10 research outputs found

    Identification of Research Thematic Approaches Based on Keywords Network Analysis in Colombian Social Sciences

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    The purpose of this research was to unveil the structure of knowledge of Social Sciences in Colombia through the analysis of thematic networks and its association with different disciplines’ new knowledge production to define scenarios and trends in each. 2992 published articles in the period 2006–2015 were revised in this research, all indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and other bibliographic databases, applying the social networks analysis technique to the keywords of all. The analysis included each discipline’s clustering coefficient and group metrics. The results described in this chapter identify how social disciplines in Colombia have mainly focused its research production in topics such as armed conflict, poverty and human development

    A Co-Citation Bibliometric Analysis of Crowdsourcing Research

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    Crowdsourcing has gained increasing attention from scholars in a broad range of fields such as computer science, engineering, information system, business, and economics. However, few crowdsourcing studies are conducted from the bibliometric perspective. This paper conducts document co-citation, author co-citation, journal co-citation, and keyword co-word analysis in the crowdsourcing research field by using CiteSpace and Web of Science TM Core Collection database, aiming to identify highly cited articles and journals and influential authors in the crowdsourcing research field during the time span from 2008 to 2016 and to find out current hot research topics and future directions in the crowdsourcing research field

    Redes de citación de revistas iberoamericanas de Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información en Scopus

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    Objective. The citation networks of the Ibero-American journals of library and information science (LIS) were analyzed, in order to distinguish their internal interrelationships within the scientific structure of the discipline in the region. Design/Methodology/Approach. A co-citation analysis of journals was carried out from the documents of 20 Ibero-American journals indexed in Scopus, from 1996 to 2017. Node clustering techniques were used to examine the predominant communities in the intellectual structure of the discipline. A strategic diagram was constructed based on betweenness and citation measures to classify the journals according to their interdisciplinarity and impact. Results/Discussion. The intellectual structure of LIS in Ibero-America has three main communities: the Portuguese-speaking, the Spanish, and the Latin American Spanish-speaking. The greatest co-citation relations are of internal type in the clusters. An inbreeding of the journals and their countries of origin is appreciated. The journals forming the core of the discipline are Ciência da Informação and El Profesional de la Información. It also highlights the mediating role played by the journal Investigación Bibliotecológica to connect the three communities. Conclusions. There is evidence of a disciplinary fragmentation in the Ibero-American research on LIS, which is permeated by the language and geographical origin of the journals. Originality/Value. This study is an updated approach that shows the current state of the intellectual structure of LIS in Ibero-America, based on the citation relations of the journals in the region

    Études de communication : le dessous des cartes

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    À l’occasion de la parution du numéro 50 d’Études de communication, une étude bibliométrique de la revue a été réalisée dont l’objectif est l’analyse de l’évolution des pratiques de citation au regard de la politique éditoriale. L’analyse porte sur la période 1992-2016, qui correspond à la dénomination actuelle de la revue. L’article présente les premiers résultats de l’étude qui a été menée selon un triple point de vue : l’analyse des auteurs citants, l’analyse des auteurs cités et l’analyse des citations.This article presents the results of a bibliometric study of the French journal of information and communication sciences, Études de communication. In order to study changes in citation practices over the last 25 years in relation to the evolving editorial line of the journal, citation analysis was carried out on articles published during two periods, 1992-2007 and 2008-2016. We present the first results of this study, providing analysis of citing authors, cited documents and citation networks

    Redes de citación de revistas iberoamericanas de Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información en Scopus

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    Objective. The citation networks of the Ibero-American journals of library and information science (LIS) were analyzed, in order to distinguish their internal interrelationships within the scientific structure of the discipline in the region. Design/Methodology/Approach. A co-citation analysis of journals was carried out from the documents of 20 Ibero-American journals indexed in Scopus, from 1996 to 2017. Node clustering techniques were used to examine the predominant communities in the intellectual structure of the discipline. A strategic diagram was constructed based on betweenness and citation measures to classify the journals according to their interdisciplinarity and impact. Results/Discussion. The intellectual structure of LIS in Ibero-America has three main communities: the Portuguese-speaking, the Spanish, and the Latin American Spanish-speaking. The greatest co-citation relations are of internal type in the clusters. An inbreeding of the journals and their countries of origin is appreciated. The journals forming the core of the discipline are Ciência da Informação and El Profesional de la Información. It also highlights the mediating role played by the journal Investigación Bibliotecológica to connect the three communities. Conclusions. There is evidence of a disciplinary fragmentation in the Ibero-American research on LIS, which is permeated by the language and geographical origin of the journals. Originality/Value. This study is an updated approach that shows the current state of the intellectual structure of LIS in Ibero-America, based on the citation relations of the journals in the region

    Redes de citación de revistas iberoamericanas de Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información en Scopus

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    Objective: The citation networks of the Ibero-American journals of library and information science (LIS) were analyzed, in order to distinguish their internal interrelationships within the scientific structure of the discipline in the region.Design/Methodology/Approach: A co-citation analysis of journals was carried out from the documents of 20 Ibero-American journals indexed in Scopus, from 1996 to 2017. Node clustering techniques were used to examine the predominant communities in the intellectual structure of the discipline. A strategic diagram was constructed based on betweenness and citation measures to classify the journals according to their interdisciplinarity and impact.Results/Discussion: The intellectual structure of LIS in Ibero-America has three main communities: the Portuguese-speaking, the Spanish, and theLatin American Spanish-speaking. The greatest co-citation relations are of internal type in the clusters. An inbreeding of the journals and their countries of origin is appreciated. The journals forming the core of the discipline are Ciência da Informação and El Profesional de la Información. It also highlights the mediating role played by the journal Investigación Bibliotecológica to connect the three communities.Conclusions: There is evidence of a disciplinary fragmentation in the Ibero-American research on LIS, which is permeated by the language and geographical origin of the journals.Originality/Value: This study is an updated approach that shows the current state of the intellectual structure of LIS in Ibero-America, based on the citation relations of the journals in the region.Objetivo: Se analizaron las redes de citación de las revistas iberoamericanas de bibliotecología y ciencia de la información (BCI), en vistas a distinguir sus interrelaciones internas dentro de la estructura científica de la disciplina en la región.Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque: Se realizó un análisis de cocitación de revistas a partir de los documentos de 20 revistas iberoamericanas indizadas en Scopus, desde 1996 al 2017. Se emplearon técnicas de agrupamiento de nodos para examinar las comunidades predominantes en la estructura intelectual de la disciplina. Se construyó un diagrama estratégico basado en medidas de intermediación y citación para clasificar las revistas de acuerdo con su interdisciplinariedad e impacto.Resultados/Discusión: La estructura intelectual de la BCI en Iberoamérica tiene tres comunidades principales: la de habla portuguesa, la española, y la latinoamericana de habla hispana. Las mayores relaciones de cocitación son de carácter interno en los clústeres formados. Se aprecia una endogamia de las revistas y sus países de procedencia. Las revistas que conforman el núcleo de la disciplina son Ciência da Informação y El Profesional de la Información. Se destaca además el rol mediador que juega la revista Investigación Bibliotecológica para conectar a las tres comunidades.Conclusiones: Se evidencia una fragmentación disciplinar en la investigación iberoamericana sobre BCI, la cual está permeada por el idioma y la procedencia geográfica de las revistas.Originalidad/Valor: Este estudio es un acercamiento actualizado a la estructura intelectual de la BCI en Iberoamérica a partir de las relaciones de citas de las revistas de la región

    New Zealand Published LIS and ARM Research, 2004 - 2014: A Subject Analysis

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    Research problem: While subject analyses of research topics have been conducted on Library and Information Science (LIS) and Archives and Records Management (ARM) research internationally, such analyses of New Zealand literature are rare, and those that exist are limited to only a part of the literature. Overall, there is very little written analysing LIS and ARM research in New Zealand, and few prior studies analysing the subject trends of New Zealand LIS and ARM research literature. Methodology: A priori content analysis was conducted of a purposefully selected sample of research literature. Journal articles and conference papers from New Zealand LIS and ARM professional journals and conference proceedings, from the period 2004 to 2014 were selected, and the topics of research were categorized using Zins’ (2007) Classification Scheme of Information Science. These were then analyzed to determine which research topics are currently receiving the most interest at present, which are receiving the least attention at present, and how the topics researched have changed and developed over time. Results: It was found that the research topics of most focus were consistently Information Industry Economics and Management and Information/Learning Society. Conversely, the topics receiving the least attention were Diffusion Studies, which did not receive any research attention, and Methodology, which consistently received very low research attention. There were also several other observable changes in the topics of research focus in the literature, with a decline in the topics of Data Organization and Retrieval, Foundations of Information Science, Social Information Science and User Studies, and an increase in Information Ethics and Law and Information Technology. Implications: This research enables researchers to identify research topics of interest, as well as gaps in New Zealand LIS and ARM research literature. New Zealand researchers will be able to identify new research topics to enrich the current body of knowledge, and identifying topics of high activity can have important implications for strategic planning in research and research policy. Researchers in other countries can also use this study to conduct similar studies to explore research literature trends in their own setting, and add to the existing international LIS body of knowledge

    Research Progress on Features and Characteristics of Rural Settlements: Literature Distribution, Key Issues, and Development Trends

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    During the development of rural settlements, the loss of distinctive rural characteristics, caused by the contradiction between urban expansion and the ideal of pastoralism, has attracted widespread attention from researchers worldwide. To effectively understand the development and trends of the Research of Features and Characteristics of Rural Settlements (abbreviated as RFCRS), this paper uses the knowledge mapping software CiteSpace to conduct co-citation analysis, research collaboration analysis, keyword clustering, and keyword co-occurrence. The study analyzes the basic concepts, the literature distribution characteristics, research clusters, key issues, and development trends of RFCRS. The research found that the current key research topics in RFCRS include “Eco-logical services and environmental protection of rural settlements”, “Sustainable planning and architectural design issues of rural settlements”, and “Human settlement environment and service facility construction of rural settlements”. This paper predicts that future RFCRS research trends will focus on the study of landscape features and characteristics based on ecology, climate, and aesthetics; study of architectural features and characteristics based on characteristic factors and hierarchical structure; and research on rural revitalization based on sustainable development principles. The paper also offers four priority research suggestions for researchers from different disciplines