423 research outputs found

    FunTAL: Reasonably Mixing a Functional Language with Assembly

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    We present FunTAL, the first multi-language system to formalize safe interoperability between a high-level functional language and low-level assembly code while supporting compositional reasoning about the mix. A central challenge in developing such a multi-language is bridging the gap between assembly, which is staged into jumps to continuations, and high-level code, where subterms return a result. We present a compositional stack-based typed assembly language that supports components, comprised of one or more basic blocks, that may be embedded in high-level contexts. We also present a logical relation for FunTAL that supports reasoning about equivalence of high-level components and their assembly replacements, mixed-language programs with callbacks between languages, and assembly components comprised of different numbers of basic blocks.Comment: 15 pages; implementation at https://dbp.io/artifacts/funtal/; published in PLDI '17, Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 18 - 23, 2017, Barcelona, Spai

    Modular, Fully-abstract Compilation by Approximate Back-translation

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    A compiler is fully-abstract if the compilation from source language programs to target language programs reflects and preserves behavioural equivalence. Such compilers have important security benefits, as they limit the power of an attacker interacting with the program in the target language to that of an attacker interacting with the program in the source language. Proving compiler full-abstraction is, however, rather complicated. A common proof technique is based on the back-translation of target-level program contexts to behaviourally-equivalent source-level contexts. However, constructing such a back- translation is problematic when the source language is not strong enough to embed an encoding of the target language. For instance, when compiling from STLC to ULC, the lack of recursive types in the former prevents such a back-translation. We propose a general and elegant solution for this problem. The key insight is that it suffices to construct an approximate back-translation. The approximation is only accurate up to a certain number of steps and conservative beyond that, in the sense that the context generated by the back-translation may diverge when the original would not, but not vice versa. Based on this insight, we describe a general technique for proving compiler full-abstraction and demonstrate it on a compiler from STLC to ULC. The proof uses asymmetric cross-language logical relations and makes innovative use of step-indexing to express the relation between a context and its approximate back-translation. The proof extends easily to common compiler patterns such as modular compilation and it, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first compiler full abstraction proof to have been fully mechanised in Coq. We believe this proof technique can scale to challenging settings and enable simpler, more scalable proofs of compiler full-abstraction

    10351 Abstracts Collection -- Modelling, Controlling and Reasoning About State

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    From 29 August 2010 to 3 September 2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10351 ``Modelling, Controlling and Reasoning About State \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    The Journey of Biorthogonal Logical Relations to the Realm of Assembly Code

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    Logical relations appeared to be very fruitful for the development of modular proofs of compiler correctness. In this field, logical relations are parametrized by a high-level type system, and are even sometimes directly relating low level pieces of code to high-level programs. All those works rely crucially on biorthogonality to get extensionality and compositionality properties. But the use of biorthogonality in the definitions also complicates matters when it comes to operational correctness. Most of the time, such correctness results amount to show an unfolding lemma that makes reduction more explicit than in a biorthogonal definition. Unfortunately, unfolding lemmas are not easy to derive for rich languages and in particular for assembly code. In this paper, we focus on three different situations that enable to reach step-by-step the assembly code universe: the use of Curry-style polymorphism, the presence of syntactical equality in the language and finally an ideal assembly code with a notion of code pointer

    An ontological framework for web service processes

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    The process notion is central in computing. Business processes and workflow processes are essential elements of software systems implementations. Processes are connected to notions of interaction and composition. The Web Services Framework as a development and deployment platform for services is based on the assembly of interacting processes as the compositional paradigm. Service-based software development on and for the Web platform embracing the philosophy of discovering and using third-party services makes a shared knowledge representation framework necessary. We develop a semantical and ontological framework for service process composition. We propose a framework for the compositional de�nition of Web services based on the �-calculus to de�ne protocol-like restrictions on service interactions and based on description logic and ontologies to guide the discovery and modelling of services and processes

    Semantics of Separation-Logic Typing and Higher-order Frame Rules for<br> Algol-like Languages

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    We show how to give a coherent semantics to programs that are well-specified in a version of separation logic for a language with higher types: idealized algol extended with heaps (but with immutable stack variables). In particular, we provide simple sound rules for deriving higher-order frame rules, allowing for local reasoning

    Types for Information Flow Control: Labeling Granularity and Semantic Models

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    Language-based information flow control (IFC) tracks dependencies within a program using sensitivity labels and prohibits public outputs from depending on secret inputs. In particular, literature has proposed several type systems for tracking these dependencies. On one extreme, there are fine-grained type systems (like Flow Caml) that label all values individually and track dependence at the level of individual values. On the other extreme are coarse-grained type systems (like HLIO) that track dependence coarsely, by associating a single label with an entire computation context and not labeling all values individually. In this paper, we show that, despite their glaring differences, both these styles are, in fact, equally expressive. To do this, we show a semantics- and type-preserving translation from a coarse-grained type system to a fine-grained one and vice-versa. The forward translation isn't surprising, but the backward translation is: It requires a construct to arbitrarily limit the scope of a context label in the coarse-grained type system (e.g., HLIO's "toLabeled" construct). As a separate contribution, we show how to extend work on logical relation models of IFC types to higher-order state. We build such logical relations for both the fine-grained type system and the coarse-grained type system. We use these relations to prove the two type systems and our translations between them sound.Comment: 31st IEEE Symposium on Computer Security Foundations (CSF 2018

    Verified Compilers for a Multi-Language World

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    Though there has been remarkable progress on formally verified compilers in recent years, most of these compilers suffer from a serious limitation: they are proved correct under the assumption that they will only be used to compile whole programs. This is an unrealistic assumption since most software systems today are comprised of components written in different languages - both typed and untyped - compiled by different compilers to a common target, as well as low-level libraries that may be handwritten in the target language. We are pursuing a new methodology for building verified compilers for today\u27s world of multi-language software. The project has two central themes, both of which stem from a view of compiler correctness as a language interoperability problem. First, to specify correctness of component compilation, we require that if a source component s compiles to target component t, then t linked with some arbitrary target code t\u27 should behave the same as s interoperating with t\u27. The latter demands a formal semantics of interoperability between the source and target languages. Second, to enable safe interoperability between components compiled from languages as different as ML, Rust, Python, and C, we plan to design a gradually type-safe target language based on LLVM that supports safe interoperability between more precisely typed, less precisely typed, and type-unsafe components. Our approach opens up a new avenue for exploring sensible language interoperability while also tackling compiler correctness

    Fully Composable and Adequate Verified Compilation with Direct Refinements between Open Modules (Technical Report)

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    Verified compilation of open modules (i.e., modules whose functionality depends on other modules) provides a foundation for end-to-end verification of modular programs ubiquitous in contemporary software. However, despite intensive investigation in this topic for decades, the proposed approaches are still difficult to use in practice as they rely on assumptions about the internal working of compilers which make it difficult for external users to apply the verification results. We propose an approach to verified compositional compilation without such assumptions in the setting of verifying compilation of heterogeneous modules written in first-order languages supporting global memory and pointers. Our approach is based on the memory model of CompCert and a new discovery that a Kripke relation with a notion of memory protection can serve as a uniform and composable semantic interface for the compiler passes. By absorbing the rely-guarantee conditions on memory evolution for all compiler passes into this Kripke Memory Relation and by piggybacking requirements on compiler optimizations onto it, we get compositional correctness theorems for realistic optimizing compilers as refinements that directly relate native semantics of open modules and that are ignorant of intermediate compilation processes. Such direct refinements support all the compositionality and adequacy properties essential for verified compilation of open modules. We have applied this approach to the full compilation chain of CompCert with its Clight source language and demonstrated that our compiler correctness theorem is open to composition and intuitive to use with reduced verification complexity through end-to-end verification of non-trivial heterogeneous modules that may freely invoke each other (e.g., mutually recursively)