6 research outputs found

    Effect of inflation and permitted three-slot payment on two-warehouse inventory system with stock-dependent demand and partial backlogging

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    This study examines the effect of monetary inflation for a two-warehouse single-product inventory system, in which items are stored in a limited capacity Own Warehouse (OW) and an unlimited capacity Rental Warehouse (RW). Demand for an item is considered stock dependent. Items may deteriorate at a different constant rate in both warehouses. Shortages are allowed in the stock-out period and are partially backlogged and satisfied in the next replenishment point. The supplier permits flexible payment options for the retailer to pay the amount in three equal payments at different time points. The retailers' preferred payment option is as follows: the first payment is prior to the replenishment point with some discount; the second payment is one-third of the total purchasing cost, which is paid at the time of the replenishment epoch; and the third payment is after the replenishment point and before the start of the next cycle, with some penalty. The influence of inflation on the cost calculation is considered, and an analytic expression for optimal minimal cost is explicitly derived from this. We performed arrived sensitivity analysis to discern the effects of the inflation and backlogging rates, as well as the effects of the discount rate on purchasing cost, and the effects of penalties upon the late payment of purchasing costs in optimizing the total cost.Web of Science1021art. no. 394

    Inventory ordering policies for mixed sale of products under inspection policy, multiple prepayment, partial trade credit, payments linked to order quantity and full backordering

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    The situation where serviceable products are sold together with a proportion of deteriorating products to consumers is rarely discussed in the literature. This article proposes an inventory model with disparate inventory ordering policies under a situation where a portion of serviceable products and a portion of deteriorating products are sold together to consumers (i.e. mixed sales). The ordering policies consider a hybrid payment strategy with multiple prepayment and partial trade credit schemes linked to order quantity under situations where no inventory shortage is allowed and inventory shortage is allowed with full backorder. The hybrid payment policy offered by a supplier is introduced into the classical economic ordering quantity model to investigate the optimal inventory cycle and the fraction of demand that is filled from the deteriorating products under inspection policy. Further, a new solution method is proposed that identifies optimal annual total profit with mixed sales assuming no inventory shortage and inventory shortage with full backorder. The impact of an inspection policy is investigated on the optimality of the solution under hybrid payment strategies for the deteriorating products. The validation of the proposed model and its solution method is demonstrated through several numerical examples. The results indicate that the inventory model along with the solution method provide a powerful tool to the retail managers under real-world situations. Results demonstrate that it is essential for the managers to consider inclusion of an inspection policy in the mixed sales of products, as the inspection policy significantly increases the net annual profit

    Gestión logística y rentabilidad de inventarios en una empresa Retail de Nuevo Chimbote, 2022

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    Actualmente se vive un proceso de readaptación de los sistemas logísticos debido a los periodos de inactividad operativa presentes en los últimos años, los cuales han acrecentado la incertidumbre sobre cuánto es lo óptimo para satisfacer las necesidades del mercado, abriendo el umbral a problemáticas de sobre stock y quiebre dentro de las empresas. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la gestión logística enfocada en el control de inventarios para establecer su relación con la rentabilidad de inventarios en una empresa del sector retail en Nuevo Chimbote. La investigación fue aplicada y mantuvo un diseño no experimental descriptivo, desarrollada con el propósito de determinar los efectos de la gestión logística en la rentabilidad de los inventarios, implementando un instrumento de recolección de datos, el método probabilístico Montecarlo y el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. En conclusión, no existe una relación entre los incidentes en la operación de sistemas logísticos y la rentabilidad de inventarios puestos que p-valor>0,00

    Advances in Optimization and Nonlinear Analysis

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    The present book focuses on that part of calculus of variations, optimization, nonlinear analysis and related applications which combines tools and methods from partial differential equations with geometrical techniques. More precisely, this work is devoted to nonlinear problems coming from different areas, with particular reference to those introducing new techniques capable of solving a wide range of problems. The book is a valuable guide for researchers, engineers and students in the field of mathematics, operations research, optimal control science, artificial intelligence, management science and economics