8,791 research outputs found

    Adaptive User Perspective Rendering for Handheld Augmented Reality

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    Handheld Augmented Reality commonly implements some variant of magic lens rendering, which turns only a fraction of the user's real environment into AR while the rest of the environment remains unaffected. Since handheld AR devices are commonly equipped with video see-through capabilities, AR magic lens applications often suffer from spatial distortions, because the AR environment is presented from the perspective of the camera of the mobile device. Recent approaches counteract this distortion based on estimations of the user's head position, rendering the scene from the user's perspective. To this end, approaches usually apply face-tracking algorithms on the front camera of the mobile device. However, this demands high computational resources and therefore commonly affects the performance of the application beyond the already high computational load of AR applications. In this paper, we present a method to reduce the computational demands for user perspective rendering by applying lightweight optical flow tracking and an estimation of the user's motion before head tracking is started. We demonstrate the suitability of our approach for computationally limited mobile devices and we compare it to device perspective rendering, to head tracked user perspective rendering, as well as to fixed point of view user perspective rendering

    Factors influencing visual attention switch in multi-display user interfaces: a survey

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    Multi-display User Interfaces (MDUIs) enable people to take advantage of the different characteristics of different display categories. For example, combining mobile and large displays within the same system enables users to interact with user interface elements locally while simultaneously having a large display space to show data. Although there is a large potential gain in performance and comfort, there is at least one main drawback that can override the benefits of MDUIs: the visual and physical separation between displays requires that users perform visual attention switches between displays. In this paper, we present a survey and analysis of existing data and classifications to identify factors that can affect visual attention switch in MDUIs. Our analysis and taxonomy bring attention to the often ignored implications of visual attention switch and collect existing evidence to facilitate research and implementation of effective MDUIs.Postprin

    Comparative Analysis of Mobile 3D Scanning Technologies for Design, Manufacture of Interior and Exterior Tensile Material Structures and Canvasman Ltd. Case Study

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    This report aimed to investigate mobile 3D Scanning technologies to improve the 3D data capture and efficiency into Canvasman’s CAD design and manufacturing processes with focus on accurate resolution. The Santander funded Collaborative Venture Fund (CVF) project has provided research, survey data, evaluation and analysis for Canvasman Ltd. on 3D portable scanning hardware and software. The project solutions recommended in this report offers impartial product information on the current appropriate 3D scanning technology that potentially could improve efficiency of data capturing, design and manufacture of interior and exterior spaces, boats, vehicles and other similar constructions for creating and installing flexible coverings and indoor and outdoor structures

    The threshold of the real: A site for participatory resistance in Blast Theory's Uncle Roy all around you (2003)

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    This article examines the collision of virtual and real spaces through simultaneous live and online play in Uncle Roy All Around You, and how this disruption of immersion is used to expose the habitual engagements associated with the digital interface. The nature of the participants' immersion and the subsequent reintegration into the real will be explored, before attempting to articulate what defines this piece as politically resistant, through discussion of a self reflexive participation, which undermines what Baudrillard terms the 'simulated response' (Baudrillard 1985/1988 p.216

    It’s not the model that doesn’t fit, it’s the controller! The role of cognitive skills in understanding the links between natural mapping, performance, and enjoyment of console video games

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    This study examines differences in performance, frustration, and game ratings of individuals playing first person shooter video games using two different controllers (motion controller and a traditional, pushbutton controller) in a within-subjects, randomized order design. Structural equation modeling was used to demonstrate that cognitive skills such as mental rotation ability and eye/hand coordination predicted performance for both controllers, but the motion control was significantly more frustrating. Moreover, increased performance was only related to game ratings for the traditional controller input. We interpret these data as evidence that, contrary to the assumption that motion controlled interfaces are more naturally mapped than traditional push-button controllers, the traditional controller was more naturally mapped as an interface for gameplay

    Reflectance Hashing for Material Recognition

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    We introduce a novel method for using reflectance to identify materials. Reflectance offers a unique signature of the material but is challenging to measure and use for recognizing materials due to its high-dimensionality. In this work, one-shot reflectance is captured using a unique optical camera measuring {\it reflectance disks} where the pixel coordinates correspond to surface viewing angles. The reflectance has class-specific stucture and angular gradients computed in this reflectance space reveal the material class. These reflectance disks encode discriminative information for efficient and accurate material recognition. We introduce a framework called reflectance hashing that models the reflectance disks with dictionary learning and binary hashing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of reflectance hashing for material recognition with a number of real-world materials

    PainDroid: An android-based virtual reality application for pain assessment

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    Earlier studies in the field of pain research suggest that little efficient intervention currently exists in response to the exponential increase in the prevalence of pain. In this paper, we present an Android application (PainDroid) with multimodal functionality that could be enhanced with Virtual Reality (VR) technology, which has been designed for the purpose of improving the assessment of this notoriously difficult medical concern. Pain- Droid has been evaluated for its usability and acceptability with a pilot group of potential users and clinicians, with initial results suggesting that it can be an effective and usable tool for improving the assessment of pain. Participant experiences indicated that the application was easy to use and the potential of the application was similarly appreciated by the clinicians involved in the evaluation. Our findings may be of considerable interest to healthcare providers, policy makers, and other parties that might be actively involved in the area of pain and VR research

    Dynamic Illumination for Augmented Reality with Real-Time Interaction

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    Current augmented and mixed reality systems suffer a lack of correct illumination modeling where the virtual objects render the same lighting condition as the real environment. While we are experiencing astonishing results from the entertainment industry in multiple media forms, the procedure is mostly accomplished offline. The illumination information extracted from the physical scene is used to interactively render the virtual objects which results in a more realistic output in real-time. In this paper, we present a method that detects the physical illumination with dynamic scene, then uses the extracted illumination to render the virtual objects added to the scene. The method has three steps that are assumed to be working concurrently in real-time. The first is the estimation of the direct illumination (incident light) from the physical scene using computer vision techniques through a 360° live-feed camera connected to AR device. The second is the simulation of indirect illumination (reflected light) from the real-world surfaces to virtual objects rendering using region capture of 2D texture from the AR camera view. The third is defining the virtual objects with proper lighting and shadowing characteristics using shader language through multiple passes. Finally, we tested our work with multiple lighting conditions to evaluate the accuracy of results based on the shadow falling from the virtual objects which should be consistent with the shadow falling from the real objects with a reduced performance cost
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