32 research outputs found

    A generic formalism for the semantic modeling and representation of architectural elements

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    This article presents a methodological approach to the semantic description of architectural elements based both on theoretical reflections and research experiences. To develop this approach, a first process of extraction and formalization of architectural knowledge on the basis of the analysis of architectural treaties is proposed. Then, the identified features are used to produce a template shape library dedicated to buildings surveying. Finally, the problem of the overall model structuring and organization using semantic information is addressed for user handling purposes

    A generic formalism for the semantic modeling and representation of architectural elements

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    International audienceThis article presents a methodological approach to the semantic description of architectural elements based both on theoretical reflections and research experiences. To develop this approach, a first process of extraction and formalization of architectural knowledge on the basis of the analysis of architectural treaties is proposed. Then, the identified features are used to produce a template shape library dedicated to buildings surveying. Finally, the problem of the overall model structuring and organization using semantic information is addressed for user handling purposes

    Proportions, Constraints and Semantics for a Parametric Model

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    An approach to digitally model the decorative elements window’s of architectural heritage—the College of Nobles, Turin—in HBIM, by applying De Luca’s method. The strategy is to transform them into mathematical ratios and parameters in order to create fexible and adaptable models that can generate variations

    Information Models to Manage Complexity for an Integrated Knowledge Project - Modelli informativi e gestione della complessità per un progetto integrato di conoscenza

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    The study aims to identify optimal workflows to create information models oriented to the management and the knowledge of archi-tectural heritage in a state of ruin, through the analysis of the critical issues found in the parametric modeling of the existing artifact. The methodology is aimed at analysing possible criteria for the enhancement of the data detected in the transition from point cloud to a semantic model, and the management of the level of graphic detail (LoG, Level of Geometry) and information attributes (LoI, Level of Information), in order to define possible procedures to measure the Level of Reliability of the survey. The case study is the Mother Church of the ancient Misterbianco (Catania), one of the rare surviving vestiges of the eruption of Mount Etna in 1669 and the ear-thquake in Val di Noto in 1693. Thanks to its state of preservation and its cultural relevance, it represents the ideal case study for the proposed experimentation. (R.G., M.L.T., C.S.) - Lo studio si pone l’obiettivo di individuare flussi di lavoro ottimali per la realizzazione di modelli informativi orientati alla gestione e alla conoscenza del patrimonio architettonico in stato di rudere, attraverso l’analisi delle criticità riscontrabili nella modellazione parametrica dell’esistente. La metodologia adoperata si propone di ragionare su possibili criteri per la valorizzazione del dato rilevato nel delicato passaggio dalla nuvola di punti alla modellazione semantica, per la gestione del livello di dettaglio grafico (LoG, Level of Geometry) e degli attributi informativi (LoI, Level of Information), con l’obiettivo di definire possibili procedure di misurazione del Livello di Affida-bilità del rilievo. Il caso studio è la chiesa Madre dell’antica Misterbianco (Catania), una delle rare testimonianze superstiti all’eruzione dell’Etna del 1669 e al terremoto del Val di Noto del 1693. Lo stato di conservazione e l’istanza culturale che la caratterizzano, ne fanno l’oggetto di studio ideale per la sperimentazione proposta. (R.G., M.L.T., C.S.

    Integrazione di database spaziali multiscala in ambito urbano

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    An information data infrastructure is one of the key to assure efficiency and sustainability for urban processes management. In this field spatial data management plays a central role with a focus on thematic and geometric integration, multi-scale modelling and flexibility to specific needs. These goals can be achieved through the provision of specific standards and tools for data modelling and information retrieving. The widening of the application fields of GIS to the architectural representations of the cultural heritage documentation and consequently the 3D data management support are two of the major issues for filling the gap between the CAD and GIS and their cultural and productive background. Her will be presented some preliminary issues of a test on spatal data integration in a XML based data structure following the OGC's CityGML specifications. The model implementation will focus on the multiscale and multiview modelling tools of standard as a first stepo for the management of a 3D spatial database through XML based application tool

    Geomatic training experiences for a high vulnerability cultural heritage item

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    The plan of Architectural documentation is the basic platform on which the CH protection and development process is founded; it embraces the historical analysis, the metric survey and the graphical representation of the object. It covers a primary importance in order to achieve very many objects: the comprehension of cultural values through the study of historical sources; the morphological and geometrical data collection and interpretation for the object representation. The latter is the frame on which we can organize the diagnostic tests, build the restoration plan and the communication and dissemination of his cultural values. The achievement of the know how in the field of the architectural and environmental survey is an important part of the curriculum in faculties of Architecture. The basic courses in this field of study (an integrated course named Topography/Metric Survey/IT and the course of Photogrammetry) approach to the main methods and the modern techniques of metric survey and at the same time the students will be provided of the basic knowledge for the critical analysis of the historical handiworks in the different scales, from the territorial to the architectural one. In the area of the optional courses, the educational program widen to involve all data capture methodologies, including the LIDAR techniques, and systems of 3D survey data management and integration. Modern spatial data products, such as DEM and vector surface models, are used for the final rendering, where both the 2D and 3D element will be integrated. It will be also introduced the GIS environment for the storage and management of spatial information at the territorial and architectural scales. In this paper we are going to present several experiences employed during two courses of the Faculty of Architecture (Applied Photogrammetry and Digital Photogrammetry/3D scanning for CH survey, the last managed by CISDA - Architecture Interdepartmental Teaching Services Centre)*. In this training experiences the methodological contents of disciplines have been exploited to obtain the documentation of a cultural item, featured by a high risk of extinction: the decorated gypsum ceilings of the southern Piedmon

    Generator of Hypotheses for a Digital Restitution of Built Heritage: Case of Roman Imperial Baths of North Africa

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    In this paper, we present an approach for developing a tool for the restitution of built heritage and we take as a case study the Roman imperial baths of North Africa. This type of building responds as far as their architectural design is concerned to a universal model widely distributed throughout the Roman Empire with significant variations. We suppose here that this tool allows us to generate automatically the hypotheses of restitution (2D and 3D) facilitating the work of restitution for specialists in the field of archaeology and built heritage. The generated models can be refined and completed in order to obtain the most plausible simulation. This tool is obtained following architectural, theoretical, and historical analyses. Our study will focus on the elaboration of data model according to an architectural approach of Architectural Modelling Information (AIM)

    Construction, Management and Visualization of 3D Models of Large Archeological and Architectural Sites for E-Heritage GIS Systems

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    In this paper we present an integrated system developed in order to record, construct, pre-process, manage, visualize and visually navigate 3D models reality based of large archeological and architectural sites for eHeritage GIS systems. The framework integrates structured geometrical and documentary information resulting from multiple sources with the aim to enhance the knowledge of those sites within the frame of its historical evolution and its institutional management in a 3D GIS/DB. The developed applications were designed for different types of users, with a largely scalable interface, able to support different output devices and to work at different levels of iconicity. The system allows a full comprehension of the buildings in their own context, permitting to discover unknown relationships, to evaluate their architectural occupancy and to quickly access a complex system of information. The framework has been tested in two different systems - designed and developed to satisfy both internal (cataloguing, documentation, preservation, management of archaeological heritage) and external (communication through the web portal) purposes: the first, in Pompeii, developed in order to have a web-based system that uses Open Source software and complies with national and international standards; the second one, a prototype designed to make available on the Google Earth platform the complete Palladian corpus documentation implemented by the CISAAP

    Semantic annotation of heritage building photos based on 3D spatial referencing

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    Throughout this article, we present the principles of a semantic annotation using 3D model as a support to transfer the semantic layers to images. The approach could be used as an essential tool for the documentation of buildings of historical importance. Our research focused on the analysis and the implementation of tools and techniques for semantic annotation of photo, on its storage and retrieval from a database and on the manipulation of information in a real time 3D scene. Our approach, divided in three connected steps (semantic annotation of 3D model, spatial referencing of image and semantic annotation of image using 3D object’s silhouette projection), has been finalized and tested on different archaeological sites. We have used these principles to develop an implementation model of a management and consultation system for data gathered from the Internet

    NUBES : describing, analysing, documenting and sharing digital representations of heritage buildings

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    The NUBES project focus on the definition of an informative system on an architectural scale which exploits the relations between the 3D representation of the building (shape, dimensions, state of conservation, hypothetical restitution of its transformations in time) and heterogeneous information coming from the various fields (technical, documentary, historical). The platform aims at organizing multiple representations (and associated information) around a model of semantic description with the aim of defining a system for the multi-field observation of historic buildings. The principles studied are implemented in a Web Application, whose main functionalities we present