758 research outputs found

    Circuit Simulation for Solar Power Maximum Power Point Tracking with Different Buck-Boost Converter Topologies

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    A Lighting Control System in Buildings based on Fuzzy Logic

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    Lighting generally consumed 25%-50% of total electricity consumption in a building. Nowadays, the building lighting source is dominated by the use of fluorescent lamps. The previous technical papers by other researchers had focused on power density control of incandescent lamps, which is now rarely used, unconsidered national standard as control reference value, and required a high-cost in investment. By these reasons, this paper proposes a building lighting system based on fuzzy logic scheme to automate fluorescent lamps in order to achieve illumination according to Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The input variables were indoor lighting, inference from outdoor lighting, and occupancy. The output variable was the required illumination to achieve the standard. The required illumination determined the number of lamps that had to be turned on. In the experiment result, a classroom illumination of lighting without controller in workdays was about 350 lux, while with the proposed controller it varied between 250–300 lux close to the SNI, i.e. 250 lux. Meanwhile, with the proposed controller the electricity consumption for a classroom was 75% lower than the lighting without controller.

    Photovoltaic MPPT techniques comparative review

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    The Voltage Regulation of a Buck Converter using a Neural Network Predictive Controller

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    In this paper, a neural network predictive controller (NNPC) is proposed to control a buck converter. Conventional controllers such as proportional-integral (PI) or proportional-integral-derivative (PID) are designed based on the linearized small-signal model near the operating point. Therefore, the performance of the controller in the start-up, load change, or reference change is not optimal since the system model changes by changing the operating point. The neural network predictive controller optimally controls the buck converter by following the concept of the traditional model predictive controller. The advantage of the NNPC is that the neural network system identification decreases the inaccuracy of the system model with inaccurate parameters. A NNPC with a well-trained neural network can perform as an optimal controller for the buck converter. To compare the effectiveness of the traditional buck converter and the NNPC, the simulation results are provided

    VHDL Based Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Using Fuzzy Logic Control

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    It is important to have an efficient maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique to increase the photovoltaic (PV) generation system output efficiency. This paper presents a design of MPPT techniques for PV module to increase its efficiency. Perturb and Observe method (P&O), incremental conductance method (IC), and Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) techniques are designed to be used for MPPT. Also FLC is built using MATLAB/ SIMULINK and compared with the FLC toolbox existed in the MATLAB library. FLC does not need knowledge of the exact model of the system so it is easy to implement. A comparison between different techniques shows the effectiveness of the fuzzy logic controller techniques.  Finally, the proposed FLC is built in very high speed integrated circuit description language (VHDL). The simulation results obtained with ISE Design Suite 14.6 software show a satisfactory performance with a good agreement compared to obtained values from MATLAB/SIMULINK. The good tracking efficiency and rapid response to environmental parameters changes are adopted by the simulation results

    Optimal performance assessment of intelligent controllers used in solar-powered electric vehicle

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    Introduction. Increasing vehicle numbers, coupled with their increased consumption of fossil fuels, have drawn great concern about their detrimental environmental impacts. Alternative energy sources have been the subject of extensive research and development. Due to its high energy density, zero emissions, and use of sustainable fuels, the battery is widely considered one of the most promising solutions for automobile applications. A major obstacle to its commercialization is the battery's high cost and low power density. Purpose. Implementing a control system is the primary objective of this work, which is employed to change the energy sources in hybrid energy storage system about the load applied to the drive. Novelty. To meet the control objective, a speed condition-based controller is designed by considering four separate math functions and is programmed based on different speed ranges. On the other hand, the conventional/intelligent controller is also considered to develop the switching signals related to the DC-DC converter’s output and applied the actual value. Methods. According to the proposed control strategy, the adopted speed condition based controller is a combined conventional/intelligent controller to meet the control object. Practical value. In this work, three different hybrid controllers adopted speed condition based controller with artificial neural network controller, adopted speed condition based controller with fuzzy logic controller, and adopted speed condition based controller with proportional-integral derivative controller are designed and applied separately and obtain the results at different load conditions in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Three hybrid controller’s execution is assessed based on time-domain specifications.Вступ. Збільшення кількості транспортних засобів у поєднанні із збільшенням споживання ними викопного палива викликало серйозну заклопотаність з приводу їх згубного впливу на навколишнє середовище. Альтернативні джерела енергії були предметом інтенсивних досліджень та розробок. Завдяки високій щільності енергії, нульовим викидам та використанню екологічно чистих видів палива акумулятор широко вважається одним із найперспективніших рішень для застосувань у автомобілях. Основною перешкодою для його комерціалізації є висока вартість батареї та низька питома потужність. Мета. Впровадження системи управління, яка використовується для зміни джерел енергії в системі гібридної накопичення енергії в залежності від навантаження, прикладеного до приводу, є основною метою цієї роботи. Новизна. Для досягнення мети управління контролер на основі умов швидкості розроблено з урахуванням чотирьох окремих математичних функцій та запрограмовано на основі різних діапазонів швидкостей. З іншого боку, вважається, що звичайний/інтелектуальний контролер виробляє сигнали перемикання, пов'язані з вихідним сигналом перетворювача постійного струму, та застосовує фактичне значення. Методи. Відповідно до запропонованої стратегії управління прийнятий контролер на основі умов швидкості є комбінованим традиційним/інтелектуальним контролером для задоволення об'єкта управління. Практична цінність. У цій роботі три різних гібридних контролери, що використовують контролер на основі умов швидкості з контролером штучної нейронної мережі, контролер на основі адаптованих умов швидкості з контролером з нечіткою логікою та контролер на основі прийнятих умов швидкості з пропорційно-інтегрально-диференціальним контролером, розроблені та застосовуються окремо та отримують результати за різних умов навантаження у середовищі MATLAB/Simulink. Робота трьох гібридних контролерів оцінюється з урахуванням специфікацій у часовій області

    [[alternative]]Design and Validation of Solar Power Management System

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    MPPT for Photovoltaic Systems with SEPIC Converter Counting Steady-State and Drift Analysis

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    A versatile voltage-sensor-based most extreme control point following calculation utilizing a variable scaling calculate for a solitary finished essential inductance converter is exhibited. In this strategy, just a voltage divider circuit is utilized to detect the photovoltaic (PV) board voltage. This technique can adequately enhance both transient and steady state execution by shifting the scaling variable as looked at with the settled stride estimate and versatile stride measure with settled scaling component. For sudden change in sunlight based insolation or, on the other hand in start-up, this technique prompts quicker following, though in enduring state, it prompts bring down motions around most extreme control point. The unfaltering state conduct and float marvels are additionally tended to in this paper to decide the following productivity. The obligation cycle is created specifically without utilizing any proportional–integral control circle to improve the control circuit. MATLAB/Simulink is utilized for reproduction thinks about, and a microcontroller is utilized as a computerized stage to actualize the proposed calculation for trial approval. The proposed framework is actualized what's more, tried effectively on a PV board in the research center