930 research outputs found

    Temporal Properties of Liquid Crystal Displays: Implications for Vision Science Experiments

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    Liquid crystal displays (LCD) are currently replacing the previously dominant cathode ray tubes (CRT) in most vision science applications. While the properties of the CRT technology are widely known among vision scientists, the photometric and temporal properties of LCDs are unfamiliar to many practitioners. We provide the essential theory, present measurements to assess the temporal properties of different LCD panel types, and identify the main determinants of the photometric output. Our measurements demonstrate that the specifications of the manufacturers are insufficient for proper display selection and control for most purposes. Furthermore, we show how several novel display technologies developed to improve fast transitions or the appearance of moving objects may be accompanied by side–effects in some areas of vision research. Finally, we unveil a number of surprising technical deficiencies. The use of LCDs may cause problems in several areas in vision science. Aside from the well–known issue of motion blur, the main problems are the lack of reliable and precise onsets and offsets of displayed stimuli, several undesirable and uncontrolled components of the photometric output, and input lags which make LCDs problematic for real–time applications. As a result, LCDs require extensive individual measurements prior to applications in vision science

    High performance liquid crystal displays with a low dielectric constant material

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    We report high performance liquid crystal displays (LCDs), including fringe field switching (p-FFS) and in-plane switching (p-IPS), with a small average dielectric constant (epsilon) but positive dielectric anisotropy material. Our low e based p-FFS and p-IPS LCDs offer several attractive properties, such as high transmittance, low operation voltage, fast response time (even at -20 degrees C), which is particularly desirable for outdoor applications of mobile or wearable display devices, and suppressed flexoelectric effect. Combining these advantages with the inherent outstanding features, such as wide viewing angle, no grayscale inversion, negligible color shift, and pressure resistance, the low e LC based p-FFS and p-IPS are strong contenders for next-generation mobile displays, and high resolution and high frame rate TVs

    Limitations of visual gamma corrections in LCD displays

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    A method for estimating the non-linear gamma transfer function of liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) without the need of a photometric measurement device was described by Xiao et al. (2011) [1]. It relies on observer's judgments of visual luminance by presenting eight half-tone patterns with luminances from 1/9 to 8/9 of the maximum value of each colour channel. These half-tone patterns were distributed over the screen both over the vertical and horizontal viewing axes. We conducted a series of photometric and psychophysical measurements (consisting in the simultaneous presentation of half-tone patterns in each trial) to evaluate whether the angular dependency of the light generated by three different LCD technologies would bias the results of these gamma transfer function estimations. Our results show that there are significant differences between the gamma transfer functions measured and produced by observers at different viewing angles. We suggest appropriate modifications to the Xiao et al. paradigm to counterbalance these artefacts which also have the advantage of shortening the amount of time spent in collecting the psychophysical measurements

    A Remote Electricity Billing System

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    Electric power distribution is the most valuable part of electrical power system in the process of delivering electricity to consumer. Electric power companies are now-a-days adopting some advanced systems such as computer aided monitoring control and management of electric power, so that it can provide better services to electric consumers. This project results an approach to automate the electricity billing system. The concept of prepaid is one of the emerging fields for the paid service providers. The concept is becoming so popular because it has so many advantages. The services like electricity, gas, water telephone etc are now days get privatized. The service provider company some time incurs heavy losses due to non collection of bills. These service items cannot be recovered from the user after providing, so the concept of prepaid reduce risk and increase profitability. Also the bill collection infrastructure is not necessary which intern increase improve the efficiency of the service providing companies. The concept of prepaid starts in the manual form by receiving advance deposits but now due to the revolution of IT and electronics industry the manual recharging process is replaced with automatic and electronic recharging. The recharging methods can be with wire based like telephone line and also by using wireless technology like radio and bluetooth communication. The prepaid system is designed with a smart technology using microcontroller and the recharging process is by some method of communication. The Mobile based recharging is very attractive recharging system. The recharging can be done from any remote place without accessing the energy meter physically. This concept of remote charging makes the system more flexible

    Design of LCOS microdisplay backplanes for projection applications

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    De evolutie van licht emitterende diodes (LED) heeft ervoor gezorgd dat het op dit moment interessant wordt om deze componenten als lichtbron te gebruiken in projectiesystemen. LED’s hebben belangrijke voordelen vergeleken met klassieke booglampen. Ze zijn compact, ze hebben een veel grotere levensduur en ogenblikkelijke schakeltijden, ze werken op lage spanningen, etc. LED’s zijn smalbandig en kunnen een groterekleurenbereik realiseren. Ze hebben momenteel echter een beperkte helderheid. Naast de lichtbron is het type van de lichtklep ook bepalend voor de kwaliteit van een projectiesysteem. Er bestaan verschillende lichtkleptechnologieën waaronder die van de reflectieve LCOS-panelen. Deze lichtkleppen kunnen zeer hoge resoluties hebben en wordenvaak gebruikt in kwalitatieve, professionele projectiesystemen. LED’s zijn echter totaal verschillend van booglampen. Ze hebben een andere vorm, package, stralingspatroon, aansturing, fysische en thermische eigenschappen, etc. Hoewel er een twintigtal optische architecturen bekend zijn voor reflectieve beeldschermen (met een booglamp als lichtbron), zijn ze niet geschikt voor LED-projectoren en moeten nieuwe optische architecturen en een elektronische aansturing ontwikkeld worden. In dit doctoraat werd er hieromtrent onderzoek gedaan. Er werd uiteindelijk een driekleurenprojector (R, G, B) met een efficiënt LED-belichtingssysteem gebouwd met twee LCOS-lichtkleppen. Deze LEDprojector heeft superieure eigenschappen (zeer lange levensduur, beeldkwaliteit, etc.) en een matige lichtopbrengst

    Vertically aligned nematic liquid crystal microdisplays for projection applications

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    Переклад термінології у галузі електроніки, електротехніки та енергетики з англійської на українську мову

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    У посібнику подано аутентичні матеріали та вправи з письмового та усного перекладу в галузі електротехніки, електроніки та енергетики; тексти для самостійної роботи, контрольні завдання з перекладу, а також англо-український та українсько-англійський словник термінів та понять електротехніки, електроніки та енергетики. Розраховано на студентів спеціальності "Переклад (англійська мова)" і аспірантів технічних спеціальностей.The book presents authentic materials and exercises in written and oral translation in the field of electronics, electrical engineering and power engineering; texts for independent home translation, English–Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English vocabularies of specific terms. For the students of "Translation and Interpreting" departments and post-graduate students of technical specialities

    Inversion of perceived direction of motion caused by spatial undersampling in two children with periventricular leukomalacia

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    We report here two cases of two young diplegic patients with cystic periventricular leukomalacia who systematically, and with high sensitivity, perceive translational motion of a random-dot display in the opposite direction. The apparent inversion was specific for translation motion: Rotation and expansion motion were perceived correctly, with normal sensitivity. It was also specific for random-dot patterns, not occurring with gratings. For the one patient that we were able to test extensively, contrast sensitivity for static stimuli was normal, but was very low for direction discrimination at high spatial frequencies and all temporal frequencies. His optokinetic nystagmus movements were normal but he was unable to track a single translating target, indicating a perceptual origin of the tracking deficit. The severe deficit for motion perception was also evident in the seminatural situation of a driving simulation video game. The perceptual deficit for translational motion was reinforced by functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. Translational motion elicited no response in the MT complex, although it did produce a strong response in many visual areas when contrasted with blank stimuli. However, radial and rotational motion produced a normal pattern of activation in a subregion of the MT complex. These data reinforce the existent evidence for independent cortical processing for translational, and circular or radial flow motion, and further suggest that the two systems have different vulnerability and plasticity to prenatal damage. They also highlight the complexity of visual motion perception, and how the delicate balance of neural activity can lead to paradoxical effects such as consistent misperception of the direction of motion. We advance a possible explanation of a reduced spatial sampling of the motion stimuli and report a simple model that simulates well the experimental results