77,743 research outputs found

    Clones in Graphs

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    Finding structural similarities in graph data, like social networks, is a far-ranging task in data mining and knowledge discovery. A (conceptually) simple reduction would be to compute the automorphism group of a graph. However, this approach is ineffective in data mining since real world data does not exhibit enough structural regularity. Here we step in with a novel approach based on mappings that preserve the maximal cliques. For this we exploit the well known correspondence between bipartite graphs and the data structure formal context (G,M,I)(G,M,I) from Formal Concept Analysis. From there we utilize the notion of clone items. The investigation of these is still an open problem to which we add new insights with this work. Furthermore, we produce a substantial experimental investigation of real world data. We conclude with demonstrating the generalization of clone items to permutations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Visualizing and Interacting with Concept Hierarchies

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    Concept Hierarchies and Formal Concept Analysis are theoretically well grounded and largely experimented methods. They rely on line diagrams called Galois lattices for visualizing and analysing object-attribute sets. Galois lattices are visually seducing and conceptually rich for experts. However they present important drawbacks due to their concept oriented overall structure: analysing what they show is difficult for non experts, navigation is cumbersome, interaction is poor, and scalability is a deep bottleneck for visual interpretation even for experts. In this paper we introduce semantic probes as a means to overcome many of these problems and extend usability and application possibilities of traditional FCA visualization methods. Semantic probes are visual user centred objects which extract and organize reduced Galois sub-hierarchies. They are simpler, clearer, and they provide a better navigation support through a rich set of interaction possibilities. Since probe driven sub-hierarchies are limited to users focus, scalability is under control and interpretation is facilitated. After some successful experiments, several applications are being developed with the remaining problem of finding a compromise between simplicity and conceptual expressivity

    The Xeros data model: tracking interpretations of archaeological finds

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    At an archaeological dig, interpretations are built around discovered artifacts based on measurements and informed intuition. These interpretations are semi-structured and organic, yet existing tools do not capture their creation or evolution. Patina of Notes (PoN) is an application designed to tackle this, and is underpinned by the Xeros data model. Xeros is a graph structure and a set of operations that can deal with the addition, edition, and removal of interpretations. This data model is a specialisation of the W3C PROV provenance data model, tracking the evolution of interpretations. The model is presented, with operations defined formally, and characteristics of the representation that are beneficial to implementations are discussed

    Conflict Detection for Edits on Extended Feature Models using Symbolic Graph Transformation

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    Feature models are used to specify variability of user-configurable systems as appearing, e.g., in software product lines. Software product lines are supposed to be long-living and, therefore, have to continuously evolve over time to meet ever-changing requirements. Evolution imposes changes to feature models in terms of edit operations. Ensuring consistency of concurrent edits requires appropriate conflict detection techniques. However, recent approaches fail to handle crucial subtleties of extended feature models, namely constraints mixing feature-tree patterns with first-order logic formulas over non-Boolean feature attributes with potentially infinite value domains. In this paper, we propose a novel conflict detection approach based on symbolic graph transformation to facilitate concurrent edits on extended feature models. We describe extended feature models formally with symbolic graphs and edit operations with symbolic graph transformation rules combining graph patterns with first-order logic formulas. The approach is implemented by combining eMoflon with an SMT solver, and evaluated with respect to applicability.Comment: In Proceedings FMSPLE 2016, arXiv:1603.0857

    A conceptual approach to gene expression analysis enhanced by visual analytics

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    The analysis of gene expression data is a complex task for biologists wishing to understand the role of genes in the formation of diseases such as cancer. Biologists need greater support when trying to discover, and comprehend, new relationships within their data. In this paper, we describe an approach to the analysis of gene expression data where overlapping groupings are generated by Formal Concept Analysis and interactively analyzed in a tool called CUBIST. The CUBIST workflow involves querying a semantic database and converting the result into a formal context, which can be simplified to make it manageable, before it is visualized as a concept lattice and associated charts

    A Distributed Calculus for Role-Based Access Control

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    Role-based access control (RBAC) is increasingly attracting attention because it reduces the complexity and cost of security administration by interposing the notion of role in the assignment of permissions to users. In this paper, we present a formal framework relying on an extension of the Ļ€ calculus to study the behavior of concurrent systems in a RBAC scenario. We define a type system ensuring that the specified policy is respected during computations, and a bisimulation to equate systems. The theory is then applied to three meaningful examples, namely finding the ā€˜minimalā€™ policy to run a given system, refining a system to be run under a given policy (whenever possible), and minimizing the number of users in a given system without changing the overall behavior

    Inferring Concept Hierarchies from Text Corpora via Hyperbolic Embeddings

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    We consider the task of inferring is-a relationships from large text corpora. For this purpose, we propose a new method combining hyperbolic embeddings and Hearst patterns. This approach allows us to set appropriate constraints for inferring concept hierarchies from distributional contexts while also being able to predict missing is-a relationships and to correct wrong extractions. Moreover -- and in contrast with other methods -- the hierarchical nature of hyperbolic space allows us to learn highly efficient representations and to improve the taxonomic consistency of the inferred hierarchies. Experimentally, we show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on several commonly-used benchmarks
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