24 research outputs found

    NASA Tech Briefs, August 1993

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    Topics include: Computer Graphics; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Reports

    IPv6-kotiverkon liittÀminen Internetin nimipalveluun

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    Current home networks are very simple containing only a few devices. As the number of devices connected to the home network increases, there is no reasonable way for a user to access devices using only IP addresses. Due to the exponential growth of devices connected to the Internet, the addresses of the current IP version are however soon to be depleted. A new IP version has already been implemented in the Internet, containing a very large amount of addresses compared to the current IP version. Addresses in the new IP address version are also much longer and more complicated. Therefore it is not reasonable to try to use IP addresses alone to access devices anymore. The previous facts force to implement a name service to the home network. Name service is quite similar to that used in the Internet, although the home network version should be much more automatic and user friendly. This means that users do not have to type IP addresses anymore to be able to access services, but they can use meaningful names like in the Internet. The first objective of the thesis is to examine methods to implement as automated name service as possible to the home network. Second objective is to examine connecting the home network name service to the Internet name service. Accomplishing this allows users to access services at home from the Internet. This has to be made in a secure manner to protect the integrity and authenticity of the user information. A live experiment of the thesis concentrates to the second objective of the thesis by establishing the connection and transferring the name service information between home network and the Internet name service. The study and the live experiments indicate that there is still work to be done before the two objectives can be fully accomplished. At the moment there is no convenient way to automatically name devices at home. Connecting to the Internet name service involves also quite a lot of effort, thus requiring more than basic computing skills from the user

    Comparative Study of Needs-Assessment Methodologies as They Apply to the Development of a University Computer Science Curriculum in a Central African Country

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    A Central African society consisting of two local ethnic groups, as well as Europeans, Asians [Pakistanis and Indians), and North Americans, provided a milieux for the evaluations of five needs-assessment methodologies as to their appropriateness in a multi-ethnic environment. Five methodologies, a questionnaire, a job analysis log, audio and video interviews, and an informal indigenous contact, were used in a needs assessment for the computer science department of the Adventist University of Central Africa, a private church-operated university, located at Mudende, Gisenyi, Rwanda, Central Africa. The five methodologies were evaluated in two different manners: 1. An evaluation of the appropriateness of the methodology based on 12 modified standards selected from those suggested by The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (1994), designed to assess the complete evaluation process (In this dissertation, the 12 selected standards were chosen and adapted to examine the impact of culture on the methodologies and to determine the appropriateness of the use of the methodologies in a needs assessment in the Fourth World.) 2. A comparison of the number of recommendations provided by each methodology. The numbering included the total count of recommendations provided by each methodology, the number of nonunique recommendations, as well as the number of unique recommendations. The recommendations were classified in new, consider. and improve categories. The recommendations were also examined as to how they were implemented. The results of the study indicate th at all five methodologies had their own set of unique strengths and weaknesses when used in a Fourth World setting. In fact, no one methodology would have been appropriate if used by itself. In this study, reducing the number of methodologies would have resulted in a loss of vital information needed for decision making. The greatest amount of information came from methods th at allowed the researcher to develop a researcher-respondent relationship prior to collection of information. The single most productive methodology was the audio interview, with its greater use of affective communication

    Third International Symposium on Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems, part 1

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    Under the theme of 'Opportunities in Ground Data Systems for High Efficiency Operations of Space Missions,' the SpaceOps '94 symposium included presentations of more than 150 technical papers spanning five topic areas: Mission Management, Operations, Data Management, System Development, and Systems Engineering. The papers focus on improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and quality of data acquisition, ground systems, and mission operations. New technology, techniques, methods, and human systems are discussed. Accomplishments are also reported in the application of information systems to improve data retrieval, reporting, and archiving; the management of human factors; the use of telescience and teleoperations; and the design and implementation of logistics support for mission operations

    The effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) online on students’ creative and critical thinking in physics at tertiary level in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether student performance in creative thinking could be enhanced through Problem Based Learning delivered online (referred to as PBL online) and critical thinking. Students’ perceptions and adoptions of PBL learning and online learning also were studied. The PBL online model was adopted from the McMaster’s Model, and comprised three major steps: (i) problem posing; (ii) information searching; and (iii) discussion and application of knowledge in solving problems. PBL is operationally defined here as an instructional strategy which focuses on problem solving. Students are faced with real issues which they have to solve through information searching and group discussion online. In this study, students were given physics problems to solve as part of their Modern Physics course. The phases involved were (i) overview of the topic of the lesson; (ii) problem encounter; (iii) problem definition; (iv) exploration; (v) solution; and (vi) reflection. All of these phases were done through the University’s Learning Management System (LMS), which thus acts as the online delivery tool. This study employed a quasi-experimental design based on mixed between-within-subjects repeated measures. The independent variable was the instruction method, either PBL online (experimental) or Traditional method online (control), and the dependent variables were performance in creative and critical thinking. The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) and the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking (WGCT) were used to measure the respective dependent variables. In the TTCT, there are four criteria used to evaluate creative thinking: (i) fluency; (ii) flexibility; (iii) originality; and (v) elaboration. For the critical thinking, five criteria were used: (i) making an inference; (ii) making an assumption; (iii) deduction; (iv) making an interpretation; and also (v) evaluation argument. Additionally, students’ perceptions and adoptions of PBL, as well as online learning, were captured through this study. A total of 102 students from the School of Science and Technology (SST) and the School of Education and Social Development were the subjects of the study. The SST students were science physics students (N = 61), and the SESD students were pre-service science teachers (N = 41). Results of the Mann-Whitney U test and also Independent Sample t-Test showed that there was significant difference in creative thinking in overall for both SST and SESD cohorts in favour of the PBL group. In addition, when the analysis was focussed on the two cohorts (i.e., SST and SESD), there were statistically significant differences observed for flexibility, originality and elaboration also in favour of the PBL group. However, results from the same analyses showed there was, in general, no significance difference for critical thinking for both cohorts. Further analysis identified statistically significant differences for making an inference (in favour of the PBL group) and assumption (in favour of the Traditional group). For the SST students, there were statistically significant differences in making an inference and evaluation argument criteria, in favour of the PBL group. Nevertheless, there were statistically significant differences for assumption, in favour of the Traditional group. No statistically significant differences were noted in any criterion for the SESD group. Students’ perceptions of PBL and willingness to adopt it were positive, even though they reported feeling confused at the beginning of the learning process. PBL was also reported as taking more time and requiring more effort. Nevertheless, students reported managing to build their capacity for self-directed learning and improving soft skills (i.e., communication, managing their learning timetable, finding relevant and valuable knowledge online, etc.). In the case of online learning, the students felt that they had learned how to get much more information online, and how to critique such information. Students’ readiness to use online learning was encouraging, and it provided at least basic experience on courses delivered through online learning. However, the Internet access needs to be adequate to ensure that online learning operates satisfactorily. Important findings were derived from this study. First, the results from this study suggest that PBL online enhances of Malaysian tertiary students’ creative thinking for both science physics students and pre-service science teachers. Second, PBL online also is capable of having a positive impact on students’ critical thinking for certain criteria, but this would be fostered by a whole programme approach rather than delivery via a single course. Third, students’ acceptance and perceptions of PBL and online learning were positive and encouraging, this despite encountering some issues technical during the intervention

    Technological Impediments to B2C Electronic Commerce: An Update

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    In 1999, Rose et al. identified six categories of technological impediments inhibiting the growth of electronic commerce: (1) download delays, (2) interface limitations, (3) search problems, (4) inadequate measures of Web application success, (5) security, and (6) a lack of Internet standards. This paper updates findings in the original paper by surveying the practitioner literature for the five-year period from June 1999 to June 2004. We identify how advances in technology both partially resolve concerns with the original technological impediments, and inhibit their full resolution. We find that, despite five years of technological progress, the six categories of technological impediments remain relevant. Furthermore, the maturation of e-Commerce increased the Internet\u27s complexity, making these impediments harder to address. Two kinds of complexity are especially relevant: evolutionary complexity, and skill complexity. Evolutionary complexity refers to the need to preserve the existing Internet and resolve impediments simultaneously. Unfortunately, because the Internet consists of multiple incompatible technologies, philosophies, and attitudes, additions to the Internet infrastructure are difficult to integrate. Skill complexity refers to the skill sets necessary for managing e-Commerce change. As the Internet evolves, more skills become relevant. Unfortunately, individuals, companies and organizations are unable to master and integrate all necessary skills. As a result, new features added to the Internet do not consider all relevant factors, and are thus sub-optimal. NOTE THAT THIS ARTICLE IS APPROXIMATELY 600kb. IF YOU USE A SLOW MODEM, IT MAY TAKE A WHILE TO LOA

    Finding a Balance: Computer Software, Intellectual Property and the Challenge of Technological Change

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    The report identifies three policy issues: 1) the appropriate scope of copyright protection for computer software; 2) patent protection for software-related inventions and algorithms, and how the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will handle these types of applications; and 3) complications facing libraries and commercial and private producers and users of digital information, including computer-based mixed media products

    Enabling Tomorrow's Learners, Today Technology in Learning Environments Department of Education

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    Enabling Tomorrow's Learners, Today Technology in Learning Environments Department of Educatio

    Modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis in Acoustical Problems

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    Modelling and simulation in acoustics is currently gaining importance. In fact, with the development and improvement of innovative computational techniques and with the growing need for predictive models, an impressive boost has been observed in several research and application areas, such as noise control, indoor acoustics, and industrial applications. This led us to the proposal of a special issue about “Modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis in Acoustical Problems”, as we believe in the importance of these topics in modern acoustics’ studies. In total, 81 papers were submitted and 33 of them were published, with an acceptance rate of 37.5%. According to the number of papers submitted, it can be affirmed that this is a trending topic in the scientific and academic community and this special issue will try to provide a future reference for the research that will be developed in coming years