16 research outputs found

    An Examination of Privacy Policies of US Government Senate Websites.

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    US Government websites are rapidly increasing the services they offer, but users express concerns about their personal privacy protection. To earn user's trust, these sites must show that personal data is protected, and the sites contain explicit privacy policies. This research studied privacy policy protection of 50 US Senate sites and found that few had comprehensive elements of privacy policies and a general lack of protection of personal data that could be obtain from the website. The study reviewed which specific privacy elements are most often mishandled, as well as suggestions for improving an overall online privacy practice

    Demokrasi dan E-Government Memetakan Perhatian Dunia Hari ini (Studi Tentang Empat Lembaga Indeksasi)

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    The development of e-government has attracted the attention of many activists and has become the new face of government in the world. E-government is seen as the best collaboration between the public sector and technology and is seen as the success of government innovation. Its role as a channel of interaction between the government and citizens, causes the implementation of e-government to be believed to be in line with the development of democratization. Today, many agencies assess the implementation of e-government. The most common, assessment is in the form of indexes. Among the indexes commonly referred to are The Global Open Data Index (GODI), The E-Government Index (EGI), The National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), and local indexation as an example is Indonesia with the Indonesian E-Government Rating (PeGI). Amid various indicators that underlie these indexes, this article asks the question, what are the main aspects that e-government activists pay attention to? Through a literature review sourced from various institutions that manage the indexes, this article concludes that e-government activists pay more attention to e-government development strategies, and at the same time become the aspect that requires the most attention

    E-Serviços no Governo Eletrônico: Análise Bibliométrica de Artigos Internacionais

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    In the present study, the objective was to analyze the production and the publications profile of the theme: e-services tools referring to eGovernment in the Scopus database, for the period as from 2001 through 2015. The electronic government includes tools for the government's relationship with society, citizens, other governments and businesses. The focus of these articles includes e-services and e-Government activities for the businesses. It was used descriptive research, conducted through literature review, with bibliometric approach and quantitative analysis, with sample collected in the Scopus database. It was found that the number of works in this period was 299, of which 45 papers published in events in 2010 and 16 articles published in journals in 2013. The core point of the articles with the highest citation is related to the deployment and the users’ awareness on tools established by countries.Neste estudo, o objetivo foi analisar a produção e o perfil das publicações do tema ferramentas de e-Serviços referente a governo eletrônico na base de dados Scopus, no período de 2001 a 2015. O governo eletrônico compreende ferramentas para relação do governo com a sociedade, cidadãos, outros governos e negócio. O foco desses artigos compreende e-serviços e atividades de governo eletrônico para os negócios. Foi utilizada pesquisa descritiva, conduzida por meio de levantamento bibliográfico, com abordagem bibliométrica e análise quantitativa, com amostra coletada na base de dados Scopus. Concluiu-se que o número de trabalhos nesse período foi de 299, sendo 45 trabalhos publicados em eventos em 2010 e 16 artigos publicados em revistas em 2013. O ponto central dos artigos com maior citação está relacionado à implantação e à percepção de usuários de ferramentas implantadas por países

    A Conceptual Requirements Model for the Domain of Electronic Service Delivery: Success Factors in E-Government Implementation

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    Governments and citizens benefit from successful implementations of electronic government (e-government) services. E-government utilizes Information Technologies (IT) to provide access to a wide range of public services and to stimulate economic development. Today governments at all levels respond to millions of citizens’ demands electronically and increasingly move more of their services towards an electronic delivery model. To address the need for successful e-government implementations, in this paper, we identify several key success factors that are appropriate for e-government design and implementation. We surveyed about one hundred e-government web sites on those key success factors, generated hypothesis, developed a conceptual model focusing on steps towards implementing more successful e-government projects, and evaluated the resulting conceptual model using a series of statistical tests

    A Country Level Evaluation of the Impact of E-government: the Case of Italy

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    Despite considerable investments made worldwide in e-government initiatives in the past years, whether e-government succeeded in achieving the expected benefits in terms of increased efficiency, effectiveness and quality in the delivery of services is still under discussion. This chapter proposes an evaluation of the outcomes of the National Action Plan (NAP) for the diffusion of e-government at the local level in Italy. The evaluation considers whether the implementation of the projects funded under the action plan determined positive effects at the country level in terms of an increase in the value generated for different stakeholders. The discussion of data from both national and international secondary sources shows that during the period in which the benefits of the NAP should have become apparent no positive effects have emerged with evidence. The chapter argues that this depends on some of the principles the NAP has been based on that limited its capability of achieving the expected results

    Conflicting expectations in transforming government service processes: the story of e-payment for social welfare in Ireland

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    Despite its clear potential and attractiveness as a solution to a broad range of societal problems, E-Government has not been adopted to levels predicted in early 2000 literature. Whilst case studies of punctual development of E-Government initiatives abound, few countries have progressed to high levels of maturity in the systematic use of ICT in the relationship between government and citizens. At the same time, the current period brings challenges in terms of access to public services and costs of delivering these services which make the large scale use of ICT by governments more attractive than ever, if not even a necessity. This paper presents a detailed case study of a specific E-Government initiative in Ireland in the area of E-payments for G2C, in the social welfare area. Locating the current initiative in its historical context, it analyses the varied motivations and conflicting requirements of the numerous stakeholders and discusses the constraints that bear on the potential scenarios that could be followed at this point in time

    Serviços públicos digitais: avaliação de e-serviços de gestão do património imobiliário federal do Brasil na perspetiva dos utilizadores

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    Este estudo busca examinar a satisfação dos utilizadores de serviços públicos digitais prestados no Brasil, bem como a aplicabilidade do modelo de avaliação adotado (COBRA) no contexto brasileiro. A partir de 3.203 respostas de utilizadores de vinte e-serviços de gestão do património imobiliário federal ofertados pelo Ministério da Economia, foram examinados os benefícios, oportunidades, custos e riscos, bem como o grau de correlação destes com a satisfação final dos utilizadores, aplicando-se análises fatoriais exploratória e confirmatória para averiguação da estrutura interna e ajuste do modelo. Os resultados demonstram que existe um ajuste parcial dos dados da amostra ao modelo proposto, por um lado rejeitando a vinculação dos riscos à satisfação e, por outro, revelando que os benefícios, oportunidades e custos foram capazes de explicar significativamente o nível de satisfação dos utilizadores. Além de contribuir para a literatura sobre avaliação de e-serviços, particularmente aquela baseada nas dimensões do modelo aplicado, o estudo vem dar um contributo empírico para a discussão sobre o processo de avaliação de e-serviços, questão com relevância crescente nas preocupações dos decisores públicos e das políticas públicas; Abstract: Digital public services: evaluation of federal public property management e-services in Brazil from the users’ perspective This study aims to examine the satisfaction of users of digital public services provided in Brazil, as well as the applicability of the applied evaluation model (COBRA) in the Brazilian context. Based on the answers to a questionnaire of 3,203 users of twenty public property management e-services offered by the Ministry of Economy, the benefits, opportunities, costs and risks have been examined, as well as the degree of correlation with the users' satisfaction, applying exploratory and confirmatory factor analyze for internal structure analysis and model adjustment. The results show a partial adjustment of the sample data to the proposed model of analysis, rejecting, on the one hand, the link of risks to satisfaction and, on the other, showing that the benefits, opportunities and costs explain to a great extent the level of user satisfaction. In addition to contributing to the literature on e-service evaluation, particularly that using the dimensions of analysis of the applied model, the research provides an empirical contribution to the discussion about the e-service evaluation process, an issue with increasing relevance and concern of policy makers

    Is Web 2.0 a threat to representative democracy? A deliberation through the Australian carbon tax debate

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    The influence of social media is intensifying in global societies. As the technologies become cheaper and the acceptance of Web 2.0 becomes widespread, the power of social media on citizens, particularly the integrated influence of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs cannot be underestimated. In this paper, we attempt a deliberation through the lens of carbon tax debate in Australia where the influence of social media has perhaps begun to portend the role of elected representation in this representative democracy