore a fundamental problem that is how the limited memory space can be well utilized to produce high quality HUSPs over the entire data stream. An approximation algorithm, called MAHUSP, is designed which employs memory adaptive mechanisms to use a bounded portion of memory, to efficiently discover HUSPs over the entire data streams. The second part of the dissertation presents a new sliding window-based algorithm to discover recent high utility sequential patterns over data streams. A novel data structure named HUSP-Tree is proposed to maintain the essential information for mining recenT HUSPs. An efficient and single-pass algorithm named HUSP-Stream is proposed to generate recent HUSPs from HUSP-Tree. The third part addresses the problem of top-k high utility pattern mining over data streams. Two novel methods, named T-HUDS and T-HUSP, for finding top-k high utility patterns over a data stream are proposed. T-HUDS discovers top-k high utility itemsets and T-HUSP discovers top-k high utility sequential patterns over a data stream. T-HUDS is based on a compressed tree structure, called HUDS-Tree, that can be used to efficiently find potential top-k high utility itemsets over data streams. T-HUSP incrementally maintains the content of top-k HUSPs in a data stream in a summary data structure, named TKList, and discovers top-k HUSPs efficiently. All of the algorithms are evaluated using both synthetic and real datasets. The performances, including the running time, memory consumption, precision, recall and Fmeasure, are compared. In order to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods in reallife applications, the fourth part of this dissertation presents applications of one of the proposed methods (i.e., MAHUSP) to extract meaningful patterns from a real web clickstream dataset and a real biosequence dataset. The utility-based sequential patterns are compared with the patterns in the frequency/support framework. The results show that high utility sequential pattern mining provides meaningful patterns in real-life applications

    Frequent itemset mining on multiprocessor systems

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    Frequent itemset mining is an important building block in many data mining applications like market basket analysis, recommendation, web-mining, fraud detection, and gene expression analysis. In many of them, the datasets being mined can easily grow up to hundreds of gigabytes or even terabytes of data. Hence, efficient algorithms are required to process such large amounts of data. In recent years, there have been many frequent-itemset mining algorithms proposed, which however (1) often have high memory requirements and (2) do not exploit the large degrees of parallelism provided by modern multiprocessor systems. The high memory requirements arise mainly from inefficient data structures that have only been shown to be sufficient for small datasets. For large datasets, however, the use of these data structures force the algorithms to go out-of-core, i.e., they have to access secondary memory, which leads to serious performance degradations. Exploiting available parallelism is further required to mine large datasets because the serial performance of processors almost stopped increasing. Algorithms should therefore exploit the large number of available threads and also the other kinds of parallelism (e.g., vector instruction sets) besides thread-level parallelism. In this work, we tackle the high memory requirements of frequent itemset mining twofold: we (1) compress the datasets being mined because they must be kept in main memory during several mining invocations and (2) improve existing mining algorithms with memory-efficient data structures. For compressing the datasets, we employ efficient encodings that show a good compression performance on a wide variety of realistic datasets, i.e., the size of the datasets is reduced by up to 6.4x. The encodings can further be applied directly while loading the dataset from disk or network. Since encoding and decoding is repeatedly required for loading and mining the datasets, we reduce its costs by providing parallel encodings that achieve high throughputs for both tasks. For a memory-efficient representation of the mining algorithms’ intermediate data, we propose compact data structures and even employ explicit compression. Both methods together reduce the intermediate data’s size by up to 25x. The smaller memory requirements avoid or delay expensive out-of-core computation when large datasets are mined. For coping with the high parallelism provided by current multiprocessor systems, we identify the performance hot spots and scalability issues of existing frequent-itemset mining algorithms. The hot spots, which form basic building blocks of these algorithms, cover (1) counting the frequency of fixed-length strings, (2) building prefix trees, (3) compressing integer values, and (4) intersecting lists of sorted integer values or bitmaps. For all of them, we discuss how to exploit available parallelism and provide scalable solutions. Furthermore, almost all components of the mining algorithms must be parallelized to keep the sequential fraction of the algorithms as small as possible. We integrate the parallelized building blocks and components into three well-known mining algorithms and further analyze the impact of certain existing optimizations. Our algorithms are already single-threaded often up an order of magnitude faster than existing highly optimized algorithms and further scale almost linear on a large 32-core multiprocessor system. Although our optimizations are intended for frequent-itemset mining algorithms, they can be applied with only minor changes to algorithms that are used for mining of other types of itemsets

    Bidirectional Growth based Mining and Cyclic Behaviour Analysis of Web Sequential Patterns

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    Web sequential patterns are important for analyzing and understanding users behaviour to improve the quality of service offered by the World Wide Web. Web Prefetching is one such technique that utilizes prefetching rules derived through Cyclic Model Analysis of the mined Web sequential patterns. The more accurate the prediction and more satisfying the results of prefetching if we use a highly efficient and scalable mining technique such as the Bidirectional Growth based Directed Acyclic Graph. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm called Bidirectional Growth based mining Cyclic behavior Analysis of web sequential Patterns (BGCAP) that effectively combines these strategies to generate prefetching rules in the form of 2-sequence patterns with Periodicity and threshold of Cyclic Behaviour that can be utilized to effectively prefetch Web pages, thus reducing the users perceived latency. As BGCAP is based on Bidirectional pattern growth, it performs only (log n+1) levels of recursion for mining n Web sequential patterns. Our experimental results show that prefetching rules generated using BGCAP is 5-10 percent faster for different data sizes and 10-15% faster for a fixed data size than TD-Mine. In addition, BGCAP generates about 5-15 percent more prefetching rules than TD-Mine.Comment: 19 page

    From sequential patterns to concurrent branch patterns: a new post sequential patterns mining approach

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy of the University of BedfordshireSequential patterns mining is an important pattern discovery technique used to identify frequently observed sequential occurrence of items across ordered transactions over time. It has been intensively studied and there exists a great diversity of algorithms. However, there is a major problem associated with the conventional sequential patterns mining in that patterns derived are often large and not very easy to understand or use. In addition, more complex relations among events are often hidden behind sequences. A novel model for sequential patterns called Sequential Patterns Graph (SPG) is proposed. The construction algorithm of SPG is presented with experimental results to substantiate the concept. The thesis then sets out to define some new structural patterns such as concurrent branch patterns, exclusive patterns and iterative patterns which are generally hidden behind sequential patterns. Finally, an integrative framework, named Post Sequential Patterns Mining (PSPM), which is based on sequential patterns mining, is also proposed for the discovery and visualisation of structural patterns. This thesis is intended to prove that discrete sequential patterns derived from traditional sequential patterns mining can be modelled graphically using SPG. It is concluded from experiments and theoretical studies that SPG is not only a minimal representation of sequential patterns mining, but it also represents the interrelation among patterns and establishes further the foundation for mining structural knowledge (i.e. concurrent branch patterns, exclusive patterns and iterative patterns). from experiments conducted on both synthetic and real datasets, it is shown that Concurrent Branch Patterns (CBP) mining is an effective and efficient mining algorithm suitable for concurrent branch patterns

    A genetic algorithm coupled with tree-based pruning for mining closed association rules

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    Due to the voluminous amount of itemsets that are generated, the association rules extracted from these itemsets contain redundancy, and designing an effective approach to address this issue is of paramount importance. Although multiple algorithms were proposed in recent years for mining closed association rules most of them underperform in terms of run time or memory. Another issue that remains challenging is the nature of the dataset. While some of the existing algorithms perform well on dense datasets others perform well on sparse datasets. This paper aims to handle these drawbacks by using a genetic algorithm for mining closed association rules. Recent studies have shown that genetic algorithms perform better than conventional algorithms due to their bitwise operations of crossover and mutation. Bitwise operations are predominantly faster than conventional approaches and bits consume lesser memory thereby improving the overall performance of the algorithm. To address the redundancy in the mined association rules a tree-based pruning algorithm has been designed here. This works on the principle of minimal antecedent and maximal consequent. Experiments have shown that the proposed approach works well on both dense and sparse datasets while surpassing existing techniques with regard to run time and memory

    Tight and simple Web graph compression

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    Analysing Web graphs has applications in determining page ranks, fighting Web spam, detecting communities and mirror sites, and more. This study is however hampered by the necessity of storing a major part of huge graphs in the external memory, which prevents efficient random access to edge (hyperlink) lists. A number of algorithms involving compression techniques have thus been presented, to represent Web graphs succinctly but also providing random access. Those techniques are usually based on differential encodings of the adjacency lists, finding repeating nodes or node regions in the successive lists, more general grammar-based transformations or 2-dimensional representations of the binary matrix of the graph. In this paper we present two Web graph compression algorithms. The first can be seen as engineering of the Boldi and Vigna (2004) method. We extend the notion of similarity between link lists, and use a more compact encoding of residuals. The algorithm works on blocks of varying size (in the number of input lines) and sacrifices access time for better compression ratio, achieving more succinct graph representation than other algorithms reported in the literature. The second algorithm works on blocks of the same size, in the number of input lines, and its key mechanism is merging the block into a single ordered list. This method achieves much more attractive space-time tradeoffs.Comment: 15 page
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