5 research outputs found

    Review Paper on NEO News Recommender Junction

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    Neo News Recommender Junction refers to the branch of data mining that deals with the techniques devoted to the decrease of human endeavors and association in accomplishing assignments. The primary target of Neo News Recommender Junction (NNRJ) is to prescribe news to a user based on user’s past history access through building application and website. Online news reading has turned out to be exceptionally prominent as the web gives access to news articles from a huge number of sources the world over. A key test of news sites is to help clients discover the articles that are intriguing to peruse. In this paper, we display our research on creating customized news proposal framework. For user’s who are signed in and have unequivocally empowered web history, the recommendation framework constructs profiles of users interests based on their past search behavior. To see how users news interest change after some time, we combine the information filtering mechanism using learned user profiles with an existing collaborative filtering mechanism to generate personalized news recommendations. Investigates the live activity of News site exhibited that the joined strategy enhances the nature of news proposal and expands the movement to the site

    Extended Collaborative Filtering Technique for Mitigating the Sparsity Problem

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    Many online shopping malls have implemented personalized recommendation systems to improve customer retention in the age of high competition and information overload. Sellers make use of these recommendation systems to survive high competition and buyers utilize them to find proper product information for their own needs. However, transaction data of most online shopping malls prevent us from using collaborative filtering (CF) technique to recommend products, for the following two reasons: 1) explicit rating information is rarely available in the transaction data; 2) the sparsity problem usually occurs in the data, which makes it difficult to identify reliable neighbors, resulting in less effective recommendations. Therefore, this paper first suggests a means to derive implicit rating information from the transaction data of an online shopping mall and then proposes a new user similarity function to mitigate the sparsity problem. The new user similarity function computes the user similarity of two users if they rated similar items, while the user similarity function of traditional CF technique computes it only if they rated common items. Results from several experiments using an online shopping mall dataset in Korea demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms the traditional CF technique

    Improved collaborative filtering using clustering and association rule mining on implicit data

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    The recommender systems are recently becoming more significant due to their ability in making decisions on appropriate choices. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is the most successful and most applied technique in the design of a recommender system where items to an active user will be recommended based on the past rating records from like-minded users. Unfortunately, CF may lead to poor recommendation when user ratings on items are very sparse (insufficient number of ratings) in comparison with the huge number of users and items in user-item matrix. In the case of a lack of user rating on items, implicit feedback is used to profile a user’s item preferences. Implicit feedback can indicate users’ preferences by providing more evidences and information through observations made on users’ behaviors. Data mining technique, which is the focus of this research, can predict a user’s future behavior without item evaluation and can too, analyze his preferences. In order to investigate the states of research in CF and implicit feedback, a systematic literature review has been conducted on the published studies related to topic areas in CF and implicit feedback. To investigate users’ activities that influence the recommender system developed based on the CF technique, a critical observation on the public recommendation datasets has been carried out. To overcome data sparsity problem, this research applies users’ implicit interaction records with items to efficiently process massive data by employing association rules mining (Apriori algorithm). It uses item repetition within a transaction as an input for association rules mining, in which can achieve high recommendation accuracy. To do this, a modified preprocessing has been employed to discover similar interest patterns among users. In addition, the clustering technique (Hierarchical clustering) has been used to reduce the size of data and dimensionality of the item space as the performance of association rules mining. Then, similarities between items based on their features have been computed to make recommendations. Experiments have been conducted and the results have been compared with basic CF and other extended version of CF techniques including K-Means Clustering, Hybrid Representation, and Probabilistic Learning by using public dataset, namely, Million Song dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique exhibits improvements of an average of 20% in terms of Precision, Recall and Fmeasure metrics when compared to the basic CF technique. Our technique achieves even better performance (an average of 15% improvement in terms of Precision and Recall metrics) when compared to the other extended version of CF techniques, even when the data is very sparse

    Trust-Based Rating Prediction and Malicious Profile Detection in Online Social Recommender Systems

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    Online social networks and recommender systems have become an effective channel for influencing millions of users by facilitating exchange and spread of information. This dissertation addresses multiple challenges that are faced by online social recommender systems such as: i) finding the extent of information spread; ii) predicting the rating of a product; and iii) detecting malicious profiles. Most of the research in this area do not capture the social interactions and rely on empirical or statistical approaches without considering the temporal aspects. We capture the temporal spread of information using a probabilistic model and use non-linear differential equations to model the diffusion process. To predict the rating of a product, we propose a social trust model and use the matrix factorization method to estimate user\u27s taste by incorporating user-item rating matrix. The effect of tastes of friends of a user is captured using a trust model which is based on similarities between users and their centralities. Similarity is modeled using Vector Space Similarity and Pearson Correlation Coefficient algorithms, whereas degree, eigen-vector, Katz, and PageRank are used to model centrality. As rating of a product has tremendous influence on its saleability, social recommender systems are vulnerable to profile injection attacks that affect user\u27s opinion towards favorable or unfavorable recommendations for a product. We propose a classification approach for detecting attackers based on attributes that provide the likelihood of a user profile of that of an attacker. To evaluate the performance, we inject push and nuke attacks, and use precision and recall to identify the attackers. All proposed models have been validated using datasets from Facebook, Epinions, and Digg. Results exhibit that the proposed models are able to better predict the information spread, rating of a product, and identify malicious user profiles with high accuracy and low false positives

    Mise en oeuvre d’une approche sociotechnique de la vie privée pour les systèmes de paiement et de recommandation en ligne

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    Depuis ses fondements, le domaine de l’Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM) est marqué par le souci constant de concevoir et de produire des systèmes numériques utiles et utilisables, c’est-à-dire adaptés aux utilisateurs dans leur contexte. Vu le développement exponentiel des recherches dans les IHM, deux états des lieux s’imposent dans les environnements en ligne : le concept de confiance et le comportement de l’usager. Ces deux états ne cessent de proliférer dans la plupart des solutions conçues et sont à la croisée des travaux dans les interfaces de paiements en ligne et dans les systèmes de recommandation. Devant les progrès des solutions conçues, l’objectif de cette recherche réside dans le fait de mieux comprendre les différents enjeux dans ces deux domaines, apporter des améliorations et proposer de nouvelles solutions adéquates aux usagers en matière de perception et de comportement en ligne. Outre l’état de l’art et les problématiques, ce travail est divisé en cinq parties principales, chacune contribue à mieux enrichir l’expérience de l’usager en ligne en matière de paiement et recommandations en ligne : • Analyse des multi-craintes en ligne : nous analysons les différents facteurs des sites de commerce électronique qui influent directement sur le comportement des consommateurs en matière de prise de décision et de craintes en ligne. Nous élaborons une méthodologie pour mesurer avec précision le moment où surviennent la question de la confidentialité, les perceptions en ligne et les craintes de divulgation et de pertes financières. • Intégration de personnalisation, contrôle et paiement conditionnel : nous proposons une nouvelle plateforme de paiement en ligne qui supporte à la fois la personnalisation et les paiements multiples et conditionnels, tout en préservant la vie privée du détenteur de carte. • Exploration de l’interaction des usagers en ligne versus la sensibilisation à la cybersécurité : nous relatons une expérience de magasinage en ligne qui met en relief la perception du risque de cybercriminalité dans les activités en ligne et le comportement des utilisateurs lié à leur préoccupation en matière de confidentialité. • Équilibre entre utilité des données et vie privée : nous proposons un modèle de préservation de vie privée basé sur l’algorithme « k-means » et sur le modèle « k-coRating » afin de soutenir l’utilité des données dans les recommandations en ligne tout en préservant la vie privée des usagers. • Métrique de stabilité des préférences des utilisateurs : nous ciblons une meilleure méthode de recommandation qui respecte le changement des préférences des usagers par l’intermédiaire d’un réseau neural. Ce qui constitue une amélioration à la fois efficace et performante pour les systèmes de recommandation. Cette thèse porte essentiellement sur quatre aspects majeurs liés : 1) aux plateformes des paiements en ligne, 2) au comportement de l’usager dans les transactions de paiement en ligne (prise de décision, multi-craintes, cybersécurité, perception du risque), 3) à la stabilité de ses préférences dans les recommandations en ligne, 4) à l’équilibre entre vie privée et utilité des données en ligne pour les systèmes de recommandation.Technologies in Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) are playing a vital role across the entire production process to design and deliver advanced digital systems. Given the exponential development of research in this field, two concepts are largely addressed to increase performance and efficiency of online environments: trust and user behavior. These two extents continue to proliferate in most designed solutions and are increasingly enriched by continuous investments in online payments and recommender systems. Along with the trend of digitalization, the objective of this research is to gain a better understanding of the various challenges in these two areas, make improvements and propose solutions more convenient to the users in terms of online perception and user behavior. In addition to the state of the art and challenges, this work is divided into five main parts, each one contributes to better enrich the online user experience in both online payments and system recommendations: • Online customer fears: We analyze different components of the website that may affect customer behavior in decision-making and online fears. We focus on customer perceptions regarding privacy violations and financial loss. We examine the influence on trust and payment security perception as well as their joint effect on three fundamentally important customers’ aspects: confidentiality, privacy concerns and financial fear perception. • Personalization, control and conditional payment: we propose a new online payment platform that supports both personalization and conditional multi-payments, while preserving the privacy of the cardholder. • Exploring user behavior and cybersecurity knowledge: we design a new website to conduct an experimental study in online shopping. The results highlight the impact of user’s perception in cybersecurity and privacy concerns on his online behavior when dealing with shopping activities. • Balance between data utility and user privacy: we propose a privacy-preserving method based on the “k-means” algorithm and the “k-coRating” model to support the utility of data in online recommendations while preserving user’s privacy. • User interest constancy metric: we propose a neural network to predict the user’s interests in recommender systems. Our aim is to provide an efficient method that respects the constancy and variations in user preferences. In this thesis, we focus on four major contributions related to: 1) online payment platforms, 2) user behavior in online payments regarding decision making, multi-fears and cyber security 3) user interest constancy in online recommendations, 4) balance between privacy and utility of online data in recommender systems