1,405 research outputs found

    Genetic based discrete particle swarm optimization for elderly day care center timetabling

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    The timetabling problem of local Elderly Day Care Centers (EDCCs) is formulated into a weighted maximum constraint satisfaction problem (Max-CSP) in this study. The EDCC timetabling problem is a multi-dimensional assignment problem, where users (elderly) are required to perform activities that require different venues and timeslots, depending on operational constraints. These constraints are categorized into two: hard constraints, which must be fulfilled strictly, and soft constraints, which may be violated but with a penalty. Numerous methods have been successfully applied to the weighted Max-CSP; these methods include exact algorithms based on branch and bound techniques, and approximation methods based on repair heuristics, such as the min-conflict heuristic. This study aims to explore the potential of evolutionary algorithms by proposing a genetic-based discrete particle swarm optimization (GDPSO) to solve the EDCC timetabling problem. The proposed method is compared with the min-conflict random-walk algorithm (MCRW), Tabu search (TS), standard particle swarm optimization (SPSO), and a guided genetic algorithm (GGA). Computational evidence shows that GDPSO significantly outperforms the other algorithms in terms of solution quality and efficiency

    Global Optimization Using Local Search Approach for Course Scheduling Problem

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    Course scheduling problem is a combinatorial optimization problem which is defined over a finite discrete problem whose candidate solution structure is expressed as a finite sequence of course events scheduled in available time and space resources. This problem is considered as non-deterministic polynomial complete problem which is hard to solve. Many solution methods have been studied in the past for solving the course scheduling problem, namely from the most traditional approach such as graph coloring technique; the local search family such as hill-climbing search, taboo search, and simulated annealing technique; and various population-based metaheuristic methods such as evolutionary algorithm, genetic algorithm, and swarm optimization. This article will discuss these various probabilistic optimization methods in order to gain the global optimal solution. Furthermore, inclusion of a local search in the population-based algorithm to improve the global solution will be explained rigorously

    Evaluating the Need For a Web-Based Scheduling Management System: a Case Study of UPBJJ UT Surabaya

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    Manajemen penjadwalan yang efektif sangat penting dalam memastikan siswa memiliki akses ke kursus dan program yang mereka butuhkan untuk lulus dan memperoleh keterampilan yang diperlukan. Namun, UPBJJ UT Surabaya, unit di Universitas Terbuka, sebuah universitas pembelajaran jarak jauh di Indonesia, menghadapi tantangan unik dalam mengatur jadwal karena sifatnya yang tersebar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang proses penjadwalan saat ini yang diterapkan di UPBJJ UT Surabaya, mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi, dan mengevaluasi kebutuhan akan sistem manajemen penjadwalan berbasis web yang baru. Melalui tinjauan dokumen, wawancara, dan observasi, studi ini mengidentifikasi beberapa tantangan penjadwalan dan persyaratan utama untuk sistem baru. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem manajemen penjadwalan berbasis web yang baru harus dikembangkan dan diterapkan untuk meningkatkan akurasi dan efisiensi penjadwalan, kepuasan di antara mahasiswa dan fakultas, dan potensi penghematan biaya

    Hybrid Particle Swarm Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problems

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    Effective Solution of University Course Timetabling using Particle Swarm Optimizer based Hyper Heuristic approach

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    عادة ما تكون مشكلة الجدول الزمني للمحاضرات الجامعية (UCTP) هي مشكلة تحسين الإندماجية. يستغرق الأمر جهود يدوية لعدة أيام للوصول إلى جدول زمني مفيد ، ولا تزال النتائج غير جيدة بما يكفي. تُستخدم طرق مختلفة من (الإرشاد أو الإرشاد المساعد) لحل UCTP بشكل مناسب. لكن هذه الأساليب عادةً ما تعطي حلول محدودة. يعالج إطار العمل الاسترشادي العالي هذه المشكلة المعقدة بشكل مناسب. يقترح هذا البحث استخدام محسن سرب الجسيمات استنادا على منهجية الإرشاد العالي (HH PSO) لمعالجة مشكلة الجدول الزمني للمحاضرات الجامعية (UCTP) . محسن سرب الجسيمات PSO يستخدام كطريقة ذات مستوى عالي لتحديد تسلسل الاستدلال ذي المستوى المنخفض (LLH) والذي من ناحية أخرى يستطيع توليد الحل الأمثل. لنهج المقترح يقسم الحل إلى مرحلتين (المرحلة الأولية ومرحلة التحسين). قمنا بتطوير LLH جديد يسمى "أقل عدد ممكن من الغرف المتبقية"  لجدولة الأحداث. يتم استخدام مجموعتي بيانات مسابقة الجدول الزمني الدولية (ITC)  ITC 2002 و ITC 2007 لتقييم الطريقة المقترحة. تشير النتائج الأولية  إلى أن الإرشاد منخفض المستوى المقترح يساعد في جدولة الأحداث في المرحلة الأولية. بالمقارنة مع LLH الأخرى ، الطريقة LLH المقترحة جدولت المزيد من الأحداث لـ 14 و 15 من حالات البيانات من 24 و 20 حالة بيانات من ITC 2002 و ITC 2007 ، على التوالي. تظهر الدراسة التجريبية أن HH PSO تحصل على معدل خرق أقل للقيود في سبع وستة حالات بيانات من ITC 2007 و ITC 2002 ، على التوالي. واستنتج هذا البحث أن LLH المقترحة يمكن أن تحصل على حل معقول وملائم إذا تم تحديد الأولوياتThe university course timetable problem (UCTP) is typically a combinatorial optimization problem. Manually achieving a useful timetable requires many days of effort, and the results are still unsatisfactory. unsatisfactory. Various states of art methods (heuristic, meta-heuristic) are used to satisfactorily solve UCTP. However, these approaches typically represent the instance-specific solutions. The hyper-heuristic framework adequately addresses this complex problem. This research proposed Particle Swarm Optimizer-based Hyper Heuristic (HH PSO) to solve UCTP efficiently. PSO is used as a higher-level method that selects low-level heuristics (LLH) sequence which further generates an optimal solution. The proposed approach generates solutions into two phases (initial and improvement). A new LLH named “least possible rooms left” has been developed and proposed to schedule events. Both datasets of international timetabling competition (ITC) i.e., ITC 2002 and ITC 2007 are used to evaluate the proposed method. Experimental results indicate that the proposed low-level heuristic helps to schedule events at the initial stage. When compared with other LLH’s, the proposed LLH schedule more events for 14 and 15 data instances out of 24 and 20 data instances of ITC 2002 and ITC 2007, respectively. The experimental study shows that HH PSO gets a lower soft constraint violation rate on seven and six data instances of ITC 2007 and ITC 2002, respectively. This research has concluded the proposed LLH can get a feasible solution if prioritized

    Automated course scheduler for Ashesi University College

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2014Ashesi University College is faced with the challenge of effectively scheduling courses at the beginning of the semester so that there are no class clashes for both lecturers and students. In an attempt to solve the Course Timetabling Problem at Ashesi University College, five algorithms: Genetic Algorithm, Constraint Programing, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search algorithm, which are known for their use in solving University Course Timetabling problems have been studied and based on their ease of implementation, their robustness in arriving at feasible solutions, their computational speed and whether an optimal solution is always guaranteed, Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is chosen to implement a solution to the Ashesi University Course Timetabling problem. This project is focused on eliminating course conflicts and creating an optimal table based on teachers‟ preferences for certain timeslots to teach during the week. The paper outlines the assumptions and steps including explanations on Particle Swarm Optimization used in constructing the timetable base on teachers‟ preferences. Test conducted on the project proved that the use of Particle Swarm Optimization to solve the Ashesi Course Timetabling problems is in the right direction.Finally, the paper proposes a focus on other areas of the course timetabling problem at Ashesi University College, using the same Particle swarm optimization procedures described in the paper to help provide a complete solution to the timetabling problem of the school.Ashesi University Colleg

    Artificial Immune Algorithm for exams timetable

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    The Artificial Immune System is a novel optimization algorithm designed on the resilient behavior of the immune system of vertebrates. In this paper, this algorithm is used to solve the constrained optimization problem of creating a university exam schedule and assigning students and examiners to each of the sessions. Penalties are imposed on the violation of the constraints. Abolition of the penalties on the hard constraints in the first stage leads to feasible solutions. In the second stage, the algorithm further refines the search in obtaining optimal solutions, where the exam schedule matches the preferences of the examiners

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjadwalan Resource Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Metode Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

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    Sistem informasi manajemen penjadwalan kuliah merupakan suatu sistem berfokus pada pengelolaan data akademik dan constraints dalam upaya mengoptimalkan penggunaan resource yang tersedia dan terhindar dari bentrok, sehingga informasi yang dihasilkan efektif. Hasil dari informasi tersebut dapat membantu perguruan tinggi dalam merencanakan penggunaan ruangan, dan melakukan pengembangan program studi pada Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem informasi penjadwalan kuliah untuk pemanfaatan resource pada perguruan tinggi menggunakan particle swarm optimization. Data resource dan constraint diimplementasikan menggunakan sistem informasi penjadwalan dengan pendekatan algoritma PSO. Hasil analisa data menggunakan algoritma PSO dengan menggabungkan enam hard constraint dan dua soft constraint belum dapat menghasilkan solusi yang optimal, karena masih terdapat bentrok dosen-timeslot (soft1), namun tanpa menggabungkan kedua soft constraint dapat menghasilkan solusi yang optimal dalam penggunaan ruangan, dimana solusi terbaik dengan nilai fitness (0,333), c1 (2,0), c2 (2,0), w (0,2), dan maksimal iterasi 10 dari solusi yang diinginkan. Hasil akhir penelitian adalah sistem informasi manajemen penjadwalan kuliah berbasis web (lokal) dan desktop untuk pemanfaatan resource yang menghasilkan informasi jadwal kuliah dan penggunaan ruangan pada perguruan tinggi

    Hybrid ant colony system algorithm for static and dynamic job scheduling in grid computing

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    Grid computing is a distributed system with heterogeneous infrastructures. Resource management system (RMS) is one of the most important components which has great influence on the grid computing performance. The main part of RMS is the scheduler algorithm which has the responsibility to map submitted tasks to available resources. The complexity of scheduling problem is considered as a nondeterministic polynomial complete (NP-complete) problem and therefore, an intelligent algorithm is required to achieve better scheduling solution. One of the prominent intelligent algorithms is ant colony system (ACS) which is implemented widely to solve various types of scheduling problems. However, ACS suffers from stagnation problem in medium and large size grid computing system. ACS is based on exploitation and exploration mechanisms where the exploitation is sufficient but the exploration has a deficiency. The exploration in ACS is based on a random approach without any strategy. This study proposed four hybrid algorithms between ACS, Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Tabu Search (TS) algorithms to enhance the ACS performance. The algorithms are ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS. These proposed hybrid algorithms will enhance ACS in terms of exploration mechanism and solution refinement by implementing low and high levels hybridization of ACS, GA, and TS algorithms. The proposed algorithms were evaluated against twelve metaheuristic algorithms in static (expected time to compute model) and dynamic (distribution pattern) grid computing environments. A simulator called ExSim was developed to mimic the static and dynamic nature of the grid computing. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform ACS in terms of best makespan values. Performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS are better than ACS by 0.35%, 2.03%, 4.65% and 6.99% respectively for static environment. For dynamic environment, performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS+TS, and ACS(TS) are better than ACS by 0.01%, 0.56%, 1.16%, and 1.26% respectively. The proposed algorithms can be used to schedule tasks in grid computing with better performance in terms of makespan