135 research outputs found

    Prevention Of Session Hijacking And IP spoofing With Sensor Nodes And Cryptographic Approach

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    Many web applications available today make use of some way of session to be able to communicate between the server and client. Unfortunately, it is possible for an attacker to exploit session in order to impersonate another user at a web application. The session hijacking is the most common type of attack in the infrastructure type of network. The confidentially is not providing under this attack to user information. Session hijacking attack is launched by making fake access point. If we detect the fake access point then we can stop session hijacking, and various techniques had been proposed. In this paper, we are giving a new mechanism to detect the fake access point with the use of sensor nodes in the network. In this mechanism we are also giving the protection against IP Spoofing by the use of public private key cryptography key exchange algorithm. We also discuss the results through simulations in Network Simulator 2

    Wireless Network Security: Challenges, Threats and Solutions. A Critical Review

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    Abstract: Wireless security is the avoidance of unlawful access or impairment to computers using wireless networks. Securing wireless network has been a research in the past two decades without coming up with prior solution to which security method should be employed to prevent unlawful access of data. The aim of this study was to review some literatures on wireless security in the areas of attacks, threats, vulnerabilities and some solutions to deal with those problems. It was found that attackers (hackers) have different mechanisms to attack the networks through bypassing the security trap developed by organizations and they may use one weak pint to attack the whole network of an organization. However the author suggested using firewall in each wireless access point as the counter measure to protect data of the whole organization not to be attacked

    File management in a mobile DHT-based P2P environment

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    The emergence of mobile P2P systems is largely due to the evolution of mobile devices into powerful information processing units. The relatively structured context that results from the mapping of mobile patterns of behaviour onto P2P models is however constrained by the vulnerabilities of P2P networks and the inherent limitations of mobile devices. Whilst the implementation of P2P models gives rise to security and reliability issues, the deployment of mobile devices is subject to efficiency constraints. This paper presents the development and deployment of a mobile P2P system based on distributed hash tables (DHT). The secure, reliable and efficient dispersal of files is taken as an application. Reliability was addressed by providing two methods for file dispersal: replication and erasure coding. Security constraints were catered for by incorporating an authentication mechanism and three encryption schemes. Lightweight versions of various algorithms were selected in order to attend to efficiency requirements

    IEEE 802.11 i Security and Vulnerabilities

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    Despite using a variety of comprehensive preventive security measures, the Robust Secure Networks (RSNs) remain vulnerable to a number of attacks. Failure of preventive measures to address all RSN vulnerabilities dictates the need for enhancing the performance of Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems (WIDSs) to detect all attacks on RSNs with less false positive and false negative rates

    Breaktooth: Breaking Bluetooth Sessions Abusing Power-Saving Mode

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    With the increasing demand for Bluetooth devices, various Bluetooth devices support a power-saving mode to reduce power consumption. One of the features of the power-saving mode is that the Bluetooth sessions among devices are temporarily disconnected or close to being disconnected. Prior works have analyzed that the power-saving mode is vulnerable to denial of sleep (DoSL) attacks that interfere with the transition to the power-saving mode of Bluetooth devices, thereby increasing its power consumption. However, to the best of our knowledge, no prior work has analyzed vulnerabilities or attacks on the state after transitioning to the power-saving mode. To address this issue, we present an attack that abuses two novel vulnerabilities in sleep mode, which is one of the Bluetooth power-saving modes, to break Bluetooth sessions. We name the attack Breaktooth. The attack is the first to abuse the vulnerabilities as an entry point to hijack Bluetooth sessions between victims. The attack also allows overwriting the link key between the victims using the hijacked session, enabling arbitrary command injection on the victims. Furthermore, while many prior attacks assume that attackers can forcibly disconnect the Bluetooth session using methods such as jamming to launch their attacks, our attack does not require such assumptions, making it more realistic. In this paper, we present the root causes of the Breaktooth attack and their impact. We also provide the technical details of how attackers can secretly detect the sleep mode of their victims. The attackers can easily recognize the state of the victim\u27s Bluetooth session remotely using a standard Linux command. Additionally, we develop a low-cost toolkit to perform our attack and confirm the effectiveness of our attack. Then, we evaluate the attack on 13 types of commodity Bluetooth keyboards and mice that support the sleep mode and show that the attack poses a serious threat to Bluetooth devices supporting the sleep mode. To fix our attack, we present defenses and its proof-of-concept. We responsibly disclosed our findings to the Bluetooth SIG

    Optimization of BGP Convergence and Prefix Security in IP/MPLS Networks

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    Multi-Protocol Label Switching-based networks are the backbone of the operation of the Internet, that communicates through the use of the Border Gateway Protocol which connects distinct networks, referred to as Autonomous Systems, together. As the technology matures, so does the challenges caused by the extreme growth rate of the Internet. The amount of BGP prefixes required to facilitate such an increase in connectivity introduces multiple new critical issues, such as with the scalability and the security of the aforementioned Border Gateway Protocol. Illustration of an implementation of an IP/MPLS core transmission network is formed through the introduction of the four main pillars of an Autonomous System: Multi-Protocol Label Switching, Border Gateway Protocol, Open Shortest Path First and the Resource Reservation Protocol. The symbiosis of these technologies is used to introduce the practicalities of operating an IP/MPLS-based ISP network with traffic engineering and fault-resilience at heart. The first research objective of this thesis is to determine whether the deployment of a new BGP feature, which is referred to as BGP Prefix Independent Convergence (PIC), within AS16086 would be a worthwhile endeavour. This BGP extension aims to reduce the convergence delay of BGP Prefixes inside of an IP/MPLS Core Transmission Network, thus improving the networks resilience against faults. Simultaneously, the second research objective was to research the available mechanisms considering the protection of BGP Prefixes, such as with the implementation of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure and the Artemis BGP Monitor for proactive and reactive security of BGP prefixes within AS16086. The future prospective deployment of BGPsec is discussed to form an outlook to the future of IP/MPLS network design. As the trust-based nature of BGP as a protocol has become a distinct vulnerability, thus necessitating the use of various technologies to secure the communications between the Autonomous Systems that form the network to end all networks, the Internet

    Masquerading Techniques in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks

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    The airborne nature of wireless transmission offers a potential target for attackers to compromise IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). In this dissertation, we explore the current WLAN security threats and their corresponding defense solutions. In our study, we divide WLAN vulnerabilities into two aspects, client, and administrator. The client-side vulnerability investigation is based on examining the Evil Twin Attack (ETA) while our administrator side research targets Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2). Three novel techniques have been presented to detect ETA. The detection methods are based on (1) creating a secure connection to a remote server to detect the change of gateway\u27s public IP address by switching from one Access Point (AP) to another. (2) Monitoring multiple Wi-Fi channels in a random order looking for specific data packets sent by the remote server. (3) Merging the previous solutions into one universal ETA detection method using Virtual Wireless Clients (VWCs). On the other hand, we present a new vulnerability that allows an attacker to force the victim\u27s smartphone to consume data through the cellular network by starting the data download on the victim\u27s cell phone without the victim\u27s permission. A new scheme has been developed to speed up the active dictionary attack intensity on WPA2 based on two novel ideas. First, the scheme connects multiple VWCs to the AP at the same time-each VWC has its own spoofed MAC address. Second, each of the VWCs could try many passphrases using single wireless session. Furthermore, we present a new technique to avoid bandwidth limitation imposed by Wi-Fi hotspots. The proposed method creates multiple VWCs to access the WLAN. The combination of the individual bandwidth of each VWC results in an increase of the total bandwidth gained by the attacker. All proposal techniques have been implemented and evaluated in real-life scenarios

    Context Sensor Data on Demand for Mobile Users Supported by XMPP

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    Tänapäeval võimaldavad tehnoloogilised edusammud kasutaja käitumise seiremeetodites automatiseerida teatud arvutusülesandeid, mis täidetakse kasutaja kavatsust prognoosides. Nutitelefonid rikastavad mobiilseid rakendusi prognoosiva käitumisega kasutatavuses, mis võimaldab käitumismustritega sammu pidada. Üldiselt on sellist käitumist võimalik saavutada nutitelefoni enda vahenditega, kasutades telefoni sisse ehitatud mikromehaanilisi seadmeid, mis võimaldavad keskkonda tajuda. Lisaks võivad mobiilsed rakendused kasutaja mobiilse kogemuse rikastamiseks lõigata kasu keskkonda integreeritud hajuslausteenustest, nagu näiteks ümbrustundlike mängude, kodu automatiseerimise tarkvara jms puhul. Ent mobiilikasutajatele suunatud lausteenuseid pakkuvatel elektroonilistel seadmetel, mis koguvad sensorite abi keskkonnast informatsiooni, on teatavad riistvaralised piirangud (arvutusjõudlus, mälu, salvestusmeedia, energiatarbimine jne). Seega, lausüsteemid ei ole võimelised nõudluse suurenemisel skaleeruma ega rakendama suurt arvutusjõudlust. Töö eesmärgiks on pakkuda lahendus ületamaks skaleeruvuse, andmete terviklikkuse säilitamise ja vähese arvutusjõudluse probleeme ning rikastada nutitelefoni rakendusi detailsete kasutajapõhiste andmetega. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks transporditakse sensoritelt kogutud informatsioon optimiseeritud XMPP protokolli abiga Arduino mikrokontrollerist pilvesüsteemi. Süsteemi ehitamiseks kasutatakse Arduino poolt pakutavat odavat riistvara, samas kui pilvesüsteemi usaldusväärset ja kõrge kättesaadavusega vahendeid kasutatakse mikrokontrollerist saadetud andmete salvestamiseks ja edaspidiseks töötlemiseks. Töö käigus testiti mikrokontrolleri energia nõudlust, kasutades 9V patareid, nii juhtme kui ka juhtmevaba liidesega. Tulemused tõestasid eeldustele vastupidiselt, et juhtmevaba süsteemi energia nõudlus on suurem. Lisaks testiti vabavara XMPP serveri jõudlust pilvesüsteemi keskkonnas ning tulemused näitasid, et XMPP võimaldab üheaegselt serveerida suure hulga kasutajaid