3,020,279 research outputs found


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    Robotic systems under development in the Santa Clara University Robotic Systems Laboratory (RSL) generate large amounts of data that must be interpreted in real-time. Many dimensions of this data must be visualized at once, such as temperature, location, and certainty of the measurement. Current data visualization softwares (such as Mathematica and Simulink) are ill-suited to visualize this much data, due to lack of customization. To solve this, we propose a system that allows users to view real-time streaming data in a virtual reality environment. This allows the user to easily interpret large, detailed datasets through an intuitive interface

    Computer hardware and software for robotic control

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    The KSC has implemented an integrated system that coordinates state-of-the-art robotic subsystems. It is a sensor based real-time robotic control system performing operations beyond the capability of an off-the-shelf robot. The integrated system provides real-time closed loop adaptive path control of position and orientation of all six axes of a large robot; enables the implementation of a highly configurable, expandable testbed for sensor system development; and makes several smart distributed control subsystems (robot arm controller, process controller, graphics display, and vision tracking) appear as intelligent peripherals to a supervisory computer coordinating the overall systems

    REAL-TIME LOGISTICS - Case Development of a Shipment Status Display System for a Large Manufacturing Company

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    As traditional heavy industry businesses transform into global solutions providers, their business models change into project-based and their supply networks expand. Project business faces greater uncertainty within the supply chain than traditional business, thus requires greater need for data exchange within the supply chain. Numerous information systems have provided the organization with a wealth of data. However project management often faces great challenges to utilize it for better visibility on project delivery status, as well as to communicate that to stakeholders. In response to the need for better usage and presentation of transactional project logistical data, a real-time shipment status display system has been developed. The complete system offers an intuitive, up-to-date, fast, and reliable display that is accessible through a wide range of devices. In this thesis, the system is customized to run on public displays. In term of development methodology, spiral axiomatic design approach is adopted to ensure maximum independence of components. The end result is a system comprising of two independent sub-systems: one is for data collection and the second one is for presentation. Modern web technologies such as ASP.NET MVC4, HTML5, and CSS3 have been used to develop the presentation sub-system. The thesis contributes a software artifact that complements information systems that are either too much focused on transactional data or unable to communicate project logistics data to stakeholders. It also demonstrates the use of axiomatic system design in developing modern web platforms.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Choice of State Estimation Solution Process for Medium Voltage Distribution Systems

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    As distribution networks are turning into active systems, enhanced observability and continuous monitoring becomes essential for effective management and control. The state estimation (SE) tool is therefore now considered as the core component in future distribution management systems. The development of a novel distribution system SE tool is required to accommodate small to very large networks, operable with limited real time measurements and able to execute the computation of large volumes of data in a limited time frame. In this context, the paper investigates the computation time and voltage estimation qualities of three different SE optimization solution methods in order to evaluate their effectiveness as potential distribution SE candidate solutions

    Costly intermediation and the big push

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    Many existing theories of financial intermediation have difficulty explaining why financial activity can generate large real effects. This paper argues that the large real effects may reflect a multiplicity of equilibria. The multiple equilibria in this paper are generated by the dynamic interactions between the savings decisions of workers and the monopolistically competitive behavior of banks. We characterize the equilibria by showing the comparative-static responses of key aggregates to changes in the pure rate of time preference, investment uncertainty, and bank costs. We find that the results depend crucially on the intertemporal elasticity of labor supply and the aggregate level of employment. Small changes in the financial system may cause the economy to shift between low- and high-employment equilibria. The high-employment, high real interest rate equilibrium is consistent with the development experience of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan with repressed financial systems.Economic development

    Real time diagnosis for a large gas turbine based on a deep model of the controller

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    The ESPRIT project 6862 TIGER addresses the development of a real-time knowledge based diagnosis system for two gas turbines: a large scale industrial gas turbine and an auxiliary power unit for aviation. The project will combine the qualitative model based with the rule based diagnosis approach. This paper describes the rule based approach taken in the development of a real-time diagnostic system for a large scale gas turbine. Deep models will be automatically extracted from the deterministic knowledge embedded within the controller ladder logic diagrams. Heuristic knowledge will be extracted from the domain expert and engineering manuals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Utilizing expert systems for satellite monitoring and control

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    Spacecraft analysts in the spacecraft control center for the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite are currently utilizing a fault-isolation expert system developed to assist in the isolation and correction of faults in the communications link. This system, the communication link expert assistance resource (CLEAR), monitors real time spacecraft and ground systems performance parameters in search of configuration discrepancies and communications link problems. If such a discrepancy or problem is isolated, CLEAR alerts the analyst and provides advice on how to resolve the problem swiftly and effectively. The CLEAR system is the first real time expert system to be used in the operational environment of a satellite control center at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Clear has not only demonstrated the utility and potential of an expert system in the demanding environment of a satellite control center, but also has revealed many of the pitfalls and deficiencies of development of expert systems. One of the lessons learned from this and other initial expert system projects is that prototypes can often be developed quite rapidly, but operational expert systems require considerable effort. Development is generally a slow, tedious process that typically requires the special skills of trained programmers. Due to the success of CLEAR and several other systems in the control center domain, a large number of expert systems will certainly be developed to support control center operations during the early 1990's. To facilitate the development of these systems, a project was initiated to develop an integrated, domain-specific tool, the generic spacecraft analyst assistent (GenSAA), that alows the spacecraft analysts to rapidly create simple expert systems themselves. By providing a highly graphical point-and-select method of system development, GenSAA allows the analyst to utilize and/or modify previously developed rule bases and system components; thus, facilitating software reuse and reducing development time and effort

    Run-time implementation issues for real-time embedded Ada

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    A motivating factor in the development of Ada as the department of defense standard language was the high cost of embedded system software development. It was with embedded system requirements in mind that many of the features of the language were incorporated. Yet it is the designers of embedded systems that seem to comprise the majority of the Ada community dissatisfied with the language. There are a variety of reasons for this dissatisfaction, but many seem to be related in some way to the Ada run-time support system. Some of the areas in which the inconsistencies were found to have the greatest impact on performance from the standpoint of real-time systems are presented. In particular, a large part of the duties of the tasking supervisor are subject to the design decisions of the implementer. These include scheduling, rendezvous, delay processing, and task activation and termination. Some of the more general issues presented include time and space efficiencies, generic expansions, memory management, pragmas, and tracing features. As validated compilers become available for bare computer targets, it is important for a designer to be aware that, at least for many real-time issues, all validated Ada compilers are not created equal
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