21,998 research outputs found

    An optimal feedback model to prevent manipulation behaviours in consensus under social network group decision making

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.A novel framework to prevent manipulation behaviour in consensus reaching process under social network group decision making is proposed, which is based on a theoretically sound optimal feedback model. The manipulation behaviour classification is twofold: (1) ‘individual manipulation’ where each expert manipulates his/her own behaviour to achieve higher importance degree (weight); and (2) ‘group manipulation’ where a group of experts force inconsistent experts to adopt specific recommendation advices obtained via the use of fixed feedback parameter. To counteract ‘individual manipulation’, a behavioural weights assignment method modelling sequential attitude ranging from ‘dictatorship’ to ‘democracy’ is developed, and then a reasonable policy for group minimum adjustment cost is established to assign appropriate weights to experts. To prevent ‘group manipulation’, an optimal feedback model with objective function the individual adjustments cost and constraints related to the threshold of group consensus is investigated. This approach allows the inconsistent experts to balance group consensus and adjustment cost, which enhances their willingness to adopt the recommendation advices and consequently the group reaching consensus on the decision making problem at hand. A numerical example is presented to illustrate and verify the proposed optimal feedback model

    Towards better concordance among contextualized evaluations in FAST-GDM problems

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    A flexible attribute-set group decision-making (FAST-GDM) problem consists in finding the most suitable option(s) out of the options under consideration, with a general agreement among a heterogeneous group of experts who can focus on different attributes to evaluate those options. An open challenge in FAST-GDM problems is to design consensus reaching processes (CRPs) by which the participants can perform evaluations with a high level of consensus. To address this challenge, a novel algorithm for reaching consensus is proposed in this paper. By means of the algorithm, called FAST-CR-XMIS, a participant can reconsider his/her evaluations after studying the most influential samples that have been shared by others through contextualized evaluations. Since exchanging those samples may make participants’ understandings more like each other, an increase of the level of consensus is expected. A simulation of a CRP where contextualized evaluations of newswire stories are characterized as augmented intuitionistic fuzzy sets (AIFS) shows how FAST-CR-XMIS can increase the level of consensus among the participants during the CRP

    Large-scale consensus with endo-confidence under probabilistic linguistic circumstance and its application

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    In real decision-making problems, decision makers (DMs) usually select the most potential project from several ones. However, they unconsciously show different confidence levels in decisionmaking process because they come from various backgrounds and have different experiences, etc., which affects the decision results. Moreover, the probabilistic linguistic term set, which not only includes the linguistic expressions used by DMs in their daily life but also contains the probability for each linguistic term, can well portray the real perceptions of DMs for the projects. Furthermore, large-scale consensus has gradually been a popular way to effectively solve complex decision-making problems. To sum up, in this paper, we are dedicated to constructing a largescale consensus model considering the confidence levels of DMs under probabilistic linguistic circumstance. Firstly, the endo-confidence is defined and measured by DM’s probabilistic linguistic information. Then, the DMs are clustered according to the similarities of both evaluation information and the endo-confidence levels. Both evaluation of the non-consensus cluster and evaluation integrated by the clusters with higher endo-confidence level than this non-consensus cluster are used as the reference to adjust its evaluation information. Then, a case study and the comparative analysis are carried out. Finally, some conclusions and future work are given

    Towards more school based training?

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    Reasons for Innovation: Legitimizing Resource Mobilization for Innovation in the Case of Okochi Memorial Prize Winners

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    This paper addresses reasons for innovation. Innovation requires resources to transform new ideas into products/services to be sold in the market and diffused in society. Yet in the earlier stage of innovation process uncertainty always prevails both technologically and economically. There is no objective consensus that the new idea will succeed in the end. It is thus necessary for those people who want to realize the innovation to show others both inside and outside the firm legitimate reasons for mobilizing their precious resources, including people, materials, facilities, and money, throughout the process toward commercialization. How do firms legitimize the resource mobilization for innovation? Drawing on 18 case studies on Okochi Memorial Prize winners, which our joint research project has carried out over last five years, and building upon the existing literature on internal corporate venturing, new ventures, and other related issues, this paper examines the innovation process of established Japanese firms from idea generation to commercialization with a primary focus on the process by which resource mobilization was legitimized.

    Quality in crowdsourced experience-based evaluations : handling subjective responses

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    Experience-based evaluations (XBEs) are appraisals based on what someone has understood or learned about a topic by experience. Although XBEs can be highly subjective, imprecise, and diverse, information extracted from them can result in significant benefits for companies and organizations. However, handling XBEs can entail several challenges especially when potential data quality issues, such as a lack of reliability on XBEs provided by a large and heterogeneous group of (anonymous) sources, need to be handled. In this dissertation, challenges connected with the characterization, processing and quality of XBEs have been handled. Thereby, it is studied if and how existing and novel concepts and methods in the area of computational intelligence can be used to characterize and process XBEs in such a way that one can adequately handle data quality issues on subjective data provided by a large and heterogeneous group of respondents. It has been shown that existing and novel concepts and methods connected to fuzzy set theory, which aims to find approximate, achievable and robust solutions, can be used to address these challenges. Among the novel proposed concepts, augmented appraisal degrees and augmented (Atanassov) intuitionistic fuzzy sets are deemed to be the most important contributions of this dissertation

    Grading of parameters for urban tree inventories by city officials, arborists and academics using the Delphi method

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    Tree inventories are expensive to conduct and update, so every inventory carried out must be maximized. However, increasing the number of constituent parameters increases the cost of performing and updating the inventory, illustrating the need for careful parameter selection. This paper reports the results of a systematic expert rating of tree inventories aiming to quantify the relative importance of each parameter. Using the Delphi method, panels comprising city officials, arborists and academics rated a total of 148 parameters. In order of total mean score, the top ranking parameters, which can serve as a guide for decision-making at practical level and for standardization of tree inventories, were: Scientific name of the tree species and genera, Vitality, Coordinates, Hazard class and Identification number. The study also examined whether the different responsibilities and usage of urban tree databases among organizations and people engaged in urban tree inventories affected their prioritization. The results revealed noticeable dissimilarities in the ranking of parameters between the panels, underlining the need for collaboration between the research community and those commissioning, administrating and conducting inventories. Only by applying such a transdisciplinary approach to parameter selection can urban tree inventories be strengthened and made more relevant

    Managing Non-Homogeneous Information and Experts’ Psychological Behavior in Group Emergency Decision Making

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    After an emergency event (EE) happens, emergency decision making (EDM) is a common and effective way to deal with the emergency situation, which plays an important role in mitigating its level of harm. In the real world, it is a big challenge for an individual emergency manager (EM) to make a proper and comprehensive decision for coping with an EE. Consequently, many practical EDM problems drive group emergency decision making (GEDM) problems whose main limitations are related to the lack of flexibility in knowledge elicitation, disagreements in the group and the consideration of experts’ psychological behavior in the decision process. Hence, this paper proposes a novel GEDM approach that allows more flexibility for preference elicitation under uncertainty, provides a consensus process to avoid disagreements and considers experts’ psychological behavior by using the fuzzy TODIM method based on prospect theory. Eventually, a group decision support system (GDSS) is developed to support the whole GEDM process defined in the proposed method demonstrating its novelty, validity and feasibility.This work was partly supported by the Young Doctoral Dissertation Project of Social Science Planning Project of Fujian Province (Project No. FJ2016C202), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Nos. 71371053, 61773123), Spanish National Research Project (Project No. TIN2015-66524-P), and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance Postdoctoral Fellow (IJCI-2015-23715) and ERDF

    A social network based approach for consensus achievement in multiperson decision making

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Nowadays we are living the apogee of the Internet based technologies and consequently web 2.0 communities, where a large number of users interact in real time and share opinions and knowledge, is a generalized phenomenon. This type of social networks communities constitute a challenge scenario from the point of view of Group Decision Making approaches, because it involves a large number of agents coming from different backgrounds and/or with different level of knowledge and influence. In these type of scenarios there exists two main key issues that requires attention. Firstly, the large number of agents and their diverse background may lead to uncertainty and or inconsistency and so, it makes difficult to assess the quality of the information provided as well as to merge this information. Secondly, it is desirable, or even indispensable depending on the situation, to obtain a solution accepted by the majority of the members or at least to asses the existing level of agreement. In this contribution we address these two main issues by bringing together both decision Making approaches and opinion dynamics to develop a similarity-confidence-consistency based Social network that enables the agents to provide their opinions with the possibility of allocating uncertainty by means of the Intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations and at the same time interact with like-minded agents in order to achieve an agreement
