17 research outputs found

    A hierarchical image segmentation algorithm based on an observation scale

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    International audienceHierarchical image segmentation provides a region-oriented scale-space, i.e., a set of image segmentations at different detail levels in which the segmentations at finer levels are nested with respect to those at coarser levels. Most image segmentation algorithms, such as region merging algorithms, rely on a criterion for merging that does not lead to a hierarchy. In addition, for image segmentation, the tuning of the parameters can be difficult. In this work, we propose a hierarchical graph based image segmentation relying on a criterion popularized by Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher. Quantitative and qualitative assessments of the method on Berkeley image database shows efficiency, ease of use and robustness of our method

    New characterizations of minimum spanning trees and of saliency maps based on quasi-flat zones

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    We study three representations of hierarchies of partitions: dendrograms (direct representations), saliency maps, and minimum spanning trees. We provide a new bijection between saliency maps and hierarchies based on quasi-flat zones as used in image processing and characterize saliency maps and minimum spanning trees as solutions to constrained minimization problems where the constraint is quasi-flat zones preservation. In practice, these results form a toolkit for new hierarchical methods where one can choose the most convenient representation. They also invite us to process non-image data with morphological hierarchies

    Image Segmentation from RGBD Images by 3D Point Cloud Attributes and High-Level Features

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    In this paper, an approach is developed for segmenting an image into major surfaces and potential objects using RGBD images and 3D point cloud data retrieved from a Kinect sensor. In the proposed segmentation algorithm, depth and RGB data are mapped together. Color, texture, XYZ world coordinates, and normal-, surface-, and graph-based segmentation index features are then generated for each pixel point. These attributes are used to cluster similar points together and segment the image. The inclusion of new depth-related features provided improved segmentation performance over RGB-only algorithms by resolving illumination and occlusion problems that cannot be handled using graph-based segmentation algorithms, as well as accurately identifying pixels associated with the main structure components of rooms (walls, ceilings, floors). Since each segment is a potential object or structure, the output of this algorithm is intended to be used for object recognition. The algorithm has been tested on commercial building images and results show the usability of the algorithm in real time applications

    Improved Object Proposals with Geometrical Features for Autonomous Driving

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    A Weighted K-means Algorithm applied to Brain Tissue Classification

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    Tissue classification in Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain images is an important issue in the analysis of several brain dementias. This paper presents a modification of the classical K-means algorithm taking into account the number of times specific features appear in an image, employing, for that purpose, a weighted mean to calculate the centroid of every cluster. Pattern Recognition techniques allow grouping pixels based on features similarity. In this paper, multispectral gray-level intensity MR brain images are used. T1, T2 and PD-weighted images provide different and complementary information about the tissues. Segmentation is performed in order to classify each pixel of the resulting image according to four possible classes: cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF), white matter (WM), gray matter (GM) and background. T1, T2 and PD-weighted images are used as patterns. The proposed algorithm weighs the number of pixels corresponding to each set of gray levels in the feature vector. As a consequence, an automatic segmentation of the brain tissue is obtained. The algorithm provides faster results if compared with the traditional K-means, thereby retrieving complementary information from the images.Facultad de Informátic

    Hierarchical Color Image Segmentation Using Watershed Filling and Overlap-rate Measuring

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    由于分水岭方法进行图像分割时经常是在梯度图像上进行,并经常产生过分割的结果,因此为克服图像过分割问题和提高分割的准确性,提出了一种基于分水岭和重叠率衡量分层融合策略的彩色图像分割新算法——HWO。该算法首先将RGB颜色空间转化到Lab颜色空间,并根据a、b维来提取统计2维直方图,同时在直方图上运用分水岭分割方法,通过对峰进行填充来得到图像的初步分割结果;然后将与填充对应的分割区域样本与高斯分布结合起来,对图像进行高斯混合模型假设下的参数估计;最后对模型与模型间进行重叠率衡量及分层区域融合,以得到最终的图像分割结果。实验中,首先采用训练图像集对算法涉及的两个参数进行确定,然后对测试图像集的分割效果和分割时间性能进行评估,评估是以标准的人工分割图像库为基准的。实验结果表明,该算法可解决过分割问题,其评估所得分准率及分全率综合衡量系数为0.609,而人工分割综合衡量系数为0.79,同时新方法的分割时间仅为传统方法的1/3,分割速度有了较大提高。Watershed segmentation based on gradient images usually has over-segmentation result.To solve over-segmentation problem,we propose a new Hierarchical image segmentation method based on Watershed filling and Overlap-rate measuring(HWO).Firstly,we transform RGB color space to Lab and statistic the histogram according to a and b dimensions.The watershed segmentation algorithm is applied to 2D histogram and the initial segmentation result is achieved.Then,we associate the segmentation region with the Gaussian distributing,and estimate the parameter value.Finally,we measure the Overlap-rate for a hierarchical region merging and get the final result.In the experiment,the two parameters are determined.We then evaluate the segmentation performance with a standard database of human segmented natural images.Results show our method can efficiently solve over-segmentation problem,and the combined value of precision and recall measures is 0.609,while is 0.79 when the segmentation is done manually.In addition,the new method also has much less computing complexity.教育部“211”计划“985”工程-2期项目(000-X07204);; 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2006AA01Z129

    Dual-polarization (HH/HV) RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR Observations of New, Young and First-year Sea Ice

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    Observations of sea ice from space are routinely used to monitor sea ice extent, concentration and type to support human marine activity and climate change studies. In this study, eight dual-polarization (dual-pol) (HH/HV) RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR images acquired over the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the winter of 2009 are analysed to determine what new or improved sea ice information is provided by dual-pol C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data at wide swath widths, relative to single co-pol data. The objective of this study is to assess how dual-pol RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR data might improve operational ice charts and derived sea ice climate data records. In order to evaluate the dual-pol data, ice thickness and surface roughness measurements and optical remote sensing data were compared to backscatter signatures observed in the SAR data. The study found that: i) dual-pol data provide improved separation of ice and open water, particularly at steep incidence angles and high wind speeds; ii) the contrast between new, young and first-year (FY) ice types is reduced in the cross-pol channel; and iii) large areas of heavily deformed ice can reliably be separated from level ice in the dual-pol data, but areas of light and moderately ridged ice cannot be resolved and the thickness of heavily deformed ice cannot be determined. These results are limited to observations of new, young and FY ice types in winter conditions. From an operational perspective, the improved separation of ice and open water will increase the accuracy of ice edge and total ice concentration estimates while reducing the time required to produce image analysis charts. Further work is needed to determine if areas of heavily ridged ice can be separated from areas of heavily rafted ice based on knowledge of ice conditions in the days preceding the formation of high backscatter deformed ice. If rafted and ridged ice can be separated, tactical ridged ice information should be included on image analysis charts. The dual-pol data can also provide small improvements to ice extent and concentration data in derived climate data records. Further analysis of dual-pol RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR data over additional ice regimes and seasons is required