18,359 research outputs found

    How to understand the cell by breaking it: network analysis of gene perturbation screens

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    Modern high-throughput gene perturbation screens are key technologies at the forefront of genetic research. Combined with rich phenotypic descriptors they enable researchers to observe detailed cellular reactions to experimental perturbations on a genome-wide scale. This review surveys the current state-of-the-art in analyzing perturbation screens from a network point of view. We describe approaches to make the step from the parts list to the wiring diagram by using phenotypes for network inference and integrating them with complementary data sources. The first part of the review describes methods to analyze one- or low-dimensional phenotypes like viability or reporter activity; the second part concentrates on high-dimensional phenotypes showing global changes in cell morphology, transcriptome or proteome.Comment: Review based on ISMB 2009 tutorial; after two rounds of revisio

    From data towards knowledge: Revealing the architecture of signaling systems by unifying knowledge mining and data mining of systematic perturbation data

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    Genetic and pharmacological perturbation experiments, such as deleting a gene and monitoring gene expression responses, are powerful tools for studying cellular signal transduction pathways. However, it remains a challenge to automatically derive knowledge of a cellular signaling system at a conceptual level from systematic perturbation-response data. In this study, we explored a framework that unifies knowledge mining and data mining approaches towards the goal. The framework consists of the following automated processes: 1) applying an ontology-driven knowledge mining approach to identify functional modules among the genes responding to a perturbation in order to reveal potential signals affected by the perturbation; 2) applying a graph-based data mining approach to search for perturbations that affect a common signal with respect to a functional module, and 3) revealing the architecture of a signaling system organize signaling units into a hierarchy based on their relationships. Applying this framework to a compendium of yeast perturbation-response data, we have successfully recovered many well-known signal transduction pathways; in addition, our analysis have led to many hypotheses regarding the yeast signal transduction system; finally, our analysis automatically organized perturbed genes as a graph reflecting the architect of the yeast signaling system. Importantly, this framework transformed molecular findings from a gene level to a conceptual level, which readily can be translated into computable knowledge in the form of rules regarding the yeast signaling system, such as "if genes involved in MAPK signaling are perturbed, genes involved in pheromone responses will be differentially expressed"

    Connecting Seed Lists of Mammalian Proteins Using Steiner Trees

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    Multivariate experiments and genomics studies applied to mammalian cells often produce lists of genes or proteins altered under treatment/disease vs. control/normal conditions. Such lists can be identified in known protein-protein interaction networks to produce subnetworks that “connect” the genes or proteins from the lists. Such subnetworks are valuable for biologists since they can suggest regulatory mechanisms that are altered under different conditions. Often such subnetworks are overloaded with links and nodes resulting in connectivity diagrams that are illegible due to edge overlap. In this study, we attempt to address this problem by implementing an approximation to the Steiner Tree problem to connect seed lists of mammalian proteins/genes using literature-based protein-protein interaction networks. To avoid over-representation of hubs in the resultant Steiner Trees we assign a cost to Steiner Vertices based on their connectivity degree. We applied the algorithm to lists of genes commonly mutated in colorectal cancer to demonstrate the usefulness of this approach

    Analyzing network models to make discoveries about biological mechanisms

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    Systems biology provides alternatives to the strategies to developing mechanistic explanations traditionally pursued in cell and molecular biology and much discussed in accounts of mechanistic explanation. Rather than starting by identifying a mechanism for a given phenomenon and decomposing it, systems biologists often start by developing cell-wide networks of detected connections between proteins or genes and construe clusters of highly interactive components as potential mechanisms. Using inference strategies such as ‘guilt-by-association’, researchers advance hypotheses about functions performed of these mechanisms. I examine several examples of research on budding yeast, first on what are taken to be enduring networks and subsequently on networks that change as cells perform different activities or respond to different external condition

    Artificial Neural Network Inference (ANNI): A Study on Gene-Gene Interaction for Biomarkers in Childhood Sarcomas

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    Objective: To model the potential interaction between previously identified biomarkers in children sarcomas using artificial neural network inference (ANNI). Method: To concisely demonstrate the biological interactions between correlated genes in an interaction network map, only 2 types of sarcomas in the children small round blue cell tumors (SRBCTs) dataset are discussed in this paper. A backpropagation neural network was used to model the potential interaction between genes. The prediction weights and signal directions were used to model the strengths of the interaction signals and the direction of the interaction link between genes. The ANN model was validated using Monte Carlo cross-validation to minimize the risk of over-fitting and to optimize generalization ability of the model. Results: Strong connection links on certain genes (TNNT1 and FNDC5 in rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS); FCGRT and OLFM1 in Ewing’s sarcoma (EWS)) suggested their potency as central hubs in the interconnection of genes with different functionalities. The results showed that the RMS patients in this dataset are likely to be congenital and at low risk of cardiomyopathy development. The EWS patients are likely to be complicated by EWS-FLI fusion and deficiency in various signaling pathways, including Wnt, Fas/Rho and intracellular oxygen. Conclusions: The ANN network inference approach and the examination of identified genes in the published literature within the context of the disease highlights the substantial influence of certain genes in sarcomas
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