5 research outputs found

    An Experimental Evaluation of Grouping Definitions for Moving Entities

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    One important pattern analysis task for trajectory data is to find a group: a set of entities that travel together over a period of time. In this paper, we compare four definitions of groups by conducting extensive experiments using various data sets. The grouping definitions are different by one or more of three different characteristics: whether they use the measured sample points or continuous movement, how distance is used to decide if entities are in the same group, and whether the duration of the group is measured cumulatively or as one contiguous time interval. We are interested in the differences between the definitions and comparisons to human-annotated data, if available. We concentrate on pedestrian data and on different crowd densities. Furthermore, we analyze the robustness of the definitions with respect to their dependence on different sampling rates. We use two types of trajectory data sets: synthetic trajectories and real-life trajectories extracted from video surveillance. We present the results of the quantitative evaluations. For experiments with real-life trajectories, we augment them with a qualitative evaluation using videos that show groups in the trajectories with a color coding

    A Heterogeneous High Performance Computing Framework For Ill-Structured Spatial Join Processing

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    The frequently employed spatial join processing over two large layers of polygonal datasets to detect cross-layer polygon pairs (CPP) satisfying a join-predicate faces challenges common to ill-structured sparse problems, namely, that of identifying the few intersecting cross-layer edges out of the quadratic universe. The algorithmic engineering challenge is compounded by GPGPU SIMT architecture. Spatial join involves lightweight filter phase typically using overlap test over minimum bounding rectangles (MBRs) to discard majority of CPPs, followed by refinement phase to rigorously test the join predicate over the edges of the surviving CPPs. In this dissertation, we develop new techniques - algorithms, data structure, i/o, load balancing and system implementation - to accelerate the two-phase spatial-join processing. We present a new filtering technique, called Common MBR Filter (CMF), which changes the overall characteristic of the spatial join algorithms wherein the refinement phase is no longer the computational bottleneck. CMF is designed based on the insight that intersecting cross-layer edges must lie within the rectangular intersection of the MBRs of CPPs, their common MBRs (CMBR). We also address a key limitation of CMF for class of spatial datasets with either large or dense active CMBRs by extended CMF, called CMF-grid, that effectively employs both CMBR and grid techniques by embedding a uniform grid over CMBR of each CPP, but of suitably engineered sizes for different CPPs. To show efficiency of CMF-based filters, extensive mathematical and experimental analysis is provided. Then, two GPU-based spatial join systems are proposed based on two CMF versions including four components: 1) sort-based MBR filter, 2) CMF/CMF-grid, 3) point-in-polygon test, and, 4) edge-intersection test. The systems show two orders of magnitude speedup over the optimized sequential GEOS C++ library. Furthermore, we present a distributed system of heterogeneous compute nodes to exploit GPU-CPU computing in order to scale up the computation. A load balancing model based on Integer Linear Programming (ILP) is formulated for this system. We also provide three heuristic algorithms to approximate the ILP. Finally, we develop MPI-cuda-GIS system based on this heterogeneous computing model by integrating our CUDA-based GPU system into a newly designed distributed framework designed based on Message Passing Interface (MPI). Experimental results show good scalability and performance of MPI-cuda-GIS system

    Streaming Data Algorithm Design for Big Trajectory Data Analysis

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    Trajectory streams consist of large volumes of time-stamped spatial data that are constantly generated from diverse and geographically distributed sources. Discovery of traveling patterns on trajectorystreamssuchasgatheringandcompaniesneedstoprocesseachrecordwhenitarrivesand correlatesacrossmultiplerecordsnearreal-time. Thustechniquesforhandlinghigh-speedtrajectorystreamsshouldscaleondistributedclustercomputing. Themainissuesencapsulatethreeaspects, namely a data model to represent the continuous trajectory data, the parallelism of a discovery algorithm, and end-to-end performance improvement. In this thesis, I propose two parallel discovery methods,namelysnapshotmodelandslotmodelthateachconsistsof1)amodelofpartitioningtrajectoriessampledondifferenttimeintervals;2)definitionondistancemeasurementsoftrajectories; and 3) a parallel discovery algorithm. I develop these methods in a stream processing workflow. I evaluate our solution with a public dataset on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud cluster. From parallelization point of view, I investigate system performance, scalability, stability and pinpoint principle operations that contribute most to the run-time cost of computation and data shuffling. I improve data locality with fine-tuned data partition and data aggregation techniques. I observe that both models can scale on a cluster of nodes as the intensity of trajectory data streams grows. Generally, snapshot model has higher throughput thus lower latency, while slot model produce more accurate trajectory discovery

    Spatial Big Data Analytics: Classification Techniques for Earth Observation Imagery

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. August 2016. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Shashi Shekhar. 1 computer file (PDF); xi, 120 pages.Spatial Big Data (SBD), e.g., earth observation imagery, GPS trajectories, temporally detailed road networks, etc., refers to geo-referenced data whose volume, velocity, and variety exceed the capability of current spatial computing platforms. SBD has the potential to transform our society. Vehicle GPS trajectories together with engine measurement data provide a new way to recommend environmentally friendly routes. Satellite and airborne earth observation imagery plays a crucial role in hurricane tracking, crop yield prediction, and global water management. The potential value of earth observation data is so significant that the White House recently declared that full utilization of this data is one of the nation's highest priorities. However, SBD poses significant challenges to current big data analytics. In addition to its huge dataset size (NASA collects petabytes of earth images every year), SBD exhibits four unique properties related to the nature of spatial data that must be accounted for in any data analysis. First, SBD exhibits spatial autocorrelation effects. In other words, we cannot assume that nearby samples are statistically independent. Current analytics techniques that ignore spatial autocorrelation often perform poorly such as low prediction accuracy and salt-and-pepper noise (i.e., pixels predicted as different from neighbors by mistake). Second, spatial interactions are not isotropic and vary across directions. Third, spatial dependency exists in multiple spatial scales. Finally, spatial big data exhibits heterogeneity, i.e., identical feature values may correspond to distinct class labels in different regions. Thus, learned predictive models may perform poorly in many local regions. My thesis investigates novel SBD analytics techniques to address some of these challenges. To date, I have been mostly focusing on the challenges of spatial autocorrelation and anisotropy via developing novel spatial classification models such as spatial decision trees for raster SBD (e.g., earth observation imagery). To scale up the proposed models, I developed efficient learning algorithms via computational pruning. The proposed techniques have been applied to real world remote sensing imagery for wetland mapping. I also had developed spatial ensemble learning framework to address the challenge of spatial heterogeneity, particularly the class ambiguity issues in geographical classification, i.e., samples with the same feature values belong to different classes in different spatial zones. Evaluations on three real world remote sensing datasets confirmed that proposed spatial ensemble learning outperforms current approaches such as bagging, boosting, and mixture of experts when class ambiguity exists