725 research outputs found

    Analysis of source code metrics from ns-2 and ns-3 network simulators

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    Ns-2 and its successor ns-3 are discrete-event simulators which are closely related to each other as they share common background, concepts and similar aims. Ns-3 is still under development, but it offers some interesting characteristics for developers while ns-2 still has a large user base. While other studies have compared different network simulators, focusing on performance measurements, in this paper we adopted a different approach by focusing on technical characteristics and using software metrics to obtain useful conclusions. We chose ns-2 and ns-3 for our case study because of the popularity of the former in research and the increasing use of the latter. This reflects the current situation where ns-3 has emerged as a viable alternative to ns-2 due to its features and design. The paper assesses the current state of both projects and their respective evolution supported by the measurements obtained from a broad set of software metrics. By considering other qualitative characteristics we obtained a summary of technical features of both simulators including, architectural design, software dependencies or documentation policies.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Configuring and installing debian gnu/linux on a 64 bit hp itanium2 architecture

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    This document describes the work performed to install the Debian GNU/Linux operating system on a Hewlett-Packard zx6000 workstation, based on the IntelItanium2 (McKinley) processor

    Qt set-up for texas instruments AM335x ARM Cortex-A8 using linux application for an industrial scale

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    [EN] In recent years, there has been a large increase of ARM based consumer products. This surge has been motivated by the efficiency and low cost of these processors, which make them appropriate for low power devices and applications that are not CPU intensive. This work examines the viability of implementing a graphical touchscreen application for an industrial scale on a Texas Instruments AM335x ARM Cortex-A development board as opposed to x86 based systems. This work also intends to serve as a general reference for implementing cross-platform applications with the Qt framework targeted to an embedded Linux system running on an AM335x based hardware. Specifically, the application to be developed is an intuitive graphical touchscreen application that interacts with a Microgram IE21 industrial scale from Microgram Instruments Española S.A. over RS-232 and a SQLite relational database for bulk product commerce by weight. Product and sales information is retrieved and stored in the database.Cholbi Alenda, P. (2014). Qt set-up for texas instruments AM335x ARM Cortex-A8 using linux application for an industrial scale. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/181599Archivo delegad

    The RAppArmor Package: Enforcing Security Policies in R Using Dynamic Sandboxing on Linux

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    The increasing availability of cloud computing and scientific super computers brings great potential for making R accessible through public or shared resources. This allows us to efficiently run code requiring lots of cycles and memory, or embed R functionality into, e.g., systems and web services. However some important security concerns need to be addressed before this can be put in production. The prime use case in the design of R has always been a single statistician running R on the local machine through the interactive console. Therefore the execution environment of R is entirely unrestricted, which could result in malicious behavior or excessive use of hardware resources in a shared environment. Properly securing an R process turns out to be a complex problem. We describe various approaches and illustrate potential issues using some of our personal experiences in hosting public web services. Finally we introduce the RAppArmor package: a Linux based reference implementation for dynamic sandboxing in R on the level of the operating system

    Performance and enhancement for HD videoconference environment

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    In this work proposed here is framed in the project of research V3 (Video, Videoconference, and Visualization) of the Foundation i2CAT, that has for final goal to design and development of a platform of video, videoconference and independent visualization of resolution in high and super though inside new generation IP networks. i2CAT Foundation uses free software for achieving its goals. UltraGrid for the transmission of HD video is used and SAGE is used for distributed visualization among multiple monitors. The equipment used for management (capturing, sending, visualization, etc) of the high definition stream of work environment it has to be optimized so that all the disposable resources can be used, in order to improve the quality and stability of the platform. We are speaking about the treatment of datum flows of more of 1 Gbps with raw formats, so that the optimization of the use of the disposable resources of a system is given back a need. In this project it is evaluated the requirements for the high definition streams without compressing and a study of the current platform is carried out, in order to extract the functional requirements that an optimum system has to have to work in the best conditions. From this extracted information, a series of systems tests are carried out in order to improve the performance, from level of network until level of application. Different distributions of the Linux operating system have been proved in order to evaluate their performance. These are Debian 4 and openSUSE 10.3. The creation of a system from sources of software has also been proved in order to optimize its code in the compilation. It has been carried out with the help of Linux From Scratch project. It has also been tried to use systems Real Time (RT) with the distributions used. It offers more stability in the stream frame rate. Once operating systems has been test, it has proved different compilers in order to evaluate their efficiency. The GCC and the Intel C++ Compilers have proved, this second with more satisfactory results. Finally a Live CD has been carried out in order to include all the possible improvements in a system of easy distribution

    Qt-set-up for Texas Instruments AM335x ARM Cortex-A8 using Linux: Application for an industrial scale

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    El autor autoriza la difusion del software mediante la licencia GNU General Public License version 3.[ES] En los últimos años, ha habido un gran aumento de los productos de consumo basado en ARM. Este incremento ha sido motivado por la eficiencia y el bajo costo de estos procesadores, que los hacen adecuados para dispositivos de baja potencia y aplicaciones que no hacen un uso intensivo de la CPU. Este trabajo examina la viabilidad de implementar una aplicación con interfaz gráfica táctil para una báscula industrial en una placa de desarrollo Texas Instruments AM335x ARM Cortex-A a diferencia de los sistemas basados en x86. Este trabajo también tiene la intención de servir como una referencia general para la implementación de aplicaciones multiplataforma con las bibliotecas Qt para sistemas Linux embebido que se ejecuta en un hardware basado en AM335x. En concreto, la aplicación a desarrollar es una aplicación con una interfaz gráfica táctil intuitiva que interactúa con una báscula industrial Microgram EI21 de Microgram Instrumentos Española SA a través de RS-232 y una base de datos relacional SQLite para el comercio de productos a granel al peso. La información sobre el producto y las ventas se recupera y se almacena en la base de datos.Cholbi Alenda, P. (2014). Qt-set-up for Texas Instruments AM335x ARM Cortex-A8 using Linux: Application for an industrial scale. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38363Archivo delegad

    Creating tailored OS images for embedded systems using Yocto

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresThere is no doubt that technology is more and more important in our lives and it has been possible to watch its rapid evolution over the last decades. As a consequence, embedded systems become progressively more important and present in everyday life. These embedded systems are responsible for the task performance of the vast majority of modern devices, both personal and industrial. By many defined as the combination of hardware and software, to perform a specific task, embedded systems must have a suitable operating system to do so. These operating systems differ from regular OS as they have a high level of customization without compromising their viability and efficiency. However, the knowledge required to use these tools is vast, making it impossible for most consumers to use them. To facilitate its usage, an abstraction layer is provided through a GUI. The hardware normally present in an embedded system is limited, making it necessary to create this software to ensure resource efficiency and make the most of it. This requires choosing which of the system features to use and which ones are not needed and can be eliminated. This customization can be performed by various tools available in the market such as Yocto. Through the usage of this tool, the system can be built only with the necessary characteristics to fulfill the desired purpose for the final project. The customization of this embedded system through the Yocto tool is accomplished through a text menu, file modification, and shell scripts. The goal of this dissertation is to automate the entire process making it possible to fully customize an image for an embedded system but with a reduced learning curve through an User-friendly graphical interface.É indiscutível que a tecnologia é cada vez mais importante nas nossas vidas, tendo sido possível assistir á sua rápida evolução nas últimas décadas. Como consequência os sistemas embebidos tornaram-se progressivamente mais importantes e presentes no quotidiano, sendo responsáveis pelo desempenho de tarefas da grande maioria dos dispositivos modernos, tanto a nível pessoal como industrial. Definido por muitos como a combinação entre hardware e software (com o objetivo de desempenhar uma tarefa específica) os sistemas embebidos têm de possuir um sistema operativo adequado para tal. Estes sistemas operativos diferenciam-se dos SO regulares, pois apresentam um grande nível de customização sem pôr em causa a sua viabilidade e eficiência. Todavia, o conhecimento necessário para a utilização destas ferramentas é enorme, impossibilitando a sua utilização por grande parte dos consumidores. O hardware presente num sistema embebido é limitado, tornando necessário a criação deste software com o propósito de garantir a eficiência dos recursos e tirar o melhor proveito dos mesmos. Para tal, é necessário escolher quais as funcionalidades do sistema que devem ser utilizadas e quais são desnecessárias e podem, por isso, ser eliminadas. Esta customização pode ser realizada por diversas ferramentas existentes no mercado como o caso do Yocto. Utilizando esta ferramenta, é possível que o sistema seja construido apenas com as caraterísticas necessárias para o cumprimento do propósito para o sistema final. A personalização deste sistema embebido através da ferramenta Yocto é realizado através de um menu de texto, alteração de ficheiros e shell scripts, o que pode não ser intuitivo para todos os utilizadores. O tópico desta dissertação é a automatização de todo este processo, de modo a possibilitar a total customização de uma imagem para um sistema embebido, mas com uma linha de aprendizagem reduzida através de uma interface gráfica de fácil compreensão