15 research outputs found

    Get Out of the Valley: Power-Efficient Address Mapping for GPUs

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    GPU memory systems adopt a multi-dimensional hardware structure to provide the bandwidth necessary to support 100s to 1000s of concurrent threads. On the software side, GPU-compute workloads also use multi-dimensional structures to organize the threads. We observe that these structures can combine unfavorably and create significant resource imbalance in the memory subsystem causing low performance and poor power-efficiency. The key issue is that it is highly application-dependent which memory address bits exhibit high variability. To solve this problem, we first provide an entropy analysis approach tailored for the highly concurrent memory request behavior in GPU-compute workloads. Our window-based entropy metric captures the information content of each address bit of the memory requests that are likely to co-exist in the memory system at runtime. Using this metric, we find that GPU-compute workloads exhibit entropy valleys distributed throughout the lower order address bits. This indicates that efficient GPU-address mapping schemes need to harvest entropy from broad address-bit ranges and concentrate the entropy into the bits used for channel and bank selection in the memory subsystem. This insight leads us to propose the Page Address Entropy (PAE) mapping scheme which concentrates the entropy of the row, channel and bank bits of the input address into the bank and channel bits of the output address. PAE maps straightforwardly to hardware and can be implemented with a tree of XOR-gates. PAE improves performance by 1.31 x and power-efficiency by 1.25 x compared to state-of-the-art permutation-based address mapping

    Power-aware caches for GPGPUs

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    In this thesis, we propose two optimization techniques to reduce power consumption in L1 caches (data, texture and constant), shared memory and L2 cache. The first optimization technique targets static power. Evaluation of GPGPU applications shows that once a cache block is accessed by a thread, it takes several hundreds of clock cycles until the same block is accessed again. The long inter-access cycle can be used to put cache cells into drowsy mode and reduce static power. While drowsy cells reduce static power, they increase access time as voltage of a cache cell in drowsy mode should be raised before the block can be accessed. To mitigate performance impact of drowsy cells, we propose a novel technique called coarse grained drowsy mode. In coarse grained drowsy mode, we partition each cache into regions of consecutive cache blocks and wake up a region upon cache access. Due to temporal and spatial locality of cache accesses, this method dramatically reduces performance impact caused by drowsy cells. The second optimization technique relies on branch divergence in GPGPUs. The execution model in GPGPUs is Single Instruction Multiple Thread (SIMT) which means processing cores execute the same instruction with different data for GPGPU threads. The SIMT execution model may result in divergence of threads when a control instruction is executed. GPGPUs execute branch instructions in two phases. In the first phase, threads in the taken path are active and the rest are idle. In the second phase, threads in the not-taken path are executed and the rest are idle. Contemporary GPGPUs access all portions of cache blocks, although some threads are idle due to branch divergence. We propose accessing only portions of cache blocks corresponding to active threads. By disabling unnecessary sections of cache blocks, we are able to reduce dynamic power of caches. Our results show that on average, the two optimization techniques together reduce power of caches by up to 98% and 15% for static and dynamic power, respectively

    IMP: Indirect Memory Prefetcher

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    Machine learning, graph analytics and sparse linear algebra-based applications are dominated by irregular memory accesses resulting from following edges in a graph or non-zero elements in a sparse matrix. These accesses have little temporal or spatial locality, and thus incur long memory stalls and large bandwidth requirements. A traditional streaming or striding prefetcher cannot capture these irregular access patterns. A majority of these irregular accesses come from indirect patterns of the form A[B[i]]. We propose an efficient hardware indirect memory prefetcher (IMP) to capture this access pattern and hide latency. We also propose a partial cacheline accessing mechanism for these prefetches to reduce the network and DRAM bandwidth pressure from the lack of spatial locality. Evaluated on 7 applications, IMP shows 56% speedup on average (up to 2.3×) compared to a baseline 64 core system with streaming prefetchers. This is within 23% of an idealized system. With partial cacheline accessing, we see another 9.4% speedup on average (up to 46.6%).Intel Science and Technology Center for Big Dat

    Improving GPGPU Energy-Efficiency through Concurrent Kernel Execution and DVFS

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    Irregular accesses reorder unit: improving GPGPU memory coalescing for graph-based workloads

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    GPGPU architectures have become the dominant platform for massively parallel workloads, delivering high performance and energy efficiency for popular applications such as machine learning, computer vision or self-driving cars. However, irregular applications, such as graph processing, fail to fully exploit GPGPU resources due to their divergent memory accesses that saturate the memory hierarchy. To reduce the pressure on the memory subsystem for divergent memory-intensive applications, programmers must take into account SIMT execution model and memory coalescing in GPGPUs, devoting significant efforts in complex optimization techniques. Despite these efforts, we show that irregular graph processing still suffers from low GPGPU performance. We observe that in many irregular applications the mapping of data to threads can be safely changed. In other words, it is possible to relax the strict relationship between thread and data processed to reduce memory divergence. Based on this observation, we propose the Irregular accesses Reorder Unit (IRU), a novel hardware extension tightly integrated in the GPGPU pipeline. The IRU reorders data processed by the threads on irregular accesses to improve memory coalescing, i.e., it tries to assign data elements to threads as to produce coalesced accesses in SIMT groups. Furthermore, the IRU is capable of filtering and merging duplicated accesses, significantly reducing the workload. Programmers can easily utilize the IRU with a simple API, or let the compiler issue instructions from our extended ISA. We evaluate our proposal for state-of-the-art graph-based algorithms and a wide selection of applications. Results show that the IRU achieves a memory coalescing improvement of 1.32x and a 46% reduction in the overall traffic in the memory hierarchy, which results in 1.33x speedup and 13% energy savings on average, while incurring in a small 5.6% area overhead.This work has been supported by the CoCoUnit ERC Advanced Grant of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program (grant No 833057), the Spanish State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) under grant PID2020-113172RB-I00 and the ICREA Academia program.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reducing off-chip memory accesses of wavefront parallel programs in Graphics Processing Units

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    2014 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.The power wall is one of the major barriers that stands on the way to exascale computing. To break the power wall, overall system power/energy must be reduced, without affecting the performance. We can decrease energy consumption by designing power efficient hardware and/or software. In this thesis, we present a software approach to lower energy consumption of programs targeted for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The main idea is to reduce energy consumption by minimizing the amount of off-chip (global) memory accesses. Off-chip memory accesses can be minimized by improving the last level (L2) cache hits. A wavefront is a set of data/tiles that can be processed concurrently. A kernel is a function that get executed in GPU. We propose a novel approach to implement wavefront parallel programs on GPUs. Instead of using one kernel call per wavefront like in the traditional implementation, we use one kernel call for the whole program and organize the order of computations in such a way that L2 cache reuse is achieved. A strip of wavefronts (or a pass) is a collection of partial wavefronts. We exploit the non-preemptive behavior of the thread block scheduler to process a strip of wavefronts (i.e., a pass) instead of processing a complete wavefront at a time. The data transfered by a partial wavefront in a pass is small enough to fit in L2 cache, so that, successive partial wavefronts in the pass reuse the data in L2 cache. Hence the number of off-chip memory accesses is significantly pruned. We also introduce a technique to communicate and synchronize between two thread blocks without limiting the number of thread blocks per kernel or SM. This technique is used to maintain the order of wavefronts. We have analytically shown and experimentally validated the amount of reduction in off-chip memory accesses in our approach. The off-chip memory reads and writes are decreased by a factor of 45 and 3 respectively. We have shown that if GPUs incorporate L2 cache with write-back cache write policy, then off-chip memory writes also get reduced by a factor of 45. Our approach provides 98% and 74% L2 cache read hits and total cache hits respectively and the traditional approach reports only 2% and 1% respectively

    Mascar: Speeding up GPU Warps by Reducing Memory Pitstops

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    Abstract-With the prevalence of GPUs as throughput engines for data parallel workloads, the landscape of GPU computing is changing significantly. Non-graphics workloads with high memory intensity and irregular access patterns are frequently targeted for acceleration on GPUs. While GPUs provide large numbers of compute resources, the resources needed for memory intensive workloads are more scarce. Therefore, managing access to these limited memory resources is a challenge for GPUs. We propose a novel Memory Aware Scheduling and Cache Access Re-execution (Mascar) system on GPUs tailored for better performance for memory intensive workloads. This scheme detects memory saturation and prioritizes memory requests among warps to enable better overlapping of compute and memory accesses. Furthermore, it enables limited re-execution of memory instructions to eliminate structural hazards in the memory subsystem and take advantage of cache locality in cases where requests cannot be sent to the memory due to memory saturation. Our results show that Mascar provides a 34% speedup over the baseline roundrobin scheduler and 10% speedup over the state of the art warp schedulers for memory intensive workloads. Mascar also achieves an average of 12% savings in energy for such workloads