851 research outputs found

    A genome-wide MeSH-based literature mining system predicts implicit gene-to-gene relationships and networks

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    Abstract Background The large amount of literature in the post-genomics era enables the study of gene interactions and networks using all available articles published for a specific organism. MeSH is a controlled vocabulary of medical and scientific terms that is used by biomedical scientists to manually index articles in the PubMed literature database. We hypothesized that genome-wide gene-MeSH term associations from the PubMed literature database could be used to predict implicit gene-to-gene relationships and networks. While the gene-MeSH associations have been used to detect gene-gene interactions in some studies, different methods have not been well compared, and such a strategy has not been evaluated for a genome-wide literature analysis. Genome-wide literature mining of gene-to-gene interactions allows ranking of the best gene interactions and investigation of comprehensive biological networks at a genome level. Results The genome-wide GenoMesh literature mining algorithm was developed by sequentially generating a gene-article matrix, a normalized gene-MeSH term matrix, and a gene-gene matrix. The gene-gene matrix relies on the calculation of pairwise gene dissimilarities based on gene-MeSH relationships. An optimized dissimilarity score was identified from six well-studied functions based on a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Based on the studies with well-studied Escherichia coli and less-studied Brucella spp., GenoMesh was found to accurately identify gene functions using weighted MeSH terms, predict gene-gene interactions not reported in the literature, and cluster all the genes studied from an organism using the MeSH-based gene-gene matrix. A web-based GenoMesh literature mining program is also available at: http://genomesh.hegroup.org. GenoMesh also predicts gene interactions and networks among genes associated with specific MeSH terms or user-selected gene lists. Conclusions The GenoMesh algorithm and web program provide the first genome-wide, MeSH-based literature mining system that effectively predicts implicit gene-gene interaction relationships and networks in a genome-wide scope.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112478/1/12918_2013_Article_1166.pd

    Gene2DisCo : gene to disease using disease commonalities

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    OBJECTIVE: Finding the human genes co-causing complex diseases, also known as "disease-genes", is one of the emerging and challenging tasks in biomedicine. This process, termed gene prioritization (GP), is characterized by a scarcity of known disease-genes for most diseases, and by a vast amount of heterogeneous data, usually encoded into networks describing different types of functional relationships between genes. In addition, different diseases may share common profiles (e.g. genetic or therapeutic profiles), and exploiting disease commonalities may significantly enhance the performance of GP methods. This work aims to provide a systematic comparison of several disease similarity measures, and to embed disease similarities and heterogeneous data into a flexible framework for gene prioritization which specifically handles the lack of known disease-genes. METHODS: We present a novel network-based method, Gene2DisCo, based on generalized linear models (GLMs) to effectively prioritize genes by exploiting data regarding disease-genes, gene interaction networks and disease similarities. The scarcity of disease-genes is addressed by applying an efficient negative selection procedure, together with imbalance-aware GLMs. Gene2DisCo is a flexible framework, in the sense it is not dependent upon specific types of data, and/or upon specific disease ontologies. RESULTS: On a benchmark dataset composed of nine human networks and 708 medical subject headings (MeSH) diseases, Gene2DisCo largely outperformed the best benchmark algorithm, kernelized score functions, in terms of both area under the ROC curve (0.94 against 0.86) and precision at given recall levels (for recall levels from 0.1 to 1 with steps 0.1). Furthermore, we enriched and extended the benchmark data to the whole human genome and provided the top-ranked unannotated candidate genes even for MeSH disease terms without known annotations

    Comparison of automated literature based gene-disease association using gene set enrichment analysis

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    Cancer is a leading cause of death in Australia: more than 43,000 people have been estimated to have died from cancer in 2010. However, the genetic causes of cancer remain elusive despite voluminous genetic data in the public domain. Our goal is to identify genes in order to understand the molecular mechanisms of cancer so that diagnosis, prognosis and treatment can be optimized. Microarrays measure gene expression levels in disease tissue relative to normal tissue. However, microarray data are noisy and computational methods are required to associate aberrant gene expression with disease. Subramanian et al. (2005) developed an approach called Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) that annotates microarray data with functional terms from a background ontology. The enriched gene sets have shown to improve the quality of microarray annotation compared to single gene annotation. Nevertheless, GSEA falls short when used to predict disease-gene associations. We hypothesized that GSEA’s shortfall is caused by limited knowledge embedded in its ontology. Thus we have proposed a novel method, which automatically constructs ontologies for use in GSEA directly from the biomedical literature and then associates genes with diseases. This thesis tests this hypothesis. My results show that using knowledge derived automatically from biomedical literature outperforms GSEA’s default catalogues and achieves high area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) scores when tested on breast and colorectal cancer samples. The results indicate that the automated literature-based approach is a promising method for discovering novel gene-disease associations. In conclusion, I have shown that literature-based generated catalogues are accurate and viable for prediction of gene-disease associations

    Finding disease similarity based on implicit semantic similarity

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    AbstractGenomics has contributed to a growing collection of gene–function and gene–disease annotations that can be exploited by informatics to study similarity between diseases. This can yield insight into disease etiology, reveal common pathophysiology and/or suggest treatment that can be appropriated from one disease to another. Estimating disease similarity solely on the basis of shared genes can be misleading as variable combinations of genes may be associated with similar diseases, especially for complex diseases. This deficiency can be potentially overcome by looking for common biological processes rather than only explicit gene matches between diseases. The use of semantic similarity between biological processes to estimate disease similarity could enhance the identification and characterization of disease similarity. We present functions to measure similarity between terms in an ontology, and between entities annotated with terms drawn from the ontology, based on both co-occurrence and information content. The similarity measure is shown to outperform other measures used to detect similarity. A manually curated dataset with known disease similarities was used as a benchmark to compare the estimation of disease similarity based on gene-based and Gene Ontology (GO) process-based comparisons. The detection of disease similarity based on semantic similarity between GO Processes (Recall=55%, Precision=60%) performed better than using exact matches between GO Processes (Recall=29%, Precision=58%) or gene overlap (Recall=88% and Precision=16%). The GO-Process based disease similarity scores on an external test set show statistically significant Pearson correlation (0.73) with numeric scores provided by medical residents. GO-Processes associated with similar diseases were found to be significantly regulated in gene expression microarray datasets of related diseases