321 research outputs found

    Design of a high-speed digital processing element for parallel simulation

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    A prototype of a custom designed computer to be used as a processing element in a multiprocessor based jet engine simulator is described. The purpose of the custom design was to give the computer the speed and versatility required to simulate a jet engine in real time. Real time simulations are needed for closed loop testing of digital electronic engine controls. The prototype computer has a microcycle time of 133 nanoseconds. This speed was achieved by: prefetching the next instruction while the current one is executing, transporting data using high speed data busses, and using state of the art components such as a very large scale integration (VLSI) multiplier. Included are discussions of processing element requirements, design philosophy, the architecture of the custom designed processing element, the comprehensive instruction set, the diagnostic support software, and the development status of the custom design

    User microprogrammable processors for high data rate telemetry preprocessing

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    The use of microprogrammable processors for the preprocessing of high data rate satellite telemetry is investigated. The following topics are discussed along with supporting studies: (1) evaluation of commercial microprogrammable minicomputers for telemetry preprocessing tasks; (2) microinstruction sets for telemetry preprocessing; and (3) the use of multiple minicomputers to achieve high data processing. The simulation of small microprogrammed processors is discussed along with examples of microprogrammed processors

    Research in the effective implementation of guidance computers with large scale arrays Interim report

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    Functional logic character implementation in breadboard design of NASA modular compute

    Graphical microcode simulator with a reconfigurable datapath

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    Microcode is a symbolic way to simplify control design that allows changing, testing and updating the control unit of processors. By changing the microcode, the same datapath can be used for an entirely different application, such as supporting a completely different instruction set. For these reasons, a majority of control units in modern day processors are microcoded. The object was to investigate and implement a graphical microcode simulator with a reconfigurable datapath and microcode format. By allowing a wide configuration of the datapath, many types of logical processors can be designed and simulated. The resulting implemented simulator is able to fill the void in microprogramming tools since there are no graphical microcode simulators that allow such customization of the datapath. The customization of the datapath goes beyond allowing different files specifying the datapath, it allows the datapath to be created and modified using the graphical interface.This tool is able to be used to design and simulate general-purpose processors and application specific processors through datapath and microcode configurations. In the academic setting, this tool provides easier microcode testing through verification on the instruction level for instructors and provide simulation debugging through code tracing and breakpoints for students

    Implementation of a Microcode-controlled State Machine and Simulator in AVR Microcontrollers (MICoSS)

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    This paper describes the design of a microcode-controlled state machine and its software implementation in Atmel AVR microcontrollers. In particular, ATmega103 and ATmega128 microcontrollers are used. This design is closely related to the software implementation of a simulator in AVR microcontrollers. This simulator communicates with the designed state machine and presents a complete design environment for microcode development and debugging. These two devices can be interconnected by a flat cable and linked to a computer through a serial or USB interface.Both devices share the control software that allows us to create and edit microprograms and to control the whole state machine. It is possible to start, cancel or step through the execution of the microprograms. The operator can also observe the current state of the state machine. The second part of the control software enables the operator to create and compile simulating programs. The control software communicates with both devices using commands. All the results of this communication are well arranged in dialog boxes and windows.

    Application of bit-slice microprocessors to digital correlation in spread spectrum communication systems

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    This thesis describes the application of commercially available microprocessors and other VLSI devices to high-speed real-time digital correlation in spread spectrum and related communication applications. Spread spectrum communications are a wide-band secure communication system that generate a very broad spectral bandwidth signal that is therefore hard to detect in noise. They are capable of rejecting intentional or unintentional jamming, and are insensitive to the multipath and fading that affects conventional high frequency systems. The bandwidth of spread spectrum systems must be large to obtain a significant performance improvement. This means that the sequence rate must be fast and therefore very fast microprocessors will be required when they are used to perform spread spectrum correlation. Since multiplication cannot be performed efficiently by microprocessors considerable work, since 1974, has been published in the literature which is devoted to minimising the requirement of multiplications in digital correlation and other signal processing algorithms. These fast techniques are investigated and implemented using general-purpose microprocessors. The restricted-bandwidth problem in microprocessor-based digital correlator has been discussed. A new implementation is suggested which uses bit-slice devices to maintain the flexibility of microprocessor-based digital correlation without sacrificing speed. This microprocessor-based system has been found to be efficient in implementing the correlation process at the baseband in the digital domain as well as the post-correlation signal processing- demodulation, detection and tracking, especiaJIy for low rate signals. A charge coupled-device is used to obtain spectral density function. An all-digital technique which is programmable for any binary waveform and can be used for achieving initial acquisition and maintaining synchronisation in spread spectrum communications is described. Many of the practical implementation problems are discussed. The receiver performance, which is measured in terms of the acquisition time and the bit-error rate, is also presented and results are obtained which are close to those predicted in the system simulations

    A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: implementation issues

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    The prototype of a heterogeneous architecture is currently being built. The architecture is aimed at video-rate computing and is based on a message passing MIMD topology at the top level-transputer based-and on VLSI associative processor arrays (APA, SIMD structure) for low level image processing tasks. The APA structure is implemented through a set of 4 VLSI chips (GLiTCH) containing 64 1-bit processing elements each. This communication addresses some issues concerning the implementation of the first prototype, namely those related to: • the design and integration of the APA controller unit, which provides the required interface between the APA, the MIMD topology and the video image interface: • the evaluation of the GLiTCH chip through an emulator based on transputers and fast programmable devices; the emulator was designed to be flexible enough to evaluate later modifications to the GLiTCH design; • the design of an integrated set of software development tools containing a structured editor-syntax oriented, with a visual interface/programming interface-and a cross compiler and debugger

    A higher-order language for describing microprogrammed computers

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    Sequential language for describing microprogram controlled computer