354 research outputs found

    On Deep Machine Learning Methods for Anomaly Detection within Computer Vision

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    This thesis concerns deep learning approaches for anomaly detection in images. Anomaly detection addresses how to find any kind of pattern that differs from the regularities found in normal data and is receiving increasingly more attention in deep learning research. This is due in part to its wide set of potential applications ranging from automated CCTV surveillance to quality control across a range of industries. We introduce three original methods for anomaly detection applicable to two specific deployment scenarios. In the first, we detect anomalous activity in potentially crowded scenes through imagery captured via CCTV or other video recording devices. In the second, we segment defects in textures and demonstrate use cases representative of automated quality inspection on industrial production lines. In the context of detecting anomalous activity in scenes, we take an existing state-of-the-art method and introduce several enhancements including the use of a region proposal network for region extraction and a more information-preserving feature preprocessing strategy. This results in a simpler method that is significantly faster and suitable for real-time application. In addition, the increased efficiency facilitates building higher-dimensional models capable of improved anomaly detection performance, which we demonstrate on the pedestrian-based UCSD Ped2 dataset. In the context of texture defect detection, we introduce a method based on the idea of texture restoration that surpasses all state-of-the-art methods on the texture classes of the challenging MVTecAD dataset. In the same context, we additionally introduce a method that utilises transformer networks for future pixel and feature prediction. This novel method is able to perform competitive anomaly detection on most of the challenging MVTecAD dataset texture classes and illustrates both the promise and limitations of state-of-the-art deep learning transformers for the task of texture anomaly detection

    Review and Analysis of Failure Detection and Prevention Techniques in IT Infrastructure Monitoring

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    Maintaining the health of IT infrastructure components for improved reliability and availability is a research and innovation topic for many years. Identification and handling of failures are crucial and challenging due to the complexity of IT infrastructure. System logs are the primary source of information to diagnose and fix failures. In this work, we address three essential research dimensions about failures, such as the need for failure handling in IT infrastructure, understanding the contribution of system-generated log in failure detection and reactive & proactive approaches used to deal with failure situations. This study performs a comprehensive analysis of existing literature by considering three prominent aspects as log preprocessing, anomaly & failure detection, and failure prevention. With this coherent review, we (1) presume the need for IT infrastructure monitoring to avoid downtime, (2) examine the three types of approaches for anomaly and failure detection such as a rule-based, correlation method and classification, and (3) fabricate the recommendations for researchers on further research guidelines. As far as the authors\u27 knowledge, this is the first comprehensive literature review on IT infrastructure monitoring techniques. The review has been conducted with the help of meta-analysis and comparative study of machine learning and deep learning techniques. This work aims to outline significant research gaps in the area of IT infrastructure failure detection. This work will help future researchers understand the advantages and limitations of current methods and select an adequate approach to their problem

    Exploring variability in medical imaging

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    Although recent successes of deep learning and novel machine learning techniques improved the perfor- mance of classification and (anomaly) detection in computer vision problems, the application of these methods in medical imaging pipeline remains a very challenging task. One of the main reasons for this is the amount of variability that is encountered and encapsulated in human anatomy and subsequently reflected in medical images. This fundamental factor impacts most stages in modern medical imaging processing pipelines. Variability of human anatomy makes it virtually impossible to build large datasets for each disease with labels and annotation for fully supervised machine learning. An efficient way to cope with this is to try and learn only from normal samples. Such data is much easier to collect. A case study of such an automatic anomaly detection system based on normative learning is presented in this work. We present a framework for detecting fetal cardiac anomalies during ultrasound screening using generative models, which are trained only utilising normal/healthy subjects. However, despite the significant improvement in automatic abnormality detection systems, clinical routine continues to rely exclusively on the contribution of overburdened medical experts to diagnosis and localise abnormalities. Integrating human expert knowledge into the medical imaging processing pipeline entails uncertainty which is mainly correlated with inter-observer variability. From the per- spective of building an automated medical imaging system, it is still an open issue, to what extent this kind of variability and the resulting uncertainty are introduced during the training of a model and how it affects the final performance of the task. Consequently, it is very important to explore the effect of inter-observer variability both, on the reliable estimation of model’s uncertainty, as well as on the model’s performance in a specific machine learning task. A thorough investigation of this issue is presented in this work by leveraging automated estimates for machine learning model uncertainty, inter-observer variability and segmentation task performance in lung CT scan images. Finally, a presentation of an overview of the existing anomaly detection methods in medical imaging was attempted. This state-of-the-art survey includes both conventional pattern recognition methods and deep learning based methods. It is one of the first literature surveys attempted in the specific research area.Open Acces

    Generative Models for Novelty Detection Applications in abnormal event and situational changedetection from data series

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    Novelty detection is a process for distinguishing the observations that differ in some respect from the observations that the model is trained on. Novelty detection is one of the fundamental requirements of a good classification or identification system since sometimes the test data contains observations that were not known at the training time. In other words, the novelty class is often is not presented during the training phase or not well defined. In light of the above, one-class classifiers and generative methods can efficiently model such problems. However, due to the unavailability of data from the novelty class, training an end-to-end model is a challenging task itself. Therefore, detecting the Novel classes in unsupervised and semi-supervised settings is a crucial step in such tasks. In this thesis, we propose several methods to model the novelty detection problem in unsupervised and semi-supervised fashion. The proposed frameworks applied to different related applications of anomaly and outlier detection tasks. The results show the superior of our proposed methods in compare to the baselines and state-of-the-art methods

    Detecting Controllers' Actions in Past Mode S Data by Autoencoder-Based Anomaly Detection

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    International audienceThe preparation and execution of training simulations for Air Traffic Control (ATC) and pilots requires a significant commitment of operational experts. Such a mobilisation could be alleviated by a decision support tool trained to generate a realistic environment based on historical data. Prior to studying methods able to learn from a dataset of traffic patterns and ATC orders observed in the past, we focus here on the constitution of such a database from a history of trajectories: the difficulty lies in the fact that past flown trajectories are properly regulated, that observed situations may depend on a wide range of potentially unknown factors and that ownership rules apply on parts of the data. We present here a method to analyse flight trajectories, detect unusual flight behaviours and infer ATC actions. When an anomaly is detected, we place the trajectory in context, then assess whether such anomaly could correspond to an ATC action. The trajectory outlier detection method is based on autoencoder Machine Learning models. It determines trajectory outliers and quantifies a level of abnormality, therefore giving hints about the nature of the detected situations. Results obtained on three different scenarios, with Mode S flight data collected over one year, show that this method is well suited to efficiently detect anomalous situations, ranging from classic air traffic controllers orders to more significant deviations. Detecting such situations is not only a necessary milestone for the generation of ATC orders in a realistic environment; this methodology could also be useful in safety studies for anomaly detection and estimation of probabilities of rare events; and in complexity and performance analyses for detecting actions in neighbouring sectors or estimating ATC workload

    Novelty, distillation, and federation in machine learning for medical imaging

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    The practical application of deep learning methods in the medical domain has many challenges. Pathologies are diverse and very few examples may be available for rare cases. Where data is collected it may lie in multiple institutions and cannot be pooled for practical and ethical reasons. Deep learning is powerful for image segmentation problems but ultimately its output must be interpretable at the patient level. Although clearly not an exhaustive list, these are the three problems tackled in this thesis. To address the rarity of pathology I investigate novelty detection algorithms to find outliers from normal anatomy. The problem is structured as first finding a low-dimension embedding and then detecting outliers in that embedding space. I evaluate for speed and accuracy several unsupervised embedding and outlier detection methods. Data consist of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for interstitial lung disease for which healthy and pathological patches are available; only the healthy patches are used in model training. I then explore the clinical interpretability of a model output. I take related work by the Canon team — a model providing voxel-level detection of acute ischemic stroke signs — and deliver the Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score (ASPECTS, a measure of stroke severity). The data are acute head computed tomography volumes of suspected stroke patients. I convert from the voxel level to the brain region level and then to the patient level through a series of rules. Due to the real world clinical complexity of the problem, there are at each level — voxel, region and patient — multiple sources of “truth”; I evaluate my results appropriately against these truths. Finally, federated learning is used to train a model on data that are divided between multiple institutions. I introduce a novel evolution of this algorithm — dubbed “soft federated learning” — that avoids the central coordinating authority, and takes into account domain shift (covariate shift) and dataset size. I first demonstrate the key properties of these two algorithms on a series of MNIST (handwritten digits) toy problems. Then I apply the methods to the BraTS medical dataset, which contains MRI brain glioma scans from multiple institutions, to compare these algorithms in a realistic setting

    Design and Deployment of an Access Control Module for Data Lakes

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    Nowadays big data is considered an extremely valued asset for companies, which are discovering new avenues to use it for their business profit. However, an organization’s ability to effectively extract valuable information from data is based on its knowledge management infrastructure. Thus, most organizations are transitioning from data warehouse (DW) storages to data lake (DL) infrastructures, from which further insights are derived. The present work is carried out as part of a cybersecurity project in a financial institution that manages vast volumes and variety of data that is kept in a data lake. Although DL is presented as the answer to the current big data scenario, this infrastructure presents certain flaws on authentication and access control. Preceding work on DL access control points out that the main goal is to avoid fraudulent behaviors derived from user’s access, such as secondary use1, that could result in business data being exposed to third parties. To overcome the risk, traditional mechanisms attempt to identify these behaviors based on rules, however, they cannot reveal all different kinds of fraud because they only look for known patterns of misuse. The present work proposes a novel access control system for data lakes, assisted by Oracle’s database audit trail and based on anomaly detection mechanisms, that automatically looks for events that do not conform the normal or expected behavior. Thus, the overall aim of this project is to develop and deploy an automated system for identifying abnormal accesses to the DL, which can be separated into four subgoals: explore the different technologies that could be applied in the domain of anomaly detection, design the solution, deploy it, and evaluate the results. For the purpose, feature engineering is performed, and four different unsupervised ML models are built and evaluated. According to the quality of the results, the better model is finally productionalized with Docker. To conclude, although anomaly detection has been a lasting yet active research area for several decades, there are still some unique problem complexities and challenges that leave the way open for the proposed solution to be further improved.Doble Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Administración de Empresa

    Intelligent Condition Monitoring of Industrial Plants: An Overview of Methodologies and Uncertainty Management Strategies

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    Condition monitoring plays a significant role in the safety and reliability of modern industrial systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) approaches are gaining attention from academia and industry as a growing subject in industrial applications and as a powerful way of identifying faults. This paper provides an overview of intelligent condition monitoring and fault detection and diagnosis methods for industrial plants with a focus on the open-source benchmark Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP). In this survey, the most popular and state-of-the-art deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) algorithms for industrial plant condition monitoring, fault detection, and diagnosis are summarized and the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm are studied. Challenges like imbalanced data, unlabelled samples and how deep learning models can handle them are also covered. Finally, a comparison of the accuracies and specifications of different algorithms utilizing the Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP) is conducted. This research will be beneficial for both researchers who are new to the field and experts, as it covers the literature on condition monitoring and state-of-the-art methods alongside the challenges and possible solutions to them

    Deep Neural Network based Anomaly Detection for Real Time Video Surveillance

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    One of the main concerns across all kinds of domains has always been security. With the crime rates increasing every year the need to control has become crucial. Among the various methods present to monitor crime or any anomalous behavior is through video surveillance. Nowadays security cameras capture incidents in almost all public and private place if desired. Even though we have abundance of data in the form of videos they need to be analyzed manually. This results in long hours of manual labour and even small human discrepancies may have huge consequences negatively. For this purpose, a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based model is built to detect any form of abnormal activities or anomalies in the video footages. This model converts the input video into frames and detects the anomalous frames. To increase the efficiency of the model, the data is de-noised with Gaussian blur feature. The avenue dataset is used in this work to detect and predict various kinds of anomalies. The performance of the model is measured using classification accuracy and the results are reported
