20 research outputs found

    Thailand Industrial Competitiveness; Enhancing the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Scheme for Thai's Manufacturing

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    Abstract-The purpose of this paper was to describe the state of logistics measurement in Thai industry. The study explores relations between manufacturing and their competitive performance based on the methodology of performance measuring systems, applying to the measurement of both tangible and intangible assets, and also measuring supply chain performance internally and externally. The framework developed enhance the use of metrics strategy across all organization, this metrics are a fundamental part of strategy, goals, key performance areas, process elements and activities, enabling evaluating defined goals, leading to decision making and the implementation of improvement actions. In addition, theory regarding the logistics scorecard model measurement was tested. The design of this paper included Top 5 Manufacturing's that holding high value in inventory cost. Case studies and the assessment completed by professional logistics and supply chain consultants from Private sector, Government sector and Academic sector. Considerable analysis was performed to enhance the understanding of industrial competitiveness in Thai manufacturing supply chain

    Alignment of balanced scorecard perspectives with supply chain management objectives: a literature review

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    Having in view the fast diffusion of the Balanced Scorecard since its development in the 1990s, as well as your application in various industrial sectors, this paper aims to present a literature review on the alignment of this performance measurement system with the Supply Chain Management. This research was motivated by the finding of an increase in the annual number of papers published over the years. Through a literature review 43 papers related to the theme were localized in databases SCIELO, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Key metrics, methodological procedures most used for developing the papers localized, benefits and limitations of using the system, as well as research gaps indicated for future works are presented. The main contribution of this research focuses on condense into a single material, an overview of the assessment methods of Supply Chain Management based on the Balanced Scorecard perspectives. Several metrics have been proposed for the development of this performance measurement system, encompassing other perspectives beyond the four traditional BSC perspectives


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    En tant que réseau d'affaires, le Supply Chain Management (SCM) cherche à développer des modèles à mêmes de décrire et évaluer les processus et activités induits par sa mise en œuvre. C'est dans cette mouvance que souhaite se placer le modèle SCOR. Cet article s'intéresse à la pratique des indicateurs logistiques proposés par ce modèle. Le questionnaire proposé prend appui sur les métriques de niveau 1 du modèle SCOR. 35 questionnaires sont traités. Les résultats soulignent que -de manière générale- les intitulés des indicateurs du modèle SCOR apparaissent abscons et nécessitent une définition explicite en préalable. L'analyse des réponses montre également que dans leur quotidien, les répondants priorisent la justesse de la livraison et la réalisation de la commande. A l'inverse, leur attention semble plus faible quant à la gestion des stocks : rotation et jours d'inventaire.indicateurs logistiques, modèle SCOR, enquête de terrain.

    Performance measurement for supply chains in the industry 4.0 era: A balanced scorecard approach

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical approach based on the balanced scorecard (BSC) with regard to performance measurement – PM in supply chains for the Industry 4.0 era. Design/methodology/approach: This paper combines the literature of PM and specifically the BSC with the literature related to the dimensions of supply chain in the context of Industry 4.0. Findings: Dimensions extracted from the literature based on supply chains within the context of Industry 4.0 showed a strong alignment with the four perspectives of the BSC, which make it suitable to be considered as a performance measurement system (PMS) for supply chains in this new context. Research limitations/implications: From theoretical perspective, this study contributes to the limited literature on PM for supply chains in Industry 4.0 era. The study proposes a supply chain 4.0 Scorecard and strongly support researchers to conduct future empirical researches in order to get a deeper understanding about PM in supply chains in the Industry 4.0 era. As limitations, the theoretical framework proposed needs further empirical research in other to validate it and obtain new insights over the investigation conducted and presented into this paper. Practical implications: Practitioners can use this study as a guide to develop more effective performance measurement systems – PMSs in their organizations. Originality/value: This research is unique as it addresses a significant knowledge gap related to PM in supply chains in the Industry 4.0 era. It brings a significant contribution in terms of understanding how to measure performance in supply chains in this new era


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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo bibliográfico e de cunho exploratório, com o objetivo de apresentar o uso do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) sob a perspectiva integradora da logística. No atual contexto da economia, a gestão logística é uma peça fundamental para otimização dos custos e estimativa do ciclo de vida de cada produto. A exigência de qualidade no mercado consumidor e principalmente a competição entre fornecedores, exigem a adoção de uma abordagem de medição de desempenho moderna e alinhada ao desenvolvimento da empresa. Apesar disso, algumas empresas ainda permanecem focadas em utilizar medidas financeiras tradicionais, não gerenciando seus intangíveis. O Balanced Scorecard foi idealizado como uma poderosa ferramenta de alinhamento estratégico organizacional a qual contempla perspectivas financeiras e não financeiras. O estudo explorou breves considerações em avaliação de desempenho em logística, dando ênfase a avaliação da gestão da cadeia de suprimento e os aspectos conceituais relacionados ao modelo do Balanced Scorecard em seguida apresentando-o aplicado ao contexto da logística. Pretende-se com o escopo desta pesquisa trazer à discussão a possibilidade de uma perspectiva integradora da Gestão de Cadeia de Suprimento (SCM) ao BSC.   Palavras-chaves: Logística. Balanced Scorecard. Avaliação de Desempenho.

    Evaluation of sustainable supply chain performance on apple chips using the integration of quality function deployment, fuzzy analytical network process, and data envelopment analysis

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    Batu City is the largest apple producer in Indonesia, producing around 55,891 tons. One way to optimize supply chains is sustainable supply chain performance in the economic, social, and environmental fields. Problems in apple chip small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) are the price of apples increases in the dry season, accumulation of apple peel waste, and poor employee work performance. This study aimed to analyze the level of importance variables in measuring the supply chain performance level and the strategies to improve the supply chain of apple chips SMEs in Batu City. The integration of quality function deployment (QFD) and Fuzzy analytical network process (FANP) was used to obtain the level of cooperation interest. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to determine the efficiency of each stakeholder's interest. The results showed that the three highest important cooperative behavior factors were production costs (0.16), raw material costs (0.15), and raw material inventory (0.14). The efficiency level of partner cooperation and apple chip SMEs from 17 SMEs indicated that two partners were inefficient, with an efficiency score of 0.973 (D3) and 0.957 (D4). The improvement strategies proposed to apple chip SMEs were reducing production costs, revising agreements between suppliers and farmers, and implementing information technology


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    Empresas individuais podem possuir características técnicas e desempenhar diferentes funções operacionais, bem como possuir culturas organizacionais, crenças e valores distintos. O objetivo deste artigo é identificar a presença de especificidades acerca da adoção de indicadores de desempenho a partir de uma abordagem institucional advinda de distintas funções operacionais executadas por empresas individuais no âmbito de uma cadeia agroalimentar. Foi operacionalizado um survey junto a 121 empresas que foram agrupadas de acordo com suas respectivas funções operacionais dentro da cadeia. Os dados relativos à adoção de 32 indicadores de desempenho foram coletados através de um questionário apresentado ao gestor principal de cada uma das empresas investigadas. A análise dos resultados considerou a Prova Exata de Fisher e a Análise de Agrupamentos. Foi revelado que os padrões de adoção para a maioria dos indicadores de desempenho diferem entre os grupos de empresas analisados, bem como características específicas com relação aos elencos de indicadores de desempenho específicos a cada uma das funções operacionais. Companies may have technical characteristics and play different operational roles and possess different organizational cultures, beliefs and values. The purpose of this article is to identify the presence of specificities concerning the usage intensity of performance indicators from an institutional perspective considering different operational functions performed by companies within an agri-food supply chain. To accomplish this objective a survey along the 121 companies grouped according to their respective operational roles within the supply chain structure was performed. Data relating to the usage/not usage of 32 performance indicators were collected through a questionnaire submitted to senior managers from the investigated companies. The statistical analysis considered Fisher Exact Test and Cluster Analysis. It was revealed that the behavior of individual companies regarding the usage intensity of most performance indicators differ among groups, and specific casts of performance indicators for each of the operational functions were identified

    Evaluating the effectiveness of integrated Accounting Information Systems (AIS) in ERP environment of Vietnamese garment companies

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    Identifying factors defining the effectiveness of integrated AIS in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) environment is really a challenging task. In our research, the effectiveness of integrated AIS in ERP is presented in the form of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model. This study analyzes data collected from 178 Vietnamese garment companies with AIS in an ERP environment. Then, Cronbach’s Alpha test and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) are conducted to assess the reliability of variables. The result identifies 28 variables from Vietnamese garment companies’ managers view grouped into 4-dimensional constructs of the BSC model that define the effectiveness of integrated AIS in an ERP environment. The conclusion on garment companies’ AIS evaluation factors paves the way for future research on other Vietnamese industries’ AIS evaluation in an ERP environment