29 research outputs found

    Line-distortion, Bandwidth and Path-length of a graph

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    We investigate the minimum line-distortion and the minimum bandwidth problems on unweighted graphs and their relations with the minimum length of a Robertson-Seymour's path-decomposition. The length of a path-decomposition of a graph is the largest diameter of a bag in the decomposition. The path-length of a graph is the minimum length over all its path-decompositions. In particular, we show: - if a graph GG can be embedded into the line with distortion kk, then GG admits a Robertson-Seymour's path-decomposition with bags of diameter at most kk in GG; - for every class of graphs with path-length bounded by a constant, there exist an efficient constant-factor approximation algorithm for the minimum line-distortion problem and an efficient constant-factor approximation algorithm for the minimum bandwidth problem; - there is an efficient 2-approximation algorithm for computing the path-length of an arbitrary graph; - AT-free graphs and some intersection families of graphs have path-length at most 2; - for AT-free graphs, there exist a linear time 8-approximation algorithm for the minimum line-distortion problem and a linear time 4-approximation algorithm for the minimum bandwidth problem

    Massively Parallel Computation and Sublinear-Time Algorithms for Embedded Planar Graphs

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    While algorithms for planar graphs have received a lot of attention, few papers have focused on the additional power that one gets from assuming an embedding of the graph is available. While in the classic sequential setting, this assumption gives no additional power (as a planar graph can be embedded in linear time), we show that this is far from being the case in other settings. We assume that the embedding is straight-line, but our methods also generalize to non-straight-line embeddings. Specifically, we focus on sublinear-time computation and massively parallel computation (MPC). Our main technical contribution is a sublinear-time algorithm for computing a relaxed version of an rr-division. We then show how this can be used to estimate Lipschitz additive graph parameters. This includes, for example, the maximum matching, maximum independent set, or the minimum dominating set. We also show how this can be used to solve some property testing problems with respect to the vertex edit distance. In the second part of our paper, we show an MPC algorithm that computes an rr-division of the input graph. We show how this can be used to solve various classical graph problems with space per machine of O(n2/3+ϵ)O(n^{2/3+\epsilon}) for some ϵ>0\epsilon>0, and while performing O(1)O(1) rounds. This includes for example approximate shortest paths or the minimum spanning tree. Our results also imply an improved MPC algorithm for Euclidean minimum spanning tree

    The Complexity of Geodesic Spanners

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    Approximate Distance Sensitivity Oracles in Subquadratic Space

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    An ff-edge fault-tolerant distance sensitive oracle (ff-DSO) with stretch σ1\sigma \ge 1 is a data structure that preprocesses a given undirected, unweighted graph GG with nn vertices and mm edges, and a positive integer ff. When queried with a pair of vertices s,ts, t and a set FF of at most ff edges, it returns a σ\sigma-approximation of the ss-tt-distance in GFG-F. We study ff-DSOs that take subquadratic space. Thorup and Zwick [JACM 2015] showed that this is only possible for σ3\sigma \ge 3. We present, for any constant f1f \ge 1 and α(0,12)\alpha \in (0, \frac{1}{2}), and any ε>0\varepsilon > 0, an ff-DSO with stretch 3+ε 3 + \varepsilon that takes O~(n2αf+1/ε)O(logn/ε)f+1\widetilde{O}(n^{2-\frac{\alpha}{f+1}}/\varepsilon) \cdot O(\log n/\varepsilon)^{f+1} space and has an O(nα/ε2)O(n^\alpha/\varepsilon^2) query time. We also give an improved construction for graphs with diameter at most DD. For any constant kk, we devise an ff-DSO with stretch 2k12k-1 that takes O(Df+o(1)n1+1/k)O(D^{f+o(1)} n^{1+1/k}) space and has O~(Do(1))\widetilde{O}(D^{o(1)}) query time, with a preprocessing time of O(Df+o(1)mn1/k)O(D^{f+o(1)} mn^{1/k}). Chechik, Cohen, Fiat, and Kaplan [SODA 2017] presented an ff-DSO with stretch 1+ε1{+}\varepsilon and preprocessing time Oε(n5+o(1))O_\varepsilon(n^{5+o(1)}), albeit with a super-quadratic space requirement. We show how to reduce their preprocessing time to Oε(mn2+o(1))O_{\varepsilon}(mn^{2+o(1)}).Comment: accepted at STOC 202

    The Complexity of Geodesic Spanners

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    A geometric t-spanner for a set S of n point sites is an edge-weighted graph for which the (weighted) distance between any two sites p, q ∈ S is at most t times the original distance between p and q. We study geometric t-spanners for point sets in a constrained two-dimensional environment P. In such cases, the edges of the spanner may have non-constant complexity. Hence, we introduce a novel spanner property: the spanner complexity, that is, the total complexity of all edges in the spanner. Let S be a set of n point sites in a simple polygon P with m vertices. We present an algorithm to construct, for any constant ε > 0 and fixed integer k ≥ 1, a (2k + ε)-spanner with complexity O(mn1/k + n log2 n) in O(n log2 n + m log n + K) time, where K denotes the output complexity. When we consider sites in a polygonal domain P with holes, we can construct such a (2k + ε)-spanner of similar complexity in O(n2 log m + nm log m + K) time. Additionally, for any constant ε ∈ (0, 1) and integer constant t ≥ 2, we show a lower bound for the complexity of any (t − ε)-spanner of (Equation presented)

    On the Stretch Factor of Polygonal Chains

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    Let P=(p1,p2,,pn)P=(p_1, p_2, \dots, p_n) be a polygonal chain. The stretch factor of PP is the ratio between the total length of PP and the distance of its endpoints, i=1n1pipi+1/p1pn\sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} |p_i p_{i+1}|/|p_1 p_n|. For a parameter c1c \geq 1, we call PP a cc-chain if pipj+pjpkcpipk|p_ip_j|+|p_jp_k| \leq c|p_ip_k|, for every triple (i,j,k)(i,j,k), 1i<j<kn1 \leq i<j<k \leq n. The stretch factor is a global property: it measures how close PP is to a straight line, and it involves all the vertices of PP; being a cc-chain, on the other hand, is a fingerprint-property: it only depends on subsets of O(1)O(1) vertices of the chain. We investigate how the cc-chain property influences the stretch factor in the plane: (i) we show that for every ε>0\varepsilon > 0, there is a noncrossing cc-chain that has stretch factor Ω(n1/2ε)\Omega(n^{1/2-\varepsilon}), for sufficiently large constant c=c(ε)c=c(\varepsilon); (ii) on the other hand, the stretch factor of a cc-chain PP is O(n1/2)O\left(n^{1/2}\right), for every constant c1c\geq 1, regardless of whether PP is crossing or noncrossing; and (iii) we give a randomized algorithm that can determine, for a polygonal chain PP in R2\mathbb{R}^2 with nn vertices, the minimum c1c\geq 1 for which PP is a cc-chain in O(n2.5 polylog n)O\left(n^{2.5}\ {\rm polylog}\ n\right) expected time and O(nlogn)O(n\log n) space.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Algorithms and complexity analyses for some combinational optimization problems

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    The main focus of this dissertation is on classical combinatorial optimization problems in two important areas: scheduling and network design. In the area of scheduling, the main interest is in problems in the master-slave model. In this model, each machine is either a master machine or a slave machine. Each job is associated with a preprocessing task, a slave task and a postprocessing task that must be executed in this order. Each slave task has a dedicated slave machine. All the preprocessing and postprocessing tasks share a single master machine or the same set of master machines. A job may also have an arbitrary release time before which the preprocessing task is not available to be processed. The main objective in this dissertation is to minimize the total completion time or the makespan. Both the complexity and algorithmic issues of these problems are considered. It is shown that the problem of minimizing the total completion time is strongly NP-hard even under severe constraints. Various efficient algorithms are designed to minimize the total completion time under various scenarios. In the area of network design, the survivable network design problems are studied first. The input for this problem is an undirected graph G = (V, E), a non-negative cost for each edge, and a nonnegative connectivity requirement ruv for every (unordered) pair of vertices &ruv. The goal is to find a minimum-cost subgraph in which each pair of vertices u,v is joined by at least ruv edge (vertex)-disjoint paths. A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) is designed for the problem when the graph is Euclidean and the connectivity requirement of any point is at most 2. PTASs or Quasi-PTASs are also designed for 2-edge-connectivity problem and biconnectivity problem and their variations in unweighted or weighted planar graphs. Next, the problem of constructing geometric fault-tolerant spanners with low cost and bounded maximum degree is considered. The first result shows that there is a greedy algorithm which constructs fault-tolerant spanners having asymptotically optimal bounds for both the maximum degree and the total cost at the same time. Then an efficient algorithm is developed which finds fault-tolerant spanners with asymptotically optimal bound for the maximum degree and almost optimal bound for the total cost

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum

    A restricted L(2, 1)-labelling problem on interval graphs

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    In a graph G = (V, E), L(2, 1)-labelling is considered by a function ` whose domain is V and codomain is set of non-negative integers with a condition that the vertices which are adjacent assign labels whose difference is at least two and the vertices whose distance is two, assign distinct labels. The difference between maximum and minimum labels among all possible labels is denoted by λ2,1(G). This paper contains a variant of L(2, 1)-labelling problem. In L(2, 1)-labelling problem, all the vertices are L(2, 1)-labeled by least number of labels. In this paper, maximum allowable label K is given. The problem is: L(2, 1)-label the vertices of G by using the labels {0, 1, 2, . . . , K} such that maximum number of vertices get label. If K labels are adequate for labelling all the vertices of the graph then all vertices get label, otherwise some vertices remains unlabeled. An algorithm is designed to solve this problem. The algorithm is also illustrated by examples. Also, an algorithm is designed to test whether an interval graph is no hole label or not for the purpose of L(2, 1)-labelling.Publisher's Versio