2,508 research outputs found

    Working Prototype of Warranty Management System (WMS) for Computer Sales and Services Shops in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)

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    Currently, there are rapid developments and improvements of technologies that we can see with our own eyes that change the way of people works and thinking. One of the fastest technology improvement and development can be categorized into computer technology including the hardware and software system. Therefore, the need of warranty for customer satisfaction and protection is increasing everyday. Serious action and concern need to be taken into account to ensure the effectiveness and value of the computer technology. Warranty Management System (WMS) belongs to a class of a system intended to assist customer to claim computer peripherals or products warranty in a more easiest and comfortable way. This research describes the working prototype of Warranty Management System (WMS) for the computer sales and services shops in University Utara Malaysia(UUM). The Warranty Management System (WMS) is a web based application system.The process of warranty record is available online and the record will be stored in secure database. Customer does not have to bring the receipt or warranty card to claim for computer peripherals or products warranty. More, customer can also check their computer products or peripherals through the system. The Warranty Management System (WMS)will keep all the customer records with unique ID assign for each customer. Only authorized person or staff can access to the system. These new methods must attain unprecedented levels of security, speed, privacy, decentralization, and internationalization

    Generic Data Acquisition and Instrument control System (GDAIS)

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    Premi GMV en l’àmbit de la Tecnologia Espacial al millor Projecte de Fi de Carrera d’Enginyeria de Telecomunicació (curs 2010-2011)English: Remote sensing instrument development usually includes a software interface to control the instrument and acquire data. Although there are a similarities among softwares, it is hardly ever reused, since it is not designed with reusability in mind. The goal of this project is to develop a multi-platform software system to control and acquire data from one or more instruments in a generic and adaptable way. Thus, in future instruments, it can be used directly or with some minor modifications. The main feature of this system, named Generic Data Acquisition and Instrument control System (GDAIS), consists in adapting to a wide variety of instruments with a simple configuration text file for each one. Furthermore, controlling multiple instruments in parallel and co-register their acquired data, having remote access to the data and being able to monitor the system status are key points of the design. To satisfy these system requirements, a modular architecture design has been developed. The system is divided in small parts, each responsible of an specific functionality. The main module, named GDAIS-core, communicates independently with each connected instrument and saves the received data. Acquired data is saved in the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) binary format, designed specially for remote sensing scientific data, which is directly compatible with the commonly used network Common Data Form v4 (netCDF-4) format. The other main module of the system is named GDAIS-control. Its job is to control and monitor GDAIS-core. In order to make this module accessible from anywhere, its user interface is implemented as a web page. Apart from these two main modules, two desktop applications are provided to help with the configuration of the system. The first one is used to create an instrument text descriptor, which defines its interaction, connection and parser. The second one is used to define text descriptor of a set of instruments that the system will be controlling. Due to its modular design, the system is very flexible and it allows to significantly change the implementation of some subsystem without requiring any modification to the other parts. It can be used in a wide range of applications, from controlling a single instrument to acquiring data from a network of several complex instruments and saving them all together. Furthermore, it can be operated as a file data converter, reading from a raw capture or text file and parsing it to store it in the more optimized and well-organized HDF5 format.Castellano: El desarrollo de cualquier nuevo instrumento de teledetección suele incluir una interfaz software para controlar el instrumento y adquirir datos. Aunque esta parte software es muy similar cada vez, no suele ser reutilitzada ya que no se diseña teniendo en cuenta esta idea. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un sistema software multi-plataforma para controlar y adquirir datos de uno o más instrumentos de forma genérica y adaptable, para así poder ser usado directamente o con alguna ligera modificación. La principal característica de este sistema, llamado Sistema Genérico de Adquisición de Datos y Control de Instrumentos, consiste en la capacidad de adaptarse a diferentes tipos de instrumentos con sólo un fichero de configuración para cada uno. Además, otros elementos importantes del diseño incluyen la posibilidad de controlar múltiples instrumentos en paralelo, guardando a la vez la información recibida de cada uno; permitir el acceso remoto a los datos capturados; y proporcionar una interfaz de monitorización del estado del sistema. Para que el sistema cumpla con todos estos requisitos, se ha diseñado una arquitectura modular. El sistema está dividido en múltiples bloques, cada uno responsable de una funcionalidad específica. El bloque principal, llamado GDAIS-core, se comunica independientemente con cada instrumento conectado y guarda los datos que recibe. Estos datos son guardados en el formato binario HDF5, diseñado especialmente para datos científicos de teledetección, y que es directamente compatible con otro formato muy usado, el netCDF-4. El otro bloque principal del sistema se llama GDAIS-control. Este se encarga de controlar y monitorizar el bloque GDAIS-core. Para facilitar el acceso a esta interfaz de control desde cualquier sitio, ha sido implementado como una aplicación web. Además de estos dos módulos principales, también se han creado dos aplicaciones gráficas de escritorio para ayudar con la configuración del sistema. La primera permite crear un fichero de texto con la descripción del instrumento y la segunda sirve para crear un fichero con la descripción de una combinación de instrumentos a controlar conjuntamente. Gracias a su diseño modular, el sistema es muy flexible y permite modificaciones importantes a cualquiera de sus sistemas sin tener que cambiar nada de las otras partes. Hay muchas aplicaciones posibles para este sistema, desde controlar un solo instrumento hasta adquirir datos de una red de instrumentos y guardarlo todo en un solo fichero. También se puede usar como conversor de ficheros, partiendo de un fichero de texto o binario de una captura, para obtener la misma información en un fichero con el formato HDF5, más optimizado y organizado.Català: El desenvolupament de qualsevol instrument de teledetecció acostuma a incloure una interfície software per controlar l'instrument i adquirir dades. Tot i que aquesta part software sol ser molt similar cada cop, no acostuma a ser reutilitzada, ja que no es dissenya tenint-ho en compte. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar un sistema software multi-plataforma per controlar i adquirir dades d'un o més instruments de forma genèrica i adaptable, de manera que pugui ser utilitzat directament o amb alguna lleugera modificació. La principal característica del sistema, anomenat Sistema Genèric d'Adquisició de Dades i Control d'Instruments, consisteix en la capacitat d'adaptar-se a molts tipus diferents d'instruments amb un simple fitxer de configuració per a cada un. A més a més, altres punts importants del disseny són la possibilitat de controlar múltiples instruments en paral·lel, desant alhora la informació rebuda de cada un; permetre l'accés remot a les dades capturades; i proporcionar una interfície de monitorització de l'estat del sistema. Per tal que el sistema compleixi amb tots aquests requeriments, s'ha dissenyat una arquitectura modular. El sistema està dividit en diversos blocs, cada un responsable d'una funcionalitat específica. El bloc principal, anomenat GDAIS-core, es comunica independentment amb cada instrument connectat i guarda les dades que rep. Les dades adquirides són desades en el format binari HDF5, dissenyat especialment per a dades científiques de teledetecció, i que és directament compatible amb un altre format molt utilitzat, el netCDF-4. L'altre bloc principal del sistema es diu GDAIS-control. Aquest s'encarrega de controlar i monitoritzar el bloc GDAIS-core. Per tal de fer accessible aquesta interfície des de qualsevol lloc, s'ha implementat com una aplicació web. A més d'aquests dos mòduls principals, també s'han creat dues aplicacions gràfiques d'escriptori per ajudar amb la configuració del sistema. La primera permet crear un fitxer de text amb la descripció d'un instrument i la segona serveix per crear un fitxer amb la descripció d'una combinació d'instruments a controlar conjuntament. Gràcies al seu disseny modular, el sistema és molt flexible i permet fer modificacions importants a un dels subsistemes sense haver de fer cap canvi a les altres parts. Hi ha moltes aplicacions possibles per aquest sistema, des de controlar un sol instrument a adquirir dades d'una xarxa d'instruments i guardar-ho tot en un sol fitxer. També es pot utilitzar com un convertidor de fitxers, partint d'un fitxer de text o binari d'una captura, per obtenir la mateixa informació en un fitxer en el format HDF5, més optimitzat i ben organitzat.Award-winnin

    S-BPM in the Wild

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    This is the first book to present field studies on the application of subject-oriented business process management (S-BPM). Each case presents a specific story and focuses on an essential modeling or implementation issue, and most end with implications or suggestions for further studies. Significant variables and success factors are identified that were discovered during the respective study and lead to suggesting S-BPM novelties. For each case, the authors explain step-by-step how the story develops, and provide readers guidance by detailing the respective rationale. The studies covered are clustered according to three main S-BPM themes: Part I “Business Operation Support” documents approaches to the practical development of S-BPM solutions in various application domains and organizational settings, while Part II “Consultancy and Education Support” highlights cases that can help to train readers in S-BPM modeling and knowledge acquisition for S-BPM lifecycle iterations. It also refers to architecting S-BPM solutions for application cases based on hands-on experience. Part III “Technical Execution Support” focuses on concepts for utilizing specific theories and technologies to execute S-BPM models. It also addresses how to create reference models for certain settings in the field. Lastly, the appendix covers all relevant aspects needed to grasp S-BPM modeling and apply it based on fundamental examples. Its format reconciles semantic precision with syntactic rigor.>Addressing the needs of developers, educators and practitioners, this book will help companies to learn from the experiences of first-time users and to develop systems that fit their business processes, explaining the latest key methodological and technological S-BPM developments in the fields of training, research and application

    Artificial Intelligence Enabled Project Management: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In the Industry 5.0 era, companies are leveraging the potential of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence for more efficient and green human-centric production. In a similar approach, project management would benefit from artificial intelligence in order to achieve project goals by improving project performance, and consequently, reaching higher sustainable success. In this context, this paper examines the role of artificial intelligence in emerging project management through a systematic literature review; the applications of AI techniques in the project management performance domains are presented. The results show that the number of influential publications on artificial intelligence-enabled project management has increased significantly over the last decade. The findings indicate that artificial intelligence, predominantly machine learning, can be considerably useful in the management of construction and IT projects; it is notably encouraging for enhancing the planning, measurement, and uncertainty performance domains by providing promising forecasting and decision-making capabilities

    Networking high-end CAD systems based on PC/MS-DOS platforms

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    The concept of today\u27s technology has been dropped. Everything is now either oobsolete or experimental. Yesterday\u27s technology is appealing only because it is tried-and-true and prices are reduced for clearance. Tomorrow\u27s technology is exciting, somewhat expensive and not well tested. In the field of architecture, where most firms are medium or small, having limited resources, the high cost initially required for a CAD installation was generally impossible to meet not too many years ago. From spreadsheets and CAD graphics to network file systems and distributed database management, the basic systems and application tools have matured to the point that the possibilities are now limited mainly by how creatively the architects can apply them. CAD systems on the market today are not so different from the systems of the mid 70s, except they have gone from hardware costing a hundred thousand dollar to PC based systems, costing under ten thousand dollars. Choices of hardware and software for CAD systems undergo continual changes in power and efficiency. There will come a point where upgrading will create more a deficiency rather than an augmentation of capability efficiency and overall function. Thus it becomes a major problem for the prospect buyer

    Monitoring PC Hardware Sounds in Linux Systems Using the Daubechies D4 Wavelet.

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    Users of high availability (HA) computing require systems that run continuously, with little or no downtime. Modern PCs address HA needs by monitoring operating system parameters such as voltage, temperature, and hard drive status in order to anticipate possible system failure. However, one modality for PC monitoring that has been underutilized is sound. The application described here uses wavelet theory to analyze sounds produced by PC hard drives during standard operation. When twenty-nine hard drives were tested with the application and the results compared with the drives\u27 Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) data, the binomial distribution\u27s low p-value of 0.012 indicated better than chance agreement. While the concurrence between the two systems shows that sound is an effective tool in detecting hardware failures, the disagreements between the systems show that the application can complement S.M.A.R.T. in an HA system

    The Sense and Nonsense of Web Site Terms of Use Agreements

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    This article examines the purpose, use and enforceability of TOUs. In so doing it looks beyond the common question of whether TOUs are enforceable to ask whether and under what circumstances TOUs are necessary. This article explores whether the nature of the Internet is so different from the brick-and-mortar world that TOUs are needed for web sites but not for retail stores. A review of many of the existing TOUs reveals that major differences exist in the number and nature of their provisions. On one extreme are the TOUs of companies like Disney, Barnes and Noble and Amazon that apparently seek to address all possible contingencies and risks. Other names for these agreements include site license and conditions of use agreement. Similar licenses used in connection with the distribution and sale of software are often called end-user-license agreements ( EULAs\u27). Although this article focuses on licenses that are designed to govern the use of web sites, many of the same issues that are discussed herein are applicable to EULA\u27s