114 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar IPA terpadu terintegrasi STEM tema air minum menggunakan metode Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD) berorientasi literasi teknologi mengetahui kelayakan dan keterpahaman bahan ajar IPA yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Developmental Research (DR) yang terdiri dari tahapan Design, Develop dan Evaluation. Bahan ajar ini menggunakan model keterpaduan dari Robin Fogarty yaitu model keterpaduan tipe webbed. Intrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rubrik validasi tahap seleksi, rubrik validasi tahap strukturisasi, rubrik validasi tahap karakterisasi, rubrik tahap reduksi didaktik, rubrik keterpahaman dan angket kelayakan bahan ajar. Uji kelayakan bahan ajar diujikan pada 6 orang dosen dan guru mata pelajaran IPA, kimia, dan biologi. Uji karakterisasi bahan ajar dilakukan pada 81 orang siswa kelas IX. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan bahan ajar dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelayakan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan pada komponen kelayakan isi mencapai 83 % dengan kategori baik, komponen kelayakan kebahasaan mencapai 77 % dengan kategori sangat baik, komponen kelayakan penyajian mencapai 75 % dengan kategori baik dan komponen kelayakan kegrafikan mencapai 92 % dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil rata – rata keterpahaman bahan ajar sebesar 72 % dengan kategori tingkat keterpahaman tinggi. This study aims to develop science teaching materials integratied with STEM on dringking water theme using the Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD) methodoriented technology literacy and find out the feasibility and understanding of the science materials produced. This study uses the Developmental Research (DR) research method which consists of stages of Design, Develop and Evaluation. This teaching material uses the integration model of Robin Fogarty, namely the webbed type integration model. The research instruments used in this study were the validation rubric of the selection stage, the validation rubric of the structuring stage, the validation rubric of the characterization stage, the didactic reduction stage rubric, the understanding rubric and the feasibility questionnaire of teaching materials. The feasibility test of teaching materials was tested on 6 teaching material lecturers at the FPMIPA University of Indonesia and science teacher. The characterization test of teaching materials was carried out on 81 grade IX students. Based on the results of the feasibility test of teaching materials, it can be concluded that the feasibility of teaching materials developed in the content feasibility component reaches 83% with a fairly good category, language feasibility component reaching 77% with the category is very good, the component of feasibility of presentation reaches 75% with good category and the component of graphic feasibility reaches 92% with a very good category. Obtained an average understanding of teaching materials of 72% with a high level of understanding category

    Integration of ICT: The Missing Link in the Pre-Service Teacher Training Program at Karachi, Sindh

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    In this current study, the researcher explores the integration of information communication technology (ICT) in the teacher training program at the pre-service level. The profession of teaching has become a challenging profession ever in our society as knowledge expands very rapidly and dynamically, and it wants teachers to cope with new technologies in their academic activities. Furthermore, ICT can provide an efficient and effective way for teachers' professional development during pre-service and in-service teacher training; hence, this integration can help connect them with the international community. However, it is very unfortunate that instead of a bulk investment of human and financial resources, the pre-service teacher training program cannot provide prospective teachers with the competencies, necessary skills, and job experience to prepare them for using ICT for the future profession. Similarly, in the current paper, we have taken the issues and application of ICT that supports the teacher's pre-service Education for pedagogical skills. Hence, it was concluded that ICT should be the basic tool when selecting and staffing the teachers in these colleges

    Activities with parents on the computer: Science teachers' views

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    An ecological framework, named activities with parents on the computer (APC), was proposed in order to promote the collaboration between school and home as well as new literacies. In this study, we address teachers' views on APC. Seven teachers who have attended training courses (pre- or in-service) were inquired via email. Their statements were submitted to a content analysis. Results revealed a plethora of reasons why APC was not being used, including technological, socio-economic, and educational policy reasons. The findings urge us to think of activities with parents on the Internet, in order to favour the usage of mobile devices, especially in disadvantaged milieus. Besides training, teachers' mindsets should open so as to accept the amplification of their field of action and an interaction and collaboration with other community partner

    Research on ICT in K-12 schools e A review of experimental and survey-based studies in computers & education 2011 to 2015

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    International audienceWhat is the role of a journal? Is it to follow the research or lead it? For the former, it is to serve as an archival record of the scholarship in a field. It can serve to permit the research community to engage with each other via the written record. But, for the latter, it can serve the research community by pointing out gaps in the research based on the archival record. This review is intended to do just that

    Evaluating Vietnam’s Pre-service English Teacher Education Program for Technology Integration in Education

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    With the rapid development of technology in the world today, the application of technology in education, thus, becomes a matter of great importance. In the English Teacher Competency Framework (ETCF) provided by the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training, the ability to use technology in education is an essential aspect an English teacher program must include. As revealed from previous studies, English teachers’ ability to integrate technology in education is weak as they have not been provided adequate opportunities to learn and integrate technology in education in their pre-service teacher education programs. This paper reports on part of findings of a case study conducted in Vietnam. The research adopted a qualitative approach with the in-depth interview as the instrument. Research participants consisted of experienced lecturers involved in designing the program and student teachers. Findings revealed that the program was not effective in educating student teachers in the methods of using technology in teaching. The reasons for such inadequacy were lack of knowledge of technology integration in language teaching, poor facilities, and low ICT capacity. Integrating technology in the curriculum is suggested for developing student teachers’ ability to apply technology in education

    Brazilian teachers' beliefs about technologies in a training program in Portugal

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    Teachers’ beliefs regarding technologies are configured as a decisive component within the school context, since they interfere directly in the adoption of rejection of devices. This way, the objective was to identify the main beliefs held by Chemistry teachers who take part in continuous training in an international cooperation between Brazil and Portugal regarding the insertion of technologies in the school daily routine. The aim was the Teacher Professional Development Program that took place at Portugal. The individuals are Chemistry teachers (n=25) from all Brazilian macroregions, including immersion follow-up at the schools (n=5). The methodological procedures employed for data gathering were questionnaires, interviews and observations in both training in Portugal and in Brazilian schools. Data analysis was carried out through the use of content analysis assisted by the Nvivo software. The results point towards Chemistry teacher beliefs regarding the benefits and inconveniences from the use of technologies within their daily schooling contexts. The Chemistry teachers point out the benefits from the use of technologies in the classroom, but the inconveniences appear as decisive hurdles for them not to be used. Thus, the understanding of teacher's beliefs regarding government actions is essential for the application or financial resources and the didactic-pedagogical advancements in the use of technologies


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    Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores the views of students and teachers on the effectiveness of ICT in science teaching in terms of (i) levels of enjoyment derived by students, and (ii) usefulness of ICTs to teachers for their teaching. A questionnaire was used to elicit the views of students and teachers in respect of a range of ICT-based classroom activities. Qualitative and quantitative data collected through the questionnaires from 12 teachers and 100 students involved in science teaching and learning at a selected secondary school in Trinidad were analyzed. The results show that students enjoy ICT interventions in their lessons and teachers rank it high in many respects but, both students and teachers agree that ICT loses its appeal when its use is arbitrary and ill-planned.    Article visualizations

    The usage of ICT for teaching at a Bhutanese college

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    ICT platforms for Indonesian EFL students viewed from gender during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The aims of this study are to find out (1) ICT (Information and Communications Technology) platform used by male and female students from Islamic universities in Indonesia, (2) their perception of using ICT, and (3) their barriers to using ICT in English language learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data was collected from an online questionnaire (Google Form) from students majoring in English from seven Islamic universities in Indonesia. There were 30 male students and 30 female students from every university who participated in this research, making a total of 210 student respondents. The data were analyzed quantitatively by using the SPSS computer program. First of all, female students used more various types of ICT platforms compared to male students. Second, the female students viewed ICT use more positively than male students in language learning. And lastly, even though the females deemed ICT more optimistically compared to male students, nevertheless the females encountered more barriers in using the ICT platforms compared to the male students in this study. Again, even though male students were more skillful in ICT literacy than female students, female students constructively regarded ICT use in language learning as more beneficial to them in terms of skill, knowledge, and motivational improvement


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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused most companies and organizations to start utilizing remote work. Naturally, this gave rise to many issues regarding employee performance, communication and collaboration especially in the early stages of the pandemic. Since the beginning of the pandemic organizations and employees have learned to cope with the situation. In this paper we wanted to study how the COVID-induced remote work period has impacted organizational knowledge creation processes. By conducting a case study in a higher education organization, we conclude that the SECI-mode of socialization was affected the most by the remote work period. In addition, we found no differences between genders. Younger employees were better at combination and employees from ICT-department coped better with socializing during the remote work period. Based on the results of the study we conclude that if remote work remains dominant organizations might stand to lose more tacit knowledge due to lowered socialization over time
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