21,370 research outputs found

    Design of a microcontroller-based passive standby uninterruptible power suply (UPS)

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    Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) are widely used to provide emergency power to critical loads in case of utility mains failure, and as such constitutes an essential element in providing back-up power for computer networks, communication links, biomedical equipment, and industrial processes, among others. For a microcontroller-based UPS, a full hardware-based UPS are gradually being replaced by microprocessor or microcontroller-based counterparts, with significant improvement in ease of design, flexibility of the control software and overall reduction in development cost. Since a UPS incorporates a relatively large number of detection, protection and control functions, it is important to develop an organized approach to the identification and implementation of these requirements. The purpose of his project is to provide an efficient time management for users to continue their work with personal computer even though an outage had occurred. Since this project involves hardware-software co-design, so that knowledge from a number of engineering disciplines is necessary for arriving at a workable solution. This microcontroller-based Uninterruptible Power Supply will enable the users to monitor their current battery level through the installed Liquid Crystal Display. One of the advantages applying microcontroller for the Uninterruptible Power Supply is that the system is more reliable in functions compares to the conventional Uninterruptible Power Supply available in the market

    Hardware/software codesign methodology for fuzzy controller implementation

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    This paper describes a HW/SW codesign methodology for the implementation of fuzzy controllers on a platform composed by a general-purpose microcontroller and specific processing elements implemented on FPGAs or ASICs. The different phases of the methodology, as well as the CAD tools used in each design stage, are presented, with emphasis on the fuzzy system development environment Xfuzzy. Also included is a practical application of the described methodology for the development of a fuzzy controller for a dosage system

    Audio application based on FreeRTOS operating system

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    This current report describes in detail how the Quartet code for a Microchip PIC18 microcontroller, developed by Pere Domenech in his Final Degree Project, has been migrated to a Microchip PIC24 microcontroller. The original Real Time Operating System has also been migrated from OSA RTOS to FreeRTOS. The RTOS modification will allow future upgrades without the need to change the RTOS. The Quartet software is an audio synthesizer which uses a low-pass filtered PWM output to create a mono audio signal. The original code has 3 different instruments and 4 voices: Bass, Violin, Guitar 1 and Guitar 2. Each instrument has its own sound, specific waveform and envelope. Each voice has its own score. The 4 voices are mixed during the synthesis and played through a single PWM microcontroller output. This report explains step by step the software migration process: Operating System migration, Compiler migration and Microcontroller Instructions migration. The process is explained in detail. Therefore, it is highly recommended to read it while studying the final PIC24 Quartet code. At the end of the report, the hardware validation and experimental modifications are explained. Finally, some future improvements, limitations and suggestions are commented. This project is a continuation of the Quartet code for microcontrollers but it is clear that more improvements and modifications will be done in the future

    Development of personal area network (PAN) for mobile robot using bluetooth transceiver

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    The work presents the concept of providing a Personal Area Network (PAN) for microcontroller based mobile robots using Bluetooth transceiver. With the concept of replacing cable, low cost, low power consumption and communication range between 10m to 100m, Bluetooth is suitable for communication between mobile robots since most mobile robots are powered by batteries and have high mobility. The network aimed to support real-time control of up to two mobile robots from a master mobile robot through communication using Bluetooth transceiver. If a fast network radio link is implemented, a whole new world of possibilities is opened in the research of robotics control and Artificial Intelligence (AI) research works, sending real time image and information. Robots could communicate through obstacles or even through walls. Bluetooth Ad Hoc topology provides a simple communication between devices in close by forming PAN. A system contained of both hardware and software is designed to enable the robots to form a PAN and communicating, sharing information. Three microcontroller based mobile robots are built for this research work. Bluetooth Protocol Stack and mobile robot control architecture is implemented on a single microcontroller chip. The PAN enabled a few mobile robots to communicate with each other to complete a given task. The wireless communication between mobile robots is reliable based from the result of experiments carried out. Thus this is a platform for multi mobile robots system and Ad Hoc networking system. Results from experiments show that microcontroller based mobile robots can easily form a Bluetooth PAN and communicate with each other

    Load flow studies on stand alone microgrid system in Ranau, Sabah

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    This paper presents the power flow or load flow analysis of Ranau microgrid, a standalone microgrid in the district of Ranau,West Coast Division of Sabah. Power flow for IEEE 9 bus also performed and analyzed. Power flow is define as an important tool involving numerical analysis applied to power system. Power flow uses simplified notation such as one line diagram and per-unit system focusing on voltages, voltage angles, real power and reactive power. To achieved that purpose, this research is done by analyzing the power flow analysis and calculation of all the elements in the microgrid such as generators, buses, loads, transformers, transmission lines using the Power Factory DIGSilent 14 software to calculate the power flow. After the analysis and calculations, the results were analysed and compared

    Overview of technologies for building robots in the classroom

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    This paper aims to give an overview of technologies that can be used to implement robotics within an educational context. We discuss complete robotics systems as well as projects that implement only certain elements of a robotics system, such as electronics, hardware, or software. We believe that Maker Movement and DIY trends offers many new opportunities for teaching and feel that they will become much more prominent in the future. Products and projects discussed in this paper are: Mindstorms, Vex, Arduino, Dwengo, Raspberry Pi, MakeBlock, OpenBeam, BitBeam, Scratch, Blockly and ArduBlock

    A study of reverse osmosis reject water at Bukit Gambir, Tangkak Haemodialysis Centre

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    Water is categorized by their few aspects according to the specific feature and it function usage in a certain compatible condition. Yet with rapidly population growth increasing around the world by about 85 million per year, the accessibility for fresh water supply per persons keep declining [1]. The increasing clean water demand causes the increasing environmental risks, costs and economic exploitation as it may disturb surrounding nature which leads into the more distant sources or greater depth. At this state, the minimization of waste water produce should be focused on to prevent it become worsen