771 research outputs found

    The HyperBagGraph DataEdron: An Enriched Browsing Experience of Multimedia Datasets

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    Traditional verbatim browsers give back information in a linear way according to a ranking performed by a search engine that may not be optimal for the surfer. The latter may need to assess the pertinence of the information retrieved, particularly when sâ‹…\cdothe wants to explore other facets of a multi-facetted information space. For instance, in a multimedia dataset different facets such as keywords, authors, publication category, organisations and figures can be of interest. The facet simultaneous visualisation can help to gain insights on the information retrieved and call for further searches. Facets are co-occurence networks, modeled by HyperBag-Graphs -- families of multisets -- and are in fact linked not only to the publication itself, but to any chosen reference. These references allow to navigate inside the dataset and perform visual queries. We explore here the case of scientific publications based on Arxiv searches.Comment: Extension of the hypergraph framework shortly presented in arXiv:1809.00164 (possible small overlaps); use the theoretical framework of hb-graphs presented in arXiv:1809.0019

    Network Capacity Bound for Personalized PageRank in Multimodal Networks

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    In a former paper the concept of Bipartite PageRank was introduced and a theorem on the limit of authority flowing between nodes for personalized PageRank has been generalized. In this paper we want to extend those results to multimodal networks. In particular we introduce a hypergraph type that may be used for describing multimodal network where a hyperlink connects nodes from each of the modalities. We introduce a generalisation of PageRank for such graphs and define the respective random walk model that can be used for computations. we finally state and prove theorems on the limit of outflow of authority for cases where individual modalities have identical and distinct damping factors.Comment: 28 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.0373

    A Hypergraph Data Model for Expert-Finding in Multimedia Social Networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have found widespread applications in every area of our life. A large number of people have signed up to OSN for different purposes, including to meet old friends, to choose a given company, to identify expert users about a given topic, producing a large number of social connections. These aspects have led to the birth of a new generation of OSNs, called Multimedia Social Networks (MSNs), in which user-generated content plays a key role to enable interactions among users. In this work, we propose a novel expert-finding technique exploiting a hypergraph-based data model for MSNs. In particular, some user-ranking measures, obtained considering only particular useful hyperpaths, have been profitably used to evaluate the related expertness degree with respect to a given social topic. Several experiments on Last.FM have been performed to evaluate the proposed approach's effectiveness, encouraging future work in this direction for supporting several applications such as multimedia recommendation, influence analysis, and so on

    Structural Deep Embedding for Hyper-Networks

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    Network embedding has recently attracted lots of attentions in data mining. Existing network embedding methods mainly focus on networks with pairwise relationships. In real world, however, the relationships among data points could go beyond pairwise, i.e., three or more objects are involved in each relationship represented by a hyperedge, thus forming hyper-networks. These hyper-networks pose great challenges to existing network embedding methods when the hyperedges are indecomposable, that is to say, any subset of nodes in a hyperedge cannot form another hyperedge. These indecomposable hyperedges are especially common in heterogeneous networks. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Hyper-Network Embedding (DHNE) model to embed hyper-networks with indecomposable hyperedges. More specifically, we theoretically prove that any linear similarity metric in embedding space commonly used in existing methods cannot maintain the indecomposibility property in hyper-networks, and thus propose a new deep model to realize a non-linear tuplewise similarity function while preserving both local and global proximities in the formed embedding space. We conduct extensive experiments on four different types of hyper-networks, including a GPS network, an online social network, a drug network and a semantic network. The empirical results demonstrate that our method can significantly and consistently outperform the state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 1

    HyperLearn: A Distributed Approach for Representation Learning in Datasets With Many Modalities

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    Multimodal datasets contain an enormous amount of relational information, which grows exponentially with the introduction of new modalities. Learning representations in such a scenario is inherently complex due to the presence of multiple heterogeneous information channels. These channels can encode both (a) inter-relations between the items of different modalities and (b) intra-relations between the items of the same modality. Encoding multimedia items into a continuous low-dimensional semantic space such that both types of relations are captured and preserved is extremely challenging, especially if the goal is a unified end-to-end learning framework. The two key challenges that need to be addressed are: 1) the framework must be able to merge complex intra and inter relations without losing any valuable information and 2) the learning model should be invariant to the addition of new and potentially very different modalities. In this paper, we propose a flexible framework which can scale to data streams from many modalities. To that end we introduce a hypergraph-based model for data representation and deploy Graph Convolutional Networks to fuse relational information within and across modalities. Our approach provides an efficient solution for distributing otherwise extremely computationally expensive or even unfeasible training processes across multiple-GPUs, without any sacrifices in accuracy. Moreover, adding new modalities to our model requires only an additional GPU unit keeping the computational time unchanged, which brings representation learning to truly multimodal datasets. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach in the experiments on multimedia datasets featuring second, third and fourth order relations
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