3,886 research outputs found

    A Wii Bit of Fun: A Novel Platform to Deliver Effective Balance Training to Older Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Falls and fall-related injuries are symptomatic of an aging population. This study aimed to design, develop, and deliver a novel method of balance training, using an interactive game-based system to promote engagement, with the inclusion of older adults at both high and low risk of experiencing a fall.STUDY DESIGN: Eighty-two older adults (65 years of age and older) were recruited from sheltered accommodation and local activity groups. Forty volunteers were randomly selected and received 5 weeks of balance game training (5 males, 35 females; mean, 77.18 ± 6.59 years), whereas the remaining control participants recorded levels of physical activity (20 males, 22 females; mean, 76.62 ± 7.28 years). The effect of balance game training was measured on levels of functional balance and balance confidence in individuals with and without quantifiable balance impairments.RESULTS: Balance game training had a significant effect on levels of functional balance and balance confidence (P Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Advantages and limitations of virtual reality for balance assessment and rehabilitation

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    International audienceVirtual reality (VR) is now commonly used in many domains because of its ability to provide a standardized, reproducible and controllable environment. In balance assessment, it can be used to control stimuli presented to patients and thus accurately evaluate their progression or compare them to different populations in standardized situations. In balance rehabilitation, VR allows the creation of new generation tools and at the same time the means to assess the efficiency of each parameter of these tools in order to optimize them. Moreover, with the development of low-cost devices, this rehabilitation can be continued at home, making access to these tools much easier, in addition to their entertaining and thus motivating properties. Nevertheless, and even more with low-cost systems, VR has limits that can alter the results of the studies that use it: the latency of the system (the delay cumulated on each step of the process from data acquisition on the patients to multimodal outputs); and distance perception, which tends to be underestimated in VR. After having described why VR is an essential tool for balance assessment and rehabilitation and illustrated this statement with a case study, this review discusses the previous works in the domain with regards to the technological limits of V

    Measurements by A LEAP-Based Virtual Glove for the hand rehabilitation

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    Hand rehabilitation is fundamental after stroke or surgery. Traditional rehabilitation requires a therapist and implies high costs, stress for the patient, and subjective evaluation of the therapy effectiveness. Alternative approaches, based on mechanical and tracking-based gloves, can be really effective when used in virtual reality (VR) environments. Mechanical devices are often expensive, cumbersome, patient specific and hand specific, while tracking-based devices are not affected by these limitations but, especially if based on a single tracking sensor, could suffer from occlusions. In this paper, the implementation of a multi-sensors approach, the Virtual Glove (VG), based on the simultaneous use of two orthogonal LEAP motion controllers, is described. The VG is calibrated and static positioning measurements are compared with those collected with an accurate spatial positioning system. The positioning error is lower than 6 mm in a cylindrical region of interest of radius 10 cm and height 21 cm. Real-time hand tracking measurements are also performed, analysed and reported. Hand tracking measurements show that VG operated in real-time (60 fps), reduced occlusions, and managed two LEAP sensors correctly, without any temporal and spatial discontinuity when skipping from one sensor to the other. A video demonstrating the good performance of VG is also collected and presented in the Supplementary Materials. Results are promising but further work must be done to allow the calculation of the forces exerted by each finger when constrained by mechanical tools (e.g., peg-boards) and for reducing occlusions when grasping these tools. Although the VG is proposed for rehabilitation purposes, it could also be used for tele-operation of tools and robots, and for other VR applications

    A review of the effectiveness of lower limb orthoses used in cerebral palsy

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    To produce this review, a systematic literature search was conducted for relevant articles published in the period between the date of the previous ISPO consensus conference report on cerebral palsy (1994) and April 2008. The search terms were 'cerebral and pals* (palsy, palsies), 'hemiplegia', 'diplegia', 'orthos*' (orthoses, orthosis) orthot* (orthotic, orthotics), brace or AFO

    Home-based risk of falling assessment test using a closed-loop balance model

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    The aim of this study is to improve and facilitate the methods used to assess risk of falling at home among older people through the computation of a risk of falling in real time in daily activities. In order to increase a real time computation of the risk of falling, a closed-loop balance model is proposed and compared with One-Leg Standing Test (OLST). This balance model allows studying the postural response of a person having an unpredictable perturbation. Twenty-nine volunteers participated in this study for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed system which includes seventeen elder participants: ten healthy elderly (68.4 ± 5.5 years), seven Parkinson’s disease (PD) subjects (66.28 ± 8.9 years), and twelve healthy young adults (28.27 ± 3.74 years). Our work suggests that there is a relationship between OLST score and the risk of falling based on center of pressure (COP) measurement with four low cost force sensors located inside an instrumented insole, which could be predicted using our suggested closed-loop balance model. For long term monitoring at home, this system could be included in a medical electronic record and could be useful as a diagnostic aid tool

    Kinect-based Solution for the Home Monitoring of Gait and Balance in Elderly People with and without Neurological Diseases

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    Alterations of gait and balance are a significant cause of falls, injuries, and consequent hospitalizations in the elderly. In addition to age-associated motor decline, other factors can impact gait and stability, including the motor dysfunctions caused by neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or hemiplegia after stroke. Monitoring changes and deterioration in gait patterns and balance is crucial for activating rehabilitation treatments and preventing serious consequences. This work presents a Kinect-based solution, suitable for domestic contexts, for assessing gait and balance in individuals at risk of falling. The system captures body movements during home acquisition sessions scheduled by clinicians at definite times of the day and automatically estimates specific functional parameters to objectively characterize the subjects’ performance. The system includes a graphical user interface designed to ensure usability in unsupervised contexts: the human-computer interaction mainly relies on natural body movements to support the self-management of the system, if the motor conditions allow it. This work presents the system’s features and facilities, and the preliminary results on healthy volunteers’ trials

    Vestibular rehabilitation for peripheral vestibular hypofunction: An updated clinical practice guideline from the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association

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    BACKGROUND: Uncompensated vestibular hypofunction can result in symptoms of dizziness, imbalance, and/or oscillopsia, gaze and gait instability, and impaired navigation and spatial orientation; thus, may negatively impact an individual\u27s quality of life, ability to perform activities of daily living, drive, and work. It is estimated that one-third of adults in the United States have vestibular dysfunction and the incidence increases with age. There is strong evidence supporting vestibular physical therapy for reducing symptoms, improving gaze and postural stability, and improving function in individuals with vestibular hypofunction. The purpose of this revised clinical practice guideline is to improve quality of care and outcomes for individuals with acute, subacute, and chronic unilateral and bilateral vestibular hypofunction by providing evidence-based recommendations regarding appropriate exercises. METHODS: These guidelines are a revision of the 2016 guidelines and involved a systematic review of the literature published since 2015 through June 2020 across 6 databases. Article types included meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control series, and case series for human subjects, published in English. Sixty-seven articles were identified as relevant to this clinical practice guideline and critically appraised for level of evidence. RESULTS: Based on strong evidence, clinicians should offer vestibular rehabilitation to adults with unilateral and bilateral vestibular hypofunction who present with impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions related to the vestibular deficit. Based on strong evidence and a preponderance of harm over benefit, clinicians should not include voluntary saccadic or smooth-pursuit eye movements in isolation (ie, without head movement) to promote gaze stability. Based on moderate to strong evidence, clinicians may offer specific exercise techniques to target identified activity limitations and participation restrictions, including virtual reality or augmented sensory feedback. Based on strong evidence and in consideration of patient preference, clinicians should offer supervised vestibular rehabilitation. Based on moderate to weak evidence, clinicians may prescribe weekly clinic visits plus a home exercise program of gaze stabilization exercises consisting of a minimum of: (1) 3 times per day for a total of at least 12 minutes daily for individuals with acute/subacute unilateral vestibular hypofunction; (2) 3 to 5 times per day for a total of at least 20 minutes daily for 4 to 6 weeks for individuals with chronic unilateral vestibular hypofunction; (3) 3 to 5 times per day for a total of 20 to 40 minutes daily for approximately 5 to 7 weeks for individuals with bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Based on moderate evidence, clinicians may prescribe static and dynamic balance exercises for a minimum of 20 minutes daily for at least 4 to 6 weeks for individuals with chronic unilateral vestibular hypofunction and, based on expert opinion, for a minimum of 6 to 9 weeks for individuals with bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Based on moderate evidence, clinicians may use achievement of primary goals, resolution of symptoms, normalized balance and vestibular function, or plateau in progress as reasons for stopping therapy. Based on moderate to strong evidence, clinicians may evaluate factors, including time from onset of symptoms, comorbidities, cognitive function, and use of medication that could modify rehabilitation outcomes. DISCUSSION: Recent evidence supports the original recommendations from the 2016 guidelines. There is strong evidence that vestibular physical therapy provides a clear and substantial benefit to individuals with unilateral and bilateral vestibular hypofunction. LIMITATIONS: The focus of the guideline was on peripheral vestibular hypofunction; thus, the recommendations of the guideline may not apply to individuals with central vestibular disorders. One criterion for study inclusion was that vestibular hypofunction was determined based on objective vestibular function tests. This guideline may not apply to individuals who report symptoms of dizziness, imbalance, and/or oscillopsia without a diagnosis of vestibular hypofunction. DISCLAIMER: These recommendations are intended as a guide to optimize rehabilitation outcomes for individuals undergoing vestibular physical therapy. The contents of this guideline were developed with support from the American Physical Therapy Association and the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy using a rigorous review process. The authors declared no conflict of interest and maintained editorial independence.Video Abstract available for more insights from the authors (see the Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1, available at: http://links.lww.com/JNPT/A369)

    Vibrotactile Sensory Augmentation and Machine Learning Based Approaches for Balance Rehabilitation

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    Vestibular disorders and aging can negatively impact balance performance. Currently, the most effective approach for improving balance is exercise-based balance rehabilitation. Despite its effectiveness, balance rehabilitation does not always result in a full recovery of balance function. In this dissertation, vibrotactile sensory augmentation (SA) and machine learning (ML) were studied as approaches for further improving balance rehabilitation outcomes. Vibrotactile SA provides a form of haptic cues to complement and/or replace sensory information from the somatosensory, visual and vestibular sensory systems. Previous studies have shown that people can reduce their body sway when vibrotactile SA is provided; however, limited controlled studies have investigated the retention of balance improvements after training with SA has ceased. The primary aim of this research was to examine the effects of supervised balance rehabilitation with vibrotactile SA. Two studies were conducted among people with unilateral vestibular disorders and healthy older adults to explore the use of vibrotactile SA for therapeutic and preventative purposes, respectively. The study among people with unilateral vestibular disorders provided six weeks of supervised in-clinic balance training. The findings indicated that training with vibrotactile SA led to additional body sway reduction for balance exercises with head movements, and the improvements were retained for up to six months. Training with vibrotactile SA did not lead to significant additional improvements in the majority of the clinical outcomes except for the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale. The study among older adults provided semi-supervised in-home balance rehabilitation training using a novel smartphone balance trainer. After completing eight weeks of balance training, participants who trained with vibrotactile SA showed significantly greater improvements in standing-related clinical outcomes, but not in gait-related clinical outcomes, compared with those who trained without SA. In addition to investigating the effects of long-term balance training with SA, we sought to study the effects of vibrotactile display design on people’s reaction times to vibrational cues. Among the various factors tested, the vibration frequency and tactor type had relatively small effects on reaction times, while stimulus location and secondary cognitive task had relatively large effects. Factors affected young and older adults’ reaction times in a similar manner, but with different magnitudes. Lastly, we explored the potential for ML to inform balance exercise progression for future applications of unsupervised balance training. We mapped body motion data measured by wearable inertial measurement units to balance assessment ratings provided by physical therapists. By training a multi-class classifier using the leave-one-participant-out cross-validation method, we found approximately 82% agreement among trained classifier and physical therapist assessments. The findings of this dissertation suggest that vibrotactile SA can be used as a rehabilitation tool to further improve a subset of clinical outcomes resulting from supervised balance rehabilitation training. Specifically, individuals who train with a SA device may have additional confidence in performing balance activities and greater postural stability, which could decrease their fear of falling and fall risk, and subsequently increase their quality of life. This research provides preliminary support for the hypothesized mechanism that SA promotes the central nervous system to reweight sensory inputs. The preliminary outcomes of this research also provide novel insights for unsupervised balance training that leverage wearable technology and ML techniques. By providing both SA and ML-based balance assessment ratings, the smart wearable device has the potential to improve individuals’ compliance and motivation for in-home balance training.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143901/1/baotian_1.pd
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