14 research outputs found

    Modeling a thermomechanical NC-simulation

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    This paper presents a method for a NC-Simulation based prediction of shape errors caused by thermal expansions in machining of complex workpieces. In the first part of the paper the basic approach of modeling a thermomechanical NC-Simulation for a faster and more precise process simulation is shown. Therefore, a fast dexel based material removal simulation including process models for calculation of localized heat flux and forces is linked to a FE model for simulation of thermal conduction in the workpiece. Interdependencies of thermal process and workpiece conditions are considered by a closed simulation loop. In the second part of the paper the modeling of each component is explained. To consider thermomechanical effects in material removal simulation the dexel based workpiece model is extended by additional information like temperature and deformation in every dexel. An inverse projection of the workpiece deformation on a triangulated tool model allows consideration this effect by deformation of the tool model. Thereby, a realistic shape of the workpiece can be simulated. In addition, the current cutting conditions like area of undeformed chip-thickness or contact length are changed. This results in diversified cutting forces and heat fluxes. For a realistic simulation of the thermal conduction the dimensions of the FE model have to be adapted by a time dependent virtual domain method. In the last part of the paper, results of the simulation are compared to measured data. The comparison shows that process temperatures in different workpiece areas are predicted accurately

    Nonterrestrial utilization of materials: Automated space manufacturing facility

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    Four areas related to the nonterrestrial use of materials are included: (1) material resources needed for feedstock in an orbital manufacturing facility, (2) required initial components of a nonterrestrial manufacturing facility, (3) growth and productive capability of such a facility, and (4) automation and robotics requirements of the facility

    Un procedimiento de fabricación de uniones mecánicas de materiales disimilares mediante combinación de taladrado por fricción y roscado por laminación

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    201 p.Se presenta el resultado del trabajo realizado sobre el proceso de Taladrado por Fricción y Roscado por Laminación en combinación, para la consecución de uniones de materiales disimilares mediante atornillamiento sin tuercas, realizado en el Dpto. de Ingeniería Mecánica de la UPV/EHU. Con él se pretende complementar el conocimiento actual del proceso a través de su estudio experimental y su posterior caracterización, y de esta forma avanzar en la mejora de su robustez orientado hacia su posible aplicación industrial.Concretamente se ha trabajado sobre uniones de acero con aluminio, que son de gran dificultad de unión debido a sus muy diferentes puntos de fusión. Se ha determinado un método experimental que a futuro también puede extrapolarse a oros materiales. Se han comprobado aspectos de viabilidad, resistencia mecánica y corrosión galvánica.Al finalizar la tesis se puede considerar que se ha alcanzado un nivel de madurez equivalente a un TRL 4 (Technology Readines Level), sin apreciarse grandes problemas que invaliden este tipo de uniones

    Optimization of Operation Sequencing in CAPP Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Approach

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    In any CAPP system, one of the most important process planning functions is selection of the operations and corresponding machines in order to generate the optimal operation sequence. In this paper, the hybrid GA-SA algorithm is used to solve this combinatorial optimization NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial) problem. The network representation is adopted to describe operation and sequencing flexibility in process planning and the mathematical model for process planning is described with the objective of minimizing the production time. Experimental results show effectiveness of the hybrid algorithm that, in comparison with the GA and SA standalone algorithms, gives optimal operation sequence with lesser computational time and lesser number of iterations

    Optimization of Operation Sequencing in CAPP Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Approach

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    In any CAPP system, one of the most important process planning functions is selection of the operations and corresponding machines in order to generate the optimal operation sequence. In this paper, the hybrid GA-SA algorithm is used to solve this combinatorial optimization NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial) problem. The network representation is adopted to describe operation and sequencing flexibility in process planning and the mathematical model for process planning is described with the objective of minimizing the production time. Experimental results show effectiveness of the hybrid algorithm that, in comparison with the GA and SA standalone algorithms, gives optimal operation sequence with lesser computational time and lesser number of iterations

    Autonomous Navigation of Automated Guided Vehicle Using Monocular Camera

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    This paper presents a hybrid control algorithm for Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) consisting of two independent control loops: Position Based Control (PBC) for global navigation within manufacturing environment and Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) for fine motions needed for accurate steering towards loading/unloading point. The proposed hybrid control separates the initial transportation task into global navigation towards the goal point, and fine motion from the goal point to the loading/unloading point. In this manner, the need for artificial landmarks or accurate map of the environment is bypassed. Initial experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed approach.COBISS.SR-ID 27383808

    Autonomous Navigation of Automated Guided Vehicle Using Monocular Camera

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    This paper presents a hybrid control algorithm for Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) consisting of two independent control loops: Position Based Control (PBC) for global navigation within manufacturing environment and Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) for fine motions needed for accurate steering towards loading/unloading point. The proposed hybrid control separates the initial transportation task into global navigation towards the goal point, and fine motion from the goal point to the loading/unloading point. In this manner, the need for artificial landmarks or accurate map of the environment is bypassed. Initial experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed approach.COBISS.SR-ID 27383808

    Corrosion and Degradation of Materials

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    Studies on the corrosion and degradation of materials play a decisive role in the novel design and development of corrosion-resistant materials, the selection of materials used in harsh environments in designed lifespans, the invention of corrosion control methods and procedures (e.g., coatings, inhibitors), and the safety assessment and prediction of materials (i.e., modelling). These studies cover a wide range of research fields, including the calculation of thermodynamics, the characterization of microstructures, the investigation of mechanical and corrosion properties, the creation of corrosion coatings or inhibitors, and the establishment of corrosion modelling. This Special Issue is devoted to these types of studies, which facilitate the understanding of the corrosion fundamentals of materials in service, the development of corrosion coatings or methods, improving their durability, and eventually decreasing corrosion loss

    Advanced Automation for Space Missions

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    The feasibility of using machine intelligence, including automation and robotics, in future space missions was studied