Approximate Distance Sensitivity Oracles in Subquadratic Space


An ff-edge fault-tolerant distance sensitive oracle (ff-DSO) with stretch σ1\sigma \ge 1 is a data structure that preprocesses a given undirected, unweighted graph GG with nn vertices and mm edges, and a positive integer ff. When queried with a pair of vertices s,ts, t and a set FF of at most ff edges, it returns a σ\sigma-approximation of the ss-tt-distance in GFG-F. We study ff-DSOs that take subquadratic space. Thorup and Zwick [JACM 2015] showed that this is only possible for σ3\sigma \ge 3. We present, for any constant f1f \ge 1 and α(0,12)\alpha \in (0, \frac{1}{2}), and any ε>0\varepsilon > 0, an ff-DSO with stretch 3+ε 3 + \varepsilon that takes O~(n2αf+1/ε)O(logn/ε)f+1\widetilde{O}(n^{2-\frac{\alpha}{f+1}}/\varepsilon) \cdot O(\log n/\varepsilon)^{f+1} space and has an O(nα/ε2)O(n^\alpha/\varepsilon^2) query time. We also give an improved construction for graphs with diameter at most DD. For any constant kk, we devise an ff-DSO with stretch 2k12k-1 that takes O(Df+o(1)n1+1/k)O(D^{f+o(1)} n^{1+1/k}) space and has O~(Do(1))\widetilde{O}(D^{o(1)}) query time, with a preprocessing time of O(Df+o(1)mn1/k)O(D^{f+o(1)} mn^{1/k}). Chechik, Cohen, Fiat, and Kaplan [SODA 2017] presented an ff-DSO with stretch 1+ε1{+}\varepsilon and preprocessing time Oε(n5+o(1))O_\varepsilon(n^{5+o(1)}), albeit with a super-quadratic space requirement. We show how to reduce their preprocessing time to Oε(mn2+o(1))O_{\varepsilon}(mn^{2+o(1)}).Comment: accepted at STOC 202

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