4,624 research outputs found

    The VEX-93 environment as a hybrid tool for developing knowledge systems with different problem solving techniques

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    The paper describes VEX-93 as a hybrid environment for developing knowledge-based and problem solver systems. It integrates methods and techniques from artificial intelligence, image and signal processing and data analysis, which can be mixed. Two hierarchical levels of reasoning contains an intelligent toolbox with one upper strategic inference engine and four lower ones containing specific reasoning models: truth-functional (rule-based), probabilistic (causal networks), fuzzy (rule-based) and case-based (frames). There are image/signal processing-analysis capabilities in the form of programming languages with more than one hundred primitive functions. User-made programs are embeddable within knowledge basis, allowing the combination of perception and reasoning. The data analyzer toolbox contains a collection of numerical classification, pattern recognition and ordination methods, with neural network tools and a data base query language at inference engines's disposal. VEX-93 is an open system able to communicate with external computer programs relevant to a particular application. Metaknowledge can be used for elaborate conclusions, and man-machine interaction includes, besides windows and graphical interfaces, acceptance of voice commands and production of speech output. The system was conceived for real-world applications in general domains, but an example of a concrete medical diagnostic support system at present under completion as a cuban-spanish project is mentioned. Present version of VEX-93 is a huge system composed by about one and half millions of lines of C code and runs in microcomputers under Windows 3.1.Postprint (published version

    Fabrication, structure and properties of epoxy/metal nanocomposites

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    Gd2O3 nanoparticles surface-modified with IPDI were compounded with epoxy. IPDI provided an anchor into the porous Gd2O3 surface and a bridge into the matrix, thus creating strong bonds between matrix and Gd2O3. 1.7 vol.-% Gd2O3 increased the Young’s modulus of epoxy by 16–19%; the surface-modified Gd2O3 nanoparticles improved the critical strain energy release rate by 64.3% as compared to 26.4% produced by the unmodified nanoparticles. The X-ray shielding efficiency of neat epoxy was enhanced by 300–360%, independent of the interface modification. Interface debonding consumes energy and leads to crack pinning and matrix shear banding; most fracture energy is consumed by matrix shear banding as shown by the large number of ridges on the fracture surface

    Hybrid computer Monte-Carlo techniques

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    Hybrid analog-digital computer systems for Monte Carlo method application

    Soft Contract Verification

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    Behavioral software contracts are a widely used mechanism for governing the flow of values between components. However, run-time monitoring and enforcement of contracts imposes significant overhead and delays discovery of faulty components to run-time. To overcome these issues, we present soft contract verification, which aims to statically prove either complete or partial contract correctness of components, written in an untyped, higher-order language with first-class contracts. Our approach uses higher-order symbolic execution, leveraging contracts as a source of symbolic values including unknown behavioral values, and employs an updatable heap of contract invariants to reason about flow-sensitive facts. We prove the symbolic execution soundly approximates the dynamic semantics and that verified programs can't be blamed. The approach is able to analyze first-class contracts, recursive data structures, unknown functions, and control-flow-sensitive refinements of values, which are all idiomatic in dynamic languages. It makes effective use of an off-the-shelf solver to decide problems without heavy encodings. The approach is competitive with a wide range of existing tools---including type systems, flow analyzers, and model checkers---on their own benchmarks.Comment: ICFP '14, September 1-6, 2014, Gothenburg, Swede

    Reports on Hybrid-computer Hardware

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    Hybrid computer and differential analyzer design and development for university instruction progra

    Man-machine partial program analysis for malware detection

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    With the meteoric rise in popularity of the Android platform, there is an urgent need to combat the accompanying proliferation of malware. Existing work addresses the area of consumer malware detection, but cannot detect novel, sophisticated, domain-specific malware that is targeted specifically at one aspect of an organization (eg. ground operations of the US Military). Adversaries can exploit domain knowledge to camoflauge malice within the legitimate behaviors of an app and behind a domain-specific trigger, rendering traditional approaches such as signature-matching, machine learning, and dynamic monitoring ineffective. Manual code inspections are also inadequate, scaling poorly and introducing human error. Yet, there is a dire need to detect this kind of malware before it causes catastrophic loss of life and property. This dissertation presents the Security Toolbox, our novel solution for this challenging new problem posed by DARPA\u27s Automated Program Analysis for Cybersecurity (APAC) program. We employ a human-in-the-loop approach to amplify the natural intelligence of our analysts. Our automation detects interesting program behaviors and exposes them in an analysis Dashboard, allowing the analyst to brainstorm flaw hypotheses and ask new questions, which in turn can be answered by our automated analysis primitives. The Security Toolbox is built on top of Atlas, a novel program analysis platform made by EnSoft. Atlas uses a graph-based mathematical abstraction of software to produce a unified property multigraph, exposes a powerful API for writing analyzers using graph traversals, and provides both automated and interactive capabilities to facilitate program comprehension. The Security Toolbox is also powered by FlowMiner, a novel solution to mine fine-grained, compact data flow summaries of Java libraries. FlowMiner allows the Security Toolbox to complete a scalable and accurate partial program analysis of an application without including all of the libraries that it uses (eg. Android). This dissertation presents the Security Toolbox, Atlas, and FlowMiner. We provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the Security Toolbox for detecting novel, sophisticated, domain-specific Android malware, demonstrating that our approach outperforms other cutting-edge research tools and state-of-the-art commercial programs in both time and accuracy metrics. We also evaluate the effectiveness of Atlas as a program analysis platform and FlowMiner as a library summary tool

    Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis

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    Statically reasoning in the presence of exceptions and about the effects of exceptions is challenging: exception-flows are mutually determined by traditional control-flow and points-to analyses. We tackle the challenge of analyzing exception-flows from two angles. First, from the angle of pruning control-flows (both normal and exceptional), we derive a pushdown framework for an object-oriented language with full-featured exceptions. Unlike traditional analyses, it allows precise matching of throwers to catchers. Second, from the angle of pruning points-to information, we generalize abstract garbage collection to object-oriented programs and enhance it with liveness analysis. We then seamlessly weave the techniques into enhanced reachability computation, yielding highly precise exception-flow analysis, without becoming intractable, even for large applications. We evaluate our pruned, pushdown exception-flow analysis, comparing it with an established analysis on large scale standard Java benchmarks. The results show that our analysis significantly improves analysis precision over traditional analysis within a reasonable analysis time.Comment: 14th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulatio