882,468 research outputs found

    Indicators of Spatial Sustainable Development

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    Cílem práce bylo zanalyzovat dostupné indikátory a dostupná data využitelná pro udržitelné územní plánování. Na základě těchto analýz byly následně navrženy územně promítnutelné indikátory udržitelného rozvoje. Základní podmínkou pro navržené indikátory byla dostupnost dat a pokud možno co nejjednodušší postup výpočtu. V rámci této práce byly vyhodnocovány a navrženy indikátory ve třech základních oblastech: • udržitelné využívání území • dostupnost základních služeb • doprava v rámci sídla Jedním z požadavků na navrženou sadu byla její využitelnost pro všechny velikosti měst České republiky. Protože však v některých případech s rostoucím územím vypovídací schopnost indikátorů klesala, byla nakonec zvolena sada vzájemně skladebných indikátorů. To znamená, že byl stanoven vždy základní indikátor, měřitelný pro sídla všech velikostí. Dalším stupněm byla metodika upravená pro středně velká města. Ta již vyžaduje sběr některých dat a v některých případech i speciální software. Třetím stupněm je metodika pouze pro velká města, kde dochází k podrobnému zkoumání sledovaných jevů a navržené indikátory mají tak maximální vypovídací schopnost. Součástí práce je jak teoretické navržení metodiky, tak její ověření v praxi.The aim of the thesis was to analyse indicators and data sets used in the field of sustainable spatial plannig. On the base of the analyses there were spatial indicators of the sustainable development designed. The basic condition to design new indicators it was the accessibility to the elementary datas. The other condition was to design very simply methodology that could be use also for measuring in very small location. The thesis designed idnicators in three main areas of the spatial planning: • landuse, • accessibility of the services, • inner city/town/village traffic. One of the demands for the new indicators set was it´s efficiency for all kinds of the cities in the Czech Republic. This demand was fullfilled by the 3 level methodolgy – the main indicator was measurable for all kinds of settlemets – small villages, small and middle towns and also for cities. The basic methodology (for small villages) was very simple. Indicators were computed from very easy accesible data sets. And this methodology could also be used for larger settlements without any problems. The second level – for small and middle towns – sometimes needs special surveys or special hardware and software. The top of the pyramid is the methodology for cities. In this level there are used detailed analyses and computing methods. The thesis designes the methodology and also checks the practical application up.

    Integrating clinicians, knowledge and data: expert-based cooperative analysis in healthcare decision support

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Decision support in health systems is a highly difficult task, due to the inherent complexity of the process and structures involved.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>This paper introduces a new hybrid methodology <it>Expert-based Cooperative Analysis </it>(EbCA), which incorporates explicit prior expert knowledge in data analysis methods, and elicits implicit or tacit expert knowledge (IK) to improve decision support in healthcare systems. EbCA has been applied to two different case studies, showing its usability and versatility: 1) Bench-marking of small mental health areas based on technical efficiency estimated by <it>EbCA-Data Envelopment Analysis (EbCA-DEA)</it>, and 2) Case-mix of schizophrenia based on functional dependency using <it>Clustering Based on Rules (ClBR)</it>. In both cases comparisons towards classical procedures using qualitative explicit prior knowledge were made. Bayesian predictive validity measures were used for comparison with expert panels results. Overall agreement was tested by Intraclass Correlation Coefficient in case "1" and kappa in both cases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>EbCA is a new methodology composed by 6 steps:. 1) Data collection and data preparation; 2) acquisition of "Prior Expert Knowledge" (PEK) and design of the "Prior Knowledge Base" (PKB); 3) PKB-guided analysis; 4) support-interpretation tools to evaluate results and detect inconsistencies (here <it>Implicit Knowledg </it>-IK- might be elicited); 5) incorporation of elicited IK in PKB and repeat till a satisfactory solution; 6) post-processing results for decision support. EbCA has been useful for incorporating PEK in two different analysis methods (DEA and Clustering), applied respectively to assess technical efficiency of small mental health areas and for case-mix of schizophrenia based on functional dependency. Differences in results obtained with classical approaches were mainly related to the IK which could be elicited by using EbCA and had major implications for the decision making in both cases.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This paper presents EbCA and shows the convenience of completing classical data analysis with PEK as a mean to extract relevant knowledge in complex health domains. One of the major benefits of EbCA is iterative elicitation of IK.. Both explicit and tacit or implicit expert knowledge are critical to guide the scientific analysis of very complex decisional problems as those found in health system research.</p

    Shuttle system ascent aerodynamic and plume heating

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    The shuttle program provided a challenge to the aerothermodynamicist due to the complexity of the flow field around the vehicle during ascent, since the configuration causes multiple shock interactions between the elements. Wind tunnel tests provided data for the prediction of the ascent design heating environment which involves both plume and aerodynamic heating phenomena. The approach for the heating methodology based on ground test firings and the use of the wind tunnel data to formulate the math models is discussed

    Inspecting post-16 health and social care : with guidance on self-evaluation

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    Techno-economic projections for advanced small solar thermal electric power plants to years 1990-2000

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    Advanced technologies applicable to solar thermal electric power systems in the 1990-200 time-frame are delineated for power applications that fulfill a wide spectrum of small power needs with primary emphasis on power ratings less than 10MWe. Projections of power system characteristics (energy and capital costs as a function of capacity factor) are made based on development of identified promising technologies and are used as the basis for comparing technology development options and combinations of these options to determine developmental directions offering potential for significant improvements. Stirling engines, Brayton/Rankine combined cycles and storage/transport concepts encompassing liquid metals, and reversible-reaction chemical systems are considered for two-axis tracking systems such as the central receiver or power tower concept and distributed parabolic dish receivers which can provide efficient low-cost solar energy collection while achieving high temperatures for efficient energy conversion. Pursuit of advanced technology across a broad front can result in post-1985 solar thermal systems having the potential of approaching the goal of competitiveness with conventional power systems

    Project based learning on industrial informatics: applying IoT to urban garden

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    Copyright (c) 2018 IEEEThe fast evolution of technologies forces teachers to trade content off for self-learning. PBL is one of the best ways to promote self-learning and simultaneously boost motivation. In this paper, we present our experience introducing project-based learning in the last year subject. New Internet of Things (IoT) topic allows us to carry out complete projects, integrating different technologies and tools. Moreover, the selection of open-source and standard free technologies makes easy and cheap the access to hardware and software platforms used. We carefully have picked communication, data management, and programming tools that we think would be attractive to our students. They can start making fast prototyping with little initial skills and, at the same time, these are serious and popular tools widely used in the industry. In this paper, we report on the design of a project-based learning for our course and the impact this has on the student satisfaction and motivation. Surveys taught us that tuning the courses towards developing real projects on the field, has a large impact on acceptance, learning objectives achievements and motivation towards the course content.”I Plan Propio Integral de Docencia de la Universidad de Málaga” y Proyecto de Innovación Educativa PIE17/085, de la Universidad de Málaga. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Bringing Salary Transparency to the World: Computing Robust Compensation Insights via LinkedIn Salary

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    The recently launched LinkedIn Salary product has been designed with the goal of providing compensation insights to the world's professionals and thereby helping them optimize their earning potential. We describe the overall design and architecture of the statistical modeling system underlying this product. We focus on the unique data mining challenges while designing and implementing the system, and describe the modeling components such as Bayesian hierarchical smoothing that help to compute and present robust compensation insights to users. We report on extensive evaluation with nearly one year of de-identified compensation data collected from over one million LinkedIn users, thereby demonstrating the efficacy of the statistical models. We also highlight the lessons learned through the deployment of our system at LinkedIn.Comment: Conference information: ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017