903 research outputs found

    Adversarial Deep Learning and Security with a Hardware Perspective

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    Adversarial deep learning is the field of study which analyzes deep learning in the presence of adversarial entities. This entails understanding the capabilities, objectives, and attack scenarios available to the adversary to develop defensive mechanisms and avenues of robustness available to the benign parties. Understanding this facet of deep learning helps us improve the safety of the deep learning systems against external threats from adversaries. However, of equal importance, this perspective also helps the industry understand and respond to critical failures in the technology. The expectation of future success has driven significant interest in developing this technology broadly. Adversarial deep learning stands as a balancing force to ensure these developments remain grounded in the real-world and proceed along a responsible trajectory. Recently, the growth of deep learning has begun intersecting with the computer hardware domain to improve performance and efficiency for resource constrained application domains. The works investigated in this dissertation constitute our pioneering efforts in migrating adversarial deep learning into the hardware domain alongside its parent field of research

    Novel Computational Methods for Integrated Circuit Reverse Engineering

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    Production of Integrated Circuits (ICs) has been largely strengthened by globalization. System-on-chip providers are capable of utilizing many different providers which can be responsible for a single task. This horizontal structure drastically improves to time-to-market and reduces manufacturing cost. However, untrust of oversea foundries threatens to dismantle the complex economic model currently in place. Many Intellectual Property (IP) consumers become concerned over what potentially malicious or unspecified logic might reside within their application. This logic which is inserted with the intention of causing harm to a consumer has been referred to as a Hardware Trojan (HT). To help IP consumers, researchers have looked into methods for finding HTs. Such methods tend to rely on high-level information relating to the circuit, which might not be accessible. There is a high possibility that IP is delivered in the gate or layout level. Some services and image processing methods can be leveraged to convert layout level information to gate-level, but such formats are incompatible with detection schemes that require hardware description language. By leveraging standard graph and dynamic programming algorithms a set of tools is developed that can help bridge the gap between gate-level netlist access and HT detection. To help in this endeavor this dissertation focuses on several problems associated with reverse engineering ICs. Logic signal identification is used to find malicious signals, and logic desynthesis is used to extract high level details. Each of the proposed method have their results analyzed for accuracy and runtime. It is found that method for finding logic tends to be the most difficult task, in part due to the degree of heuristic\u27s inaccuracy. With minor improvements moderate sized ICs could have their high-level function recovered within minutes, which would allow for a trained eye or automated methods to more easily detect discrepancies within a circuit\u27s design

    Built-In Return-Oriented Programs in Embedded Systems and Deep Learning for Hardware Trojan Detection

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    Microcontrollers and integrated circuits in general have become ubiquitous in the world today. All aspects of our lives depend on them from driving to work, to calling our friends, to checking our bank account balance. People who would do harm to individuals, corporations and nation states are aware of this and for that reason they seek to find or create and exploit vulnerabilities in integrated circuits. This dissertation contains three papers dealing with these types of vulnerabilities. The first paper talks about a vulnerability that was found on a microcontroller, which is a type of integrated circuit. The final two papers deal with hardware trojans. Hardware trojans are purposely added to the design of an integrated circuit in secret so that the manufacturer doesn’t know about it. They are used to damage the integrated circuit, leak confidential information, or in other ways alter the circuit. Hardware trojans are a major concern for anyone using integrated circuits because an attacker can alter a circuit in almost any way if they are successful in inserting one. A known method to prevent hardware trojan insertion is discussed and a type of circuit for which this method does not work is revealed. The discussion of hardware trojans is concluded with a new way to detect them before the integrated circuit is manufactured. Modern deep learning models are used to detect the portions of the hardware trojan called triggers that activate them

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2019

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    Old Dominion University Department of Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Engineering (MSVE) and the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC) held the 13th annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization (MSV) Student Capstone Conference on April 18, 2019. The Conference featured student research and student projects that are central to MSV. Also participating in the conference were faculty members who volunteered their time to impart direct support to their students’ research, facilitated the various conference tracks, served as judges for each of the tracks, and provided overall assistance to the conference. Appreciating the purpose of the conference and working in a cohesive, collaborative effort, resulted in a successful symposium for everyone involved. These proceedings feature the works that were presented at the conference. Capstone Conference Chair: Dr. Yuzhong Shen Capstone Conference Student Chair: Daniel Pere

    Deep Learning Based Malware Classification Using Deep Residual Network

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    The traditional malware detection approaches rely heavily on feature extraction procedure, in this paper we proposed a deep learning-based malware classification model by using a 18-layers deep residual network. Our model uses the raw bytecodes data of malware samples, converting the bytecodes to 3-channel RGB images and then applying the deep learning techniques to classify the malwares. Our experiment results show that the deep residual network model achieved an average accuracy of 86.54% by 5-fold cross validation. Comparing to the traditional methods for malware classification, our deep residual network model greatly simplify the malware detection and classification procedures, it achieved a very good classification accuracy as well. The dataset we used in this paper for training and testing is Malimg dataset, one of the biggest malware datasets released by vision research lab of UCSB

    An On-chip PVT Resilient Short Time Measurement Technique

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    As the CMOS technology nodes continue to shrink, the challenges of developing manufacturing tests for integrated circuits become more difficult to address. To detect parametric faults of new generation of integrated circuits such as 3D ICs, on-chip short-time intervals have to be accurately measured. The accuracy of an on-chip time measurement module is heavily affected by Process, supply Voltage, and Temperature (PVT) variations. This work presents a new on-chip time measurement scheme where the undesired effects of PVT variations are attenuated significantly. To overcome the effects of PVT variations on short-time measurement, phase locking methodology is utilized to implement a robust Vernier delay line. A prototype Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) has been fabricated using TSMC 0.180 ”m CMOS technology and experimental measurements have been carried out to verify the performance parameters of the TDC. The measurement results indicate that the proposed solution reduces the effects of PVT variations by more than tenfold compared to a conventional on-chip TDC. A coarse-fine time interval measurement scheme which is resilient to the PVT variations is also proposed. In this approach, two Delay Locked Loops (DLLs) are utilized to minimize the effects of PVT on the measured time intervals. The proposed scheme has been implemented using CMOS 65nm technology. Simulation results using Advanced Design System (ADS) indicate that the measurement resolution varies by less than 0.1ps with ±15% variations of the supply voltage. The proposed method also presents a robust performance against process and temperature variations. The measurement accuracy changes by a maximum of 0.05ps from slow to fast corners. The implemented TDC presents a robust performance against temperature variations too and its measurement accuracy varies a few femto-seconds from -40 ÂșC to +100 ÂșC. The principle of robust short-time measurement was used in practice to design and implement a state-of-the-art Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) for an industry partner to measure geometrical features of transmission parts with micrometer resolution. The solution developed for the industry partner has resulted in a patent and a product in the market. The on-chip short-time measurement technology has also been utilized to develop a solution to detect Hardware Trojans

    Detection and Prevention of Android Malware Attempting to Root the Device

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    Every year, malefactors continue to target the Android operating system. Malware which root the device pose the greatest threat to users. The attacker could steal stored passwords and contact lists or gain remote control of the phone. Android users require a system to detect the operation of malware trying to root the phone. This research aims to detect the Exploid, RageAgainstTheCage, and Gingerbreak exploits on Android operating systems. Reverse-engineering 21 malware samples lead to the discovery of two critical paths in the Android Linux kernel, wherein attackers can use malware to root the system. By placing sensors inside the critical paths, the research detected all 379 malware samples trying the root the system. Moreover, the experiment tested 16,577 benign applications from the Official Android Market and third party Chinese markets which triggered zero false positive results. Unlike static signature detection at the application level, this research provides dynamic detection at the kernel level. The sensors reside in-line with the kernel\u27s source code, monitoring network sockets and process creation. Additionally, the research demonstrates the steps required to reverse engineer Android malware in order to discover future critical paths. Using the kernel resources, the two sensors demonstrate efficient asymptotic time and space real-world monitoring. Furthermore, the sensors are immune to obfuscation techniques such as repackaging

    Integrated Circuit Wear-out Prediction and Recycling Detection using Radio-Frequency Distinct Native Attribute Features

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    Radio Frequency Distinct Native Attribute (RF-DNA) has shown promise for detecting differences in Integrated Circuits(IC) using features extracted from a devices Unintentional Radio Emissions (URE). This ability of RF-DNA relies upon process variation imparted to a semiconductor device during manufacturing. However, internal components in modern ICs electronically age and wear out over their operational lifetime. RF-DNA techniques are adopted from prior work and applied to MSP430 URE to address the following research goals: 1) Does device wear-out impact RF-DNA device discriminability?, 2) Can device age be continuously estimated by monitoring changes in RF-DNA features?, and 3) Can device age state (e.g., new vs. used) be reliably estimated? Conclusions include: 1) device wear-out does impact RF-DNA, with up to a 16 change in discriminability over the range of accelerated ages considered, 2) continuous(hour-by-hour) age estimation was most challenging and generally not supported, and 3) binary new vs. used age estimation was successful with 78.7 to 99.9 average discriminability for all device-age combinations considered
