6 research outputs found

    Sensitivity Analysis of a Leaf Photosynthesis-Stomatal Resistance Model

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    Climate–ecosystem modelling made easy: The Land Sites Platform

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    Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) provide a state-of-the-art process-based approach to study the complex interplay between vegetation and its physical environment. For example, they help to predict how terrestrial plants interact with climate, soils, disturbance and competition for resources. We argue that there is untapped potential for the use of DGVMs in ecological and ecophysiological research. One fundamental barrier to realize this potential is that many researchers with relevant expertize (ecology, plant physiology, soil science, etc.) lack access to the technical resources or awareness of the research potential of DGVMs. Here we present the Land Sites Platform (LSP): new software that facilitates single-site simulations with the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator, an advanced DGVM coupled with the Community Land Model. The LSP includes a Graphical User Interface and an Application Programming Interface, which improve the user experience and lower the technical thresholds for installing these model architectures and setting up model experiments. The software is distributed via version-controlled containers; researchers and students can run simulations directly on their personal computers or servers, with relatively low hardware requirements, and on different operating systems. Version 1.0 of the LSP supports site-level simulations. We provide input data for 20 established geo-ecological observation sites in Norway and workflows to add generic sites from public global datasets. The LSP makes standard model experiments with default data easily achievable (e.g., for educational or introductory purposes) while retaining flexibility for more advanced scientific uses. We further provide tools to visualize the model input and output, including simple examples to relate predictions to local observations. The LSP improves access to land surface and DGVM modelling as a building block of community cyberinfrastructure that may inspire new avenues for mechanistic ecosystem research across disciplines.publishedVersio

    'gcamdata': An R Package for Preparation, Synthesis, and Tracking of Input Data for the GCAM Integrated Human-Earth Systems Model

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    The increasing data requirements of complex models demand robust, reproducible, and transparent systems to track and prepare models’ inputs. Here we describe version 1.0 of the gcamdata R package that processes raw inputs to produce the hundreds of XML files needed by the GCAM integrated human-earth systems model. It features extensive functional and unit testing, data tracing and visualization, and enforces metadata, documentation, and flexibility in its component data-processing subunits. Although this package is specific to GCAM, many of its structural pieces and approaches should be broadly applicable to, and reusable by, other complex model/data systems aiming to improve transparency, reproducibility, and flexibility.   Funding statement: Primary support for this work was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, as part of research in Multi-Sector Dynamics, Earth and Environmental System Modeling Program. Additional support was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Offices of Fossil Energy, Nuclear Energy, and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    A Fortran Kernel Generation Framework for Scientific Legacy Code

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    Quality assurance procedure is very important for software development. The complexity of modules and structure in software impedes the testing procedure and further development. For complex and poorly designed scientific software, module developers and software testers need to put a lot of extra efforts to monitor not related modules\u27 impacts and to test the whole system\u27s constraints. In addition, widely used benchmarks cannot help programmers with accurate and program specific system performance evaluation. In this situation, the generated kernels could provide considerable insight into better performance tuning. Therefore, in order to greatly improve the productivity of various scientific software engineering tasks such as performance tuning, debugging, and verification of simulation results, we developed an automatic compute kernel extraction prototype platform for complex legacy scientific code. In addition, considering that scientific research and experiment require long-term simulation procedure and the huge size of data transfer, we apply message passing based parallelization and I/O behavior optimization to highly improve the performance of the kernel extractor framework and then use profiling tools to give guidance for parallel distribution. Abnormal event detection is another important aspect for scientific research; dealing with huge observational datasets combined with simulation results it becomes not only essential but also extremely difficult. In this dissertation, for the sake of detecting high frequency event and low frequency events, we reconfigured this framework equipped with in-situ data transfer infrastructure. Through the method of combining signal processing data preprocess(decimation) with machine learning detection model to train the stream data, our framework can significantly decrease the amount of transferred data demand for concurrent data analysis (between distributed computing CPU/GPU nodes). Finally, the dissertation presents the implementation of the framework and a case study of the ACME Land Model (ALM) for demonstration. It turns out that the generated compute kernel with lower cost can be used in performance tuning experiments and quality assurance, which include debugging legacy code, verification of simulation results through single point and multiple points of variables tracking, collaborating with compiler vendors, and generating custom benchmark tests

    Widening the Circle of Engagement Around Environmental Issues using Cloud-based Tools

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    Environmental data are being generated and collected at unprecedented rates. However, the diversity in form and format of these environmental assets poses challenges for collaborative and reproducible science. Moreover, access constraints that surround environmental data lead to difficulty in use and interpretation of results. Cloud computing offers high potential to break down such barriers and engender collaboration, attribution, reuse, and reproducibility. In this article we review the design of the Environmental Virtual Observatory pilot (EVOp) that was conceived as a cloud-enabled virtual research space for different users interested in environmental science, ranging from domain specialists to the general public. We discuss the key technologies and processes used: a hybrid cloud infrastructure; standard service interfaces; a unified service delivery platform; and a test-driven development cycle. We also discuss the methodology by showcasing one of the exemplars developed in EVOp, stressing the importance of weaving stakeholder engagement from the beginning and throughout the process. We also briefly highlight some of the lessons learnt of working in an interdisciplinary team

    Sensitivity Analysis of a Leaf Photosynthesis-Stomatal Resistance Model

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