21 research outputs found

    Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Strategic Alliances in Zambia’s Higher Education Markets

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the benefits and challenges of strategic alliances among higher education institutions in Zambia. Literature on alliances is explicit and highlights the benefits of alliances as well as the challenges. The study was qualitative in nature utilizing purposive sampling. It was a case study focusing on the existing strategic alliances among three universities situated in the capital of Zambia: University of Zambia, University of Africa and Cavendish University. Sixty participants, 20 from each participating university were purposively selected to represent a rich demographic mix in terms of gender, level of education and experience. These were selected based on their knowledge and experience working in universities as well as their strategic positions in their universities. Data were qualitatively analysed using thematic analysis. Three major themes namely benefits of strategic alliances to universities, challenges faced by strategic alliances among universities and mechanisms to manage such challenges were identified and discussed. It was concluded that strategic alliances among universities benefited the Zambian higher education market better than competition. Challenges identified such as lack of commitment to the strategic alliances could easily lead to their failure and therefore appropriate strategies such as ensuring that contracts offered to staff clearly stipulated the boundaries of staff rights are needed to mitigate such failure

    Support for agricultural development and agribusiness exports in São Tomé and Principe: lessons and policy options from Dominican Republic

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    This study examines the agricultural sector in São Tomé and Príncipe, with a focus on the commercial development of its SMEs. The country faces constraints that prevent their products from accessing international markets. Combining existing literature, interviews with relevants take holders, and a benchmark of best policies using the case study of Dominican Republic, the paper provides three practical policy recommendations: (i) to create incentives for cooperative development; (ii) to provide holistic business services with one-stop-shops; and (iii) to implement trade departmentsindiplomaticinstitutions.Thesepoliciesareexpectedtoprovideafavorableenvironmentforagri-businessdevelopment and facilitate access to international market

    The IoT Rapid-Proto Labs Value Proposition for Start-ups and SMEs

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    The objective of the study is to identify and suggest relevant elements of value on which the IoT Rapid-Proto Labs will focus to correctly structure, define and create a value proposition for the start-ups and SME’s segments. Hence, the study develops on the idea of value creation in the context of university-industry cooperation and explores further on the concept of value proposition. Hence, a theoretical tool called “The Value Proposition Canvas” is used for mapping the elements of value which are essential for the start-ups and SMEs market segments. The study uses an inductive research method, and primary qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with start-ups and SMEs. The aim of these semi-structured interviews was to understand their interpretation of the value enhancing elements. Additionally, the secondary data were gathered through Internet searches, as saved time and resources. During the data collection and analysis of the research findings only the start-ups and SMEs perspectives were considered. The viewpoints of the HEIs and staff involved in the IoT Rapid-Proto Labs were excluded as they are not considered relevant for the identification of the needs and sources of anxieties of the start-ups and SMEs customer segments. Hence, the study exemplifies an outsider’s viewpoint which provides an impartial analysis and assessment of these results. The research interviews with start-ups and SMEs revealed that many types of jobs, pains and gains include concerns around activities such as funding, scalability, lack of operational capital, access to technical knowledge and other day-to day activities on which firms engage in order to generate revenue and eventually profit. Subsequently, interviewees highlighted that HEIs have different working pace compared to the private commercial consultancy firms. Hence, rapid-prototyping and rapid MVP deployment for commercialisation is a requirement sought from potential HEIs partners. In conclusion, this study recommends to create of a new value proposition based on interviewees suggestions, which includes two different components: cost effective rapid-prototyping and co-creation of MVP, rapid deployment for commercialisation. Moreover, the current four IoT Rapid Proto Labs value propositions were included as product and services within the value proposition canvas aiming to build an improved value proposition

    Strategic alliances for the development of sport tourism products: the case of the Portuguese nautical stations

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    Nautical tourism is a tourist product with great development in the European space and a lot of potential to promote and develop tourist destinations. The aim of this study was to analyses the strategic alliances for the development of the offer of nautical tourism products, namely to analyses the decision-making, the value proposal, communication strategy and the selling process adopted by nautical stations (NS) in Portugal. This study is classified as applied descriptive research through the use of qualitative methods. Between September and December 2021, 17 Portuguese nautical stations application forms were collected and all 17 certified NS application forms were imported to NVivo for content analysis as a new standalone project created for this purpose named Nautical Project. Results show that decision-making processes are taken by the majority of partners in a Nautical Station Council, but the dynamics vary between NS. In terms of value proposition, the NS' main value for the NS stakeholders were the aggregation, diversity, and distinctiveness of the region's tourism offer, as well as innovation, reduction of seasonality, and increased spending per visitor. The communication strategies focus was organizing press trips, creating a NS tab in the municipality platform, and developing websites. In the majority of the NS the selling process was done through direct reservations with the different companies of the destination. Future studies could further examine the role of strategic alliances in enhancing destination competitiveness, explore how digital marketing strategies can support the creation of innovative products and services in NS and investigated about the evaluation of the costs and benefits of a communication and selling strategy in the context of the strategic alliances. An analysis of the models of decision-making process in the NS, as case studies, could improve the knowledge related with strategic process in sport tourism. It is worth mentioning that future research must go into the field to observe strategic alliances in action.A indústria do turismo não só gera receitas para os países, como também serve de motor de crescimento e desenvolvimento económico (Balaguer & Cantavella, 2016). A Organização Mundial de Turismo (OMT) destacou o potencial do turismo para criar empregos, apoiar o empreendedorismo e desenvolver infra-estruturas, particularmente nos países em desenvolvimento (OMT, 2020). O turismo desportivo é um sector em rápida expansão e significativo da indústria do turismo, com a OMT a reconhecer o fornecimento de experiências relacionadas com o desporto como uma componente chave de muitos destinos turísticos, e um importante contributo para o desenvolvimento social e económico (OMT, 2019). Cidades e regiões competem por turistas desportivos e em todo o mundo entram em competição por estes turistas, pelo seu dinheiro, e pelo potencial de crescimento inerente a este tipo de mercado (OMT, 2019; Weed, 2019).Segundo a Comissão Europeia (2017), "Turismo náutico - aproveitar o seu potencial para a Economia Azul", o turismo náutico é um produto turístico com grande potencial para promover e desenvolver destinos turísticos. Numa primeira parte, este estudo explora os conceitos associados à estratégia e aliança estratégica e como estas alianças poderiam ser relevantes para a área do turismo desportivo, particularmente para o turismo náutico. As alianças estratégicas devem ter duas ou mais organizações independentes que se juntem para perseguir benefícios mútuos, que serão maiores do que os dos esforços individuais (Park & Chen, 2005). A estratégia é um programa único, abrangente e integrado que relaciona os méritos ou pontos fortes da organização com os factores e mudanças do ambiente, e é de alguma forma concebido para assegurar que atinge os objectivos centrais da organização (Hill, 2014). Nesta perspetiva, a estratégia é a alocação ótima de recursos escassos para alcançar os objetivos económicos. A estratégia é definida como um conjunto de objetivos e políticas fundamentais e, para alcançar estes objetivos, é crucial definir o tipo de empresas e que tipo de organização poderia ser importante para alcançar a sua missão e visão (Amaral, 2019). A estratégia também determina os campos de atividade num ambiente complexo e dinâmico e é a ferramenta dada ao elemento humano, num sistema organizacional, que permite impulsionar as pessoas; uma vez que haverá maior coerência entre os objetivos e as atividades atuais da organização, a taxa de crescimento e desenvolvimento será maior e melhor organizada (Cabrita, 2020). O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as alianças estratégicas para o desenvolvimento da oferta de produtos de turismo náutico, nomeadamente para analisar a tomada de decisões, a proposta de valor, a estratégia de comunicação e o processo de venda adotado pelas estações náuticas (EN) em Portugal. Este estudo é classificado como uma investigação descritiva aplicada através da utilização de métodos qualitativos e enquadra-se nas caraterísticas de um estudo de caso – Estações Náuticas (EN) de Portugal. Este é um projeto que visa desenvolver uma estratégia colectiva para promover o desenvolvimento do sector náutico em Portugal. O processo de recolha e análise de dados centrou-se nos formulários oficiais de candidatura utilizados para certificar as estações náuticas pela Fórum Oceano (FO), nomeadamente nas várias dimensões que integram os formulários: processo de tomada de decisão, proposta de valor, estratégia de comunicação, e processo de venda. Os dados foram analisados utilizando um método de análise de conteúdo dedutivo, numa primeira fase, onde os dados foram codificados por item representando cada dimensão, seguido de um método de análise de conteúdo indutivo para codificar subcategorias em cada dimensão. Foram utilizados procedimentos de fiabilidade inter-codificadores para assegurar a exatidão da análise. Este estudo analisou 17 formulários de candidatura de estações náuticas portuguesas entre setembro e dezembro de 2021. Todas as 17 transcrições foram importadas para a NVivo para análise como um novo projeto autónomo criado para o efeito, denominado Projeto Náutico. Os resultados mostram que os processos de tomada de decisão são tomados pela maioria dos parceiros no Conselho da Estação Náutica, mas a dinâmica varia entre as EN. Em termos de proposta de valor, o principal valor acrescentado das EN foi a agregação, diversidade e distintividade da oferta turística da região, bem como a inovação, redução da sazonalidade e aumento das despesas por visitante. As estratégias de comunicação centraram-se na organização de viagens de imprensa, na criação de um separador EN na plataforma municipal, e no desenvolvimento de websites. Na maioria dos EN, o processo de venda foi feito através de reservas diretas com as diferentes empresas do destino. Os resultados desta investigação contribuem para uma melhor compreensão das alianças estratégicas na indústria do turismo náutico em Portugal e fornecem informações sobre como as EN comunicam as suas ofertas e incrementam a sua competitividade no mercado. As conclusões podem também ser úteis para os decisores políticos, associações industriais e outros interessados em promover o desenvolvimento do sector do turismo náutico em Portugal. Este estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão do turismo náutico e das estações náuticas portuguesas, um projeto estratégico de investimento no desporto e no turismo. Os limites deste trabalho foram: i) a análise de um número limitado de dimensões dos formulários de candidatura oficiais; ii) a não análise dos formulários de candidatura de todas as EN devido ao facto de algumas EN não terem permitido que FO partilhasse os mesmos com a equipa de investigação; iii) não inclusão da observação direta das práticas implementadas pelas EN. Estudos futuros podem analisar os diferentes modelos de tomada de decisão nas EN, como estudos de caso, de forma a melhorar o conhecimento relacionado com o processo estratégico no turismo desportivo, a permitir conhecer os constrangimentos e os facilitadores no turismo náutico e a desenvolver conhecimento de suporte a políticas e estratégias de turismo desportivo para o futuro. Importa também examinar o papel das alianças estratégicas no aumento da competitividade do destino, explorar como as estratégias de marketing digital podem apoiar a criação de produtos e serviços inovadores nas EN e investigar sobre a avaliação dos custos e benefícios de uma estratégia de comunicação e venda no contexto das alianças estratégicas. Sugere-se ainda que a investigação futura seja desenvolvida através de metodologias de campo para observar as alianças estratégicas em ação

    A holistic and integrated approach to theorizing strategic alliances of small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to seek to deliver a new and holistic insight on small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) strategic alliances in terms of the precursor, motivations, selection, governance structure, outcomes and challenges of strategic alliances of SMEs and the relationships between them. Design/methodology/approach – To better understand the entire process of SME strategic alliances, the author takes a novel approach which is based on a combined perspective of entrepreneurship and innovation, resource-based theory, and social network theory. Findings – The author develops a theoretical model which seeks to conceptualize the antecedents, process, and outcomes of strategic alliances of SMEs and the relationships between them. Research limitations/implications – The conceptual framework provides the directions for future empirical testing and further theoretical research. Practical implications – This study may help managers better understand the importance of an integrated approach to entrepreneurship and innovation, and the process and outcomes of enhancing their entrepreneurship and innovation capacities through strategic alliances. Originality/value – To the author’s knowledge, this study is the first of its kind that takes a holistic and integrated approach to study SME strategic alliances

    Support for agricultural development and agribusiness exports in São Tomé and Principe: literature review

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    This study examines the agricultural sector in São Tomé and Príncipe, with a focus on the commercial development of its SMEs. The country faces constraints that prevent their products from accessing international markets. Combining existing literature, interviews with relevant stakeholders, and a benchmark of best policies using three case studies, the paper provides three practical policy recommendations: (i) to create incentives for cooperative development; (ii) to provide holistic business services with one-stop-shops; and (iii) to implement trade departments in diplomatic institutions. These policies are expected to provide a favorable environment for agri-business development and facilitate access to international markets

    Strategies Needed for Small Business Sustainability: A Case Study of Thai Restaurants

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    According to U.S. Small Business Association, the failure rates for small businesses in 2014 were as high as 50% to 80% within the first 5 years of establishment. Failure rates were especially high among restaurant businesses. The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies that small business owners needed to sustain their businesses beyond the first 5 years. Guided by entrepreneurship theory as the conceptual framework, a case study was conducted with semistructured interviews of 3 successful Thai restaurant owners in Salt Lake City, Utah. Member checking and methodological triangulation with field notes, interview data, company websites, customer comments, and government documents help ensure theoretical saturation and trustworthiness of interpretations. Using precoded themes for the data analysis, the 7 themes from this study were entrepreneur characteristics, education and management skills, marketing strategies and competitive advantages, social networks and human relationships, technology and innovation, government supports and social responsibility, and financial planning. Two key results indicated the strategies that were needed for small business owners were entrepreneur management skills and government support for small businesses. These findings may influence positive social change by improving small business owner efficiency and sustainability, increasing higher business income, providing a better quality of living for employees and the well-being of the community, and benefiting the U.S. economy

    Strategies for Used Car Dealership Owners to Sustain Business in a Competitive Environment

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    Small used car dealership ventures experience high business failures in the marketplace. Grounded in the resource-based view (RBV) theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies used car dealership owners and managers employ to remain profitable and sustain operations for longer than 5 years. In this study, 10 participants, including 5 owners and 5 managers from small used car dealerships in Colorado participated in face-to-face semistructured interviews. These participants have developed successful strategies to remain profitable for at least 5 years. Using methodological triangulation, field notes and documentary evidence supplemented the data collected through semistructured interviews. Through thematic analysis, 3 themes emerged from the research findings: customer care, aggressive marketing, and business knowledge. The findings showed the need for managers and owners of used car dealerships to employ strategies to compete in the marketplace and sustain growth. The positive social change resulting from this study includes the potential to increase small business successes, which could increase employment opportunities and the potential for job creation. The success of these small businesses could contribute positively to the economic empowerment of other related businesses and improve the economic wellbeing of communities through an increase in tax revenues and contributions to local nonprofit organizations

    Small Business Owners Strategies in the Retail Grocery Sector

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    In Angola, 96.7% of established small businesses fail. Thus, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies retail grocery store owners in Angola use to succeed beyond 5 years. The population of the study consisted of 5 retail grocery storeowners who sustained their businesses longer than 5 years in Angola. The conceptual framework for this study was the resource-based view. Face-to-face, semistructured interviews and company documentation review were used to collect data. Yin\u27s 5-phase cycle, which includes (a) compiling, (b) disassembling, (c) reassembling, (d) interpreting, and (e) concluding, was used to find patterns, themes, and categories from the data. Member checking and methodological triangulation were used to ensure credibility. Through thematic analysis, 5 themes emerged: control and monitoring, dedication of the owner, quality staff, regular offer and quality products, and social capital. These themes reflect a common set of strategies that retail grocery storeowners in Angola use to succeed beyond 5 years. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve the performance of small businesses and reduce business failure rates and unemployment in Angola. Additionally, by sustaining their profitability, small businesses offer a basis for increasing tax revenues, contributing to economic growth of the local economy, and improving people\u27s living standards

    Business Strategies for Small Business Survival

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    Small business owners play a leading role in the United States economy by creating jobs and driving innovation. However, half of all new small business owners close their doors before their 5th anniversary. Following the entrepreneurship theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore what strategies 5 small business owners in the food and beverage industry in the San Francisco Bay area used to survive beyond 5 years of operation. Data sources included semistructured interviews and company documents. Data analysis included descriptive and process coding of the data and use of NVivo to identify themes. Based on thematic analysis of the data, the emergent themes included: human capital, business goals, and growth through innovation. Participants relied on business knowledge to start and sustain their businesses; set incremental goals for growth and aligned business decisions to achieve those goals; and maintained a competitive advantage by implementing innovative and creative changes to their products and services. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide small business owners and potential small business owners with strategies to sustain their businesses beyond the 5-year mark, thus contributing to economic growth of their businesses, their employees, and their local economy