1,865 research outputs found

    Multi-energy retail market simulation with autonomous intelligent agents

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2005. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes

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    This reprint includes 22 research papers and an editorial, collected from the Special Issue "Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes", highlighting recent research advances and emerging research directions in complex industrial processes. This reprint aims to promote the research field and benefit the readers from both academic communities and industrial sectors

    On Cyber-Physical Security of Smart Grid: Data Integrity Attacks and Experiment Platform

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    A Smart Grid is a digitally enabled electric power grid that integrates the computation and communication technologies from cyber world with the sensors and actuators from physical world. Due to the system complexity, typically the high cohesion of communication and power system, the Smart Grid innovation introduces new and fundamentally different security vulnerabilities and risks. In this work, two important research aspects about cyber-physical security of Smart Grid are addressed: (i) The construction, impact and countermeasure of data integrity attacks; and (ii) The design and implementation of general cyber-physical security experiment platform. For data integrity attacks: based on the system model of state estimation process in Smart Grid, firstly, a data integrity attack model is formulated, such that the attackers can generate financial benefits from the real-time electrical market operations. Then, to reduce the required knowledge about the targeted power system when launching attacks, an online attack approach is proposed, such that the attacker is able to construct the desired attacks without the network information of power system. Furthermore, a network information attacking strategy is proposed, in which the most vulnerable meters can be directly identified and the desired measurement perturbations can be achieved by strategically manipulating the network information. Besides the attacking strategies, corresponding countermeasures based on the sparsity of attack vectors and robust state estimator are provided respectively. For the experiment platform: ScorePlus, a software-hardware hybrid and federated experiment environment for Smart Grid is presented. ScorePlus incorporates both software emulator and hardware testbed, such that they all follow the same architecture, and the same Smart Grid application program can be tested on either of them without any modification; ScorePlus provides a federated environment such that multiple software emulators and hardware testbeds at different locations are able to connect and form a unified Smart Grid system; ScorePlus software is encapsulated as a resource plugin in OpenStack cloud computing platform, such that it supports massive deployments with large scale test cases in cloud infrastructure

    Systems modelling and simulation in the product development process for automotive powertrains : executive summary

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    This submission is a summary of the ten submissions that form the Engineering Doctorate Portfolio. The aim of the portfolio is to demonstrate the benefit of applying systems modelling and simulation in a modified powertrain product development process. A description is given of the competitive pressures that are faced by motor manufacturers in the global automotive business environment. Competitive pressures include a requirement for reduced time to market, exacting product quality standards, manufacturing over-capacity that increases fixed costs and compromises profit margins, and legislation that is increasingly difficult to meet. High-level strategic responses that are being made by manufacturers to these pressures are presented. Each strategic response requires organisational changes and improved approaches to the way in which day-to-day business is conducted. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) is presented as an approach that can help to improve the competitiveness of motor manufacturers by reducing product development time and the level of hardware prototyping that is required. An investigation in five engineering companies yielded a number of observations about the use of CAE and its integration into product development. Best practice in the implementation of CAE in the product development process is defined. The use of CAE by a leading motor manufacturer in powertrain development is compared with the best practice model, and it is identified that there is a lack of coherence in the application of CAE. It is used to tackle specific problems but the use of CAE is not integrated into the product development process. More importantly, it was found that there is limited application of systems modelling and simulation, which is a critical technique for the effective integration of vehicle systems and the development of on-board vehicle control systems. Before systems modelling and simulation can be applied III powertrain development, an appropriate set of tools and associated modelling architecture must be determined. An appraisal of a range of different tools is undertaken, each tool being appraised against a set of criteria. A combination of DymolaIModelica and MATLAB/Simulink tools is recommended as the optimum solution. DymolaIModelica models of the vehicle plant should be embedded into Simulink models that also contain controller and driver models. MATLAB should be used as the numerical engine and for the creation of user environments. Transmission calibration is selected as a suitable pilot example for applying systems modelling and simulation in powertrain development. Best practice in CAE implementation and the systems modelling and simulation architecture are validated using this example. Simulation models of vehicles equipped with CVT and discrete ratio automatic transmissions are presented. A full description of the operation of the transmission system, of the simulation model itself, and of the validation of the model is presented in each case. The potential benefit of the CVT model in transmission calibration is demonstrated. A Transmission Calibration Simulation Tool (TCST) is described within which the discrete ratio simulation model is encapsulated. The TCST includes a user environment in which the simulation model can be parameterised, a variety of simulation runs can be specified, and simulation results are processed. Development of the TCST requires an objective measure of driveability effects that are influenced by the transmission shift schedule. A method for objective assessment of driveability is developed, correlated, and implemented as an integral part of the TCST. This element of the TCST allows trade-off exercises to be conducted between fuel economy and driveability. The development of a transmission calibration based on experimental testing is compared with a similar exercise based on simulation testing. This study shows that, if the TCST is properly integrated into the transmission calibration process, the vehicle test time taken to optimise the calibration for fuel economy could be reduced by six weeks, and a week of calibrator time could be saved. Thus, the aim of the submission is fulfilled, since the benefit of applying systems modelling and simulation in the powertrain development process has been demonstrated. It is concluded that a consistent approach is required for effectively integrating systems modelling and simulation into the product development process. A model is proposed that clarifies how this can be achieved at a local level. It is proposed that in the future, the model is applied whenever systems modelling and simulation is introduced into a powertrain department

    Natural Language Processing: Emerging Neural Approaches and Applications

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    This Special Issue highlights the most recent research being carried out in the NLP field to discuss relative open issues, with a particular focus on both emerging approaches for language learning, understanding, production, and grounding interactively or autonomously from data in cognitive and neural systems, as well as on their potential or real applications in different domains

    Electrified Powertrains for a Sustainable Mobility: Topologies, Design and Integrated Energy Management Strategies

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    This Special Issue was intended to contribute to the sustainable mobility agenda through enhanced scientific and multi-disciplinary knowledge to investigate concerns and real possibilities in the achievement of a greener mobility and to support the debate between industry and academic researchers, providing an interesting overview on new needs and investigation topics required for future developments

    Wind Power

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    This book is the result of inspirations and contributions from many researchers of different fields. A wide verity of research results are merged together to make this book useful for students and researchers who will take contribution for further development of the existing technology. I hope you will enjoy the book, so that my effort to bringing it together for you will be successful. In my capacity, as the Editor of this book, I would like to thanks and appreciate the chapter authors, who ensured the quality of the material as well as submitting their best works. Most of the results presented in to the book have already been published on international journals and appreciated in many international conferences

    Biopsychosocial Assessment and Ergonomics Intervention for Sustainable Living: A Case Study on Flats

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    This study proposes an ergonomics-based approach for those who are living in small housings (known as flats) in Indonesia. With regard to human capability and limitation, this research shows how the basic needs of human beings are captured and analyzed, followed by proposed designs of facilities and standard living in small housings. Ninety samples were involved during the study through in- depth interview and face-to-face questionnaire. The results show that there were some proposed of modification of critical facilities (such as multifunction ironing work station, bed furniture, and clothesline) and validated through usability testing. Overall, it is hoped that the proposed designs will support biopsychosocial needs and sustainability

    Capturing Risk in Capital Budgeting

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    NPS NRP Technical ReportThis proposed research has the goal of proposing novel, reusable, extensible, adaptable, and comprehensive advanced analytical process and Integrated Risk Management to help the (DOD) with risk-based capital budgeting, Monte Carlo risk-simulation, predictive analytics, and stochastic optimization of acquisitions and programs portfolios with multiple competing stakeholders while subject to budgetary, risk, schedule, and strategic constraints. The research covers topics of traditional capital budgeting methodologies used in industry, including the market, cost, and income approaches, and explains how some of these traditional methods can be applied in the DOD by using DOD-centric non-economic, logistic, readiness, capabilities, and requirements variables. Stochastic portfolio optimization with dynamic simulations and investment efficient frontiers will be run for the purposes of selecting the best combination of programs and capabilities is also addressed, as are other alternative methods such as average ranking, risk metrics, lexicographic methods, PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, and others. The results include actionable intelligence developed from an analytically robust case study that senior leadership at the DOD may utilize to make optimal decisions. The main deliverables will be a detailed written research report and presentation brief on the approach of capturing risk and uncertainty in capital budgeting analysis. The report will detail the proposed methodology and applications, as well as a summary case study and examples of how the methodology can be applied.N8 - Integration of Capabilities & ResourcesThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.