14 research outputs found

    Ontology based semantic-predictive model for reconfigurable automation systems

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    Due to increasing product variety and complexity, capability to support reconfiguration is a key competitiveness indicator for current automation system within large enterprises. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems could efficiently reuse existing knowledge in order to decrease the required skills and design time to launch new products. However, most of the software tools developed to support design of reconfigurable manufacturing system lack integration of product, process and resource knowledge, and the design data is not transferred from domain-specific engineering tools to a collaborative and intelligent platform to capture and reuse design knowledge. The focus of this research study is to enable integrated automation systems design to support a knowledge reuse approach to predict process and resource changes when product requirements change. The proposed methodology is based on a robust semantic-predictive model supported by ontology representations and predictive algorithms for the integration of Product, Process, Resource and Requirement (PPRR) data, so that future automation system changes can be identified at early design stages

    Cost Estimation in Initial Stages of Product Development – An Ontological Approach

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    Cost estimation in the early stages of the product development process is fraught with uncertainties. The conceptual design is characterized by the absence of data, the most critical being costs. Decisions based on incorrect assumptions impact a project significantly and can increase unexpected costs in the future. As there are no structured means of obtaining costs in the conceptual phase, the reuse of data from past projects is an alternative discussed in the literature. Knowledge management approaches suggest a search for data in successful earlier projects. The use of ontologies has been regarded as an approach to capturing either knowledge stored in database or tacit knowledge. The proposed solution, in the form of an expert system built upon an ontological model, seeks to estimate costs based on costs in previous projects as well as expert tacit knowledge. The model is demonstrated by queries with needed functions and requirements. The ontological model searches the necessary information and generates a cost estimation. The present research project follows the methodological framework Design Science Research, presenting an overhead crane as a case study. The proposed approach has great potential in other industrial contexts as well


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    In this paper, we are interested in the knowledge that is “wasted” in organizations, that is existing relevant knowledge that is overlooked in the process of knowledge conversion. Given the competitive pressure firms are facing in today´s business environment, a waste of knowledge is not only costly but also dangerous. This means that we consider knowledge from a knowledge at risk perspective. Having this in mind, the purpose of this paper is to review research on knowledge waste in organizations to establish our current body of knowledge regarding this topic. The study consists of a systematic review of 51 peer-reviewed articles addressing knowledge waste in organizations. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no systematic literature review on this topic has previously been published or presented. The topic seems to be a promising field for intensive research and offers a variety of future research avenues. In view of practitioners, the study´s finding may enable an increased awareness towards the areas where existing knowledge is at the mercy of “waste”. This can assist practitioners to better cope with risks related to this waste and, therefore, better exploit the (limited) knowledge base available

    Designing Product-Service System Framework

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    Multiple previous studies have focused on either PSS innovation or Design Thinking, but none have examined the combination of PSS fundamentals and Design Thinking methodology. As a result, the thesis's objective is to develop a framework for PSS innovation that is iterative in na-ture and customer-centric. CompanyCo, a electronics manufacturing company, is used as a case company for this study. The thesis aims to develop a process for the Product-Service System (PSS) innovation that supports CompanyCo's strengths, capabilities, and strategy. First, this study demonstrated through a case study in district heating that an appropriate PSS innovation framework for CompanyCo's emerging offering could be based on The New Double Diamond Model of Design Thinking, the Design Thinking macro process, and PSS fundamentals. The framework is divided into "finding the right problem," which defines the problem, and "find-ing the right solution," which drafts the solution via PSS essentials and rapid prototyping. Secondly, the thesis explores CompanyCo’s capabilities and pitfalls towards servitisation as de-scriptive "current state study.” Questionnaire were conducted for this study: an online form. The study aims to understand the organisation's current situation and help it become a more agile PSS provider. A single company was studied using multi-method qualitative and quantitative re-search. The findings indicate that the strengths to leverage in servitisation are CompanyCo's dedicated people and their enthusiasm for driving a cross-organisational development strategy and PSS's. CompanyCo's product portfolio is well-positioned towards servitisation due to its end-to-end capabilities, scientific innovation, and value-adding products that include a tangible component of value. Study subject’s hardware portfolio represents an opportunity to capitalize on potential value-added pricing and value communication opportunities. Pitfalls to servitisation include CompanyCo's unclear processes for customer information, daily customer information flow, and transparency of the service offering's cost structure. Consistency in PSS solutions, marketing, producing, and selling customised bundles are significant challenges. The findings suggest that hardware manufacturing traditions continue to haunt the transition, manifesting themselves in the company's tooling and processes. The result covers only a minority of the company’s em-ployees, and only one framework is used. This can bias the results. The thesis shows that the designed PSS innovation framework could be used for PSS innovation in the case company. The research company solely determines the theoretical framework's ap-plicability. The framework could have been tested on multiple companies. Case studies are highly subjective, allowing for researcher and interpreter errors. The thesis took a specific approach (iterative, customer-centric procedures) rather than considering alternative viewpoints

    Liiketoimintamallien innovointi tuotepalvelujärjestelmille

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    Transformation from product oriented to more service oriented business models has been observed to create various advantages for companies especially in current competitive situation, where competition with price is pressing the profit margins down. Without proper knowledge on how business models are created, particularly in product-service systems context, this transformation can be difficult or even make or break the company. Furthermore, the literature considering business models for product service systems is still rather uncommon Thus this study aimed at shedding light on business model creation process in practice, describing what role an external researcher can have in this process and mapping the situation and attitudes towards services in engineering workshops. This study was implemented as multi-method qualitative research and single case study, which focused on the case company’s business model creation process. In data collection of the study, observations of the case company’s process of creating business model were made. In addition, the interview study in engineering workshops was used to map the current situation of product-service systems in these traditionally product oriented companies. Moreover, the observations were used to illustrate external researcher’s role in case company’s business model creation process. The literature review described development of product-service systems and business model creation, taking also in consideration the construction industry context. It covered, furthermore, consultant client relationship and its characteristics. Based on this research it may be said that the process of business model creation in case company revolved around similar issues as it does in the current literature, such as market segmentation and customer analysis. On the other hand, the process in the case company had not quite reached the business model described in the literature when data collection for this thesis ended. It remained more on business planning level. Additionally, research supported the views in which there is place for competitor element in business model framework. This study also supports earlier views; traditionally product oriented engineering workshops are still, according to this study, clearly more product than service oriented. There are clear differences in how these companies see overall service and how they view services in their companies, but in general workshops seemed to be rather close to each other at the assembly or system integrator stage. Considering researcher’s role in project several similar challenges and advantages in cooperation have been recognized as in the current literature. Information flow and mutual trust are observed to be extremely important, and careful consideration on how to use an external researcher is deemed valuable

    A Novel Approach to Product Lifecycle Management and Engineering Based on Product In-Use Information

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    RÉSUMÉ L'évolution du marché pour les produits électromécaniques complexes a entraîné un intérêt croissant à la fois des fabricants et des chercheurs dans les produits et services intégrés (IPS). Cela a abouti à une reconnaissance de la nécessité de mieux comprendre les relations entre le développement d'un produit et les activités souvent coûteuses fois de soutien (c'est à dire d'entretien et de réparation) nécessaire pour maintenir sa fonctionnalité plus tard dans la vie du produit. En particulier, il est nécessaire de soutenir les activités de concepteurs grâce à la réutilisation des informations du cycle de vie concernant les fonctionnalités et la performance du produit. Divers outils de gestion de l'information ont été mis en place afin de soutenir le développement de produits, y compris les outils de gestion de données produit (PDM), la gestion des processus de fabrication (MPM) et la gestion de cycle de vie de produit (PLM). Cependant, la plupart du progrès accomplis se concentre encore sur les premières étapes du cycle de vie du produit, dont la conception et la fabrication en particulier. En conséquence, les informations concernant l'évolution du comportement du produit plus tard dans le cycle de vie restent difficiles à gérer. Cette situation est aggravée par le fait que la plupart des modèles PLM continuent d'être axées sur la structure du produit. Bien que ces modèles puissent fournir des représentations robustes des aspects spatiaux du cycle de vie du produit, elles restent limitées dans leur capacité à rapporter la définition physique du produit avec les aspects temporels et comportementaux du cycle de vie du produit. La recherche actuelle s'appuie sur des travaux antérieurs indiquant que les essais et la mise en service peuvent fournir des indications importantes à propos du comportement du produit. Alors que dans le passé ces types d'information ont été traités de façon indépendante, la recherche présente vise à démontrer que la combinaison de ces différents types d'information est possible dans ce que l'auteur qualifie l’information de « produit en cours d'utilisation ». Cette dernière est définie comme « l'ensemble d’information recueillie tout au long du cycle de vie concernant le performance du produit en cours d'utilisation. » Il est proposé que cette information puisse fournir un soutien important pour les concepteurs dans leurs tentatives de réduire les coûts futurs du cycle de vie et développer des produits plus fiables.----------ABSTRACT A changing marketplace for complex electromechanical products has resulted in an increased interest from both manufacturers and researchers in Integrated Products and Services (IPS). This has led to an acknowledgement of the need to better understand the relationship between the development of a product and the often times costly sustainment activities (e.g. maintenance and repair) required to maintain its functionality in the latter stages of the lifecycle. In particular, there is a need to support designers’ activities through the reuse of product lifecycle information concerning product functionality and performance. Various information management tools have been introduced in order to support product development, including Product Data Management (PDM), Manufacturing Process Management (MPM), and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools. However, most advances still focus on the early stages of the product lifecycle, in particular design and manufacturing. As a result, information regarding the evolution of product behaviour later in the lifecycle remains difficult to manage. This is compounded by the fact that most PLM models continue to be centered on the product’s structure. While these models can provide robust representations of the spatial aspects of the product lifecycle, they remain limited in their ability to relate the physical definition of the product with the temporal and behavioural aspects of the product lifecycle. The current research builds on previous work indicating that both testing and in-service information can provide important insights into product behaviour. While in the past these information types have been treated independently, the current research seeks to demonstrate that a combination of these different information types is feasible within what the author has termed “Product In-Use” information. The latter is defined as “all information collected throughout the lifecycle concerning product performance during use.” It is proposed that this information can provide important support to designers in their attempts to reduce future lifecycle costs and develop more reliable products. This research therefore also seeks to extend current models to support the structuring, representation and communication of product in-use information

    Digital transformation in the manufacturing industry : business models and smart service systems

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    The digital transformation enables innovative business models and smart services, i.e. individual services that are based on data analyses in real-time as well as information and communications technology. Smart services are not only a theoretical construct but are also highly relevant in practice. Nine research questions are answered, all related to aspects of smart services and corresponding business models. The dissertation proceeds from a general overview, over the topic of installed base management as precondition for many smart services in the manufacturing industry, towards exemplary applications in form of predictive maintenance activities. A comprehensive overview is provided about smart service research and research gaps are presented that are not yet closed. It is shown how a business model can be developed in practice. A closer look is taken on installed base management. Installed base data combined with condition monitoring data leads to digital twins, i.e. dynamic models of machines including all components, their current conditions, applications and interaction with the environment. Design principles for an information architecture for installed base management and its application within a use case in the manufacturing industry indicate how digital twins can be structured. In this context, predictive maintenance services are taken for the purpose of concretization. It is looked at state oriented maintenance planning and optimized spare parts inventory as exemplary approaches for smart services that contribute to high machine availability. Taxonomy of predictive maintenance business models shows their diversity. It is viewed on the named topics both from theoretical and practical viewpoints, focusing on the manufacturing industry. Established research methods are used to ensure academic rigor. Practical problems are considered to guarantee practical relevance. A research project as background and the resulting collaboration with different experts from several companies also contribute to that. The dissertation provides a comprehensive overview of smart service topics and innovative business models for the manufacturing industry, enabled by the digital transformation. It contributes to a better understanding of smart services in theory and practice and emphasizes the importance of innovative business models in the manufacturing industry

    Ontology based semantic engineering framework and tool for reconfigurable automation systems integration

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    Digital factory modelling based on virtual design and simulation is now emerging as a part of mainstream engineering activities, and it is typically geared towards reducing the product design cycle time. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems can benefit from reusing the existing knowledge in order to decrease the required skills and design time to launch new product generations. The various industrial simulation systems are currently integrating product design, matching processes and resource requirements to decrease the required skills and design time to launch new products. However, the main focus of current reconfigurable manufacturing systems has been modular production lines to support different manufacturing tasks. Additionally, the design data is not transferrable from various domain-specific software to a collaborative and intelligent platform, which is required to capture and reuse design knowledge. Product design is still dependent on the knowledge of designers and does not link to the existing knowledge on processes and resources, which are in separate domains. To address these issues, this research developed an integration method based on semantic technologies and product, process, resource and requirements (PPRR) ontologies called semantic-ontology engineering framework (SOEF). SOEF transferred original databases to an ontology-based automation data structure with a semantic analysis engine. A pre-defined semantic model is developed to recognise custom requirement and map existing knowledge with processing data in the automation assembly aspect. The main research contribution is using semantic technology to process automation documentation and map semantic data to the PPRR ontology structure. Furthermore, this research also contributes to the automatic modification of system simulation based on custom requirements. The SOEF uses a JAVA-based command-line user interface to present semantic analysis results and import ontology outputs to the vueOne system simulation tool for system evaluation