25 research outputs found


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    In 2019, Indonesia was experiencing a housing backlog of around 7.6 million housing that must bemet by providing new houses. Therefore there was a policy to overcome it through “one millionhousing” program. Salatiga City is one of the cities in Indonesia as a pilot project which hasconstructed provision of low-cost housing. While the current problem condition that happens is somefacilities and infrastructure were unconstructed yet. Low-cost housing provision is just focused onhousing units neglecting housing facilities and infrastructure that provided services for residents inpost-occupancy. This research aims to assess the performance of residential housing and examinethe gap factors influencing sustainability from a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) of low-cost housingprojects. This research was conducted by assessing performance factors influencing sustainabilityby POE to value the quality of the residential environment. The result showed that factors includingutility conditions; safety comfortability; social interactions; and access to workplace have goodperformance. While other factors have not met the score for good performance. This research hasknown that low-cost housing for civil servants can be said as unsustainable. The environmentalaspect had an important role in the sustainability of low-cost housing. Building unit condition,infrastructure and neighborhood facility are factors with a big importance in influencing sustainabilityof environmental aspect. Therefore, these factors need to get the main attention in the government’snext low-cost housing development projects in supporting one million housing program policy.Pada tahun 2019, Indonesia memiliki housing backlog sebesar 7,6 juta rumah yang perlu diakomodir dengan pemenuhan perumahan baru. Oleh karena itu ada kebijakan melalui program “satu juta rumah.” Kota Salatiga merupakan salah satu kota sebagai percontohan yang membangunperumahan murah. Namun kondisi yang saat ini terjadi, beberapa perumahan fasilitas daninfrastruktur perumahan belum terbangun. Perumahan murah ini hanya berfokus pada kondisi bangunan tanpa memperhatikan fasilitas dan infrastruktur skala lingkungan bagi penghuni setelah pasca huni. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai performa lingkungan perumahan dan menilai faktor kesenjangan yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan perumahan dilihat dari Evaluasi Pasca Huni (EPH) dari proyek perumahan murah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menilai performa faktor-faktor hunian perumahan yang mempengaruhi keberlanjutan dengan EPH untuk menilai kualitas dari lingkungan hunian tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor seperti kondisi utilitas; kenyamanan keamanan; interaksi sosial dan akses ke tempat kerja memiliki performa yang baik. Namun faktor lainnya tidak memenuhi performa yang baik. Melalui penelitian ini diketahui bahwa perumahan murah bagi PNS dapat dikatakan tidak berkelanjutan. Aspek lingkungan memiliki peran penting dalam mempengaruhui keberlanjutan perumahan murah. Kondisi bangunan, infrastruktur dan fasilitas perumahan adalah faktor yang memiliki peran yang tinggi dalam mempengaruhikeberlanjutan, namun memiliki performa yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, faktor tersebut perlumendapatkan prioritas utama dalam proyek pembangunan perumahan rumah murah olehpemerintah pada tahap selanjutnya dalam mendukung program penyediaan “satu juta rumah”

    Experts’ Opinion Matters! Green Technology Elements for Construction Technology in Vocational Colleges

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    Green Technology refers to clean energy production, the use of alternative fuels, and technologies that are less harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. It has garnered a significant amount of interest due to increasing awareness about the impacts of climate change and the depletion of natural resources. While the buildings emit more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases than other industries, the use of Green Technology will be able to reduce human impacts on the natural environment and prevent climate change. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the Green Technology Elements for Construction Technology in Vocational College that is seen fundamental as these students will be in the construction workforce in the future. The study was conducted using the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) involving a combination of 20 experts with various expertise from a heterogeneous group. A set of questionnaires using a 7-point Likert Scale was formed based on expert interviews in the first phase of this study and the data obtained were then analysed using triangular fuzzy numbers and ranking for each variable was determined using the defuzzification process. The findings showed that all elements listed reached the experts’ consensus. Expert consensus also found that the Carbon Initiatives element ranked first meanwhile the Introduction to Green Technology element ranked last in the list of elements. These elements are agreed upon in preparing academically exemplary individuals while ensuring every graduate from Vocational College, especially from the Construction Technology course is equipped with job-ready skills to tackle real-life problems. 

    Key influencing factors for green public hospital building development in Malaysia

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    The green hospital movement began years ago, following by several countries release their green rating system for the hospital buildings. In the past few years, a few newly constructed private hospital buildings in Malaysia have strived for the green building index certification. Paucity studies demonstrate that public hospital buildings have established for certifying the index. Despite the recognition of the importance of green building in achieving sustainability goal and the existence of many studies on issues associated with green innovations adoption in general, few have specifically examined factors influencing the development of green public hospital building. As a result, with the intent to enhance green building promotion efforts, the primary objective of this study is to investigate the key factors influencing the development of green public hospital building. A review of literature has been conducted and a set of factors were identified. A questionnaire survey was carried out based on the literature review to solicit experts’ opinions. The experts were requested to evaluate the degree to which factor was an important in the implementation of green public hospital buildings. Feedbacks from 82 design experts were collected and analysed using descriptive analysis. The findings indicate that several factors were identified as key factors for the development of green public hospital buildings. The identified factors have incorporated with the accomplishment of environmental stewardship, social responsibility and economic prosperity

    Determinación de las variables de análisis que permitan evaluar el nivel de sustentabilidad en espacios exteriores

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    Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) se han incrementado desde la era preindustrial, con un aumento de un 70% entre 1970 y 2004. Las opciones de eficiencia energética para los edificios nuevos y los existentes podrían reducir considerablemente las emisiones de CO2. En la década de 1990 surgen los primeros métodos de evaluación de edificios sustentables. Si bien originalmente se centraron en la variable ambiental, luego adoptaron criterios que incluyen también las variables económica y social. En la actualidad no existe consenso internacional en la composición y estructura de las herramientas para evaluación de sustentabilidad. En el presente trabajo se clasifican los sistemas y se reconocen siete categorías de evaluación: sitio, energía, agua, materiales, calidad del aire interior, prácticas de operación y mantenimiento. Se realiza una comparación de los métodos de evaluación propuestos por BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE y VERDE basada en tres niveles: comparación general, comparación de categorías y comparación de criterios. Luego de analizar los distintos sistemas de evaluación se obtiene que CASBEE asigna el 41.5%, BREEAM determina el 18,56%, VERDE asigna el 12.83% y LEED el 11% de su puntuación a los criterios relacionados con los espacios exteriores.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Determinación de las variables de análisis que permitan evaluar el nivel de sustentabilidad en espacios exteriores

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    Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) se han incrementado desde la era preindustrial, con un aumento de un 70% entre 1970 y 2004. Las opciones de eficiencia energética para los edificios nuevos y los existentes podrían reducir considerablemente las emisiones de CO2. En la década de 1990 surgen los primeros métodos de evaluación de edificios sustentables. Si bien originalmente se centraron en la variable ambiental, luego adoptaron criterios que incluyen también las variables económica y social. En la actualidad no existe consenso internacional en la composición y estructura de las herramientas para evaluación de sustentabilidad. En el presente trabajo se clasifican los sistemas y se reconocen siete categorías de evaluación: sitio, energía, agua, materiales, calidad del aire interior, prácticas de operación y mantenimiento. Se realiza una comparación de los métodos de evaluación propuestos por BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE y VERDE basada en tres niveles: comparación general, comparación de categorías y comparación de criterios. Luego de analizar los distintos sistemas de evaluación se obtiene que CASBEE asigna el 41.5%, BREEAM determina el 18,56%, VERDE asigna el 12.83% y LEED el 11% de su puntuación a los criterios relacionados con los espacios exteriores.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Determinación de las variables de análisis que permitan evaluar el nivel de sustentabilidad en espacios exteriores

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    Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) se han incrementado desde la era preindustrial, con un aumento de un 70% entre 1970 y 2004. Las opciones de eficiencia energética para los edificios nuevos y los existentes podrían reducir considerablemente las emisiones de CO2. En la década de 1990 surgen los primeros métodos de evaluación de edificios sustentables. Si bien originalmente se centraron en la variable ambiental, luego adoptaron criterios que incluyen también las variables económica y social. En la actualidad no existe consenso internacional en la composición y estructura de las herramientas para evaluación de sustentabilidad. En el presente trabajo se clasifican los sistemas y se reconocen siete categorías de evaluación: sitio, energía, agua, materiales, calidad del aire interior, prácticas de operación y mantenimiento. Se realiza una comparación de los métodos de evaluación propuestos por BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE y VERDE basada en tres niveles: comparación general, comparación de categorías y comparación de criterios. Luego de analizar los distintos sistemas de evaluación se obtiene que CASBEE asigna el 41.5%, BREEAM determina el 18,56%, VERDE asigna el 12.83% y LEED el 11% de su puntuación a los criterios relacionados con los espacios exteriores.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Holistic model to analyze and prioritize urban sustainable buildings for public services

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    A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) methodology is presented in this paper that is used to analyse and to assess public-service building projects for the promotion of smart sustainable cities. Its main purpose is to compare different types of projects (hospitals, schools, museums, etc.) and to prioritize the investments that present the most favourable global results. The methodology, known as MIVES, constructs a model that assists decision-making on the basis of consistent and transparent criteria. It incorporates the value function concept that attaches a value to different types of variables for the purpose of arriving at a final value in relation to pre-defined criteria. In this study, the model is based on the three basic pillars of sustainability (economy, environment, and society) presented in a triple-layer decision tree. Its application to four urban projects, presented as examples, showed encouraging results with a wide range of values.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Developing an Indoor Environment Assessment Tool for Residential Buildings

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    The Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) describes an indoor space condition that the wellbeing and comfortability are provided for the users. Many researchers have highlighted the importance of adopting IEQ criteria, although they are not yet well defined in the Kurdistan region. However, environmental quality is not necessary for the contemporary buildings of the Kurdistan Region, and there is no measurement tool in the Region. This research aims to develop an IEQ assessment tool for the Kurdistan region using Mixed method methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. Therefore, a Delphi Technique was used as a method initially developed as systematic, interactive forecasting on a panel of experts. Thirty-five Delphi Candidates have reached an agreement on selecting the criteria for the IEQ, as Spss and a particular equation has used to find criteria weights. As a result, seven criteria with 22 indicators have been selected by expert ratings. A computer-based tool (KIEQA) has been created based on the scores selected by experts. Research results show that good IEQ is essential for interior design. It also offers a suitable indoor environment for users. This research has many significant advantages since it can raise awareness of issues of indoor environmental quality for architects, experts, and policymakers. Furthermore, to draw up an action plan for existing and new interior design projects in the Kurdistan Region. Future researches may concentrate on the correlation between IEQ criteria and to develop this tool regarding different building typologies

    Processo decisório sobre a eficiência energética em edificações de uma instituição de ensino superior catarinense

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Ciências ContábeisEste trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a eficiência energética em edificações de uma instituição de ensino superior catarinense. A metodologia no que tange aos objetivos considera-se descritiva. Referente aos procedimentos técnicos fez-se um estudo de caso, sendo que a abordagem do problema, fez-se estudo qualitativo. O percurso da pesquisa fragmenta-se em três etapas: A primeira aborda sobre a revisão teórica, onde são embasados temas como a sustentabilidade, edificações, modelo de avaliação gerencial para edifício sustentável, gestão ambiental, sendo utilizados para auxiliar na construção do modelo. A segunda etapa está ligada a análise de resultados, na qual se abordou primeiramente um breve histórico da Instituição pesquisada e em seguida o MAGESTAL (Modelo de Avaliação Gerencial para Edifício Sustentável). Na terceira etapa demonstrou-se o plano resumido de gestão ambiental 5W2H. Assim, constatou-se um nível de sustentabilidade de 58%, sendo regular conforme os requisitos aplicados e que está de acordo com a legislação. Considerando os resultados obtidos, a instituição de ensino superior pesquisada tem necessidade de implementação de um programa de eficiência energética, de formas a reduzir os impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, bem como fornecer um meio mais sustentável e inovadoras voltada para eficiência energética