8 research outputs found

    Non-minutiae based fingerprint descriptor

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    Fingerprint Recognition: A Histogram Analysis Based Fuzzy C-Means Multilevel Structural Approach

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    In order to fight identity fraud, the use of a reliable personal identifier has become a necessity. Fingerprints are considered one of the best biometric measurements and are used as a universal personal identifier. There are two main phases in the recognition of personal identity using fingerprints: 1) extraction of suitable features of fingerprints, and 2) fingerprint matching making use of the extracted features to find the correspondence and similarity between the fingerprint images. Use of global features in minutia-based fingerprint recognition schemes enhances their recognition capability but at the expense of a substantially increased complexity. The recognition accuracies of most of the fingerprint recognition schemes, which rely on some sort of crisp clustering of the fingerprint features, are adversely affected due to the problems associated with the behavioral and anatomical characteristics of the fingerprints. The objective of this research is to develop efficient and cost-effective techniques for fingerprint recognition, that can meet the challenges arising from using both the local and global features of the fingerprints as well as effectively deal with the problems resulting from the crisp clustering of the fingerprint features. To this end, the structural information of local and global features of fingerprints are used for their decomposition, representation and matching in a multilevel hierarchical framework. The problems associated with the crisp clustering of the fingerprint features are addressed by incorporating the ideas of fuzzy logic in developing the various stages of the proposed fingerprint recognition scheme. In the first part of this thesis, a novel low-complexity multilevel structural scheme for fingerprint recognition (MSFR) is proposed by first decomposing fingerprint images into regions based on crisp partitioning of some global features of the fingerprints. Then, multilevel feature vectors representing the structural information of the fingerprints are formulated by employing both the global and local features, and a fast multilevel matching algorithm using this representation is devised. Inspired by the ability of fuzzy-based clustering techniques in dealing more effectively with the natural patterns, in the second part of the thesis, a new fuzzy based clustering technique that can deal with the partitioning problem of the fingerprint having the behavioral and anatomical characteristics is proposed and then used to develop a fuzzy based multilevel structural fingerprint recognition scheme. First, a histogram analysis fuzzy c-means (HA-FCM) clustering technique is devised for the partitioning of the fingerprints. The parameters of this partitioning technique, i.e., the number of clusters and the set of initial cluster centers, are determined in an automated manner by employing the histogram of the fingerprint orientation field. The development of the HA-FCM partitioning scheme is further pursued to devise an enhanced HA-FCM (EAH-FCM) algorithm. In this algorithm, the smoothness of the fingerprint partitioning is improved through a regularization of the fingerprint orientation field, and the computational complexity is reduced by decreasing the number of operations and by increasing the convergence rate of the underlying iterative process of the HA-FCM technique. Finally, a new fuzzy based fingerprint recognition scheme (FMSFR), based on the EHA-FCM partitioning scheme and the basic ideas used in the development of the MSFR scheme, is proposed. Extensive experiments are conducted throughout this thesis using a number of challenging benchmark databases. These databases are selected from the FVC2002, FVC2004 and FVC2006 competitions containing a wide variety of challenges for fingerprint recognition. Simulation results demonstrate not only the effectiveness of the proposed techniques and schemes but also their superiority over some of the state-of-the-art techniques, in terms of the recognition accuracy and the computational complexity


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    Biometrics uses methods for unique recognition of humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, particularly, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. The book consists of 13 chapters, each focusing on a certain aspect of the problem. The book chapters are divided into three sections: physical biometrics, behavioral biometrics and medical biometrics. The key objective of the book is to provide comprehensive reference and text on human authentication and people identity verification from both physiological, behavioural and other points of view. It aims to publish new insights into current innovations in computer systems and technology for biometrics development and its applications. The book was reviewed by the editor Dr. Jucheng Yang, and many of the guest editors, such as Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Norman Poh, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park, Dr. Sook Yoon and so on, who also made a significant contribution to the book

    Identification de personnes par fusion de différentes modalités biométriques

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    This thesis contributes to the resolution of the problems which are related to the analysis of the biometric data outcome from the iris, the fingerprint and the fusion of these two modalities, for person identification. Thus, after the evaluation of those proposed biometric systems, we have shown that the multimodal biometric system based on iris and fingerprint outperforms both monomodal biometric systems based whatsoever on the iris or on the fingerprint.Cette thÚse contribue essentiellement à la résolution des problÚmes liés à l'analyse des données biométriques issues de l'iris, de l'empreinte digitale et de la fusion de ces deux modalités pour l'identification de personne. Ainsi, aprÚs l'évaluation des trois systÚmes biométriques proposés, nous avons prouvé que le systÚme biométrique multimodal basé sur l'iris et l'empreinte digitale est plus performant que les deux systÚmes biométriques monomodaux basés que se soit sur l'iris ou sur l'empreinte digitale

    Ridge orientation modeling and feature analysis for fingerprint identification

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    This thesis systematically derives an innovative approach, called FOMFE, for fingerprint ridge orientation modeling based on 2D Fourier expansions, and explores possible applications of FOMFE to various aspects of a fingerprint identification system. Compared with existing proposals, FOMFE does not require prior knowledge of the landmark singular points (SP) at any stage of the modeling process. This salient feature makes it immune from false SP detections and robust in terms of modeling ridge topology patterns from different typological classes. The thesis provides the motivation of this work, thoroughly reviews the relevant literature, and carefully lays out the theoretical basis of the proposed modeling approach. This is followed by a detailed exposition of how FOMFE can benefit fingerprint feature analysis including ridge orientation estimation, singularity analysis, global feature characterization for a wide variety of fingerprint categories, and partial fingerprint identification. The proposed methods are based on the insightful use of theory from areas such as Fourier analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems, analytical operators from differential calculus in vector fields, and fluid dynamics. The thesis has conducted extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed methods on benchmark data sets, and drawn conclusions about strengths and limitations of these new techniques in comparison with state-of-the-art approaches. FOMFE and the resulting model-based methods can significantly improve the computational efficiency and reliability of fingerprint identification systems, which is important for indexing and matching fingerprints at a large scale

    A hybrid wavelet-based fingerprint matcher

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    In this work we present a hybrid fingerprint matcher system based on the multi-resolution analysis of the fingerprint pattern and on minutiae-based registration module. Two fingerprints are first aligned using their minutiae, then the images are divided in sub-windows and each sub-window is decomposed into frequency sub-bands at different decomposition levels using a set of wavelet functions, finally a distinct classifier is trained on each sub-band to distinguish matching pairs of fingerprint from non matching one (defining a two-class matching problem). The features extracted for the matching are the standard deviation of the image convolved with 16 Gabor filters. The selection among the pool of matchers, is performed by running Sequential Forward Floating Selection. The retained matchers are weighted by a novel localized quality measure and combined by a fusion rule. Extensive experiments conducted over the four FVC2002 fingerprint databases show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Keywords

    A hybrid wavelet-based fingerprint matcher

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    In this work we present ahybridfingerprintmatcher system based on the multi-resolution analysis of the fingerprint pattern and on minutiae-based registration module. Two fingerprints are first aligned using their minutiae, then the images are divided in sub-windows and each sub-window is decomposed into frequency sub-bands at different decomposition levels using a set of wavelet functions, finally a distinct classifier is trained on each sub-band to distinguish matching pairs of fingerprint from non-matching one (defining a two-class matching problem). The features extracted for the matching are the standard deviation of the image convolved with 16 Gabor filters. The selection among the pool of matchers, is performed by running Sequential Forward Floating Selection. The retained matchers are weighted by a novel localized quality measure and combined by a fusion rule. Extensive experiments conducted over the four FVC2002 fingerprint databases show the effectiveness of the proposed approach