12 research outputs found

    A DRAM Centric NoC Architecture and Topology Design Approach

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    Most communication traffic in today\u2019s System on Chips (SoC) is DRAM centric. The NoC should be designed to efficiently handle the many-to-one communication pattern, funneling to and from the DRAM controller. In this paper, we motivate the use of a separate network for the DRAM traffic and justify the power overhead and performance improvement obtained, when compared to traditional solutions. We also show how the topology of this DRAM network can be designed and optimized to account for the funnel-shaped pattern. Our experiments on a realistic SoC multimedia benchmark shows a large reduction in power consumption and improvement in performance when compared to existing solutions

    Networks on Chips: From Research to Products

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    Research on Networks on Chips (NoCs) has spanned over a decade and its results are now visible in some products. Thus the seminal idea of using networking technology to address the chip-level interconnect problem has been shown to be correct. Moreover, as technology scales down in geometry and chips scale up in complexity, NoCs become the essential element to achieve the desired levels of performance and quality of service while curbing power consumption levels. Design and timing closure can only be achieved by a sophisticated set of tools that address NoC synthesis, optimization and validation

    SUNMAP: A Tool for Automatic Topology Selection and Generation for NoCs

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    Increasing communication demands of processor and memory cores in Systems on Chips (SoCs) necessitate the use of Networks on Chip (NoC) to interconnect the cores. An important phase in the design of NoCs is the mapping of cores onto the most suitable topology for a given application. In this paper, we present SUNMAP a tool for automatically selecting the best topology for a given application and producing a mapping of cores onto that topology. SUNMAP explores various design objective such as minimizing average communication delay, area, power dissipation subject to bandwidth and area constraints. The tool supports different routing functions (dimension ordered, minimum-path, traffic splitting) and uses floorplanning information early in the topology selection process to provide feasible mappings. The network components of the chosen NoC are automatically generated using cycle-accurate SystemC soft macros from xpipes architecture. SUNMAP automates NoC selection and generation, bridging an important design gap in building NoCs. Several experimental case studies are presented in the paper, which show the rich design space exploration capabilities of SUNMAP

    Schedule-Aware Performance Estimation of Communication Architecture for Efficient Design Space Exploration

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    In this paper,we are concerned about performance estimation of bus-based communication architectures assuming that task partitioning and scheduling on processing elements are already determined. Since communication overhead is dynamic and unpredictable due to bus contention, a simulation-based approach seems inevitable for accurate performance estimation. However, it is too time-consuming to be used for exploring the wide design space of bus architectures. We propose a static performance-estimation technique based on a queueing analysis assuming that the memory traces and the task schedule information are given. We use this static estimation technique as the first step in our design space exploration framework to prune the design space drastically before applying a simulation-based approach to the reduced design space. Experimental results show that the proposed technique is several orders of magnitude faster than a trace-driven simulation while keeping the estimation error within 10% consistently in various communication architecture configurations.This work was supported by the National Research Laboratory under Program M1-0104-00-0015, Brain Korea 21 Project, and the IT-SoC project. ICT at Seoul National University provided research facilities for this study

    Automatic Layer-Based Generation of System-On-Chip Bus Communication Models

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    NoC Synthesis Flow for Customized Domain Specific Mutliprocessor Systems-on-Chip

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    The growing complexity of customizable single-chip multiprocessors is requiring communication resources that can only be provided by a highly-scalable communication infrastructure. This trend is exemplified by the growing number of network-on-chip (NoC) architectures that have been proposed recently for system-on-chip (SoC) integration. Developing NoC-based systems tailored to a particular application domain is crucial for achieving high-performance, energy-efficient customized solutions. The effectiveness of this approach largely depends on the availability of an ad hoc design methodology that, starting from a high-level application specification, derives an optimized NoC configuration with respect to different design objectives and instantiates the selected application specific on-chip micronetwork. Automatic execution of these design steps is highly desirable to increase SoC design productivity. This work illustrates a complete synthesis flow, called Netchip, for customized NoC architectures, that partitions the development work into major steps (topology mapping, selection, and generation) and provides proper tools for their automatic execution (SUNMAP, xpipescompiler). The entire flow leverages the flexibility of a fully reusable and scalable network components library called xpipes, consisting of highly-parameterizable network building blocks (network interface, switches, switch-to-switch links) that are design-time tunable and composable to achieve arbitrary topologies and customized domain-specific NoC architectures. Several experimental case studies are presented In the work, showing the powerful design space exploration capabilities of the proposed methodology and tools

    Design Methods and Tools for Application-Specific Predictable Networks-on-Chip

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    As the complexity of applications grows with each new generation, so does the demand for computation power. To satisfy the computation demands at manageable power levels, we see a shift in the design paradigm from single processor systems to Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs). MPSoCs leverage the parallelism in applications to increase the performance at the same power levels. To further improve the computation to power consumption ratio, MPSoCs for embedded applications are heterogeneous and integrate cores that are specialized to perform the different functionalities of the application. With technology scaling, wire power consumption is increasing compared to logic, making communication as expensive as computation. Therefore customizing the interconnect is necessary to achieve energy efficiency. Designing an optimal application specific Network-on-Chip (NoC), that meets application demands, requires the exploration of a large design space. Automatic design and optimization of the NoC is required in order to achieve fast design closure, especially for heterogeneous MPSoCs. To continue to meet the computation requirements of future applications new technologies are emerging. Three dimensional integration promises to increase the number of transistors by stacking multiple silicon layers. This will lead to an increase in the number of cores of the MPSoCs resulting in increased communication demands. To compensate for the increase in the wire delay in new technology nodes as well as to reduce the power consumption further, multi-synchronous design is becoming popular. With multiple clock signals, different parts of the MPSoC can be clocked at different frequencies according to the current demands of the application and can even be shutdown when they are not used at all. This further complicates the design of the NoC.Many applications require different levels of guarantee from the NoC in order to perform their functionality correctly. As communication traffic patterns become more complex, the performance of the NoC can no longer be predicted statically. Therefore designing the interconnect network requires that such guarantees are provided during the dynamic operation of the system which includes the interaction with major subsystems (i.e., main memory) and not just the interconnect itself. In this thesis, I present novel methods to design application-specific NoCs that meet performance demands, under the constraints of new technologies. To provide different levels of Quality of Service, I integrate methods to estimate the NoC performance during the design phase of the interconnect topology. I present methods and architectures for NoCs to efficiently access memory systems, in order to achieve predictable operation of the systems from the point of view of the communication as well as the bottleneck target devices. Therefore the main contribution of the thesis is twofold: scientific as I propose new algorithms to perform topology synthesis and engineering by presenting extensive experiments and architectures for NoC design

    A hierarchical modeling framework for on-chip communication architectures

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