27 research outputs found

    Software Measurement Activities in Small and Medium Enterprises: an Empirical Assessment

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    An empirical study for evaluating the proper implementation of measurement/metric programs in software companies in one area of Turkey is presented. The research questions are discussed and validated with the help of senior software managers (more than 15 years’ experience) and then used for interviewing a variety of medium and small scale software companies in Ankara. Observations show that there is a common reluctance/lack of interest in utilizing measurements/metrics despite the fact that they are well known in the industry. A side product of this research is that internationally recognized standards such as ISO and CMMI are pursued if they are a part of project/job requirements; without these requirements, introducing those standards to the companies remains as a long-term target to increase quality

    Analysis of Software Aging in a Web Server

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    A number of recent studies have reported the phenomenon of “software aging”, characterized by progressive performance degradation and/or an increased occurrence rate of hang/crash failures of a software system due to the exhaustion of operating system resources or the accumulation of errors. To counteract this phenomenon, a proactive technique called 'software rejuvenation' has been proposed. It essentially involves stopping the running software, cleaning its internal state and/or its environment and then restarting it. Software rejuvenation, being preventive in nature, begs the question as to when to schedule it. Periodic rejuvenation, while straightforward to implement, may not yield the best results, because the rate at which software ages is not constant, but it depends on the time-varying system workload. Software rejuvenation should therefore be planned and initiated in the face of the actual system behavior. This requires the measurement, analysis and prediction of system resource usage. In this paper, we study the development of resource usage in a web server while subjecting it to an artificial workload. We first collect data on several system resource usage and activity parameters. Non-parametric statistical methods are then applied for detecting and estimating trends in the data sets. Finally, we fit time series models to the data collected. Unlike the models used previously in the research on software aging, these time series models allow for seasonal patterns, and we show how the exploitation of the seasonal variation can help in adequately predicting the future resource usage. Based on the models employed here, proactive management techniques like software rejuvenation triggered by actual measurements can be built. --Software aging,software rejuvenation,Linux,Apache,web server,performance monitoring,prediction of resource utilization,non-parametric trend analysis,time series analysis

    Discussion on software aging management of nuclear power plant safety digital control system

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    Monitoring of Aging Software Systems Affected by Integer Overflows

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    Numerical aging-related bugs, which can manifest themselves as the accumulation of floating-point errors and the overflow of integers, represent a known but relatively neglected issue in the field of software aging and rejuvenation. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to avoid and to fix these bugs, since the rules of computer arithmetic and programming languages are often misunderstood or disregarded by programmers. Even though software rejuvenation can potentially mitigate these problems, its adoption is prevented by the lack of approaches for forecasting numerical software aging failures: in order to efficiently plan rejuvenation, the rate of numerical errors has to be known, or at least estimated. In this paper, we focus on software aging phenomena related to integer overflows. We present some examples of integer overflow issues of the MySQL open-source DBMS, and an approach for identifying symptoms of potential integer overflows by on-line monitoring

    Seer: a lightweight online failure prediction approach

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    Online failure prediction aims to predict the manifestation of failures at runtime before the failures actually occur. Existing online failure prediction approaches typically operate on data which is either directly reported by the system under test or directly observable from outside system executions. These approaches generally refrain themselves from collecting internal execution data that can further improve the prediction quality. One reason behind this general trend is due to the runtime overhead cost incurred by the measurement instruments that are required to collect the data. In this work we conjecture that large cost reductions in collecting internal execution data for online failure prediction can derive from reducing the cost of the measurement instruments, while still supporting acceptable levels of prediction quality. To evaluate this conjecture, we present a lightweight online failure prediction approach, called Seer. Seer uses fast hardware performance counters to perform most of the data collection work. The data is augmented with further data collected by a minimal amount of software instrumentation that is added to the systems software. We refer to the data collected in this manner as hybrid spectra. We applied the proposed approach to three widely used open source subject applications and evaluated it by comparing and contrasting three types of hybrid spectra and two types of traditional software spectra. At the lowest level of runtime overheads attained in the experiments, the hybrid spectra predicted the failures about half way through the executions with an F-measure of 0.77 and a runtime overhead of 1.98%, on average. Comparing hybrid spectra to software spectra, we observed that, for comparable runtime overhead levels, the hybrid spectra provided significantly better prediction accuracies and earlier warnings for failures than the software spectra. Alternatively, for comparable accuracy levels, the hybrid spectra incurred significantly less runtime overheads and provided earlier warnings

    Using Virtualization to Improve Software Rejuvenation

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    In this paper, we present an approach for software rejuvenation based on automated self-healing techniques that can be easily applied to off-the-shelf Application Servers and Internet sites. Software aging and transient failures are detected through continuous monitoring of system data and performability metrics of the application server. If some anomalous behavior is identified the system triggers an automatic rejuvenation action. This self-healing scheme is meant to be the less disruptive as possible for the running service and to get a zero downtime for most of the cases. In our scheme, we exploit the usage of virtualization to optimize the self-recovery actions. The techniques described in this paper have been tested with a set of open-source Linux tools and the XEN virtualization middleware. We conducted an experimental study with two applications benchmarks (Tomcat/Axis and TPC-W). Our results demonstrate that virtualization can be extremely helpful for software rejuvenation and fail-over in the occurrence of transient application failures and software aging. 1

    Envelhecimento e rejuvenescimento de software: 20 anos (19952014) - panorama e desafios

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    Although software aging and rejuvenation is a young research held, in its first 20 years a lot of knowledge has been produced. Nowadays, important scientific journals and conferences include SAR-related topics in their scope of interest. This fast growing and wide range of dissemination venues pose a challenge to researchers to keep tracking of the new findings and trends in this area. In this work, we collected and analyzed SAR research data to detect trends, patterns, and thematic gaps, in order to provide a comprehensive view of this research held over its hrst 20 years. Adopted the systematic mapping approach to answer research questions such as: How the main topics investigated in SAR have evolved over time? Which are the most investigated aging effects? Which rejuvenation techniques and strategies are more frequently used?CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorDissertação (Mestrado)Embora o envelhecimento e rejuvenescimento de software seja um campo de pesquisa novo, em seus primeiros 20 anos muito conhecimento foi produzido. Hoje em dia, revistas e conferências científicas importantes incluem temas relacionados a SAR no seu âmbito de interesse. Este crescimento rápido e a grande variedade de locais de disseminação representam um desafio para os pesquisadores para manter o acompanhamento das novas descobertas e tendências nesta área. Neste trabalho, foram coletados e analisados dados de pesquisa em SAR para detectar tendências, padrões e lacunas temáticas, a hm de proporcionar uma visão abrangente deste campo de pesquisa em seus primeiros 20 anos. Adotou-se a abordagem de mapeamento sistemático para responder a perguntas de pesquisa, tais como: Como os principais temas investigados em SAR têm evoluído ao longo do tempo? Quais são os efeitos do envelhecimento mais investigados? Quais técnicas e estratégias de rejuvenescimento são mais frequentemente usadas