6 research outputs found

    Supporting Context-Aware Collaborative Learning Activities by CAFCLA

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    The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in daily life has improved the learning process by means of context-aware technologies. Through the use of technology, new ways of learning has emerged allowing to become the learning process more ubiquitous. However, it is necessary to develop new tools that can be adapted to a wide range of technologies and different application scenarios. This paper presents CAFCLA, a framework that allows developing context-aware learning applications. CAFCLA integrates different context-aware technologies, so that learning applications designed, developed and deployed upon it are dynamic, adaptive and easy to use by users such as students and teachers

    CAFCLA: A Conceptual Framework to Develop Collaborative Context-Aware Learning Activities

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    Advances appeared in Information and Communication Technologies along last years have given raise to new interaction ways between people and technology. Ambient Intelligences (AmI) is a multidisciplinary research area which promotes the use or technology in a transparent way to facilitate everyday tasks. Education is one field that benefits from AmI: collaboration between students in innovate ways, data acquisition from the context or real time location systems enhance learning processes. This paper presents CAFCLA, a framework aimed at designing, developing and deploying AmI-based educational scenarios where collaboration between students and contextual information are available every time and everywhere through multiple resources and communication protocols

    Cliente mobile para consumo e disponibilização de serviços georreferenciados

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    Actualmente as aplicações móveis são indispensáveis para o utilizador. De acordo com estudos recentes, as receitas geradas pela sua utilização resultaram em aproximadamente 20 biliões de dólares só em 2013. Com estes valores estima-se que no futuro estes números aumentem, daí tornar-se imperativo abordar num estudo científico sobre este mercado em expansão. A somar às inúmeras aplicações referentes ao sistema móvel Android, surgem as aplicações de serviços georreferenciados que vão aqui ser abordadas em maior profundidade, nomeadamente o consumo e disponibilização destes serviços em clientes mobile. Ponderadas diversas soluções é possível com alguns melhoramentos atingir benefícios específicos para um maior número de utilizadores tendo em conta as suas características a priori. Uma das questões principais passa pela capacidade de publicação de diversas fontes de informação (vários publishers) com o uso de uma Application Programing Interface (API) documentada e aberta para que qualquer entidade possa publicar os seus conteúdos georreferenciados. O consumo por parte dos utilizadores (subscriber) é feita numa plataforma móvel Android onde os possam vários publishers possam publicar os seus conteúdos a partir da posição do utilizador. Esta publicação será facilitada criando bases de dados para o armazenamento de todas as informações relevantes tanto da parte dos publishers como dos subscribers. A validação deste trabalho consistiu em testar vários tipos de publicações, nomeadamente texto, imagem e gráficos na sua pesquisa e consumo numa plataforma móvel Android. Numa segunda fase, foi testada a publicação de gráficos em tempo real na plataforma

    Digital applications with free software for City Branding Valledupar

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    El uso de las TIC se ha masificado dentro del ámbito del turismo convirtiéndose en herramienta fundamental y un aliado para llegar a conquistar turistas para los diferentes destinos que se promocionan a través de aplicaciones móviles o de website. Cada vez más las entidades turísticas o las empresas recurren a las tecnologías de la información, en particular Internet, como medio para promocionar sus productos y servicios turísticos. Estas nuevas tecnologías han cambiado el concepto de vida de personas en cuanto a la consulta de precio y rapidez de información de los diferentes servicios turísticos. En Colombia se promueve la marca país desde el gobierno nacional como recurso de promoción turística y de inversión extranjera; está liderada por Procolombia. En Valledupar se debe: resolver la necesidad de promover la marca ciudad que adopto la alcaldía municipal y de la cual este proyecto resuelve la iniciativa gubernamental; así mismo, aprovechar la tendencia mundial al rescate de los valores auténticos, el medio ambiente y las comunidades indígenas a través de diferentes modalidades de turismo: Ecoturismo, etnoturismo, agroturismo, cultural, religioso, compras, aventura, salud, deportivo, ciudad capital. Se debe ampliar el conocimiento del territorio municipal y de los valores autóctonos. En este proyecto de grado encontraran los lectores que mediante uso de software libre y de código abierto se pueden crear soluciones TIC para fortalecer la promoción del sector turístico de la ciudad de Valledupar.Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOCINTRODUCCION 17 1. MARCO TEORICO 19 1.1 ANTECEDENTES 19 1.1.1 Procolombia 21 1.1.2 Corporación clúster de la cultura y la música vallenata 21 1.2 MARCA PAIS 21 1.2.1 La Marca. 24 1.2.2 Resultados del uso de marca país. 25 Country Brand en Latinoamérica. 27 1.1.3 Marca País Colombia. 30 1.3. MARCA CIUDAD 33 1.3.1 Creación y desarrollo de la marca ciudad. 34 Ranking de ciudades. 36 Ciudades Colombianas con marca 40 1.4 INTERNET PARA EL TURISMO 44 1.4.1 El Mercado Móvil en Latinoamérica para 2014 45 1.4.2 El Consumidor turista 46 1.4.3 Nuevos espacios de interacción 46 1.5 INTERNET PARA LOS NEGOCIOS 47 1.6 HERRAMIENTAS DE SOFTWARE LIBRE PARA DESARROLLO 48 1.6.1 Entornos libres para desarrollo de Apps 51 1.6.2 Documentación y control de versiones. 52 1.8 ESTADO DEL ARTE 56 1.8.1 Place branding y destination branding. 57 1.8.2. Comunicación turística. 62 1.8.3. Los sitios web como canales de comunicación de las marcas destino 63 1.8.4. Recomendaciones de la World Tourism Organization 64 1.8.5. Turismo 2.0 65 1.8.6. Software libre 67 1.8.7. Desarrollo de aplicaciones con metodologías agiles 68 Metodologías agiles para el desarrollo de software móvil 70 Características y requerimientos específicos del entorno móvil. 72 Metodología ágil ideal para el desarrollo móvil 73 Tecnologías de desarrollo de aplicaciones web multiplataforma 75 El software libre en la gestión de contenido web. 77 1.8.8. Computación ubicua o pervasiva 80 Sistemas ubiquos. 82 1.8.9. Internet del futuro y ciudades inteligentes 85 1.8.10. Internet de las cosas. 89 1.9 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA Y JUSTIFICACION 91 1.9.1 Objetivos 94 Objetivo General. 94 Objetivos Específicos. 94 1.9.2. Beneficios 95 1.9.3. Impactos 95 2. METODO 97 2.1 DISEÑO METODOLOGICO 97 2.2 ACTIVIDADES 98 3 RESULTADOS DE LA INVESTIGACION 100 3.1 REPOSITORIO DE INFORMACION 100 3.1.1 Observación Participante 100 3.1.2 Entrevistas en profundidad 101 3.1.3 Metodología de desarrollo 102 3.1.4 Analisis de Apps y WebSites 103 3.2 ANALISIS Y DISEÑOS DE LOS SOFTWARE 103 3.3. DESARROLLO APPS Y WEBSITE 107 3.3.1 Backend 107 3.3.2 Frontend 108 3.4 ARQUITECTURA DE LA INFORMACION 110 3.5 COMPILACION APPS 113 3.6 RECOMENDACIONES DE MARKETING DIGITAL 116 3.6.1 Conceptos Generales 116 3.6.2 Costo de las campañas: . 122 4. DISCUSION 129 4.1 COMPARACION CON TRABAJOS EXISTENTES 129 4.2 APORTES DEL PROYECTO 129 5. CONCLUSIONES 131 6. RECOMENDACIONES Y TRABAJO FUTURO 134 7. BIBLIOGRAFIA 135MaestríaThe use of ICT has become widespread within the field of tourism, becoming a fundamental tool and an ally to reach tourists for the different destinations that are promoted through mobile applications or website. More and more tourist entities or companies are turning to information technologies, particularly the Internet, as a means to promote their tourist products and services. These new technologies have changed the concept of people's lives in terms of price consultation and information speed of the different tourist services. In Colombia, the country brand is promoted by the national government as a resource for tourism promotion and foreign investment; It is led by Procolombia. Valledupar must: resolve the need to promote the city brand that was adopted by the municipal mayor's office and of which this project resolves the government initiative; Likewise, take advantage of the global trend to rescue authentic values, the environment and indigenous communities through different types of tourism: Ecotourism, ethno-tourism, agrotourism, cultural, religious, shopping, adventure, health, sports, capital city. The knowledge of the municipal territory and indigenous values ​​should be expanded. In this degree project, readers will find that through the use of free and open source software, ICT solutions can be created to strengthen the promotion of the tourism sector in the city of Valledupar

    User-centred and context-aware identity management in mobile ad-hoc networks

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    The emergent notion of ubiquitous computing makes it possible for mobile devices to communicate and provide services via networks connected in an ad-hoc manner. These have resulted in the proliferation of wireless technologies such as Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANets), which offer attractive solutions for services that need flexible setup as well as dynamic and low cost wireless connectivity. However, the growing trend outlined above also raises serious concerns over Identity Management (IM) due to a dramatic increase in identity theft. The problem is even greater in service-oriented architectures, where partial identities are sprinkled across many services and users have no control over such identities. In this thesis, we review some issues of contextual computing, its implications and usage within pervasive environments. To tackle the above problems, it is essential to allow users to have control over their own identities in MANet environments. So far, the development of such identity control remains a significant challenge for the research community. The main focus of this thesis is on the area of identity management in MANets and emergency situations by using context-awareness and user-centricity together with its security issues and implications. Context- awareness allows us to make use of partial identities as a way of user identity protection and node identification. User-centricity is aimed at putting users in control of their partial identities, policies and rules for privacy protection. These principles help us to propose an innovative, easy-to-use identity management framework for MANets. The framework makes the flow of partial identities explicit; gives users control over such identities based on their respective situations and contexts, and creates a balance between convenience and privacy. The thesis presents our proposed framework, its development and lab results/evaluations, and outlines possible future work to improve the framework

    Técnicas de computación social e información contextual para el desarrollo de actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo

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    [EN]Educational innovation is a field in which its processes has been greatly enriched by the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Thanks to technological advances, the use of learning models where information comes from many different sources is now usual. Likewise, student-student, student-device and device-device collaborations provides added value to the learning processes thanks to the fact that, through it, aspects such as communication, achievement of common goals or sharing resources. Within the educational innovation, we find as a great challenge the development of tools that facilitate the creation of innovative collaborative learning processes that improve the achievement of the objectives sought, with respect to individualized processes, and the fidelity of the students to the process through the use of contextual information. Moreover, the development of these solutions, that facilitate the work of teachers, developers and technicians encouraging the production of educational processes more attractive to students, presents itself as an ambitious challenge in which the perspectives of Ambient Intelligence and Social Computing play a key role. The doctoral dissertation presented here describes and evaluates CAFCLA, a framework specially conceived for the design, development and implementation of collaborative learning activities that make use of contextual information and that is based on the paradigms of Ambient Intelligence and Social Computing. CAFCLA is a flexible framework that covers the entire process of developing collaborative learning activities and hides all the difficulties involved in the use and integration of multiple technologies to its users. In order to evaluate the validity of the proposal, CAFCLA has supported the implementation of three concrete and different use cases. These experimental use cases have shown that, among other benefits, the use of Social Computing customizes the learning process, encourages collaboration, improves relationships, increases commitment, promotes behaviour change in users and enables learning to be maintained over time. In addition, in order to demonstrate the flexibility of the framework, these use cases have been developed in different scenarios (such as a museum, a public building or at home), different types of learning have been proposed (serious games, recommendations system orWebQuest) and different learning objectives have been chosen (academic, social and energy-efficient).[ES]La innovación educativa es un campo que ha sido enormemente enriquecido por el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en sus procesos. Gracias a los avances tecnológicos, actualmente es habitual el uso de modelos de aprendizaje donde la información proviene de numerosas y diferentes fuentes. De igual forma, la colaboración estudiante-estudiante, estudiante-dispositivo y dispositivo-dispositivo, proporciona un valor añadido a los procesos de aprendizaje gracias a que, a través de ella, se fomentan aspectos como la comunicación, la consecución de una meta común, o la compartición de recursos. Dentro de la innovación educativa encontramos como un gran desafío el desarrollo de herramientas que faciliten la creación de procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo innovadores que mejoren los resultados obtenidos, respecto a los procesos individualizados, y la fidelidad de los estudiantes al proceso mediante el uso de información contextual.Más aún, el desarrollo de soluciones que faciliten el trabajo a profesores, desarrolladores y técnicos, fomentando la producción de procesos educativos más atractivos para los estudiantes, se presenta como un ambicioso reto en el que las perspectivas de la Inteligencia Ambiental y la Computación Social juegan un papel fundamental. La tesis doctoral aquí presentada describe y evalúa CAFCLA, un framework especialmente concebido para el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo que hagan uso de información contextual basándose en los paradigmas de la Inteligencia Ambiental y la Computación Social. CAFCLA es un framework flexible que abarca todo el proceso de desarrollo de actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo y oculta todas las dificultades que implican el uso e integración de múltiples tecnologías a sus usuarios. Para evaluar la validez de la propuesta realizada, CAFCLA ha soportado la implementación de tres casos de uso concretos y diferentes entre sí. Estos casos de uso experimentales han demostrado que, entre otros beneficios, el uso de la Computación Social personaliza el proceso de aprendizaje, fomenta la colaboración, mejora las relaciones, aumenta el compromiso, favorecen el cambio de comportamiento en los usuarios y mantiene su implicación en el proceso a lo largo del tiempo. Además, con el objetivo de demostrar la flexibilidad del framework, estos casos de uso se han desarrollado en diferentes escenarios (como un museo, un edificio público o el hogar), se han propuesto diferente tipos de aprendizaje (juegos serios, sistema de recomendaciones o WebQuest) y se han elegido diferentes objetivos de aprendizaje (académicos, sociales y de eficiencia energética)