342 research outputs found

    Hybrid beamforming for single carrier mmWave MIMO systems

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    Hybrid analog and digital beamforming (HBF) has been recognized as an attractive technique offering a tradeoff between hardware implementation limitation and system performance for future broadband millimeter wave (mmWave) communications. In contrast to most current works focusing on the HBF design for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based mmWave systems, this paper investigates the HBF design for single carrier (SC) systems due to the advantage of low peak-to-average power ratio in transmissions. By applying the alternating minimization method, we propose an efficient HBF scheme based on the minimum mean square error criterion. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the conventional HBF scheme for SC systems.Comment: IEEE GlobalSIP2018, Feb. 201

    Millimeter-wave Wireless LAN and its Extension toward 5G Heterogeneous Networks

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    Millimeter-wave (mmw) frequency bands, especially 60 GHz unlicensed band, are considered as a promising solution for gigabit short range wireless communication systems. IEEE standard 802.11ad, also known as WiGig, is standardized for the usage of the 60 GHz unlicensed band for wireless local area networks (WLANs). By using this mmw WLAN, multi-Gbps rate can be achieved to support bandwidth-intensive multimedia applications. Exhaustive search along with beamforming (BF) is usually used to overcome 60 GHz channel propagation loss and accomplish data transmissions in such mmw WLANs. Because of its short range transmission with a high susceptibility to path blocking, multiple number of mmw access points (APs) should be used to fully cover a typical target environment for future high capacity multi-Gbps WLANs. Therefore, coordination among mmw APs is highly needed to overcome packet collisions resulting from un-coordinated exhaustive search BF and to increase the total capacity of mmw WLANs. In this paper, we firstly give the current status of mmw WLANs with our developed WiGig AP prototype. Then, we highlight the great need for coordinated transmissions among mmw APs as a key enabler for future high capacity mmw WLANs. Two different types of coordinated mmw WLAN architecture are introduced. One is the distributed antenna type architecture to realize centralized coordination, while the other is an autonomous coordination with the assistance of legacy Wi-Fi signaling. Moreover, two heterogeneous network (HetNet) architectures are also introduced to efficiently extend the coordinated mmw WLANs to be used for future 5th Generation (5G) cellular networks.Comment: 18 pages, 24 figures, accepted, invited paper

    Técnicas de gestão de feixe de onda para sistemas Massive MIMO nas redes 5G NR

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    The use of Millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum frequencies is seen as a key enabler technology for the future wireless communication systems to overcome the bandwidth shortage of the sub 6GHz microwave spectrum band, enabling high speed data transmissions in the 5G/6G systems. Nevertheless, mmWave propagation characteristics are associated to significant free-path losses and many more attenuations that become even more harsher as the frequency increases, rendering the communication challenging at this frequencies. To overcome these distinct disadvantages, multiple antenna arrays are employed to allow beamforming techniques for the transmission of narrower concentrated beams in more precise directions and less interference levels between them, consequently improving the link budget. Thus, to constantly assure that the communication with each device is done using the beam pair that allows the best possible connectivity, a set of Beam Management control procedures is necessary to assure an efficient beamformed connection establishment and its continuous maintenance between the device and the network. This dissertation will address the description of the Initial Beam Establishment (IBE) BM procedure, focusing the selection of the most suitable transmit-receive beam pair available after completed beam sweeping techniques to measure the different power levels of the received signal. The main goal is to design a new 3GPP-standard compliant beam pair selection algorithm based on SSS angle estimation (BSAE), that makes use of multiple Synchronization Signal Blocks (SSBs) to maximize the Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) value at the receiver, through the selected beam pair. This optimization is done using the Secondary Synchronization Signals (SSSs) present in each SSB to perform channel estimation in the digital domain (comprising the effects of the analog processing). Afterwards, the combination of those estimations were used to perform the equivalent channel propagation matrix estimation without the analog processing effects. Finally, through the channel propagation matrix, the angle that maximizes the RSRP was determined to compute the most suitable beam through the aggregated response vector. The obtained results show that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance levels compared to a conventional beam pair selection algorithm. Furthermore, a comparison with an optimal case is also done, i.e., the situation where the channel is known, and the optimal beam pair angle can be determined. Therefore, the similar performance results compared to the optimal case indicates that the proposed algorithm is interesting for practical 5G mmWave mMIMO implementations, according to 3GPP-compliant standards.O uso de frequências na banda das ondas milimétricas é visto como uma tecnologia chave para os futuros sistemas de comunicação móveis, tendo em vista a ultrapassar o problema da escassez de banda a sub-6 GHz, e por permitir as elevadas taxas de dados requeridas para sistemas 5G/6G. Contudo, a propagação deste tipo de ondas está associado a perdas acentuadas em espaço livre e várias atenuações que se tornam cada vez mais significativas com o aumento do valor da frequência, impondo obstáculos à comunicação. Para ultrapassar estas adversidades, agregados constituídos por múltiplos elementos de antena são implementados por forma a permitir técnicas de formação de feixe e possibilitar a transmissão de feixes mais estreitos e altamente direcionais, diminuindo os níveis de interferência e melhorando consequentemente o link budget. Deste modo, para assegurar constantemente que a comunicação efetuada em cada dispositivo ocorre utilizando o conjunto de feixes que proporciona o melhor nível de conectividade, é então necessário um conjunto de procedimentos de controlo de gestão de feixe, assegurando um estabelecimento eficiente da comunicação e a sua contínua manutenção entre um dispositivo e a rede. Esta dissertação descreve o procedimento de gestão de feixe conhecido como estabelecimento inicial de feixe, focando o processo de seleção do melhor par de feixe de transmissão-receção disponível após o uso de técnicas de varrimento de feixe por fim a efetuar medições dos diferentes níveis de potência do sinal recebido. O principal objetivo passa pela conceção de um novo algoritmo de estabelecimento de par de feixes baseado em estimações de ângulo (BSAE), que explora o uso de múltiplos SSBs definidos pelo 3GPP, por forma a maximizar o RSRP no recetor, através do feixe selecionado. Esta otimização é feita usando os sinais de sincronização secundários (SSSs) presentes em cada SSB para efetuar uma estimação de canal no domínio digital (que contém o efeito do processamento analógico). Depois, combinando essas estimações, foi feita uma estimação da matriz do canal de propagação, sem o efeito desse processamento analógico. Finalmente, através da matriz do canal de propagação, foi determinado o ângulo que maximiza o RSRP, e calculado o feixe através do vetor de resposta do agregado. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o algoritmo proposto atinge melhor desempenho quando comparado com o algoritmo convencional de seleção de par de feixes. Foi feita ainda uma comparação com o caso ótimo, isto é, com o caso em que se conhece completamente o canal e se obtém um ângulo ótimo. Os resultados obtidos pelo algoritmo proposto foram muito próximos do caso ótimo, pelo que é bastante interessante para sistemas práticos 5G mmWave mMIMO, que estejam de acordo com o padrão 3GPP.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Performance Comparison of Dual Connectivity and Hard Handover for LTE-5G Tight Integration in mmWave Cellular Networks

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    MmWave communications are expected to play a major role in the Fifth generation of mobile networks. They offer a potential multi-gigabit throughput and an ultra-low radio latency, but at the same time suffer from high isotropic pathloss, and a coverage area much smaller than the one of LTE macrocells. In order to address these issues, highly directional beamforming and a very high-density deployment of mmWave base stations were proposed. This Thesis aims to improve the reliability and performance of the 5G network by studying its tight and seamless integration with the current LTE cellular network. In particular, the LTE base stations can provide a coverage layer for 5G mobile terminals, because they operate on microWave frequencies, which are less sensitive to blockage and have a lower pathloss. This document is a copy of the Master's Thesis carried out by Mr. Michele Polese under the supervision of Dr. Marco Mezzavilla and Prof. Michele Zorzi. It will propose an LTE-5G tight integration architecture, based on mobile terminals' dual connectivity to LTE and 5G radio access networks, and will evaluate which are the new network procedures that will be needed to support it. Moreover, this new architecture will be implemented in the ns-3 simulator, and a thorough simulation campaign will be conducted in order to evaluate its performance, with respect to the baseline of handover between LTE and 5G.Comment: Master's Thesis carried out by Mr. Michele Polese under the supervision of Dr. Marco Mezzavilla and Prof. Michele Zorz

    Feedback Mechanisms for Centralized and Distributed Mobile Systems

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    The wireless communication market is expected to witness considerable growth in the immediate future due to increasing smart device usage to access real-time data. Mobile devices become the predominant method of Internet access via cellular networks (4G/5G) and the onset of virtual reality (VR), ushering in the wide deployment of multiple bands, ranging from TVWhite Spaces to cellular/WiFi bands and on to mmWave. Multi-antenna techniques have been considered to be promising approaches in telecommunication to optimize the utilization of radio spectrum and minimize the cost of system construction. The performance of multiple antenna technology depends on the utilization of radio propagation properties and feedback of such information in a timely manner. However, when a signal is transmitted, it is usually dispersed over time coming over different paths of different lengths due to reflections from obstacles or affected by Doppler shift in mobile environments. This motivates the design of novel feedback mechanisms that improve the performance of multi-antenna systems. Accurate channel state information (CSI) is essential to increasing throughput in multiinput, multi-output (MIMO) systems with digital beamforming. Channel-state information for the operation of MIMO schemes (such as transmit diversity or spatial multiplexing) can be acquired by feedback of CSI reports in the downlink direction, or inferred from uplink measurements assuming perfect channel reciprocity (CR). However, most works make the assumption that channels are perfectly reciprocal. This assumption is often incorrect in practice due to poor channel estimation and imperfect channel feedback. Instead, experiments have demonstrated that channel reciprocity can be easily broken by multiple factors. Specifically, channel reciprocity error (CRE) introduced by transmitter-receiver imbalance have been widely studied by both simulations and experiments, and the impact of mobility and estimation error have been fully investigated in this thesis. In particular, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have asymmetric behavior when communicating with one another and to the ground, due to differences in altitude that frequently occur. Feedback mechanisms are also affected by channel differences caused by the user’s body. While there has been work to specifically quantify the losses in signal reception, there has been little work on how these channel differences affect feedback mechanisms. In this dissertation, we perform system-level simulations, implement design with a software defined radio platform, conduct in-field experiments for various wireless communication systems to analyze different channel feedback mechanisms. To explore the feedback mechanism, we then explore two specific real world scenarios, including UAV-based beamforming communications, and user-induced feedback systems

    Single carrier frequency domain equalization and energy efficiency optimization for MIMO cognitive radio.

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    This dissertation studies two separate topics in wireless communication systems. One topic focuses on the Single Carrier Frequency Domain Equalization (SC-FDE), which is a promising technique to mitigate the multipath effect in the broadband wireless communication. Another topic targets on the energy efficiency optimization in a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) cognitive radio network. For SC-FDE, the conventional linear receivers suffer from the noise amplification in deep fading channel. To overcome this, a fractional spaced frequency domain (FSFD) receiver based on frequency domain oversampling (FDO) is proposed for SC-FDE to improve the performance of the linear receiver under deep fading channels. By properly designing the guard interval, a larger sized Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is equipped to oversample the received signal in frequency domain. Thus, the effect of frequency-selective fading can still be eliminated by a one-tap frequency domain filter. Two types of FSFD receivers are proposed based on the least square (LS) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion. Both the semi-analytical analysis and simulation results are given to evaluate the performance of the proposed receivers. Another challenge in SC-FDE is the in-phase/quadrature phase (IQ) imbalance caused by unideal radio frequency (RF) front-end at the transmitter or the receiver. Most existing works in single carrier transmission employ linear compensation methods, such as LS and MMSE, to combat the interference caused by IQ imbalance. Actually, for single carrier transmissions, it is possible for the receivers to adopt advanced nonlinear compensation methods to improve the system performance under IQ imbalance. For such purpose, an iterative decision feedback receiver is proposed to compensate the IQ imbalance caused by unideal RF front-end in SC-FDE. Numerical results show that the proposed iterative IQ imbalance compensation can significantly improve the performance of SC-FDE system under IQ imbalance compared with the conventional linear method. For the energy efficiency optimization in the MIMO cognitive radio network, multiple secondary users (SUs) coexisting with a primary user (PU) adjust their antenna radiation patterns and power allocations to achieve energy-efficient transmission. The optimization problems are formulated to maximize the energy efficiency of a cognitive radio network in both distributed and centralized point of views. Also, constraints on the transmission power and the interference to PU are introduced to protect the PU’s transmission. In order to solve the non-convex optimization problems, convex relaxations are used to transform them into equivalent problems with better tractability. Then three optimization algorithms are proposed to find the energy-efficient transmission strategies. Simulation results show that the proposed energy-efficiency optimization algorithms outperform the existing algorithms

    MAC and baseband processors for RF-MIMO WLAN

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    The article describes hardware solutions for the IEEE 802.11 medium access control (MAC) layer and IEEE 802.11a digital baseband in an RF-MIMO WLAN transceiver that performs the signal combining in the analogue domain. Architecture and implementation details of the MAC processor including a hardware accelerator and a 16-bit MACphysical layer (PHY) interface are presented. The proposed hardware solution is tested and verified using a PHY link emulator. Architecture, design, implementation, and test of a reconfigurable digital baseband processor are described too. Description includes the baseband algorithms (the main blocks being MIMO channel estimation and Tx-Rx analogue beamforming), their FPGA-based implementation, baseband printed-circuit-board, and real-time test